Mechanical Soul

Chapter 18 Target Appears

If it's just an airframe, Shen Feng doesn't mind testing how strong the alien ability of the Chiyu clan is. The speed of the blue mecha is rapidly improving, and it is soon approaching the memorial. When it is about to touch the memorial, the light sword held in the hand of the mecha suddenly emits a blue light, and the speed of the mecha is several times faster in an instant, stabbing towards Shen Feng.

"A strong speed explosion..." Shen Feng said secretly in his heart, and saw that the memorial's right hand suddenly turned into a red dragon claw, suddenly grabbed the blue lightsaber and pulled it sideways. The other hand clenched his fist and attacked the cockpit of the blue mecha with blood-red power.

"No matter how fast it is, what's the use if you can't react..." Xiaoli muttered, then smiled gently, flew to Shen Feng's head, and lay down comfortably.

With a bang, the faint blue light curtain still offsets the commemorative golden particle power and scattered part of the impact, and the body still flew backwards. But the difference is that this time the blue mecha did not stabilize and fell straight down after flying away from a distance. After Shen Feng hit the target, he immediately flew to the Thousand Bird without looking at the result. If the Thousand Bird is besieged by another four high-performance mecha, Shen Yun may be in danger.

"Ah..." The driver of the blue mecha suddenly made a painful shout, and Ming felt that his abdomen had suffered a heavy blow. Wow, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then lost consciousness.

"Ming..." The members of the first team shouted and quickly flew over to catch the blue mecha. The captain of the first team looked at the golden mecha in the distance with a serious expression and shouted, "The first team failed to solve the golden body. It is moving forward with the Thousand Birds. Please pay attention to the fourth team."

"Received, I have found it. But what's the matter? Can't your first team beat it? It seems a little useless." The captain of the fourth team asked doubtfully.

"I don't know whether we can fight or not, but he doesn't seem to want to pester us. We can't stop it. Be careful." The captain of the first team was not angry and said calmly.

"Well, your task has been taken over by our fourth team. Go and search for Chaos. I hope you can find it. Haha..."

"Why did my brother come back? Today's brother seems to be very abnormal..." Shen Yun tilted her head and couldn't figure out how Shen Feng came back. According to Shen Feng's personality, it is impossible to retreat easily.

Shen Yun thought about it and was soon relieved. She secretly said in her heart, "Is it because of me... Well, only in this way will my brother come back."

The fat housekeeper looked at the four high-performance mecha, and his forehead sweated again. He saw the golden body from afar and ordered, "Fire cover to commemorate it."

The Thousand Bird is an S-class warship with a very high level of energy defense. If it is not a very high-end weapon attack, it can basically be ignored. Energy defense is limited. Once the attack strength is too high and exceeds this limit, energy defense will also be unable to defend. The fat housekeeper did not order the main gun to be fired. First, he was ready to welcome the D2 white rainbow at any time, and the second was to save energy.

At present, Shen Feng does not want to be entangled with the five mecha of the fourth team. After cleverly avoiding it, he landed directly on the hull of the Thousand Bird and drove into the repair room. The repair room was full of busy figures, and Shen Yun also appeared in front of Shen Feng for the first time, trying to see what had happened to her brother and how he suddenly became so powerful.

Shen Feng jumped out of the memorial cockpit, looked a little pale, and asked, "Is the wing shadow okay?"

Shen Yun suddenly threw herself into Shen Feng's arms, looked at Shen Feng's eyes and said, "It has been repaired, but my brother wants to take a break."

"If the five high-performance mecha outside can be ignored, that's okay." Shen Feng hugged Shen Yun and suddenly said to the fat housekeeper, "Housekeeper Tang, please take me to see the war situation command room."

Although the fat housekeeper had doubts, he still took Shen Feng into the war command room. The whole command room was very busy. It was a middle-aged woman who gave the order. With breath, Shen Feng knew that the middle-aged woman was not a simple person. Shen Feng did not disturb them and quickly showed the war situation everywhere in front of him.

Shen Feng looked at it and suddenly said, "Sure enough, it seems that the Chiyu people are looking for something, but what are they are looking for?"

The war situation does not seem to be so pessimistic at present. As long as there is no resistance, there will be no artillery fire from the Chiyu clan. In addition, the Chiyu clan also attacks fierce beasts and collects blood crystals. So it is not certain that the Chiba clan is looking for something, but the seven mecha of the third team and the mecha of the second team are covering what they are exploring.

In addition, Shen Feng also found a strange place, that is, there are almost no defenders fighting on the ground, only automatic defense systems and combat robots. Are all the defenders dead? This is impossible. In this way, someone ordered the defenders to move.

"Young man, can you kill the four mecha outside? Otherwise, the Thousand Birds will be very dangerous, and the energy mask once reached its limit. It's very dangerous to go on like this." The middle-aged woman suddenly said.

"I know..." Shen Feng replied. But Shen Yun stared at the middle-aged woman. My brother hasn't rested yet. Can't he rest for a while?

Shen Feng smiled, left the front of the computer, and walked towards the wing shadow. The fat housekeeper saw that Shen Feng did not drive to commemorate, and couldn't help reminding, "Young man, the memorial is over there."

Shen Feng turned around and gave the fat housekeeper a reassuring smile and said, "I know this. What I want is Wing Shadow."

The fat housekeeper was stunned and suddenly found that he couldn't understand Shen Feng even more. Commemorate Mingming's driving so well, but why did he suddenly change back to the wing shadow? For a moment, many thoughts flashed in the fat housekeeper's mind. Is it that he still hates the Tang family and is not willing to continue to use the Tang family's body? But this is also wrong. There is no hostility in Shen Feng's eyes at present.

In front of the wing shadow, Shen Feng suddenly stopped and muttered, "If the different abilities of the Chiyu clan can also penetrate the body, the armor seems to work."

After thinking about it, Shen Feng opened the wheel of space and took out the armor he had made before. Good armor can also be said to be a combat uniform, and ordinary mecha pilots will wear them before fighting. With fully protected armor, even if the body explodes, it is very likely to save its life.

Just as Shen Feng took out his own armor, the special detectors on the five mecha of the third team suddenly reacted violently. They looked at the Qianniao at the same time, with an excited look in their eyes. However, why did the detector that had not respond before suddenly reacted violently? Does the other party have any special means?

In fact, when designing the detector, the Chiyu family regarded Chaos as a mecha, and it is impossible to enter the wheel of space with the volume of mecha. They only know that the Cloud Blue Star has the Chaos, and they don't know what the state of the Chaos is. Shen Feng did not know that each metal version he specially chose came from an extraordinary origin, and he could only be sure that the metal material was very different.

About the Chaos, the special mecha force of the Chiyu clan doesn't know what it is. What they need to do is to bring back the reactive objects on the detector. No matter how special they are, they can't change the fate of the soldiers. The senior management did not explain too much to the soldiers. However, they know the importance of Chaos, and the fleet that sacrificed the whole army should also get it, which is not important.

Knowing that Chaos was on the Thousand Bird, the five mecha of the third team immediately took action. For their huge military achievements, they also seemed to have become a little crazy, and the long-range artillery concentrated on the point of the Thousand Bird's energy shield to attack.

"Warning! Warning! The energy defense cover BB2 reached the critical point..." The red warning sounded on the warship, making people's heartstrings immediately rise.

Shen Feng quickly put on his armor and was about to jump on the wing shadow when he was pulled by Shen Yun. Shen Yun's meaning is obvious, that is to take me with him. If she acts alone, she will let people see a demon born, but with her brother, everything is done by her brother and has nothing to do with her.

Shen Feng touched Shen Yun's head and said, "Xiao Yun, wait for my brother to come back."

Shen Yun bit her lips and said stubbornly, "But... it's not as safe as being with her brother on the Qianniao, isn't it?"

Shen Feng was stunned and immediately nodded and entered the wing shadow with Shen Yun in his arms. Looking at Shen Yun sitting in the co-pilot's seat, Shen Feng thought for the first time why Yiying had two driver's seats.

Shen Feng activated the wing shadow and asked, "Xiao Yun, why do you think the wing shadow has two driver's seats?"

"Because two people are more powerful than one person." Shen Yun answered without hesitation, thought for a moment, and then explained, "Wing Shadow is an absolute speed design. In addition to a very powerful sickle, the weapon is also the light of the demon god from the wings. Well, the wings themselves are also a weapon. In this way, Wing Shadow's attack means can be said to be very poor. Therefore, set up one more driver's seat and one more warrior to attack through the martial arts ability, which is also because of the cosmic source power access to the system.

"So can the power of blood crystals be used directly through the body? Just like my brother just now."

"In theory, it is not possible, because the metal properties of the body will block the power of blood crystals. Brother, that commemorative has the power of blood crystals to access the system, so the big fat man said that the body is suitable for you.

Shen Feng shook his head, smiled mysteriously, and did not explain anything. The driving wing shadow flashed out of the repair room. There is no need to say this. Shen Yun will see it later. What you see with your own eyes will be more surprising than what you hear.

"The detection instrument locks the black mecha, is this Chaos?" The captain of the third team was puzzled and then quickly ordered, "The target has appeared. Pay attention to the firepower and don't destroy the black mecha."