Mechanical Soul

Chapter 39 Icefield Encounter

The gray sky, the endless ice and white mountains, the cold wind, there seems to be an endless story. In such a snow-white world, you will get lost if you don't recognize the direction. Except for icebergs and icebergs, the scenery is almost the same. Shen Feng stood quietly on the top of a mountain, recalling what Shen Yun said in his mind.

"Brother, you are so eager to move forward and thirst for power... But have you ever thought that strong power itself is one of the root causes of turmoil? Because the more power you master, the more you want to get. Let's put it this way, when my brother struggles between food and clothing, all he thinks about is to be able to eat well. When my brother is full, he will want to get something else.

"Xiaoyun, what's wrong with you today? Why did you become so serious? These brothers know that they will not be blinded by their own desires. What my brother wants is to protect you and what he wants to protect.

"Xiaoyun also believes in her brother's heart, but when his brother's power is out of control and he does something wrong, can he still say that?"

"Xiao Yun, what do you want to tell your brother? Your face is so pale today, what did you predict?

"The power of blood crystals in my brother's body is an unstable factor. According to speculation, it should have been injected into the body since childhood. But because of my brother's physical problems, I can only use a little strength. If one day, this force is suddenly out of my brother's control..."

"The situation will become very bad. At this time, we should find a place where there is no one to vent this power. Don't worry, my brother's mind will not be so easily affected.

"Brother, June 7th, when you were 16 years old, was when this force broke out. There are only two results in practicing the power of blood crystals. One is to be assimilated into a fierce beast, and the other is to be assimilated. My brother also felt that there would be some small problems with the power of blood crystals in his body, and he also felt the unusual breath of blood crystals.

"Well, it will make people very belligerent. Has it been affected unconsciously over the years? But it can still be controlled at present.

"It's okay. My brother was not affected by bloodthirsty. Bloodthirsty can make people crazy and irrational.

"Xiaoyun, if my brother completely loses his mind one day, kill him. I believe that no matter how irrational he is, he will not take action against Xiaoyun. My brother will not give up for that ideal unless my brother dies.

"Brother doesn't want this to happen, does he? Then please believe in yourself and never lose your mind. How can Xiaoyun do it?


There is a power to predict the future, but this prediction is not 100% accurate. Any change in any process will lead to a change in the results. While Shen Feng stood in the ice field, Xiaoyun looked at the garden outside the window, spread her hands helplessly and whispered, "I don't know what will happen. The prediction is inaccurate. It turns out that there is no very kawaii Xiaoli."

"If the power of the blood crystal is still stored on my brother, what kind of fierce beast will my brother become? Well, can Xiaoli's Kawaii look also become a fierce beast? Xiaoyun held her fragrant cheeks and suddenly thought about such a problem.

There are many adventurous teams in the polar ice field. As long as you can hunt the fierce beast in the polar ice field, you can get the blood crystal of the fierce beast. In this extremely icy environment, the energy of the blood crystals is very pure and conducive to cultivation.

In a valley full of holes, countless ice-white spiders can be seen gushing out of the hole. These spiders are pig-like, and the concave and convex lines all over their bodies look particularly ferocious. There was a four-person team in front of the ice-white spider. Seeing so many spiders, he couldn't help but turn around and run away. In the polar ice field, what you are most afraid of encountering is the gregarious beast.

"Brother, you must escape..." Just as the team fled in a hurry, a girl said silently and stood still. It turned out that a layer of white ice silk had been glued to his feet and could not escape.

"Dulu, what are you in a daze? Run!" A young man felt wrong. Looking back, he saw his sister standing still and couldn't help shouting. But when he saw the white silk on his sister's feet, he couldn't help but freeze.

"Brother, run away, or everyone will die." Since you dare to enter here, you have long been aware of death. At this time, the girl looked very calm, and her smile was still so sweet.

"It's my brother's fault. It shouldn't put you in danger because of the ** of blood crystals. Don't worry, my brother will definitely save you."

The young man spoke silently and ran back quickly. When he ran to his sister's side, the ice-white spider was not far away, and countless white silk nets flew towards the two people. At this time, the young man's body suddenly emitted a white light, condensed the ice blade and violently cut off the white silk wrapped around the girl's feet, and then quickly stood behind the girl and pushed the girl with special force.

"Brother, don't..." The girl was shocked and didn't react until she was pushed and cried loudly.

Behind the girl, the young man's whole body had been covered with ice-white spider silk, looking at the girl's back with a smile and tears. Suddenly, a sharp claw penetrated the young man's chest, and the bright red was quickly frozen before it flowed out.

"Live... must live..." The young man said in a weak voice and gradually lost his breath.

The girl looked back at the young man, closed her eyes, and tears silently froze in her eyes. At the girl's feet is a disk condensed by the young man with ice, sliding forward quickly.


This day is undoubtedly dark for Lulu, and no matter how optimistic she is, she can't accept this reality. But Lulu knew that she had to live and live with her brother. And unfortunately, she got lost with two other partners and didn't know which direction to go in the white.

"I can't die. You must live. My life is not my own life, but my brother gave it..."

I don't know how long it took, and Lulu finally saw a figure. As long as you ask the direction clearly, you will have a chance to go out. Lulu thought so at this time, without considering whether the person in front of her would be dangerous. Because it is normal to die in the polar ice field, killing and overstocking often occurs.

Suddenly, he felt that someone was approaching him, and Shen Feng couldn't help frowning. Logically, this place is far away from Jibing Town. Few people appear here. How can anyone still appear? Shen Feng has also observed in this area, and there is no fierce beast. It is impossible without the territory of a fierce beast, that is, it is occupied by a horrible guy who is currently out to hunt or sleep.

"Nowadays are so bold. What if I am a bad person? Is it true that she is so strong that she can go in and out of such a dangerous place alone?

When Shen Feng was still thinking, the girl was less than ten meters away from Shen Feng. At this time, the girl also realized that if the other party was a villain, it would be over. I also realized that I haven't encountered a fierce beast for such a long time and may be in an extremely dangerous environment. It's just that the girl was overwhelmed by sadness and was willing to do anything in order to go out alive and her brother's expectations for herself.

Shen Feng watched the girl come step by step and frowned deeper and deeper. Not to mention that the girl is a dangerous person, if she suddenly finds a change at this time, Shen Feng does not want to see such a situation. Just a moment, Shen Feng felt an extremely sad emotion and the ice crystals in the girl's eyes.

"Bring me out, I'm willing to pay any price..." Lulu understood that the world was still cruel and said directly. From another perspective, Lulu is still very confident in her charm.

The girl was so direct that Shen Feng didn't want to joke with a sad person. He shook his head decisively and said, "I'm in danger now. You'd better leave quickly."

The girl smiled sadly and said, "I know that people in the polar ice field hate danger, more dangerous than fierce beasts, but please help me go back. I am willing to pay any price."

"Hey... you don't have to look at me as handsome." Shen Feng said, keeping an on guard in his heart. As the girl said, people in the polar ice field are more terrible than fierce beasts. What a terrible girl it would be if this pity and sadness were pretended. Besides, people who don't have the strength dare to come here? Shen Feng didn't believe it.

(Don't forget to collect it after reading it, and also lose a red ticket...)