Mechanical Soul

Chapter 92 Fighting Clan

SSS-level mecha appeared in the human race, and the news also spread at the first time. SSS has always been known as a legendary existence. Many people can't say what kind of SSS is. The flash has reached the SSS level, which is only judged by the strength of firepower. Is there that kind of firepower that is SSS class? Obviously not, if an ordinary mecha is equipped with this kind of firepower, the mecha itself can't stand the impact of this kind of firepower.

In a holy place of the human race, eleven blue and white lights rose from the ground, and eleven mysterious figures gradually appeared. Behind the human federation, there is an alliance of the peerless strong. It can be said that every race has such a strong alliance to safeguard the right to live and cultivate the next generation of talents. Today, due to the emergence of SSS-level mecha, the strong alliance meeting that has not been held for a long time has reappeared.

Eleven mysterious figures can't see the thick and real faces, and their faces are slightly heavy because of the joy of SSS-class mecha. When it officially began, an old figure said, "The appearance of SSS-class mecha was originally gratifying, but you also suspect that this is not the strength of that child. From the wing shadow to the flash, it is probably not the child's strength.

"In the distant era, mechanical wisdom has brought us great trouble. However, people found that it was inseparable from machinery, so they built three towers to seal the core of mechanical wisdom and the soul of war at that time. Another mysterious figure said.

"Those people in charge of Zhenfeng said that there is nothing absolute, and there is a power that can directly take away the soul of Zhenfeng on the three towers. In addition, this power can also awaken the sleeping wisdom. Preliminary affirmation, Shen Feng is the person with this power.

"Yes, during his hidden time, the wing shadow was completely free to move. If intelligent settings could also attack military factories, then the world would have been in chaos. You can't bear to hurt this rapidly rising genius by procrastinating so far. Now, he has awakened mechanical wisdom, and you have all seen the horror of mechanical wisdom.

"You can't say that. It's us who make machinery more and more terrible. If we hadn't developed this kind of mecha, ordinary machinery would have nothing to worry about. But now it's different. The threat that revives the wisdom of machinery and brings us is huge. You know the power of SSS-class mecha better than anyone else.

"Can't ignore it, for the future of mankind. Killing is also what we must do. There are always sacrifices. However, this will be carried out after the end of the competition. It is said to the outside world that he died on a mission.


Shen Feng thought about how to fight the next day, but he didn't know that he had reached the brink of death. The field on the second day was obviously much more lonely than on the first day, and I don't know how many race leaders have left. The re-driving flash appeared in front of everyone, not only other races, but also the eyes of Liuli and others looking at Shen Feng were also a little different.

Captain, come on today. The goal is getting closer and closer. Only the congenitally powerful race is defeated in the second stage, and they are also not qualified to enter the top ten. If these annoying races fail in the second stage, our chances are huge. Mico said naively.

"How can there be such a good thing..." Shen Feng said with a smile.

"It's indeed possible, but don't expect too much, just face it calmly." Wu Liang said.

Shortly after Wu Liang finished speaking, the list of the first game of the second stage began to be announced. When the result came out completely, Shen Feng and others took a look at Mi Ke and said, "It's really possible that we met the fourth fighter in the first scene. The first-row Wanluo people and the third-year Amo people are also paired. In this game, there are two powerful races destined to be eliminated. Of course, if you are not serious, it may be us who will be eliminated.

"With the captain, it should not be a problem for the fighters." Mikke said.

Shen Feng didn't say anything, just smiled. Unconsciously, Shen Feng found that he had placed the hopes of many people, or the hopes of the whole mankind. Can you really do it yourself? Shen Feng didn't know, just do his best.

The fighting clan, similar to the ancient ape people, most of them are golden, very strong, and their fighting ability is needless to say, otherwise they will not call themselves fighting clans. The fighter has the ability to split, and the split has almost all the abilities of the body. For the last fighter, it may make you feel like you are fighting with seven fighters.

It's time, and Shen Feng and others also entered the transmission array. Before entering the transmission array, it has been randomly contested in the air battlefield and fighters. Under the blue sky, when Shen Feng and his party appeared, five mecha similar to King Kong also appeared, all of which looked very strong. Each of these five King Kong has different characteristics, some are equipped with heavy long-range, some are slightly smaller, and some are large.

"It's really unfortunate that I didn't expect to meet the popular human race. However, unfortunately, you." A fighter said provocatively.

"Who is unfortunate? We'll know later." Tuowan said.

"Hehe..." The fighters all laughed, and then each of the five mechas became illusory, and 25 mechas appeared in a moment. The captain of the fighting clan said, "I didn't want to use the talent secret method here, but you are very strong, especially the one who can play the power of SSS-level mecha. Each of us can distinguish five mecha equivalent to our own strength. I hope you can accept it.

The fighters used their talent from the beginning, which surprised many races watching the battle. They know that even such a powerful race as the fighter clan is afraid of the mecha that can exert SSS-level strength. In front of SSS-level mecha, the strong body of the fighter is also a joke.

After greeting, the fighters quickly attacked, and the firepower of the 25 mechas poured out crazily, making the blue sky extremely dangerous. The remote firepower is extremely secret, which seems to destroy this sky. Shen Feng also realized what a pervert is today. In the face of all kinds of firepower of the fighters, Shen Feng and his party had to retreat. Five to twenty-five is completely incomparable in terms of firepower.

"Captain, you can't step back. This air battle has a certain range, and even if we lose beyond the scope. In addition, the split of the fighting clan is not absolute. As long as it is hit by a certain force, the split will disappear. Mi Ke said anxiously that in the dense artillery fire that could not be avoided, the energy defense shield of the goblins had been weakening.

was weak at the beginning, and the human mood on the screen became tense. After so many years, do you still have to stay outside the top ten? It's a little fake to say that you don't care about this ranking, the first race in the universe, what an honor it is. Even if it is not the first, it can be on an equal footing with other races in the universe. Only the top ten races have the right to speak and participate in the cosmic conference. The cosmic conference determines many things, such as the exploration of unknown fields, the sharing of scientific and technological resources, etc.

"It is worthy of being a fighter. If it goes on like this, the human race will inevitably fail." Said a race that looks a little like an octopus. In the battlefield in the sky, it is almost completely covered by the firepower of the fighters, and there is no place to hide at all. Some firepower has even penetrated the energy mask.

"Glass, launch the flash action weapon. Lock their 25 mechas at the same time. Shen Feng suddenly said to Liu Li.

Should you launch the flash as a weapon? Liuli couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and then quickly replied, "If you're sure you can do it, come. At the same time, I can still lock 25 targets."

After getting Liuli's answer, Shen Feng stopped talking and quickly moved behind the sunset. The space behind the sunset is slightly distorted, and this distorted movement is getting bigger and bigger. Glass quickly locked the position of 25 mecha, and then quickly confirmed the launch. After the glass confirmed, the flash rose against the gunfire, and then blinked and disappeared into the air.

"It's not good..." The captain of the fighter clan shouted that it was not good, but it was too late. Almost at the same time, people vaguely saw 25 flashes appear behind these kings, and then fired 25 white lights from the long gun.

"How can it be? It jumped 25 times in 0.01 seconds and launched 25 attacks at the same time." The captain of the fighting clan muttered that he could feel that the split had disappeared into the white light.

"What's going on? How could twenty-five flashes suddenly appear? Because the speed was too fast, some alien races saw 25 flashes at the same time, and couldn't help staring and saying, looking very surprised.

"It turns out that the flash and the sunset can carry out a combined attack..." Seeing that the crisis was temporarily lifted, Mico muttered.

"It's not called combination, this is called combination attack." Wu Liang corrected the way.

Mi Ke was slightly speechless and did not continue to pay attention to Wu Liang, but looked at the battlefield. Although the split of the fighting clan has been solved, the ontology of the fighting clan is not so easy to solve. Mike meditated, and then put the goblin into a state of invisibility.

After the split was broken, the captain of the fighting clan said directly, "In this case, let's fight freely and see who is more powerful."

"Ber-made for battle! Die for the fight!" The other four fighters answered loudly at the same time, and then rushed up with their respective mechas.

On Shen Feng's side, Nianlong also rushed up first, and the others followed closely. This is not a one-on-one battle, because the fighters can't find transparent mecha. Shen Feng and others also knew that Mi Ke was not good at this kind of one-on-one battle, so he must have a mecha to contain the other two.

Nianlong rushed to the front, with a red light in his eyes. And all the mecha of the warriors stagnated for a while, and then seemed a little flustered. Shen Feng and Liuli also seized this time, crossed Nianlong in an instant, and attacked the two mecha respectively.

"Captain, what's going on? It's blood red in front of you, and you can't see anything at all." A fighter said in panic, and then felt that the mecha was suddenly hit by something and issued a dangerous alarm. For the first time, with the instinct of fighting, the fighter also quickly crashed into the approaching mecha.

"It is a spiritual teacher of human beings. Concentrate, close your eyes, and fight with your feelings." The captain of the fighting clan shouted.

"It's my first time to play this. I don't know if I can succeed." While Shen Feng and others fought fiercely with the fighters, Mi Ke wandered on the edge of the battle and secretly didn't know what to do.

Nianlong opened the mecha of the fighting clan's King Kong type with one fist. Tuowan couldn't help muttering, "It's really a perverted defense. I don't know what metal it is, and with the addition of the fighting clan's own ability, it's even more horrible."

The collision of mecha in the air is four sparks. Every time the collision, the audience in front of the screen feels that the screen is vibrating. However, whether it is long-range firepower or melee weapons, it is difficult to hurt the fighters. The most violent is undoubtedly the miracle of Wu Liang's driving, without any skills, completely using violence to control violence.

When the battle between the warriors and Shen Feng entered the white heat, many races had ended the battle, and the screen switched to pay attention to the most powerful races. The winner of the first game in the second stage pays more attention to the battles of more races, because no one will encounter any opponent in the next game. If you know more about the opponent, there will be more hope.

"We can't drag it off with them. There will be many battles to come." Shen Feng thought so, and his body quickly surrounded the power of blood crystals. And the flash is also surrounded by the power of blood crystals.

The flashing figure suddenly disappeared and appeared behind the captain of the fighting clan the next moment. I don't know whether Shen Feng's speed was slow or the captain of the battle clan reacted quickly. He quickly turned to Shen Feng's cockpit and punched him. However, Shen Feng did not mean to dodge, but moved his position slightly, and the long gun also stabbed the cockpit of the captain of the fighting clan. Without any accident, the long gun still can't break through the surface of the fighter mecha. The flash was hit hard, but retreated a little.

The captain of the fighting clan seemed to feel something and suddenly moved his position in the cockpit, but it was still a little late, and a blood-red light suddenly penetrated his left shoulder. If the position does not change, this is to penetrate his chest. Looking at his penetrated shoulder, the captain of the fighting clan sweated slightly on his forehead. The defense ability is added to the mecha, and the result is that its own defense is weak.

Shen Feng felt that the attack had an effect, and the power of the blood crystals around him suddenly became stronger and turned into a long knife that silently disappeared on the mecha of the captain of the fighting clan, and at the same time formed four other fighting clans.

Seeing this, the captain of the fighting clan hurriedly said, "Quickly bring the defense back to the body."

The captain of the fighting clan himself said so and did so. The next moment, he felt countless blades touching his body, emitting bursts of pain. The next moment, the captain of the fighting clan still didn't understand what was going on and received the message that he had lost.

When Shen Feng saw that the attack of the blood crystal power was ineffective, he knew that the defense of the mecha had weakened. When he was about to attack, he found that the mecha of the fighting clan was missing. Shen Feng looked around and found that there was no mecha of the fighter around, and he couldn't help wondering. Did you admit defeat? This seems unlikely.

On the edge of the battlefield, the goblin appeared. Mike smiled with no conscience and said, "Captain, I'm sorry to steal your limelight."

"What's going on?" Shen Feng knew that this was Mi Ke's job.

The rune of expulsion will expel objects identified as enemies out of the set area. However, it takes too long. If someone interferes with me just now, it will fail. Mi Ke said with some regret.

Now, Shen Feng and others have found that this Mi Ke, whose combat ability is not strong, is indeed very powerful and always uses some strange abilities, but it is the most suitable for this kind of game with various restrictions. No one interfered with Mi Ke, and Tuo Wan also made great contributions. If Tuo Wan hadn't let the warriors close their eyes and concentrate on dealing with Shen Feng and others, they would not have been able to find Mi Ke's movements.

Shen Feng glanced at Mi Ke and said, "Let's take a break before the first game of other races is over. 500 races and 500 races have been eliminated in this game, and several more games will be played. There is not much rest time, and the third stage will continue tomorrow.

When Shen Feng and others took a break, the Wanluo and Amo also decided the winner. The Wanluo people use not mecha, but aircraft like flying saucers, which are extremely fast and seem to be able to cut anything. Although the Wanluo clan won, they paid a great price. They lost two aircraft and all of them were seriously injured.

Because the fourth fighter and the third Amo both failed, human beings also rose directly from the seventh to the fifth. After the first stage of the battle and the second stage of the battle, the mecha of most races can be said to have been seriously injured. And it's not a big deal, they are all very powerful races. Next, Shen Feng and others were lucky and did not meet the powerful race again. Some understaffed races saw the human race and decisively gave up the game.

If it weren't for Mike, Shen Feng didn't know if there would be any accidents in his team in the battle with the fighters. After all, the fighters don't seem to have used all their strength. By the end of the second stage, the human ranking happens to be third, and it seems promising to remain undefeated in the third stage. Because the first Wanluo clan was reduced again, there were only two people left, and they seemed to be seriously injured. There are only four people left in the second Bugada.

The end of the second stage, that is to say, the top ten races have come out. As for the third stage, one is for further ranking, and the other is for rewards. Only the invincible race can get the reward, and failure is not a victory.

"Only if you are undefeated tomorrow can you keep the first three. If you lose the first match tomorrow, your previous efforts will be in vain." Shen Feng said secretly that he had already made a decision in his heart. It has come to this point. If you encounter a powerful enemy, there is no reason to give up.

(Sorry, the update is late. 5000 words, the two chapters are combined!)