Mechanical Soul

Chapter 102 Just go back

On this primitive planet, the Carlo defeat of the Wolf City Lord did not spread quickly, and only a few people knew the news a day later. There are still some simple communication tools, but the owner of Wolf felt ashamed to tell this matter and strictly forbade his men to say it.

The night the incident happened, the village head of the Carlo clan found Shen Feng. Well, I guess he is also the patriarch of the Carlo clan. The head of the Carlo clan, who wrote about the vicissitudes of life, looked solemn. After seeing Shen Feng, he said directly, "In your eyes, this may be backward. Even we have heard that the human race is a very powerful group in the universe. After thinking about it for a long time, we still want your help.

Shen Feng did not immediately agree to this, but said, "You only have more than 100 soldiers. Unless you have absolute strength and a body that will not be tired, it is difficult to achieve real freedom. This time I suffered a loss, and the next time it may be even crazier.

The patriarch of the Carlo clan smiled happily and said, "We are not only a few hundred people. What is left here is only the weakest group of the clan. Our elites are scattered all over the planet. As long as they get the signal, they will act. We don't want to occupy the whole planet, we just want to live freely and live our own lives.

Hearing such a reply, Shen Feng was really shocked. The characteristics of the Carlo people are very obvious, and how they spread all over the planet. If that's the case, this Carlo clan is really not that simple and hidden. Shen Feng thought for a moment and said, "Since your people are all over the planet, can you tell me if there is any way to leave this planet?"

"Yes, every few years, external spacecraft will come here and leave after forcibly seizing some resources. Recently, external spacecraft have been visiting here more and more frequently. The patriarch of the Carlo people answered affirmatively.

Shen Feng was also relieved to hear that there was a spaceship. In fact, when he heard that the universal language of the universe was used here, Shen Feng knew that there must be a connection with the outside world, and there would also be spacecraft. Shen Feng was not going to go back in a hurry, but he found that he still had too many worries in his heart, so he was anxious to go back. It's better to go back to see Xiaomo or borrow their ability to inquire about the whereabouts of Shen Yun and Xu Ling.

The patriarch of the Carlo clan said, "In fact, you just need to help us kill their leaders. Almost all their soldiers are forced to fight. If the leaders die, they will be free. The elites of our clan are mainly collecting intelligence. Only the people living here have real combat effectiveness.

After saying that, the patriarch of the Carlo clan raised his hand, and then a clan carried a huge box. After opening the box, the patriarch of the Carlo clan explained, "It won't put your life in danger. In your human world, this thing seems to be called sniper and is an ultra-long-range weapon to kill."

"And this thing... But it seems to be a little older. I don't know how powerful it is." Shen Feng said in surprise. However, this thing was produced in the last era, not made by humans, and Shen Feng did not know the performance of this sniper. Shen Feng squatted down and looked at all the parts, and then looked at the bullet, as if he was sure whether he could use it.

The patriarch of the Carlo clan continued: "Also, if we succeed independently, all the golden mangoes produced will belong to you. This thing is useless to the races here, but it should have a lot of effect on you humans and some other races.

"If you have to do this, I'll try my best." Shen Feng suddenly found that he didn't want to refuse, whether the conditions put forward by the Carlo people were true or not, even if it was a kindness to the Carlo people. Shen Feng could see that this Carlo clan was still kind, at least when he did not change into a black flame giant. In addition, this Carlo people don't seem to like to socialize with people. Not to mention themselves, even Tang Rou, who has lived here for more than a dozen times, rarely comes into contact if they have nothing to do.

After receiving Shen Feng's positive reply, the patriarch of the Carlo clan breathed a sigh of relief and left after a few thanks. After the patriarch of the Carlo clan left, Shen Feng also sighed a long sigh. Next, there will be another war, and I don't know how many lives will die. However, historically, this is bound to happen.

"If there are really only 100 warriors in the Carlo clan, this should be a weak race. No matter how weak you are, you are not willing to live under oppression. Shen Feng said in a low voice. That's why each race wants to make its race stronger. For this reason, Shen Feng also worked hard, but the result was completely unacceptable to Shen Feng.

"Maybe I'm wrong... If they get stronger power, they will definitely start a war for greed and interests. Don't be invaded by others, but you want to invade others. Must the sky without war be created by yourself? Shen Feng whispered and fell into meditation.


"Lord, will you send armored troops to bombard them, and then let them grow up will be very dangerous?" In the spacious hall, a man of the owner of Wolf said that he was dressed a little like a military division.

"Bombing? What's the bombardment? If the bomb can't get close to them, is the shell useful? The owner of Wolf shouted that he was still very angry about what happened that day.

"Yes, shells are useful. The bomb fell slowly, so it burned them. If the speed is fast enough, it will work. Moreover, shells can be fired farther and destroy the oasis on which they live. The man continued to say, lowering his body slightly.

The owner of Wolf thought for a while and said slowly, "It makes sense. You should ask someone to prepare immediately and attack Green Pearl Village tonight. In addition, send someone to see the situation of the Beiyuan organization and see if they have fought.

"Report to the city owner that they had a small-scale conflict west of Colt, with a small number of casualties." Another subordinate of the owner of Wolf answered.

After receiving a positive reply, Wolf seemed to have nothing more to worry about. He laughed and seemed to have seen the gunfire burning light of Green Pearl Village.


The sniper in the last era should be said to be antique for Shen Feng, and he is naturally interested in studying it. Shen Feng picked up the parts one by one and observed, and finally determined that the sniper could only be changed into three forms, corresponding to three different bullets. The farthest range of Shen Feng is estimated to reach 10,000 meters. The most effective range should be within five kilometers.

In order to avoid any unexpected situation, Shen Feng quickly assembled the parts, which was so fast that people couldn't see clearly. In less than three seconds, a complete sniper appeared in front of Shen Feng.

"The bullet is 10.02 cm long and 3.03 cm wide, and the super metal contains high-energy explosives... Armor-piercing explosives can be used to deal with armor. It seems that the city owner should be sitting in the armor." Shen Feng said in a low voice.

In the village head's room, the old village head muttered, "Sure enough, the next step is armor. According to intelligence, the owner of Wolfe has only 30 taels of armor, and I hope that the man can deal with it all. When the armor is solved, there is nothing terrible about that city. The Beiyuan organization has been in chaos, so you don't have to worry about it for the time being.

As the night gradually came, Shen Feng was on the roof and saw the scenery ten thousand meters away through the sniper mirror. Even at night, Shen Feng still looked as clear as the day. The patriarch of the Carlo clan told Shen Feng that the owner of Wolf City would use armor to attack tonight, and Shen Feng naturally had to prepare earlier.

"Xiao Mo, the armor is not as good as the current mecha at all, right?" Tang Rou was next to Shen Feng and suddenly asked curiously.

Hearing Xiao Mo again, Shen Feng found himself slightly speechless. Hearing Xiaomo, Shen Feng always thinks of Xiaomo, the little Lori with good fighting ability. After thinking about it, Shen Feng still let Tang Rou call it so and said, "If it is a mecha, this kind of war is unquestionable and completely a unilateral massacre. By the way, your family has prepared a powerful mecha for you, called Memorial.

"Remember, remember me? Do they think I'm dead? Tang Rou asked softly, as long as she thought about the past, her mind would be in chaos.

Shen Feng smiled and said, "They all believe that you are still alive, at least you are still alive in their hearts."

Hearing Shen Feng's answer, Tang Rou didn't say anything more. Her eyes became confused, and then she hugged her head and sat weakly on the ground. After a while, Tang Rou raised her head again, looked at Shen Feng and said, "Don't think about it, your head will hurt when you think about it. Thank you for coming to accompany me, or I will live alone in this world for the rest of my life.

Shen Feng understands that from an aesthetic point of view, the Carlo people do not realize that Tang Rou is beautiful, and Tang Rou will not like the Carlo people. When he met Tang Rou here, Shen Feng could only be said to be fate. How he appeared here was a complete coincidence.

"You also have people who care about you. Now that you are here, they must be worried about you as well." Tang Rou asked softly.

When it comes to the people he care about, Shen Feng also remembered Shen Yun, and then added Xu Ling. It's just that Shen Feng doesn't know the whereabouts of the two. Suddenly, Shen Feng was a little gloomy and replied, "Well, it's just..."

Shen Feng didn't finish his words, and then looked up at the night sky. After coming here for so long, Shen Feng looked up at the starry sky for the first time. Shen Yun's smiling face seemed to appear in the starry sky. Shen Feng was stunned for a long time, and a line of blood and tears gradually slipped down his cheeks. It's useless. It's really useless. I can't even protect my sister." Shen Feng blamed himself and clenched his fists tightly.

Seeing the blood slipping from Shen Feng's eyes and the expression of self-reproach, Tang Rou was slightly stunned for a moment. Then he gently stretched out his hand, gently hugged Shen Feng's head in his arms, patted Shen Feng on the back with one hand, and muttered, "It's okay. Everything will be fine. You can see them when you go back."