Mechanical Soul

Chapter 125 She cried

They will arrive after 30 seconds, which is to delay 30 seconds. Hearing such an order, the middle-aged woman in the federal fleet couldn't help changing her face. In this way, that is to say, Liuli alone can get rid of this bloody sickle fleet. Once the captain of this fleet was originally her, but now she has become a deputy and wants to be commanded, causing her to be in a chaotic mood and not to command the battle.

When the warship is fully powered, the speed of retreat is still very fast. Not all the fleets of bloody sickle gathered together, and even a second or two can open a very large distance. However, in the eternal ruins, it is impossible for a warship to want full speed. Shen Feng drove the mecha in the center of the bloody sickle fleet, slowly avoiding all kinds of fire attacks. When the mecha stood in a position in the void, the mirror water gently crossed the air. For a while, I don't know how many unmanned fighters were divided into two halves.

Almost at the same time, countless fighters exploded, turning the universe into a sea of flames. The wreck burned with flames and fell into the endless and dark universe like rain. The fighter plane that cleaned up a space seemed to make the whole universe quiet. In the hearts of those who see it, in addition to surprise, there is also puzzlement. Obviously, it is an A-level mecha. How can there be such a terrible attack?

"Hurry up and beat him down! Otherwise, the warship will also end up like this. In the bloody sickle warship, I don't know who shouted, which filled the whole fleet with panic. Facing the unknown, it is always the most terrible.

"Unable to lock, the warship system is strongly disturbed." Hearing that it could not be locked, almost all the members of the bloody sickle looked at the lake-like space outside, looking at the occasional ripples, and their morale was low.

"If you can't lock it, hit me. Hit it with the main gun in seconds."

After receiving the order, the bloody sickle fleet activated the main gun one after another, adjusted the angle and fired one after another. The main guns of dozens of warships fired together, which suddenly made the universe shine and bright. The main gun is undoubtedly the strongest firepower of a warship, and the thick ion beam looks very apparing. However, a strange scene happened. Shortly after the warship's main gun left the muzzle, the trajectory changed dramatically. Some went down, some up, some went to both sides, and some almost hit their own warships.

"All the fastest beam weapons are invalid." Qin Xiaolu saw that the bloody sickle attacked only weapons such as *, and muttered in her heart, looking at Shen Feng like a monster.

The federal fleet was also shocked, but they did not forget the order. The warships quickly dispersed and chased the warships with blood-colored sickle. Hundreds of warships and the energy flames in the tail make the vast universe more beautiful. Various powerful beams clear the way for warships and make the universe colorful.

"Damn, how did the federal fleet catch up again and how could it fight..." Seeing the federal fleet catch up with fire, the members of the bloody sickle were even more desperate.

"Waste, a bunch of rubbish, are you afraid that they will let us go?" If you don't want to be a cosmic dust, cheer up and get the warship out of this strange space. The space jump program is ready. As long as you leave this strange space, you can jump immediately. The captain of the bloody sickle talked to the whole ship, and his face was almost like a pig liver.

"Enter the abnormal space... The thrust drops by 80%... It can't be locked normally... It can't jump in space... Some weapons can't be used..." A series of tips made the Federal Fleet feel uneasy.

"No wonder the bloody sickle is so different from the previous combat ability. It turns out that the impact in the film space is so serious." The middle-aged woman in the federal fleet said, looking at the time, it was almost 30 seconds.

"I won't let you succeed!" An unusual mecha suddenly ran out of the bloody sickle fleet and rushed to the sinking wind like the wind, making this lake-like space ripple.

"Zizi..." The rushing mecha pulled out a sword that looked full of thunder, and the electric current flashed by, and then struggled to throw it at the mecha where Shen Feng was. This lightsaber is very fast, like an aurora.

"Xiaolu, stop the lightsaber!" Shen Feng found himself a little embarrassed. If he dodged this lightsaber, he would miss the time to annihilate all the enemies in one fell swoop. This time is between zero seconds, and Shen Feng is not allowed to have extra movements.

Qin Xiaolu nodded slightly. In a flash, the thundering sword began to freeze in a faraway place, and then layers of thick ice blocked the road. In a short time, it completely stopped. The amazing cold air permeated the universe, making the surrounding floating wastes a layer of ice. In the distant universe, an orange light spot appeared in the vast expanse, which seemed to be in an extremely distant place, but felt that it would suddenly come.

"Sneer..." The sound of a sharp knife scratching a piece of paper floated in the universe, and countless subtle lights flashed at the tip of the mirror water gun. At this moment, the lake-like space suddenly collapsed, and the broken space was like glass, turning into hundreds of warships flying to the bloody sickle.

"Boom..." At the same time, hundreds of warships were cut into pieces by sharp blades and broke out after a moment of silence. The flame of the explosion was ruthless, and the people in the warship were instantly turned into dust by the high-temperature flame and disappeared from then on in this world.

Time seems to have stopped, and the sea of fire formed by hundreds of warships illuminates the space of eternal ruins. The orange light in the distance had arrived in front of the federal fleet. Hundreds of warships were destroyed together, and a slightly surprised light appeared in her beautiful eyes, and then looked at the mecha with a water-blue long gun.

The female soldiers of the glazed fleet were also shocked to a certain extent. They knew that they had entered this strange space and saw the space suddenly collapse with their own eyes. Fortunately, those sharp blades are targeted to attack, otherwise they may end up the same.

"Sure enough, there are shortcomings. Even if it is a hyperspace attack, you can find where the attack will appear." In a sea of fire, Shen Feng saw an armor and a mecha that did not explode. After the mecha entered the warship, he immediately made a space jump, regardless of the surrounding space.

" this true? Why do I feel like a dream?" Qin Xiaolu pinched her cheek and asked.

Shen Feng nodded and felt the horror of the divine armed force for the first time. Although I have seen the power of mirror water, it is a completely different shock when I use it. After this attack, Shen Feng also saw that the mirror water was completely dimmed and became disgraceful, and the energy in it was estimated to have been almost consumed.

"Luo Ning, who drove the mecha? How can it be so horrible? Hundreds of warships were destroyed in an instant. Members of the Kyushu trade union looked at Luo Ning and wanted to know the answer.

"I don't know. I'll know later." Although Luo Ning said so, she also wanted to know who drove Qin Xiaolu's mecha, and how could the water-blue long gun have such a terrible attack.

"Brother...she's coming. Even if we don't take action, the bloody sickle fleet is over." Qin Xiaolu got the affirmation of Shen Feng, spit out her tongue slightly, and then pointed to the sunset and said.

"Glass..." Shen Feng muttered and found that the hatred of the past had long been unknown. Now when I read this name, I feel a little nostalgic. That memory may not be so beautiful, but it is very memorable.

"Is it really him?" Liuli looked at the mecha standing in front of the sea of fire, said to herself with a trembling voice, and then drove the sunset and instantly appeared in front of Shen Feng's mecha.

"It's really you..." Liuli said tremblingly, and then quickly opened the cockpit with beautiful eyes as water. She looked closely at Shen Feng's cockpit, and the corners of her eyes slowly slipped into tears.

"Brother...she cried..." Qin Xiaolu said to Shen Feng, feeling a little strange and didn't understand why Liuli cried.

Liuli cried, and Shen Feng was undoubtedly more confused than Qin Xiaolu. In Shen Feng's heart, Liuli has always been a strong and confident girl. How could she cry? At this moment, Shen Feng felt that it was better to go out. Anyway, it seemed that he cried after seeing himself. Shen Feng opened the cockpit, jumped to the shoulder of the mecha, and withdrew the mirror water with one hand.

Without any words, Liuli jumped directly in front of Shen Feng. She wanted to jump into Shen Feng's arms and cry, but she was worried about the once rigid relationship. Liuli lowered her head and secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, still not knowing what to say.

"Liuli, this is not like you." Shen Feng said with a smile.

"That's not me..." Liuli still lowered her head and whispered. Suddenly, Liuli took a deep breath, as if she had summoned up a lot of courage, and suddenly jumped on Shen Feng.

It happened so suddenly that Shen Feng never thought that there would be such a situation. He couldn't stand still for a moment, couldn't react for a moment, and was successfully knocked down. Looking at the beautiful face close at hand, Shen Feng suddenly had an unreal feeling. Is this still the glass you know? Shen Feng doesn't know.

"Why...why do you keep letting me?" Liuli hugged Shen Feng tightly and asked with a crying voice. At the end of the Wanzu competition, Liuli made a decision to ease her relationship with Shen Feng, but Shen Feng did not return. Liuli knew the inside story of this matter. Shen Feng did not die unexpectedly during the mission, but was long wiped out by the federal government.

What? Shen Feng didn't understand what Liuli was talking about. When will you let her go? If you mention what happened back then, you have tried your best to make way. After thinking about it, Shen Feng said nervously, "Can you let me go first? I'm not used to it."