jue mai

Chapter 49-51 [Three-in-One]

Chapter 49-51 [Three-in-One]


A voice came from the child at the entrance of the village. This was Xiaobao. Of course, it was Lin Feng who was holding him.

Aunt Zhang couldn't help downloading this, rushed to Xiaobao, held Xiaobao in her arms, and kept crying.

"Xiaofeng is really here, Xiaobao is here!"

When everyone cheered for Lin Feng and the reunion of Aunt Zhang's mother and son, Lin Feng watched their mother and son reunite and quietly left.

"Mother, I don't know when I can find you?" Lin Feng muttered and left.

Lin Feng left the crowd and went back alone. He stood in the room and looked out of the window. He missed his mother. Lin Feng knew that he could not stay any longer.

After the decision, Lin Feng walked out of the house and walked to the village head's house. Along the way, the villagers greeted Lin Feng enthusiastically. Lin Feng did not show any traces of leaving, and they all saluted one by one.

Soon the village head's house arrived.

Lin Feng stepped forward and buckled the door.

"Dang Dang"

"Who is it?" The village head hasn't come out yet, but the voice has come first. It can be said that he hasn't seen him and heard it first. Then the village head opened the door and saw that Lin Feng was a little strange, but he still asked, "Xiaofeng, what's the matter?"

Lin Feng took a look behind him, then turned to the village head and nodded, "Village head, I want to tell you something."

As soon as the village head heard it, he quickly asked Lin Feng to come in and say, and Lin Feng also followed him in.

After entering the door, as soon as Lin Feng sat down, he heard the village head's question, "Xiaofeng, what's the matter?"

Lin Feng looked at the village head and slowly stood up, "Village head, I'm leaving the village."

"Leave." The village head muttered slightly and stopped talking and sat there quietly.

Lin Feng knew that the villagers were reluctant to part with themselves, and they were also reluctant to part with the villagers, but he had more important things to do and could not stay in this village for a lifetime.

"When will you leave?" The village head was silent for a moment and looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng looked directly into the village head's eyes, and then slowly said, "Tomorrow."

The village head fell silent again. Lin Feng knew that the village head did not know what to say, so he quietly retreated and was ready to leave. At this time, the village head said, "Don't let the villagers know tomorrow."

Lin Feng said softly, "Hmm."

Lin Feng walked out of the village head's house, and the sun outside shone on Lin Feng's face. Lin Feng felt very dazzling. Lin Feng's heart was a little nostalgic, but he still had to leave.

Lin Feng ran to Long Ruoxuan's place.


Long Ruoxuan sat quietly in the chair, "Lin Feng, why did you come here today?"

Lin Feng stayed on the wall and looked at the leisurely Long Ruoxuan below, "Ruoxuan, I'm leaving, so I'll come to see you."

"What? Leave?!" Long Ruoxuan suddenly jumped off the chair and watched Lin Feng shout.

"Yes, I'm leaving." Lin Feng confirmed once again.

Long Ruoxuan can't sit still now, "Why, you have to leave after you came here."

Lin Feng looked at Long Ruoxuan and smiled, "I have something to do."

Long Ruoxuan saw that Lin Feng was still smiling and jumped to Lin Feng's side, "Why do you have to leave now?"

Lin Feng looked at Long Ruoxuan and asked, "Do you know the four strange veins?"

Long Ruoxuan heard Lin Feng's inquiry and straightened his chest. "Of course, the four strange veins are the four veins of heaven and earth. It is rumored that the heavenly veins are supreme, the earth veins are thick, and the human veins are vast. As for the unique veins, they are relatively unlucky and can only live to 16 years old, so there are only three strange veins in the world now."

Lin Feng listened to Long Ruoxuan's words and smiled faintly, "I'm fifteen years and six months old."

"You are only 15 years old and six years old... You're not saying that you are a dead person, are you? Long Ruoxuan didn't understand at first, but now that he knew Lin Feng's age, his heart suddenly thumped.

Lin Feng didn't say anything, just looked at Long Ruoxuan with a smile and nodded.

"Oh, my God, how can you be a peerless person? Why are you a dead person? Why are you a peerless person? Long Ruoxuan turned around Lin Feng and muttered.

Lin Feng was defeated by Long Ruoxuan at this time. With this talkable ability alone, he could not compare with it, so he had to smile all the time.

Long Ruoxuan suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Feng seriously, "When will you leave?"

Lin Feng was suddenly scared by Long Ruoxuan, but then said, "Tomorrow."

"I'll go with you." Long Ruoxuan said firmly and reached out to Lin Feng with one hand.

Lin Feng looked at the person in front of him. He couldn't figure out why Long Ruoxuan left with him, but he saw Long Ruoxuan's outstretched hand and then shook it heavily.

At this moment, the two people held their hands tightly together, and their eyes were full of yearning for the unknown.

"I'll come to see you tomorrow morning." Long Ruoxuan said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and then ran back to the place where he came.

Long Ruoxuan looked at Lin Feng's departure back and muttered, "It seems that there will be another bloody wind."

Lin Feng ran quickly. He wanted to go back and do his last part for the village.

Lin Feng returned to the village in a moment and went straight to the village head's house.

"Village head, are you there?" Lin Fa shouted to the village head's house through the door.

"Little wind? Just come in." The village head's voice came out.

Lin Feng opened the door and walked in and saw the village head sitting on the Taishi chair, quietly closing his eyes, as if to wait for Lin Feng's arrival.

"Village head." Lin Feng whispered to the village head.

The village head then opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng, "Xiaofeng, you have done a lot for the village during the period, and I have nothing to give you. Only the previous secret book is given to you now."

After saying that, the village head took out a notebook from behind and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was a little at a loss. Originally, he came to ask the village head what else he could do to help, but now he has accepted the gift from the village head.

Lin Feng took the notebook in the village head's hand and looked at it.

There are three large gold characters written in this book, "the art of restraint", and there is a strange feeling in the three big words.

When Lin Feng saw the book, he then raised his head and looked at the village head with some doubts. The village head seemed to have known Lin Feng's doubts for a long time. Before Lin Feng could speak, he said, "The operation of restraining breath is divided into three stages. The first is to hide gas, the second is to dissipate gas, and the third is to breathe. When you practice to the stage of hiding gas, you can do it and hide your breath. As long as it is not a person who is higher than you, you can't detect your existence. In the dissipation stage, you can release your breath and make a magnificent appearance. In this way, people whose cultivation is not different from you will feel pressure. They mistakenly think that your cultivation is more than one level higher than him. As for the third stage of breath, it is said that people who have practiced this level have no breath at all. , others can't notice it at all, but they will clearly feel the pressure.

Lin Feng looked at the village head in surprise, looked down at the book in his hand, and then shook his head and said to the village head, "Village head, this is so precious that I can't take it."

The village head said with a smile, "Xiaofeng, I'm a person whose veins are even blocked. What's the use of this? It's better for you to practice and make a big deal."

Lin Feng looked at the village head and saw the village head's determination. He nodded and solemnly said to the village head, "Village head, if you have anything to do after I leave, you can ask the people of Linjiabao, the Holy Snow Country Fantasy Snow City, for help."

The village head just nodded with a smile, and then issued an expulsion order to Lin Feng, "Okay, go."


Lin Feng stayed in the room and looked at the "converence technique" in his hand. He didn't know how to list it. Finally, he opened it and slowly looked down.

"Everything in heaven and earth has breath, restraint and incarnation and everything can..."

Lin Feng quickly finished reading this breathing technique, and the formula of breathing technique flashed in his mind. Lin Feng once again felt the wonderfulness of breathing technique and sat in ** and began to practice.

According to the record of abation, Lin Feng extracted his internal strength from the four veins and began to operate according to the operation path of abation.

The night passed quickly, and Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes. Lin Feng had now found that his breath was a little faint. Although it was not enough to hide the breath mentioned in the book, the fading of the breath showed that Lin Feng had succeeded, and Lin Feng was very happy.

Outside the door, a figure flew in in an instant and lay on the roof of Lin Feng. "Strange, why did Lin Feng's breath become like nothing?"

This person is Long Ruoxuan. As soon as he came in, he noticed that Lin Feng's breath had become like nothing. He couldn't help guessing, "Did Lin Feng break through to the pulse refining period?"

"Ruoxuan, are you ready?" Lin Feng's voice came from the room.

Long Ruoxuan knew that he had been found, so he turned over and flew into Lin Feng's house.

"Lin Feng, how did I find that your breath had become faint just now? Did you break through to the refining period?" As soon as Long Ruoxuan came in, he asked about what had just happened.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'll tell you later. We'll leave when we're ready."

Long Ruoxuan no longer asked, "Hmm."

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan left the village at night, but they didn't find out. When they left, the village head didn't know when they appeared. They stood in the distance and watched their figures disappear before going back.

The two ran all the way, and Long Ruoxuan couldn't help it. "Lin Feng, do you tell me if you have broken through to the pulse refining period?"

Lin Feng ran as he looked at Long Ruoxuan and smiled, "I haven't yet, but there is a good thing."

"Good thing?" As soon as Long Ruoxuan heard Lin Feng say this, his eyes immediately lit up, "What's good?"

Lin Feng grabbed Long Ruoxuan's body and handed over the restraint in his hand. "That's it, you should practice now."

Long Ruoxuan took over the book in Lin Feng's hand and immediately understood it when it said restraint.

"Remember all the above and destroy the book." Lin Feng looked at Long Ruoxuan and said that Lin Fa had already remembered the secret of restraint in his heart.

Long Ruoxuan clicked a little and sat down to see that it was practice.

Lin Feng looked around carefully and began to protect Long Ruoxuan.

At this time, there was a breath on Long Ruoxuan's body, circulating all over his body. Lin Feng knew that at this time, Xu Lian's breathing technique was big, and he didn't care. He sat quietly next to him and continued to protect Long Ruoxuan.

It soon dawned, and Long Ruoxuan also thought about it. Lin Feng gave him Long Ruoxuan's breath, and it really changed, so he said to Long Ruoxuan, "You have learned this restraining technique. Have you remembered all the contents of the book?"

Long Ruoxuan looked at Lin Feng and nodded. A sword shadow appeared in an instant. Long Ruoxuan threw the book in his hand into the sky. The sword shadow suddenly rushed up and soon smashed the book.

Lin Feng nodded, "Okay."

Long Ruoxuan looked at Lin Feng and was a little moved. Lin Feng actually gave such a secret skill to himself, and he had regarded Lin Feng as a brother in his heart.

"Lin Feng, where do you want to go?" Long Ruoxuan began to ask the topic.

Lin Feng looked ahead thoughtfully, and then said to Long Ruoxuan, "Death Island!"

"Death Island?!" This result was a little unexpected by Long Ruoxuan, but then he thought that Lin Feng was a peerless person, and he thought about everything. Lin Feng wanted to continue to live. There was no way on this road, so he had to go to Death Island to find a way to continue to support him. It was rumored that there were all kinds of rare things on Death Island. Then he looked at Lin Feng and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Lin Feng looked at Long Ruoxuan and was a little moved. "I almost checked the map. There is only one way to enter the Death Island, that is, to enter the Konoxi City of Moxus and take a boat to enter the Death Island, so we have to go to Moxus first."

Long Ruoxuan frowned at this time. It was not that he did not want to follow Lin Feng to enter the Death Island, but that he was a little unwilling to enter Moxus. Moxus has always been a place of evil cultivation, so Long Ruoxuan was somewhat resistant.

"Okay, it's okay. Let's go." Lin Feng patted Long Ruoxuan's body and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go with you and tell you how to get there." Long Ruoxuan then let go and said to Lin Feng.

The two nodded at the same time, and Lin Feng said, "There is only one Keyt City of Moxus forces closest to us, and I will enter Kait City first."

Long Ruoxuan nodded, "Let's go now."

Two people got up and were about to leave when they suddenly flew out more than a dozen figures. One of them came forward and said, "Kill someone, do you want to leave now?"

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan looked at the man warily, "I don't know who you are?" Why did you block the way between us?"

The man laughed and said, "You killed my brother, and now you still ask me who I am?" Humph!"

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan found that the person's face was exactly the same as that of the evil cultivation.

"Your brother even has to catch a child. He deserves it." Long Ruoxuan shouted at the man.

"Hmm, go to hell, give it to me and kill them both." The man snorted coldly and said to the people around him.

After hearing the man's words, the others moved and rushed to Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan in an instant.

Lin Feng looked at these people who rushed up and said to Long Ruoxuan, "Let's rush out!"

Then he rushed in one direction with Long Ruoxuan.

The blood burial knife in Lin Feng's hand cut down one of them in an instant, and then suddenly jumped up. His inner strength was instantly injected into the blood burial knife, and the blood burial knife suddenly flashed coldly.

"Overlord rush!"

A knife light appeared in an instant and cut down at several people in front of Lin Feng.

Looking at Long Ruoxuan, the dragon and phoenix swords waved quickly in his hand and killed them in an instant.

Lin Feng shouted to Long Ruoxuan, "Ruoxuan, come here."

Then he killed it to one side.

Suddenly, the man standing there took action, and his figure instantly turned into a black light and rushed towards Long Ruoxuan.

Long Ruoxuan was still entangled by several other people at this time and didn't notice that the man had slapped him.

Lin Feng looked back and saw the man slapped Long Ruoxuan and quickly shouted, "Ruoxuan, be careful."

Then his whole body rushed over and stood in front of Long Ruoxuan.


The man's palm fell on Lin Feng's body in an instant, and Lin Feng's whole body was blown away in an instant.

Long Ruoxuan saw that Lin Feng blocked himself and immediately shouted, "Lin Feng!"

Then he threw the dragon and phoenix sword into the air and quickly pinched the secret with both hands, "Heaven and earth yin and yang, sword seal!"

In an instant, hundreds of sword shadows appeared in the sky, all rushing to those people. Some people had no time to dodge, and were smashed by the bodies stabbed by the sword shadow in an instant.

When the man saw these sword shadows rushing towards him, he quickly knotted his hands, "Pulse Art, Skylight Shield"

A light suddenly appeared outside the man's body, blocking the shadows of the swords.

Long Ruoxuan didn't care about this at this time and quickly flew to Lin Feng's side and picked up Lin Feng, "Lin Feng! Lin Feng! How are you?"

Lin Feng opened his eyes slightly, "Ruoxuan, leave quickly."

With tears in the corners of his eyes, Long Ruoxuan carried Lin Feng on his shoulder and rushed outside. At this time, the man was still surrounded by the shadow of the sword. Watching Long Ruoxuan leave with Lin Feng on his back, he immediately cursed and wanted to rush out, but the shadow of the sword forced him to dare not move at all.

Long Ruoxuan ran outside behind Lin Feng's back and waved to the dragon and phoenix swords in the air, and the swords returned to him in an instant.

The shadow of the sword in the sky suddenly disappeared. The man looked at Long Ruoxuan's departure and scolded, "Damn it, chase me!"

Long Ruoxuan thought about running ahead behind Lin Feng's back. He dared not turn back all the way and ran forward with all his strength. In his mind, he thought of Lin Fengfei's picture of blocking that palm for himself.

Tears fell in his eyes again, "Lin Feng, you can't do anything. You still have to go to Death Island!"

The people behind him have caught up, and Long Ruoxuan rushed forward cleanly.

The man slapped Long Ruoxuan, "Split the palm of the sky!"

Long Ruoxuan quickly controlled the two swords to block the big palm that came out of the air.


Long Ruoxuan was suddenly rushed by the aroused air wave and quickly pierced Lin Feng and thought about running forward.

Long Ruoxuan ran around in the dense forest with Lin Feng on his back. After a while, he got rid of the pursuit of those people. Long Ruoxuan found a tree hole and quickly let Lin Feng in, "Lin Feng! Lin Feng! Wake up!"

Long Ruoxuan had a feeling of crying and grabbed Lin Feng and kept shaking.


Lin Feng coughed twice, opened his eyes and said to Long Ruoxuan, "Ruoxuan, if you shake it a few times, I may really die."

Long Ruoxuan heard Lin Feng's words and laughed. He pressed Lin Feng and said, "As long as you're fine, you're fine. It's fine. I almost scared me to death."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Long Ruoxuan, "We still have to go to Death Island. You are so looking forward to my death."

Long Ruoxuan smiled more, "Yes, we still want Death Island. You can't die."

Lin Feng left and right a lot, "Ruoxuan, what about those people?"

Long Ruoxuan said to Lin Feng, "I threw them away. They will soon catch up. We will leave after a short break."

Lin Feng nodded. He remembered that there were many elixirs in the ancient Taoist ring. As soon as his mind moved, he appeared in the ancient Taoist ring and began to look for it.

"Breaking the air, it's not."

"Restore Dan, no."

"Building a foundation, no."

"Blood elixir, no."

Lin Feng searched in the ancient Taoist ring and finally found it. "Pei Yuandan, that's it."

Lin Feng quickly retreated from the ancient Taoist ring and held an elixir in his hand. It was Peiyuan Dan found in the ancient Taoist ring. Then he said to Long Ruoxuan, "Ruoxuan, give me the elixir in my hand."

Long Ruoxuan saw that there was indeed an elixir in Lin Feng's hand, but it was strange how Lin Feng found it, but he quickly convinced Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng took this elixir, he began to mobilize a trace of internal strength in his body to stimulate the elixir to circulate in the meridians as soon as possible.

After a while, Lin Feng's body was half healed. Lin Feng came out of the tree hole and took a look, "Ruoxuan, let's go quickly."

Long Ruoxuan was still surprised that Lin Feng's injury was healed in an instant. When Lin Feng saw that Long Ruoxuan was still in shock, he said, "At this time, the healing medicine, I have no choice but to be average now. I still need to find a place to rest for a few days. Let's go now."

Long Ruoxuan was pulled back from shock by Lin Feng and ran out of the dense forest with Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan left, those people caught up with them. Seeing that Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan had left, they scolded, "Damn it, I don't believe it, and I can't catch up with the two little rabbits. Chasing!"

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan kept running forward. After Lin Feng's injury was half recovered, the speed was suddenly much faster. The two quickly ran to the dense forest and came to a cave. The two hid in.

Lin Feng quickly sat down and said to Long Ruoxuan, "I'm going to trouble you these days. I can't be disturbed by the process of healing, otherwise, I will lose all my previous efforts."

Long Ruoxuan nodded, walked to the mouth of the cave alone, did it, and began to protect Lin Feng.

As time went by, Long Ruoxuan went out to patrol every day to see if someone had found him. Last time, those people almost came here, and after chasing him, he was led out by Long Ruoxuan.


The group of people chasing Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan suddenly stopped. The leader checked it and immediately said in surprise, "No, we have been tricked to transfer the tiger away from the mountain!"

The person next to him quickly asked, "What's wrong with the boss?"

The man said, "In the past few days, we have been wandering in this area. Every time we get close to the northeast, the boy with two swords will appear and lead us away. If I guess correctly, the injured person must be healing nearby and can't be disturbed. Let's go back now."

After saying that, the group began to return the same way.

Soon this group of people came to the place where they were led away by Long Ruoxuan every time and looked for it.

Long Ruoxuan heard a sound next to him again and quickly rushed over to check and found that the group of people were back. Long Ruoxuan quickly returned to the cave and saw that Lin Feng was still healing his wounds. He ran out again. After thinking for a while, he decided.

These people were still looking for a sudden sword shadow to appear, which killed a man in an instant.

Long Ruoxuan's figure also appeared in front of everyone.

The leader of the group came out and smiled at Long Ruoxuan, "Kid, you are good. You have been taking us to the other side these days. Is that boy healed at a critical moment and can't be disturbed?"

A cold light flashed in Long Ruoxuan's eyes, "Well, I want you to die here today."

After saying that, Long Ruoxuan rushed up and stabbed the man with a sword.

It turned out that Long Ruoxuan knew that his scheme had been seen through when he saw this group of people coming back. In order not to disturb Lin Feng's healing, Long Ruoxuan tried his best to keep this group today.

"Swordsmanship, Streamer Lock"

A sword shadow stabbed the man.

The man quickly took refuge, and then all the others were killed.

Long Ruoxuan stabbed the sword in his hand back, killed one person in an instant, quickly pulled it out, and rushed to the others. The shadow of the sword was heavy.

The man stood on the tree, looked at the powerful Long Ruoxuan below, and quickly imprinted in his hand, "shocking palm"

A big hand suddenly appeared and hit Long Ruoxuan impartially.

Long Ruoxuan was still fighting with others. When he saw a fingerprint appear above, he immediately scolded, "You are going to kill your own people. Are you still human!"

Who knew that the man smiled, "As long as they can kill you, what can they do if they die?"

The big palm print pressed down on Long Ruoxuan and several people. Long Ruoxuan quickly put out the dragon sword behind him and pinched the sword formula in his hand, "Swordsmanship, ten thousand swords burn the field."

A lot of sword shadows suddenly appeared beside Long Ruoxuan, which condensed for a moment and stabbed the imprint of the pressed big palm.

But the big palm print was very powerful. Long Ruoxuan's sword shadow only obstructed it. Its fall, but it quickly pressed down again.

In fact, the strength of the forehead is the same as that of Long Ruoxuan, but after repeated battles, Long Ruoxuan's stamina was insufficient, and he was suppressed by this man at this time.

Seeing that Long Ruoxuan was about to be buried under this handprint, a trace of determination flashed in Long Ruoxuan's eyes, and the dragon and phoenix swords in his hand suddenly merged, emitting a dazzling light, "Swordsmanship, a sword in the universe."

Suddenly, a sword shadow stabbed the big handprint pressed down and instantly pushed the handprint up.

The man took a look at Long Ruoxuan, who was struggling at this time, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. In his opinion, Long Ruoxuan was dead.

"Don't work hard, my palm hasn't been able to break before the refining period." The man said proudly.

After listening to this, Long Ruoxuan's heart suddenly became cold.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, "Really?"

Long Ruoxuan was immediately excited when he heard this sound, "Lin Feng, are you healed?"

Lin Feng's figure suddenly appeared and said to Long Ruoxuan, "Well, I'll save you first."

Long Ruoxuan shook his head, "Lin Feng, go quickly. This person is very strong. I'm afraid you are not an opponent."

Lin Feng died, and the blood knife in his hand appeared in an instant, "The overlord cried!"

Lin Feng waved the blood knife and cut at the big palm print.

The man snorted coldly, "Do you think you can save it?"

As soon as his words fell, Lin Feng's knife just cut on the palm print, and the palm print cracked in an instant. Lin Feng thought of Long Ruoxuan throwing an elixir and said, "Take it."

Long Ruoxuan nodded and swallowed the elixir. Long Ruoxuan felt that his pulse was replenished in an instant and increased slightly.

The elixir given by Lin Feng to Long Ruoxuan is the reduction elixir, which can instantly replenish the power in the human body.

The man looked at Long Ruoxuan, who recovered his strength, and then looked at Lin Feng angrily, "Kid, you want to die."

Lin Feng looked at the man and said, "Stay here today."

Lin Feng's words were very calm but gave people a sense of domineering.

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan stood together, looked at the man, and at the same time, they killed the man with a knife and a sword.

The man was not only famous. He quickly knotted his hands and pointed to Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan, "Pulse art, tie the immortals!"

In an instant, two pulses flew out of the man's fingertips and flew towards Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan.

Long Ruoxuan and Lin Feng quickly flew to the side, and the sword cut on the two pulses in an instant, but there was no effect. The two pulses continued to fly towards the two.

Lin Feng quickly turned around and ran in the direction of Long Ruoxuan, "Ruoxuan, come here!"

Long Ruoxuan instantly understood what Lin Feng wanted to do and ran to Lin Feng.

Two pulses chased behind the two people. The man looked at Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan's awkward appearance and laughed, "Two juniors, you fell down when you met me."

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan ignored the man's laughter and continued to run towards each other.

"Ruoxuan, get ready, jump." Lin Feng shouted at Long Ruoxuan.

After a jumping word exit, the two jumped up in an instant, and the two pulses behind them collided with each other. Suddenly, they exploded, and the powerful airflow blew Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan away.

The man looked at this scene in surprise. He never thought that Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan would escape like this.

With a roar, he ran towards Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan.

As soon as Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan stabilized their shaking bodies, they saw the man rushing towards him and quickly flew to the man.

The sword went out at the same time and hit the man together.

The man paused in the air, and his body fell down in an instant, but his hand was still imprinted. This seal was surprisingly complicated, "Pulse technique, break the seal of heaven!"

Lin Feng suddenly felt that the air around him had frozen and quickly mobilized the power in his body to compete, but the man fought towards the two people.

Lin Feng quickly retreated, and Long Ruoxuan also dodged to the side, but the space solidified, and the speed of the two people was as slow as a turtle crawling and was hit by the man in an instant.


Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan were hit by the man and flew backwards in an instant.

Two people fell to the ground and stood up with difficulty.

The man looked at the two people and snorted coldly, "Today I'm going to kill you."

After saying that, he rushed to the two people fiercely.

Lin Feng immediately waved the blood knife forward, "The overlord breaks the sun!"

A knife light appeared in an instant and looked at the man. The man quickly flew next to him and hit the knife light with one palm, and the knife light was broken in an instant.

Long Ruoxuan's dragon and phoenix swords had been attacked long after Lin Feng cut a knife. After the man smashed the knife with one palm, the dragon and phoenix swords instantly appeared in front of the man and pierced the man's shoulder in an instant.


The man shouted in pain, and his whole body fell down.

The blood knife in Lin Feng's hand was cut again.

The man quickly under his feet and flew backwards.

With his hands quickly on their shoulders, he stopped the blood and looked at Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan coldly, "Very good, you have successfully angered me."

The man's eyes turned red in an instant, staring at Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Long Ruoxuan quickly leaned against Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what should I do now?"

Lin Feng looked at the man's red eyes, "Ruoxuan, the crazy state he is now in will kill anyone he sees. We must kill him. If we let him escape, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Long Ruoxuan nodded, and the dragon and phoenix swords suddenly took action and stabbed the man.

The man's eyes were red, he looked up to the sky and roared, and immediately rushed out, as if he wanted to tear Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan apart.

Lin Feng did not hesitate. The blood burial knife turned in his hand and rushed to the man with a little force under his feet.


Long Ruoxuan's two swords hit the man in an instant, but they were blown out by the man. Long Ruoxuan's heart was connected with the dragon and phoenix swords. At this time, the dragon and phoenix swords were hit out by the man's palm, and Long Ruoxuan's mind was severely damaged.

Lin Feng glanced at Long Ruoxuan, "Ruoxuan!"

Then he jumped at the man, "overlord hates"

In an instant, a ten-foot-long knife shadow appeared on the top of the man's head and cut it down, cutting the man upside down and flying out, but the man soon stood up and rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't take care of Long Ruoxuan. He quickly carried the blood knife and rushed to the man. A knife cut the man's shoulder, but the man instantly slapped Lin Feng away.

Lin Feng slowly stood up and looked at the man, which was also a little red. "The overlord rushed to the sky!"

Lin Feng drew his hands to the sky and appeared in Lin Feng's hands. Lin Feng had not used this move for a long time. It was really because the consumption of this move was too large. Lin Feng did not use this move when he fought in the cold sky. As for that time, it was purely because of the carelessness of the cold sky that made Lin Feng steal. The attack hit the cold air.

This time the situation is a little different. This person has lost his mind, and Lin Feng has to use this move.

Lin Feng held the sky in his hand and looked coldly at the sudden increase in the breath of the man, and instantly reached the pulse refining period.

The sky in Lin Feng's hand stabbed the man hard, "Kill the bully!"

In an instant, a shot flew towards the man, straight into the man's head.

PS: Today's three-in-one, now hand it in, and I will make up for the 6th update in the evening. Can Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan kill this man? If you want to know what will happen in the future, please listen to the next breakdown.

Shadow shamelessly ask for collection, tickets, and friends who read books, can you contact Shadow? Up to now, I don't know if there are any friends who have been paying attention to this book, and Shadow's heart is a little uneasy.

Shadow QQ:747216704