jue pin killing god

Chapter 25 Continuation

Practice for one night to ensure that the true qi in the body reaches the best state. Early the next morning, Ye Xiu took out the medicinal herbs bought yesterday and prepared for alchemy.

After taking ten medicinal herbs, Ye Xiu began to refine them according to the records in the Xuanming True Sutra.

About half an hour later, a burnt smell came from the copper tripod.

"Sure enough, it failed." Looking at the black layer of drug residue in the copper tripod, Ye Xiu smiled bitterly.

After a short break, he began the second refining. After three consecutive failures, Ye Xiu gradually explored some experience. Although the next two times have not been successful, the refining has already had some medicinal fragrance.

It was not until the sixth time that Ye Xiu successfully refined an intermittent elixir.

"This can only be regarded as a defective product, right?" Looking at the white pills the size of a nail cap in his hand, Ye Xiu muttered.

Although he successfully refined a discontinuous elixir, Ye Xiu is still a little self-aknowledgeable. Many of the medicinal effects of this intermittent elixir have been consumed in the refining process. It can only be said that the efficacy is better than direct oral administration. Strictly speaking, it is not intermittent elixir.

After a break, Ye Xiu devoted himself to refining again. With the previous experience, Ye Xiu could succeed almost three times, and occasionally failed once. After all, the intermittent elixir is already one of the simplest concentrated elixir in the Xuanming True Sutra. Even ordinary people can refine it, but it is just more troublesome.

"This should be the full version of the intermittent Dan, right?" Looking at the white pill in his hand, a soft jade-like texture, and the refreshing medicinal fragrance, Ye Xiu knew that he had succeeded.

"Fifteen times, only one success." Although he successfully refined intermittent elixir, Ye Xiu did not have any joy on his face. Although he practiced medicinal herbs for about ten years, 15 medicinal herbs were also nearly 100,000 Huaxia coins, and he refined an intermittent elixir. This success rate is really low.

If other ancient martial artists know Ye Xiu's idea, they don't know if they will be angry to death. The first alchemy can be successful 15 times. Such a success rate is already very high, and many people may not be able to succeed 30 or 40 times.

"It's a pity that the medicinal materials are not good. It can't be expected to continue life, but it can be used to recuperate the body." Although the elixir is magical, the raw materials cannot meet the requirements. The intermittent elixir refined by ten years of medicinal herbs cannot last at all, but it is indeed more than enough to regulate the body.

The refined intermittent elixir is bottled in porcelain bottles, and Ye Xiu continues to refine it. He must achieve more than 50% success before he begins to refine more than 100 years of medicinal herbs. After all, there are 20 raw materials for 100 years of medicinal herbs, and one failure means one less intermittent elixir!

In the afternoon, the success rate of Ye Xiu's elixir has been greatly improved. Four materials can refine a full version of the intermittent elixir, and occasionally lose one raw material by mistake, and the rest are defective products.

"Alchemy is really very expensive." Ye Xiu looked at the intermittent elixir in the porcelain bottle and sighed.

In most of the day, hundreds of thousands of medicinal materials purchased at the imperial pharmacy were consumed by him. In order to achieve a success rate of more than 50%, he had to prepare at least millions of materials. Moreover, this time he is a targeted practice. It would be good if he could succeed once with other elixir seven or eight times.

Nearly one million medicinal herbs were purchased in the imperial pharmacy. Ye Xiu continued to practice the next day and finally raised the success rate of refining drugs. On the third day, Ye Xiu began to refine 100 years of medicinal herbs.


A flame gushed out from the copper tripod, followed by a burnt.

The first refining of 100-year-old medicinal herbs failed. Ye Xiu smiled bitterly, "The 100-year-old medicinal herbs are really more difficult to master than ten years."

Although he had the experience of the first two days, Ye Xiu still failed to operate the 100-year medicinal herbs for the first time. Although it was refined for the second time, it was indeed a defective product, and the efficacy of the medicine did not meet his expectations.

A strange medicinal fragrance permeated.

"It's finally refined!" Looking at the white elixir in the copper tripod, Ye Xiu's face had a trace of relief.

After three consecutive days of hard work, he finally successfully refined the intermittent elixir!

Next, I don't know if Ye Xiu found self-confidence and was in a surprisingly good state. For the remaining 17 medicinal herbs, he refined a total of 11 full versions of intermittent pills, 20 medicinal herbs, and 12 intermittent pills, and the success rate exceeded Ye Xiu's expectations.

Divide the twelve intermittently into two parts, put them into two jade bottles, and then divide the ten-year intermittent pills into two parts. It is best to use jade bottles for elixir. The reason why Ye Xiu used porcelain bottles before is that he didn't find a jade bottle. He specially customized a batch in the jade store and only got it yesterday.

After collecting the jade bottle and taking a break, Ye Xiu drove to Peng's hometown.

Mr. Peng was discharged from the hospital the next day after he was in a coma. Ye Xiu went to see him once, and several children of the Peng family also rushed back one after another. They have been taking care of him at Peng's hometown these days. It happened that these two days were weekends, and Peng Shan also stayed at home. When Ye Xiu arrived at Peng's hometown, Peng Weimin's other children were all there.

"Xiao Ye is coming." As soon as he saw Ye Xiu, Mr. Peng laughed and said, "Come and sit down."

Ye Xiu nodded and went to Peng Lao's side to do it.

"Xiaoye, I want to thank you again this time. If it weren't for you, my father would have suffered." A middle-aged woman in her thirties laughed.

"Aunt Peng is welcome." Ye Xiu said hurriedly.

The woman who spoke was Peng Lao's youngest daughter, Peng Xiuli, who lived in Yanjing. This time, Peng Lao was in a coma and came back the next day.

"If I don't get sick, can you come back?" Mr. Peng said angrily.

"Grandpa, if you like it, I will always be with you." Peng Shan, who had just come from the kitchen, heard Mr. Peng's angry words and said coquettishly.

Mr. Peng's face looked solemn, "What does it look like for you little girl to accompany me as an old man? Let your uncle and the bastard of your second uncle's family come to accompany me another day."

"Hee hee, I know Grandpa loves me the most!" Peng Shan smiled.

A middle-aged woman came over from the kitchen and stared at Peng Shan, "Sshan, are you pestering Grandpa? Didn't I tell you that Grandpa has only recovered? Do you need to rest?"

"Mom~" Peng Shan shook up with a middle-aged woman in her arms.

"Don't shake it. If you want your mother to fall off again." The middle-aged woman looked at Peng Shan helplessly.

Peng Shan is Peng Lao's favorite granddaughter. The whole Peng family regards her as a little princess. Even Peng Shan's mother Zhang Qian dares not scold her in front of the old man, so every time Peng Shan makes a mistake, she will pull Peng Lao forward and avoid the punishment of Peng Weimin.

"Xiao Ye, stay here for dinner tonight." Zhang Qian looked at Ye Xiu not far away.

Four years ago, Ye Xiu saved Peng Lao's life. At that time, the descendants of the Peng family did not have the current power. Although several children of the Peng family were also grateful for Ye Xiu's life-saving kindness, if Peng Lao was still alive, the Peng family would not have a little utilitarian heart. However, Zhang Qian is sincerely grateful to Ye Xiu and wants to have a better relationship between the Peng family and Ye Xiu. She heard Peng Weimin talk about what Ye Xiu did in the ward. As a national-level doctor, who doesn't want to make friends well, even if the relationship is not bad, he will only want to go further.

"Thank you, Aunt Zhang." Ye Xiu said hurriedly.

"It's not troublesome, it's all a family." Zhang Qian smiled and turned into the kitchen.

"Peng Lao, I didn't bring anything back this time. I hope you can accept these two things." Ye Xiu said and took out two jade bottles from his arms.

Seeing the two jade bottles, Peng Shan curled her lips and muttered, "Brother Ye, you are too insincere. You can afford tens of millions of villas. You are so stingy."

"Sshan, what are you talking about!" Hearing this, Peng Lao's face suddenly changed and said in a low voice.

For Ye Xiu, Mr. Peng has always treated him as his own grandson, not to mention that Ye Xiu has saved his life twice. Even if he is a familiar descendant, he can't lose Ye Xiu's face.

Peng Xiuli, who was beside her, quickly pulled La Pengshan and looked at Peng Lao and said, "Dad, Shanshan didn't mean it. Besides, Ye Xiu won't be angry, will she?"

"How come." Ye Xiu smiled slightly.

"This is also my family. If it's an outsider, my Peng family's face will be lost to you." Mr. Peng took a look at Peng Shan and looked at Peng Xiuli angrily and said, "You are all used to it!"

Hearing this, Peng Xiuli couldn't help smiling bitterly and said to herself, "Who in the family has this girl so spoiled by you?

"Peng Lao, in fact, the things I gave you are in the jade bottle."

At this time, Ye Xiu also knew that if he didn't talk about elixirs, Peng Shan would not pay attention to him in the future.

"Oh~" Mr. Peng's face was happy, he opened the jade bottle, and suddenly a refreshing fragrance of medicine spread.

"It smells so good!" Peng Shan and Peng Xiuli were shocked to smell the fragrance.

Peng Lao looked at the things in the jade bottle, and was stunned at first. Then he came to his senses and looked at Ye Xiu and shook his head. "Xiaoye, this thing is too valuable. I can't take it."