jue pin killing god

Chapter 90 Fierce Battle 2

The biochemical warrior's breath, which was split in half, became very weak and fell to the ground and squirmed slightly, but did not die immediately.

"What a strong vitality!" Ye Xiu looked at the biochemical soldiers on the ground, and his face also became solemn.

These transformed biochemical warriors have greatly improved their physical fitness, far exceeding the physical fitness of the top warriors.

Such a strong vitality, even Ye Xiu has not seen much.


Suddenly, a thin figure appeared beside the man on the ground. The short blade in his hand cut off the man's head in an instant, and the headless body ** a few times, and finally there was no response.

"What a sharp short blade!"

Looking at the dark short blade in the thin man's hand, Ye Xiu's face changed slightly.

He remembered that the thin man cut through his body protection Zhenyuan with a knife before. You should know that under the urging of his power, Zhenyuan was as hard as fine steel, but in the face of the sneak attack of the thin man, he was broken through without any obstacles. It was the first time Ye Xiu encountered such a thing. This shows how powerful the short blade is!

"It should not be as good as Shura." Looking slightly at the short blade, Ye Xiu understood that although the short blade in front of him was powerful, it had not reached the level of Shura's short sword.

"It should be some special materials that specialize in breaking the true spirit of martial arts!"

Just for a moment, Ye Xiu understood what the short blade in the hand of the thin man was. Ye Xiu heard his master mention before that among the warriors, there were some things that were special to deal with the true elements of the warriors. In the face of these weapons, even the strong man of the heavenly level may fall without paying attention. What Ye Xiu didn't expect was that the super team actually used such a weapon. Such a weapon is definitely a supreme weapon against the top warriors of China.

"This super team is not small." Ye Xiu said secretly in his heart.

The other party has weapons specifically aimed at the true qi of martial arts. As we all know, China is the birthplace of martial arts. It can be said that more than 90% of the martial artists in the whole world are in China, and the intention of the other party to develop weapons against true qi is clearly clear.

"Your strength is very strong, but what you offended is our super team!" The white man took a deep breath, and Shura's strength was a little beyond his expectation.

Three years ago, Shura was just a ground-level warrior, but now, he can easily kill the biochemical warrior who is comparable to the heavenly warrior, and definitely has the strength of the middle of the heavenly level and even the peak of the heavenly level. This is what they didn't expect. After all, as the world's largest organization of superpowers, the super team also knows a lot about Chinese warriors. Warriors in their 20s and above the middle level have never appeared even in their intelligence.

"Kill!" The white man roared, and the flame on his body suddenly became a little stronger, like a sun, and the white flame was actually a faint blue flame.

From the faint blue flame, Ye Xiu also felt a strong pressure.

"Endless sea of fire!"

The flame on the white man instantly shot out three finger-sized blue flames and rushed towards Ye Xiu.

Looking at the three faint blue flames, Ye Xiu did not dare to be careless at all. In these three small flames, he clearly felt a powerful threat, which even the previous dead biochemical warrior had never made him feel.

"Come again!"

While Ye Xiu was thinking about how to deal with the three blue flames in front of him, he gushed out endless destruction in an instant. Needless to think of it, it was the masterpiece of the lightning power. At the same time, Ye Xiu also felt a breath approaching him rapidly, but he was the biochemical warrior with a strange short blade.


He was forced to fight one after another, and Ye Xiu's face also became ugly. Several strong men who were only at the peak of the earth actually made him, a true man in the foundation-building period. At this moment, there was also endless anger in his heart.

Zhenyuan in his body instantly stimulated to the extreme, holding Shura's short sword and suddenly waved it out, and suddenly a strong sword spirit cut towards the figure that rushed.


A muffled sound came, and the shadow was like a broken kite, and was hit by the sword spirit and flew out.


The thick thunder and lightning on his thighs covered Ye Xiu, and suddenly there were bursts of explosions. The terrible lightning fell to the ground, and the cement floor was instantly blown up countless large pits, and the area ten feet in a radius was a mess and pothole.

At this moment, three strange flames exploded and immediately turned into a sea of fire, covering the ten-foot area centered on Ye Xiu.


The flame kept burning, and even the cement floor was ignited together. Even the arc that had not yet dissipated was instantly swallowed up by the flame and became a flame retardant, and the flame of the sea of fire became bigger and bigger. For a while, the factory lit up and reflected half of the night sky. Fortunately, this place is still remote, otherwise something would have been found wrong here long ago.

"What kind of flame is this?"

In the sea of fire, Ye Xiu's face became ugly. At first, although the flame gave him a great threat, he believed that he could still cope with it, but with the emergence of the sea of fire, his heart became a little uncertain.

The seemingly inconspicuous flame can actually burn his true element!

You should know that Zhenyuan is an invisible energy, and it is an extremely powerful energy, which is a more advanced force of the martial artist's true qi, but such a power is actually burned in this sea of fire. And with the burning of the flame, Ye Xiu can clearly feel that his Zhenyuan is losing rapidly, and even after those Zhenyuan is burned, it has become the fuel of the flame in front of him.

"Is it the real fire of Samadhi?" Ye Xiu's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help thinking of the record of the Xuanming Zhenjing.

It is said that the true fire of Samadhi burns everything and can burn everything. Even water and air can burn. However, if you want to produce the true fire of Samadhi, at least the practitioners of the Jindan period will have to burn themselves. Because the true fire of Samadhi is too powerful to control the cultivation in the foundation period. If there is a slight mistake, they will directly burn themselves to death.

Although the samadhi true fire is powerful, it is not omnipotent. According to the records of the Xuanming True Sutra, there are many ways to annihilate the samadhi true fire, such as congenital spiritual water, Taiyi Xuanshui, and even powerful practitioners can directly annihilate the samadhi true fire.

"This is not a real fire!" Although the fire in front of him is a little strange, Ye Xiu understands that the flame in front of him is absolutely not as good as the real fire of Samadhi. If the other party can really release such a flame as the real fire of Samadhi, even if he is a practitioners in the foundation period, he will never support it for a quarter of an hour.

Although the consumption of the true elements in his body is very fast, Ye Xiu knows that such consumption, even an hour, cannot exhaust the true elements in his body, and the flame of samadhi true fire is definitely not an existence that can be controlled by the power at the peak of the earth.

"As long as it's not the real fire of Samadhi, it's easy to do!" If it is the real fire of Samadhi, Ye Xiu may have to escape and may even fall, but as long as it is not the true fire of Samadhi, he is really not afraid.

quickly pinched out a method in his hand. The next moment, a strange fluctuation gushed out of Ye Xiu's body, and the flame that was constantly eroding Zhenyuan could not help but slightly, and the speed of eroding Zhenyuan slowed down greatly.

"No, Shura is not dead yet, and he is still trying to control my flame!" Overseas, a white man with a pale face suddenly exclaimed.

"How is this possible?" The lightning power beside him couldn't believe it.

You should know that the power can only control which series of power he has, the flame ability can only control the flame, the thunder and lightning can only control the lightning, and no one has ever mastered other energy.

"Is Shura a flame capable person?" The thin man beside him frowned.

If you want to control the flame, you must be a flame ability, and you must be a flame ability that is several times stronger than a white man. After all, the flame is a flame controlled by a white man. If you want to control other people's flames, you must be several times more powerful than the other.

"This is unlikely. We all know Shura's information, and we have never mentioned that he is a power!" The white man shook his head.

Their captain Yanmo began to collect information about Shura as early as a few years ago. It can be said that there is information about Shura. No organization has the details of the superpower team, countless assassination missions, and countless analyses. If Shura is a superpower, it is impossible that there is no news.

The most important thing is that from the perspective of Ye Xiu's desire to control the flame of white men, Shura is not weak in flame ability, and has even surpassed white men. Such a thing is absolutely impossible.

"Damn it, this Shura doesn't match the information at all!" The thunder and lightning powers look unusually ugly.

When they received this task, they thought it was just a simple task, but they didn't expect that this mission had met a strong man in heaven, and even one of their team members had died. As a last resort, the white man used an endless sea of fire that had not been fully mastered, but he did not expect that Shura still had the ability to control the flames.

"Rem, lightning output!" The white man's face became solemn and he spoke to the lightning power beside him.