jue pin killing god

Chapter 98 Undersea Cave

The huge stone hall has long been dilapidated. I don't know how much it exists and is covered with seaweed. Although it can't be seen how long the stone hall has existed, Ye Xiu felt a huge impact from the ruins of the stone hall. It is not difficult to imagine what the stone hall would look like when it was intact. I'm afraid that even Ye Xiu would be afraid when he saw it.

I don't know if it was because of Ye Xiu's arrival that countless fish lived in the stone hall were suddenly shocked.

"What a strange stone hall!" Looking at the stone hall in front of him, Ye Xiu frowned slightly.

He is sure that he has never seen the stone hall in front of him before, but he feels a very familiar atmosphere in this stone hall.

"Is this stone hall a relic left by the practitioners?" Ye Xiu's heart moved slightly.

I don't know how long the practitioners have existed, but I'm afraid they are older than ancient martial arts. The stone hall in front of them also has a history of at least thousands of years, which is likely to be the relics left by the practitioners at that time. However, what surprised Ye Xiu was the reason for making a practitioner's residence sink to the bottom of the sea. You should know that practitioners thousands of years ago were definitely the top strong in overseas lands. After all, the means of transportation at that time were not as developed as they are now. Hundreds of nautical miles can easily bury the master of heaven.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu couldn't help swimming towards the stone hall.

The whole stone hall has thousands of square meters, supported by 81 huge stone pillars, but many of the stone pillars have been broken, and less than half of the stone columns are still intact. Most of the area of the stone hall has collapsed.


Suddenly, there was a crisp cracking sound.

A broken white bone appeared at Ye Xiu's feet.

"There are indeed people living here!" Ye Xiu's face changed slightly, and the white bones under his feet undoubtedly told Ye Xiu that someone lived in this stone hall thousands of years ago.

Moving forward in the stone hall, Ye Xiu encountered white bones on the ground from time to time. According to Ye Xiu's estimation, there should be many people living here.

"But these people don't look too strong." Picking up the bones on the ground and looking at them, Ye Xiu knew that these pre-life strength was not strong.

It should be noted that when the martial artist cultivates to a certain extent, the whole body will produce some changes, and the musculoskeletal meridians will continue to strengthen. The stronger the strength, the stronger the body. It is said that those immortals can be immortalized after death. Even the bones of ordinary heavenly masters are extremely strong after hundreds of years.

"That's..." Suddenly, Ye Xiu's eyes were attracted by the collapsed stone pillar not far away. The position of the stone pillar was extremely smooth, as if it was not a natural fracture, but was cut off with a sword.

"It seems that there was a big war here before the stone hall sank to the bottom of the sea!" Looking at the broken stone pillars, Ye Xiu said secretly in his heart.

Touching the stone pillar, Ye Xiu's face changed slightly.

"There is something wrong with this stone pillar!" A fine light flashed in Ye Xiu's eyes. At first, he didn't find anything wrong with the stone pillar in front of him, but he just wanted to find out the broken position and touched the stone pillar, but found something wrong with the stone pillar. These stone pillars are unusually smooth and don't look like things that have been experienced for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu's body turned Zhenyuan, and the force in his hand was slightly extreme, and he squeezed it hard on the stone pillar.

"What a hard stone pillar!" Under Ye Xiu's full pinch, the stone pillar was not damaged at all, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

With Ye Xiu's strength, even the steel had to pinch deep finger marks under his full strength, but in the face of the inan eye-catching stone pillar, he did not cause any traces with all his strength.

"This is a strange stone pillar!" Ye Xiu's face changed greatly, and his palms suddenly lined up on the stone pillar.


A visible fluctuation opened from the stone pillar, and the stain attached to the stone pillar was instantly shaken away. The next moment, a stone pillar as smooth as a mirror and dissatisfied with countless patterns appeared in Ye Xiu's eyes.

"This is a formation!" Ye Xiu looked at Shizhu with a surprised face.

The pattern on the stone pillar is exactly the nine palace array, and there is more than one nine palace array on a stone pillar, which is roughly familiar. There are nearly 40 nine palace arrays in the remaining half of the stone column, but these arrays have no aura at all.

"How many nine palace arrays should there be for a complete stone pillar?" Ye Xiu's heart moved slightly, and his body moved. He instantly appeared in front of an intact stone pillar and shook away the stains on the stone pillar. Looking at the stone pillars full of nine palace arrays, Ye Xiu finally knew how many nine palace arrays there were in front of him.

"81! Really eighty-one nine palace arrays!" Ye Xiu was shocked.

There is still a faint aura fluctuation on the intact stone pillar. You should know that the stone hall in front of you has existed for at least a thousand years, and it is even a broken stone hall. In this case, the stone pillar can still maintain a trace of aura. You can imagine how powerful the stone hall was when it was intact.

"Big Nine Palace Array?" He glanced at the stone hall. Because the stone hall was broken, Ye Xiu did not see that the stone hall in front of him was a formation. However, after discovering the formation on the stone pillar, Ye Xiu believed that the strong man who built the stone hall at the beginning would never only depict the nine palace arrays on the stone pillar. I'm afraid that the whole stone hall was a formation.

"What a big hand!" Ye Xiu sighed with emotion in his heart.

A four elephant array has made him try his best, and the value of any stone pillar in the stone hall in front of him is probably not lower than the four elephant blood he collected. It is even much higher. After all, there are as many as 81 palaces on each stone pillar. It is definitely not easy to place such a stone pillar.

"Unfortunate, this stone hall has been broken." Ye Xiu sighed softly.

These stone pillars in front of us have lost their spirituality. If you want to array, you can only get a place with abundant aura to continuously absorb the aura between heaven and earth. Otherwise, it is not very useful to array them alone with stone pillars. These stone pillars are not precious materials in the first place, but under the careful arrangement of the array, the stone pillars in front of them are no less than ordinary magic weapons.

In the stone hall in front of him, Ye Xiu can basically be sure that it is the cave of the ancient practitioners, but he doesn't know what happened in those years. A battle actually made this powerful stone hall sink to the bottom of the sea. After searching and finding nothing, Ye Xiu swam out of the collapsed corner.

"That's..." Looking at the disappearing corner of the stone hall, Ye Xiu's eyes were more awed.

The disappeared corner left traces of five fingers. Obviously, one corner of the stone hall was smashed with one palm!

"What kind of strength can do this?" With a large array of dozens of square meters, Ye Xiu can't imagine how strong the enemy of this stone hall was at the beginning, Jin Dan period? Or the infancy, or immortals?

Ye Xiu doesn't know the strength of the man who made the attack, but the owner of the stone hall in front of him is at least the cultivation of Jindan in the later stage. Whether it is not enough to set such a huge array, the more powerful the array, the higher the requirements for the array, and the person can't exert the power of the array at all. In the later period of Jindan, and even the cave of a true man in the Yuanying period was sunk to the bottom of the sea, how powerful his enemy should be!

"The world is really not as simple as I thought!" Ye Xiu felt awe of heart and became alert.

Seeing the strength of the cave of the practitioners with his own eyes, Ye Xiu understood that the foundation-building period has just stepped into the truth. Although compared with ordinary people, the practitioners in the foundation period are the same existence as gods, compared with the real practitioners, the foundation-building period is just a child who has just learned to walk!

PS: I drank too much, only one update, sorry.