jue pin killing god

Chapter 104 Goodbye, Rego

After dealing with the blood stains on the deck, Ye Xiu started the yacht and left.

The bodies of the three have been sunk to the bottom of the sea by Ye Xiu. Maybe they have never thought that they will eventually end up like those who are rampant on the sea. The cycle of cause and effect is not happy!

Driving a yacht on the sea, Ye Xiu suddenly found a red dot in the soona navigation system.

"Another yacht came over?" Ye Xiu's face darkened slightly.

Ye Xiu's current area is already in the sea, and few people usually fly yachts. After all, it is not safe on the sea. It is not only necessary to guard against various natural disasters that may occur at any time, but also against pirates as Ye Xiu encountered before. Only a powerful person like Ye Xiu will choose to come here. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to come even with the protection of bodyguards.

"Is it the accomplices of those three before?" Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly.

When he was abroad, Ye Xiu also had contact with pirates. He knew very well that even the weakest pirates could never have only three people. Those three were only part of the pirates, and a yacht that suddenly appeared was most likely to be an accomplice of pirates.

"I hope you are not pirates, otherwise I don't mind sending you down as a companion!" A sharp murder flashed in Ye Xiu's eyes.


A yacht is speeding on the sea. On the deck, the three men look a little ugly. They are the three people sent by the boss behind Manager Luo to find Ye Xiu. Yesterday, they set out, but they have searched on the sea for a long time and did not find Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu has turned off the communication instrument. And GPS positioning did not find Ye Xiu's yacht because of the search for interference. The only thing they can do is to rely on the soona system of the yacht to try their luck, but their luck is obviously not very good. After almost a day, they have not found any trace of Ye Xiu.

"Brother Lei, do you think the prince of that family is so bold?" A bloated middle-aged man looked at the vast sea and said with a wry smile.

"Why do you care so much? Our task is to find him." Lei Ying glanced at the fat eagle and said lightly.

The monkey smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Lei, that boy turned off the communicator. In this vast sea, relying on the sonar system, it is not easy to find him."

The range of the soona system is extremely limited. Although they speculate that Ye Xiu's longest voyage is only more than 200 nautical miles, starting from Shanghai, the range of 200 nautical miles is absolutely vast. Relying on the soona system of one or two nautical miles, finding a yacht is simply a matter of looking for a needle in a haystack.

"If you can't find it, you can find it. The sea near here is not peaceful." As he spoke, there was a trace of worry in Thunder Eagle's eyes.

Ordinary people don't know the horror of the sea off Shanghai, but Thunder Eagle knows that in this vast sea, they need to face not only the problem of natural disasters, but also some pirates who often haunt this area. Several rich people have been kidnapped and some have even been killed and left in Shanghai. Even with the strength of Thunder Eagle, in this vast sea, they have to be careful and have the strength of their organization. As long as they don't meet any too strong opponent, the name of their organization alone can make people dare to do it.

"That boy's identity is not simple. If something goes wrong with our territory, I'm afraid even Brother Qing will be a little troublesome." Lei Ying frowned and sighed helplessly.

Although Hongmen is strong, in fact, its power in China is not very strong, which is related to China's policy. Coupled with the particularity of Hongmen, it is definitely not easy to be caught by someone. Lei Ying couldn't figure out how the boy who rented a boat from Luo Heng dared to go to sea without a bodyguard. Even ordinary people knew that the sea was extremely dangerous, not to mention the sea.

Hearing this, both the fat eagle and the monkey nodded with a wry smile. Naturally, they knew that the boat charterer was not simple. Can the person who can take out the Swiss bank gold card be simple? Although Hongmen will not be afraid of such people, they will never provoke them. This time, the other party took the initiative to appear on their territory and rented a yacht from the charter company under their name. Once something really happens, that person's family will never give up. It is also because of this that Lei Ying and his others will hurriedly go to sea to find Ye Xiu in order to find Ye Xiu as soon as possible to ensure his safety.

"Brother Lei, a yacht was found five nautical miles ahead." Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the driver.

Hearing this, Brother Lei and others couldn't help but be happy.

"Quickly, pull over immediately!" Thunder Eagle said hurriedly.

Thunder Eagle's words fell, and the yacht suddenly accelerated and drove quickly in the direction of Ye Xiu.

After more than ten minutes, Thunder Eagle and others saw the yacht sailing in the sea.

"That's it. Luo Heng is talking about this yacht!" Looking at the yacht in the distance, Thunder Eagle recognized it for the first time.

After a day of searching, they finally found it! Involutally, the three of them became a little excited.

As the two yachts kept approaching, Thunder Eagle's face became a little difficult to look, because he found that the yacht seemed to be self-driving and no one was seen on the yacht.

"It won't be so unlucky, will it?" Lei Ying's heart is bitter, and the boy will not really be kidnapped. If he is really kidnapped by pirates, they will be in trouble.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the deck, and the man's eyes looked in the direction of Thunder Eagle.

"I'll go, that boy is actually sleeping?" The fat eagle has an incredible face. A man drives a yacht in the sea and dares to lie on the deck to sleep. Does he think this is an inland river in Shanghai?

"Hurry up and get over there." Thunder Eagle hurriedly said to the driver of the cab.


"These breaths are..."

Ye Xiu, who originally thought that the visitor was a pirate, couldn't help standing up from the deck after feeling those familiar breaths. With his eyesight, he found Lei Ying and others at the first time.

"Is it them?" Ye Xiu smiled, but he didn't expect to meet Lei Ying and others here.

"I forgot that Hongmen's domestic headquarters is in Shanghai." Ye Xiu shook his head slightly. Although Hongmen has long faded out of China, there is still a force in China, and the headquarters of this force is in China. When he traveled through China with his master, he went to Shanghai.

"Mr. Ye, why is it you?" As the two yachts approached, Thunder Eagle also found Ye Xiu and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Why, don't you respond?" Ye Xiu smiled slightly.

"How come. Of course, the reaction. Thunder Eagle said hurriedly.

They have seen Ye Xiu's strength. Zhenqi can be three-dimensional. At first, they thought that Ye Xiu was only a Xuanjie cultivation, but when they returned to the organization, they knew that Ye Xiu's strength was at least ground-level cultivation. Such strength, even in the whole China, is the top strong.

"If Luo Heng had taken out Mr. Ye's photo earlier, we would have been busy in vain." Involuntarily, Lei Ying was a little dissatisfied with Luo Heng. If they had known that it was Ye Xiu who rented the boat, they would not have to rush to look for it. With Ye Xiu's strength, unless the other party had a large number of guns, it was impossible to hurt him at all. With his strength, it is absolutely safe in this area, and naturally it does not need any protection.