jue pin killing god

Chapter 161 Auction 5

A elixir with only a recovery effect can sell more than 20 million yuan. Such a price also surprised Ye Xiu. At the beginning, the price in his heart was only more than 10 million, but the price at present is far higher than the psychological price he originally guessed.

How does Ye Xiu know that over the years, elixir has rarely appeared on the market, otherwise six elixirs would not have gathered so many martial artists. There are dozens of warriors, and most of them are not weak. Those families with relatively weaker strength are not that they don't want to come, but they don't have the ability to buy elixir.

Dozens of people robbed six elixir, and finally reached only six people, or even fewer. Under such circumstances, how can these warriors not bid with all their strength? If it weren't for the restored elixir in front of their nature, the price would definitely be higher. After all, the value of restorative elixirs is relatively low.

"more than 20 million!"

At the same time, many warriors who did not buy the recovery elixir also frowned. The transaction price was also beyond their expectations. This is only a restorative elixir. How high should the price of the next healing elixir and the elixir to increase cultivation?

Thinking of this, many warriors have become a little embarrassed. Although these warriors are not short of money, it is unrealistic to take out a large amount of cash in a short time.

"The next auction is the healing elixir, which has a miraculous effect on martial arts below the ground level. As long as it is not a fatal injury, it can stabilize the injury in a short time, which has a stable effect on the injured leaves of martial arts above the ground level." Li Hao continued to introduce.

"The starting price of this healing elixir is 8 million, and the price increase is not less than 500,000 at a time. Now it starts bidding." Li Hao looked around and said loudly.

"8.5 million!"

"Nine million..."

The price of healing elixir rose steadily until it exceeded 30 million, and the price slowly fell, and the final transaction price was 35 million. It is half more expensive than the elixir that restores true qi.

Seeing a trace of envy flashed in the eyes of many of the old man who bought the elixir, such elixir is also of great use for ground-level warriors. You should know that ground-level warriors are no longer afraid of ordinary guns, but they may still be injured in the face of a large number of guns and even sniper guns, but with martial arts People's perception can still avoid fatal injuries. Therefore, the value of such a healing elixir can be imagined.

However, the price of more than 30 million yuan to buy such elixir is a little high. After all, as long as it is not a fatal injury, the body of the warriors will not be seriously injured. In addition, the current medical methods and some healing drugs handed down from major martial artists' families are really not paid attention to the general injury.

The price of healing elixir has not exceeded Ye Xiu's expectation, but he also understands that unless it is the top elixir, it is difficult to auction for a high price. The vitality of the martial artist is too strong, coupled with the development of modern medical methods, which is destined that the general healing elixir will not be too large. .

"The next auction is still an elixir that restores the true qi, but this elixir can restore the true qi of martial artists below the sky level, with a starting price of 10 million, with a price increase of no less than 500,000 yuan each time!" Li Hao's voice came from the booth.

"Recover the true spirit of the warriors below the heavenly level?" Hearing Li Hao's introduction, the warriors present became a little excited.

You should know that none of the martial artists present has reached the heavenly level, that is to say, this elixir can completely restore the true qi in their bodies, and its value is definitely not comparable to the previous elixir. After all, the previous elixir is not very useful for most of them, but the elixir in front of them can Help at the critical moment!

"One million!" An old man shouted.

"12 million!"

"15 million!"


"38 million."

"40 million!"

The price will soon exceed 40 million. The elixir in front of it is really too useful. Not to mention the earthly warriors, even the heavenly warriors will not let it go when they see it.

"412 million." Suddenly, a voice came from next to the venue.

Hearing this sound, many warriors in the venue were stunned and immediately looked at the direction of bidding.

And Ye Xiu also looked at it curiously, because it was not others who bid, but Ouyang Xu.

"Ouyang Xian's nephew, you are..." The old man surnamed Zhou frowned.

Ouyang Xu quickly arched his hand respectfully to everyone and said, "Predecessors, there is a big task on it that needs such an elixir."

Hearing this, many warriors frowned, met each other, and finally shook their heads.

The ninth bureau is the current organization of powerhouse in China. Many martial arts families have a close relationship with the ninth bureau, and Huaxia's foreign powers also fight against the ninth bureau, and there are often casualties of warriors, which has led to the stable situation of Chinese martial arts, so many people still admire the ninth bureau very much. They bought the elixirs for recovery just in case, but the effect of the nine-game purchase is likely to be about to be used, and they still know which is more important.

So after a moment of silence, even if the martial artists did not open their mouths to bid, it was also a favor to sell to the ninth bureau.

Seeing that everyone was not bidding, Li Hao's face couldn't help changing slightly. He still knew some of Ouyang Xu's identity, but the key was that Ye Xiu, who took out these elixir, was also at the venue. He was somewhat worried that Ye Xiu would be unhappy.

"Don't worry, just the price." A familiar voice sounded in Li Hao's ear.

Hearing this sound, Li Hao smiled and sold the recovery elixir to Ouyang Xu according to the auction process.

Although the price of this elixir is a little less than Ye Xiu expected 50 million, Ouyang Xu, a member of Ye Xiu's nine bureau at that time, did not hesitate to carry out his identity in the ninth bureau at that time. Obviously, there were only so many funds in the ninth bureau this time, so he naturally could not be embarrassed.

"Next auction is a healing elixir. As long as the injured person's heart is not broken, or his head is cut off, or other fatal injuries, it can be guaranteed not to die within 24 hours after taking it, and at the same time has the effect of restoring some true qi and healing." Li Hao pointed to the jade bottle in the glass box and said.


Hearing this, the warriors present immediately exclaimed.

Strictly speaking, this elixir is not a good healing elixir. It may not even be comparable to the healing elixir sold before, but this elixir has a effect that healing elixir does not have, that is, to continue life! Regardless of the multiple injuries, as long as they are not killed with one blow, they can guarantee that they will not die 24 hours. It is absolutely an anti-sky elixir!

How many people died not because there was no way to treat them, but because they were not rescued in time?

An elixir that can continue his life is absolutely priceless and can completely save a person's life at a critical moment. Such an elixir is not only extremely precious to martial artists, but even ordinary people will never let it go.

"There is such a thing. Fortunately, I didn't leave before!" Those ordinary people who didn't leave were also excited.

They have never heard of the so-called elixirs that restore true qi, or even treat injuries below the ground level, and they can't tell whether they are good or bad, but they can auction out tens of millions of yuan at Huaqing Auction House. Such things are absolutely not bad. However, those things have no effect on them, so they are just watching the fun, but even they are extremely moved by the elixir that appears at this moment.

The people who can participate in this auction are not those who are short of money, especially those ordinary people, who often buy millions of antiques. How much is the opportunity to save lives at this critical moment? Priceless!

For a while, many ordinary people took action immediately. They didn't prepare much cash before they came, and even some people just brought less than 10 million to play, but at this moment, they were serious and wanted to get this elixir anyway! Suddenly, countless radio waves spread out of the venue in an instant, and a large amount of funds began to be mobilized.


In a skyscraper, in a luxurious office, an old man was looking at the documents in his hand. Suddenly, the phone around him rang.

"Dad, I want cash. The more you open, the better, the better! Immediately transfer it to the company's account. A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"Bad boy, don't you think your father is a banker? Didn't he give you 20 million? Isn't it enough for you to play?" The old man looked a little unhappy.

Although his family has a large group with a lot of funds, the money is used for business and usually gives his son a lot of pocket money. Unexpectedly, he still wants it, and the old man suddenly felt a little unhappy.

"Dad, listen to me, Huaqing Auction House suddenly sold a life-sustaining elixir for a day. I want to buy it." On the phone, the man's voice sounded again.

"Bad boy, make up a better reason to ask for money." The old man's face suddenly sank and he hummed coldly.

"Dad, this is true. Not only that, several special elixirs have been auctioned before, and the transaction price is tens of millions. I don't think Huaqing auction house dares to deceive so many people. Besides, your old body..." The man said hurriedly.

"You boy, you still know your father's body." The old man sighed. Although this son is not very good, he has more to do with himself than others. If it hadn't been for this, he wouldn't have spoiled him.

"Huaqing Auction House!" The old man frowned and immediately said, "In this way, I will mobilized 100 million for you. If I can buy it, I will buy it. If I can't buy it, just forget it!"

Such things keep happening in China. At this moment, banks have also become extremely busy. No one knows what the reason is that so many rich people start to transfer money at the same time.