jue pin killing god

Chapter 172 Luo Rong

Zuo Zhou just replied to receive it. There was no other news. Obviously, the action of the ninth game this time was extremely secretive. Even Ye Xiu could not know too much. Ye Xiu didn't pay much attention to this. Anyway, this time he was mainly looking for the devil.

Qingzhou International Airport is the only airport in Qingzhou. The airport is very luxurious. Compared with when Ye Xiu came back a few years ago, it has not changed much here. It is still those familiar buildings.

On the plane, Xiaobai looked extremely excited. I don't know if it was because he was stimulated by Ye Xiufei. He was very curious about the plane.

Looking at Xiaobai swaying back and forth, Ye Xiu smiled bitterly, "Can you be quiet?"

"They are just curious." Xiaobai's face is innocent. If Xiaobai is an unknown person, he will definitely be defeated by his cute face, but Ye Xiu knows that this guy is older than him. Although it is only the first time to contact the plane, it is absolutely impossible out of curiosity. You know that this guy is looking at those beautiful stewardesses back and forth.

If you want to say that professional beauties have the most, people must think of actors and models at first, but stewardesses are definitely one of them, and stewardesses also have the most important advantage, that is elegance. Yes, the biggest advantage of stewardesses is elegance. Unlike those actors who act to the bone, stewardesses often have a very high education. At the same time, they have received professional etiquette classes and perfect appearance, stewardesses are definitely the most popular beauty profession for men.

There are undoubtedly the most beautiful women flying on international flights. I don't know if the airline has taken into account the flight for more than ten hours. If the stewardess is not beautiful, she will let the passengers go directly.

In a word, the stewardesses on this flight are very beautiful, and Xiaobai keeps look at these stewardesses, and these flight attendants also like Xiaobai, a chubby little guy.

Shaking his head, Ye Xiu ignored Xiaobai.

As time went by, passengers gradually got on the plane, and the whole plane began to become a little noisy.

"Big boss, here comes the beauty!" Just as Ye Xiu closed his eyes to refresh his mind, Xiao Bai's voice sounded in his ear.

Hearing this, Ye Xiu did not open his eyes and looked forward. He saw a tall and beautiful woman in white casual clothes walking in the direction of Ye Xiu, greeting several stewardesses from time to time on the road.

"That's it." The beautiful woman took the ticket and checked her seat, right next to Ye Xiu.

The beauty smiled at Ye Xiu and sat down with the small bag on her seat.

"Hello, my name is Luo Rong. We will be in the same row for more than ten hours." The beautiful woman smiled.

Ye Xiu nodded and said, "My name is Ye Xiu."

"This is your son. He is so cute." The beautiful woman found Xiaobai next to Ye Xiu and said with an excited face.

I have to say that Xiaobai's cute appearance is super lethal for the vast majority of beautiful women, and it is also no exception for Luo Rong.

"He is not my son, but my brother, Xiaobai." Ye Xiu shook his head.

"I'm sorry." Hearing this, the beautiful woman looked embarrassed.

"It's okay. Many people admit their mistakes." Ye Xiu smiled slightly.

"Xiao Bai, come and play here." Luo Rong said with a smile.

"Good." Hearing this, the little white milk answered with a milky voice, even if she was playing with Luo Rong.

The two had a lot of fun. Knowing that the plane was about to take off, Luo Rong reluctantly let go of Xiaobai.

"Dear passengers, the plane is about to take off. Please fasten your seat belts." With the broadcast and publicity of the stewardess, the originally noisy environment on the plane also began to become quiet, leaving only a slight roar of the engine.

I have read the take-off stage, and the passengers on the plane also put down their seat belts. At this time, many people watch the scenery outside the plane through the window, and some of them are near the middle of the movie in front of the viewer's seat. After all, the plane has to experience more than ten hours of flight, and it is still daytime in the United States. But not everyone can afford it.

"Ye Xiu, are you traveling to the United States?" Luo Rong said.

"Yes, how about you?" Ye Xiu replied.

"Me too. I've been running to Europe. It's a rare vacation. I want to see the United States." Luo Rong's face was hopeful.

"Do you often go to Europe?" Ye Xiu was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "You are not a stewardess, are you?"

"Ah, you can see it all. Am I so obvious?" Luo Rong looked at Ye Xiu in surprise. Obviously, she could see that she was a stewardess at a glance.

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "You were so familiar with the stewardess before, and you often went to Europe, so I guess you are a stewardess."

Hearing this, Luo Rong couldn't help but suddenly realize and said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect it to be this."

Stewardesses often fly around, especially on international flights, because they often run in two countries and the rest time is uncertain, so that stewardesses rarely have friends in reality, most of whom are their own colleagues. As soon as Luo Rong got on the plane, he seemed to be very familiar with the stewardesses, and this familiarity obviously exceeded the familiarity among ordinary passengers. In addition, Luo Rong said that he often went to Europe, so it was not difficult for Ye Xiu to guess her identity.

"You already know my profession, so let me guess your profession." Luo Rong looked unconvinced. Obviously, she was a little unhappy about being guessed by Ye Xiu.

"Oh..." Ye Xiu was also interested and said with a smile, "Guess what I do?"

"Private enterprise boss?" Luo Rong shook her head as soon as she opened her mouth. Although Ye Xiu had the smell of a successful person, the smell was not obvious.

"White-collar!" Luo Rong said confidently.

Hearing this, Ye Xiu couldn't help laughing and crying. The range of white-collar workers is a little too big, and his profession just doesn't belong to this range.

"Barely, but it's not accurate." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"IT or planning?" Luo Rong continued.

Ye Xiu shook his head.

"Sister Rong, you guessed wrong. The boss's profession is a teacher." Xiaobai beside him obviously couldn't stand it. He and a killer like Ye Xiu came to guess his identity, which was simply looking for death. Ye Xiu could pretend to be more vivid than those actors, otherwise he would not know how many times he had died.

"Teacher?" Luo Rong was slightly stunned and looked at Ye Xiu with some surprise, but she never thought that Ye Xiu would be a teacher.

"I'm about to guess. It's all your fault, Xiaobai." Luo Rong stared at Xiaobai fiercely.

Xiaobai suddenly looked innocent. After getting along with Cai Zhen for a period of time, Xiaobai was very clear. The more beautiful she is, the more unreasonable she is.

"Bear by the way, isn't the school closed now? How can Ye Xiu go to the United States?" Luo Rong seemed to think of something and looked at Ye Xiu doubtfully.

Now it's the end of November, and it's not the time for school vacation at all. This is also the reason why Luo Rong never thought that Ye Xiu was a teacher. On the plane, Luo Rong has met all kinds of people, including many teachers, but most of these teachers choose international travel only during winter and summer vacations or National Day holidays. Swim.

"There are few college courses and I have some time, so I plan to go abroad to play." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

Luo Rong nodded and understood in his heart.

The three chatted from time to time on the plane and did not feel lonely all the way. It was not until the plane arrived in New York that Luo Rong reluctantly said goodbye to Xiaobai.