jue pin killing god

Chapter 181 Departure

"Did he agree?" The middle-aged man looked at Shangguan Bear who returned to the basement and said.

"I agreed." Shangguan Xiong nodded and continued, "But this time, he is not only a heavenly level, but also a heavenly strong man with him."

"Oh..." The middle-aged man was slightly stunned and looked at Shangguan Xiong with some surprise.

The strong man of the heavenly level is also very rare in China, but it is not a big road goods. Ye Xiu is already a strong man in the heavenly level, and there is a strong man in the heavenly level around him, which is greatly beyond his expectation.

"Actually, that heavenly level..." Thinking of Xiaobai's appearance, Shangguan Xiong couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

"Why, that strong man is not from China?" The middle-aged man's face changed.

This mission is extremely important for the whole China. Everyone present is trustworthy. Even Ye Xiu joined after careful consideration. In the end, Shangguan Xiong was only sent to inquire, and did not directly inform the other party of their specific situation. This is because Ye Xiu is a Chinese and also a person in the ninth game. If they are just ordinary martial arts people, even if they are not as powerful as the super team, they may not be willing to let Ye Xiu join them.

"That's not true." Shangguan Xiong didn't understand the middle-aged man's worries and quickly explained, "It's just that this strong man seems to be just a few years old."

The reason why Shangguan Xiong uses this word is that he can't determine the real age of the other party at all. It is not easy for him to hide his real age in front of his eyes. What's more, it is even more impossible to disguise himself as a several-year-old child and hide it from him. .

"How old is the child?" The warriors in the underground were stunned and immediately looked at the official bear in disbelief.

They have never been to the auction in Qingzhou, so they don't know much, but it's incredible that a few-year-old child is a strong man. Even if he began to practice in his mother's womb, it is impossible to cultivate to the heavenly level in such a short time. If the heavenly level was so easy to practice, China would not have been full of the heavenly level strong people long ago.

However, although they can't believe it, they still know a lot about Shangguan Xiong's character and know that Shangguan Xiong is not the kind of person who is talkative.

"Are you sure he is the celestial level?" The middle-aged man frowned. It's not that he doesn't believe in Shangguan Xiong, but that this matter is really unacceptable. A few-year-old child is a strong man in the heavenly level. You know, it took him more than 40 years to cultivate to the heavenly level. At such a speed, in the whole Chinese martial arts, it is also the fastest among his peers. The character. But compared with Xiaobai, he is nothing!

Shangguan Xiong nodded and said, "This is certain, because our people have seen each other's action with their own eyes, Tu Tian was subdued with one move, and the magic weapon in his hand was easily crushed by the other party. Such strength, even in the heavenly level, is definitely not weak."

"Tu Tian?" The middle-aged man frowned. The martial artist present was not strange. Naturally, he knew Tu Tian's strength. Although this man made many martial arts colleagues not ashamed, the martial artists present were still extremely impressed by the other party's martial arts talent.

Moreover, the middle-aged man believes that he can't crush the magic weapon with his bare hands.

"Brother Luo, what do you think of?" The middle-aged man looked at the old man in the corner.

The old man shook his head with a wry smile when he heard the words. He was about to say something, but his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he thought of a possibility.

"Is it..." A fray of fear in the old man's eyes.

Unlike ordinary warriors, the old man's knowledge is far from comparable to others. He also knows that the heavenly level is not the end of the warriors. There is a more powerful existence above the heavenly level. Which realm is an extremely magical realm. It is said that such a character is comparable to immortals. Such a character may really be rejuvenated. .

Although he thought of such a possibility, the old man did not mean it. Such a thing is not something they should know for the vast majority of warriors present. What's more, if his guess comes true, Ye Xiu's origin is absolutely not simple, and even the old man's family is not comparable.

"There is no need for such a strong man to lie to us." The old man said indifferently.

Hearing this, everyone nodded. The other party has two heavenly strong men. If it is really hostile, you only need to follow Shangguan Xiong to find them easily. There is no need to agree to their request at all.

In the next few days, Ye Xiu and Xiaobai occasionally accompanied Luo Rong to visit the scenic spots in New York, but Shangguan Xiong did not contact him during this period. Obviously, they were still waiting for opportunities or exploration, but all this had little to do with Ye Xiu's personal strength in such a scale of struggle. , it doesn't play a big role.

This night, Ye Xiu and Xiaobai had just returned to their room, and Ye Xiu's phone rang.

"Wangguan Bear?" Ye Xiu said.

" Director Ye, go to the door of the hotel immediately. We have a car to pick you up!" Shangguan Xiong's voice came.

Hearing this, Ye Xiu was stunned and understood that he planned to act in nine games, and he had also been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Xiu looked at Xiaobai beside him.

"Big boss, are you going to do it?" Xiaobai was also a little excited.

Demon Xiu is definitely an aggressive family. Although Xiaobai becomes a child, he thinks he is really friendly. Once Xiaobai is angry, it is absolutely horrible!

"Let's go, they are already waiting for us." Ye Xiu smiled slightly.

The two left the hotel, got on a car at the door, and disappeared into the night.

After more than half an hour of travel, the two finally came to an empty house in the suburbs.

"The breath of many warriors!" Feeling the powerful breath in the room, although Ye Xiu had expected it for a long time, he was also slightly stunned. Among these people, the weakest is also the ground level, among which there is the breath of the six heavenly steps strong, and the strongest has even reached the peak of the heavenly level. Such a team is absolutely powerful.

"It's so weak!" Xiaobai curled his lips. In his opinion, these heavenly warriors are not strong at all. Even if he doesn't use demon yuan, he can fight with these warriors alone with his physical strength. This is the gap in strength.

"Cre Director Ye, inside, please." Shangguan Xiong welcomed Ye Xiu into the room. At this moment, there were nearly 30 people in the room, each with a strong true qi fluctuation.

Ye Xiu walked into the room and immediately attracted everyone's attention, but most of the people present looked at Xiao Bai beside Ye Xiu.

They have heard Shangguan Xiong mention the situation of Xiaobai before, but when they really saw Xiaobai, they were still extremely surprised. Is such a cute little boy really a strong man?

"I can't see through him." A warrior whispered.

"I can't see through it either." A strong man said with a wry smile.

And with the words of the heavenly strong man, everyone understood that this little boy was really a heavenly strong man, and for a moment, everyone put away their contempt.

"Sure enough..." Luo Lao looked at Xiaobai and couldn't see through the other party's cultivation with his strength. The only possibility was that the other party had really reached that level.

The old man sighed in his heart that that the realm is the real strong in China. Why those big schools or hermit families that have been passed down for many years can stand in the martial arts for thousands of years is because they have such a strong man among them.

"Cough..." Luo Lao coughed gently, and everyone came to their senses.

"According to the information we have received, there are four teams of warriors in the super team, including a strong vice captain, but the vice captain has someone to deal with, and we need to face the powers of four teams." Lao Luo said.

With Luo Lao's words, everyone's faces became solemn. Even if Ye Xiu joined the two heavenly strongmen in this battle, their situation is still not optimistic.

"Because the super team received some news in advance, now their strength is very concentrated, so this task is not simple." Luo Lao paused and continued, "Our mission this time is mainly to find the relics of alien technology, followed by destroying the traitor!"

For the traitor, the people present don't care much. The person is just an ordinary person with limited strength. Anyone present is absolutely sure to kill him, but the relics of alien technology are not so easy to find. It is the size of a palm, and it is also in the headquarters of the super team. It's not an easy thing.

"If you can't bring it back, destroy it on the spot." Luo Lao said in a low voice.

Alien technology is of great use for the United States. They have been at the forefront of the world in the research of biochemical warriors. If they get part of the technology in China, the strength of the super team will inevitably increase significantly. When it is impossible to recapture the technology, the senior management of China also decided that they would rather destroy it than It can be retained to increase the strength of the United States.

"Now assign tasks." Next, the task is to be assigned according to each team. The warriors on the ground level are all in a team of four or five people, while the strong men in the sky can act alone, and those with weaker strength are two people acting together.

According to the previous agreement, Ye Xiu and Xiaobai were sent to deal with Jane and Yanmo. Naturally, Ye Xiu had no reason to oppose this. Soon, everyone rushed to the headquarters of the super team.