Ble-colored school grass domineering love

12 Welcome Party 2

And the wind and sunset are even more eye-catching. If she is a woman, you don't have to worry so much!

It is a man's nature that plunders, but he prefers to surround him with spoiling.

And the other two were directly stunned. If they hadn't known that the person who went in was Mu Xue, they would not have thought that the beautiful woman in front of them was the little assistant.

And Xinyu beside him was very happy to appreciate their surprised appearance. After all, he was the most calm among them.

"Xiaohao, you are really suitable for girls!" Unexpectedly, Feng Ximo was the first to speak.

"Is it suitable?" Mu Xue was a little stunned and didn't know how to answer, but thinking that she was now a boy, she decided to refute it. No boy would like others to say that he was suitable for girls. "You are suitable, your whole family is suitable!"

Then the whole audience was silent.

Er, is it a little too much? After all, no one has ever talked to Feng Ximo like this, at least she hasn't seen it yet.

Nan Gongxuan and Lin Riying also believed that the little assistant who followed Amo was dead, but only Xiao Mufeng and Xinyu felt that the outcome might still be debatable.

"I'm praising you. If only you were a girl." The silence for a long time ended with a silent sigh, and then left, when Mu Xue was still stunned.

Other people looked at the back of Feng Xi's departure inexplicably.

"I wish you were a girl!" Finally, the people who stayed ended with this sentence.


Feng Ximo will let go of this little assistant in this way beyond the expectations of Nangong and Lin Riying. After all, this is too in line with Amer's style.

Xiao Mufeng and Xinyu smiled like a big and small fox. After all, they all guessed a little bit, but they didn't know what Feng Ximo was thinking.

"It's really inexplicable!" Mu Xue defended with some trembling that this guy would not know that she was actually a pure girl.

I unconsciously looked at the two people who were still relatively sober on the court.

As a result, the two people consistently avoided her sight.

"Well, it's your honor that Amer didn't beat you." Nangong said in a bad way.

"Bight me, why did he beat me?" Mu Xue is also very arrogant. Obviously, it is the man's fault.

"You are the first person who dares to talk to Amer like that and is still alive." Lin Riying gave a thumbs up.

"Are you praising me or hurting me?" Mu Xue said with a bitter face.

"Of course, I'm praising you. How can it not be surprising that you can break the record repeatedly broken in Amer!"

"Cut!" I don't want to discuss this topic with them again, "You don't have to prepare?"

"All is OK!" Nangong was very proud to make an OK expression.

"Don't worry about those two kids. They have always played on the spot, because even if the pick is well rehearsed, they will forget it. At that time, they will still play on the spot, and the shadow is because their own strength is there." Xiao Mufeng directly exposed the bottom of the old man.

"Hey, Feng, what's wrong with you? Why do you turn your elbow out!" Nangong can't be hung up.

Lin Riying still looks leisurely.

Mu Xue used a suddenly enlightened expression, "Nangong, if those fans knew this, they would probably regret that they had worshipped you."

"Hmm!" Nangong slew a disdainful glance at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue just smiled back at him, er, with a sarcastic smile.

When the program list of the orientation party was just confirmed, everyone had high expectations for the script of Feng Ximo, the popular school hunk. Even if it was suddenly changed at this last moment, they still did not change their enthusiasm.

Looking at those busy people in the background, Mu Xue suddenly felt a sense of sadness. No matter how hard she tried, she was still a foil in this party. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't surpass the wind and silence, and even the other three school grasses could not reach one point.

The merger of the party of the two schools is just another form of competition. Although Ziyang has four school grasses dominated by Feng Ximo, there is also a trio centered on Lan Yanhao in Lanfeng. Although the number of people is insufficient, everyone's enthusiasm for them is no less than that of Feng Ximo.

It's really the same excellent person!

However, their excellence is their business and has nothing to do with her. As long as she finishes her performance in this play, the rest has nothing to do with her.

He calmly ran outside to see other people's performances.

There's nothing she can do. She doesn't have the same enthusiasm for performance as Xinyu, and she doesn't have much responsibility. As long as the good performance is about it. After all, she is added temporarily, and she is not the kind of competitive person, so... she doesn't have much psychological pressure.

In fact, everyone works very hard, but in everyone's eyes, there are only a few proud people who are proud of that day. No matter how hard they work hard they are, they can't reach the appearance of those people. Only with a handsome appearance, will everyone's eyes be more focused on you. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, there is a great chance that you will be Buried.

For good, those people are also powerful people, otherwise it's really unbalanced!

But some people practice hard and don't do anything. They only rely on on the spot to scream, which is really eye-catching!

Mu Xue looked at a pervert playing piano music affectionately on the stage, which really deceived the public!

It's really... too much to be a prince charming in the eyes of others!

This is **naked cheating!!!!! XXwei: Er, in fact, it's not as serious as what I said... XX Xue: [glared] XX Wei: [surrender] Well, when I didn't say...)

The more I think about it, the more angry I am. Really, a pervert! Take a deep breath and suppress the desire to kick someone directly off the stage.

"Xiao Hao, what are you doing here? Don't you have to prepare for a performance for a while?

Looking back, it was really bright to see Lan Yanhao dressed in hip-hop!

"Well, I don't care. The more I prepare, the more nervous I get. I'll watch their performance for a while. When will it be your turn to perform?"

"There are a few more." Lan Yanhao smiled and said that he did not ignore the surprise in Mu Xue's eyes just now.

"I'm really looking forward to your performance, come on!" Mu Xue raised her arm to indicate.

"Thank you. You also have to work hard. I guess there will be another school grass after today."

"School hunk, er, what are you kidding?" She is a girl, um... I don't think so. Although she is good-looking, she should not be able to reach that level.

"I'm not kidding." It's her charm that she doesn't understand yet.

"Then I'll borrow your good words." Mu Xue also smiled carelessly. The reputation of the school hunk is meaningless to her, and she doesn't care. If that's the case, she thinks it's fun at most. As for anything else, it's nothing.

After the pervert went down, a Lanfeng man who sang a song, "My Good Brother", with that rough voice, the two sang well, er, of course, good-looking.

"The yellow hair is Lan Yu, my cousin, and the other is Xing Liyang, my friend." Lan Yanhao said with a smile.

"You sing very well." Mu Xue praised it without hesitation.

"Thank you for your praise for them."

"hehe." Mu Xue smiled. In fact, I'm looking forward to your performance.

"Really, I'll work hard at that moment, otherwise I'll be depressed if you don't like it, hehe~" Lan Yanhao also joked.

"Yes, you must work hard!"

"Come on together!"

Feng Ximo looked at the two people in the distance, no matter how he looked at it. Why is Xiaohao so happy, casual and can laugh so happily every time he is with Lan Yanhao, but he has never been in front of himself? Why?

Does Lan Yanhao also like Xiaohao? How can he not like such a special Xiaohao?

When I think that Lan Yanhao may also like Xiaohao, which he has always cherished in his heart, I don't feel good. Why did he also find the beauty of Xiaohao? If only he could leave because of his gender.

Feng Ximo thought so, but he never thought about whether Lan Yanhao really fell in love with Xiaohao, or his wishful thinking, although Lan Yanhao did have a special feeling for Mu Xue at this time.

Maybe this is the so-called sixth sense, er, men's. Cough~

So the jealous man also feels a little, doesn't he?

I won't discuss this anymore.

"Xiaohao, why are you still here?" Feng Ximo did not hide his displeasure at all.

"Well, hasn't it come to us to perform yet?" Mu Xue felt that she was wrong but still refuted a little.

"It's almost there. Let's prepare a little." After saying that, without waiting for Mu Xue to agree, she pulled her away.

"Lan Yanhao, I'll go first." Someone who was dragged away didn't forget to say goodbye to Lan Yanhao again.

"Bye." Lan Yanhao just smiled helplessly.

"You don't know when it is, and you are still in the mood to chat with others here." Although Feng Xi said calmly, I could clearly hear the anger in his words.

Originally, I was a little stunned when I saw him, just because Feng Ximo in a silver-gray suit really had the perfect image of a gentle prince, but his anger suddenly brought me back to my senses.

I felt for a moment that I really did something wrong. After all, this is a very important performance for him, even if he doesn't care about how he is, so that he should not take other people's efforts seriously.

"I'm sorry." This time I sincerely apologize.

Feng Ximo was shocked to see that he had gone too far when he saw the other party apologized. The other party seemed to have misunderstood his intention, but this is also good.

"Then go back and prepare again. It will be our turn soon." Sort out your thoughts calmly.

"Hmm." Mu Xue nodded heavily.

Add an update today, say, happy New Year's Eve, happy New Year, I wish you all the best in the new year, all the best, and all your wishes come true!

If nothing happens, it will be updated tomorrow. He^ε^