Peerless Fairy

Chapter 3 Move with Reason

Canglan returned to the Shuiyue Palace alone. As soon as he fell to the palace gate, a figure in yellow suddenly ran to her. When Canglan stood firmly, the maid knelt in front of Canglan with a panic look and shouted in horror, "The palace lord begs you to save Brother Hanchen, please help him."

Xiaoyan is the maidservant of Shuiyue Palace. Shortly after she ascended, she was assigned to the Shuiyue Palace by the forensic master. Canglan saw that she was simple, kind and had an excellent understanding, so he left her behind. It's just that Cang Lan is busy with her own affairs and doesn't discipline her much. She just asked people to tell her the rules of Li Hate Heaven and let her pay more attention to herself.

Xiaoyan crawled in front of Canglan, sobbing intermittently, trying to cry but not daring to cry. Cang Lan waved her sleeves and motioned her to get up to speak, but the girl shrank more and more into a ball and lowered her head as if she had been greatly wronged.

"If you get up and talk in advance, you will kneel in front of the palace like this." Seeing her like this, Cang Lan only thought that she had done something wrong, and she was so scared because she was afraid of punishing herself.

Xiaoyan listened to Canglan's indifferent tone and stiffened for a while. After a long time, she got up while crying, but she never dared to look at Canglan's eyes.

"Say, what did you do wrong?" Cang Lan asked in a gentle tone.

Xiaoyan sobbed gently, and also raised her sleeves to wipe away the tears from her cheeks. She lowered her head and sobbed, "Go back to the palace master, Xiaoyan didn't do anything wrong, but... Han Chen, who flew up with Xiaoyan, has been taken to the reincarnation platform by the criminal law by the criminal division to beat him into the mortal world and become a demon forever." After saying that, tears were like broken beads sliding down his cheeks, which was especially lovely.

The reincarnation platform is the land of the criminal law of Li Hate. Anyone who violates the rules of Li Hate Tiantian will be captured by the criminal law master to the reincarnation platform, draw away the fairy bones, enter the mortal world, be a demon forever, and will never be cultivated.

"What crime did your friend commit?"

Xiaoyan hesitated, "He... he stole the elixir of Xinghuo Palace and was met by the steward of Xinghuo Palace, so... he was taken away by the criminal division." With that, Xiaoyan grabbed Canglan's sleeve again and begged, "Lord of the palace, Xiaoyan begged you to help him. We have practiced for thousands of years and finally became immortals, and we just want immortality. But if he is really is executed and will be a demon forever, then the efforts of thousands of years will no longer be worth it. Lord of the palace, Xiaoyan Please help him. As long as the palace owner saves him, Xiaoyan is willing to do anything.

Canglan hasn't said anything yet, but he saw Xiaoyan kneeling down again. While begging, he kept kowtoing. After a few times, his forehead became red, and the scene was really sad. Cang Lan frowned and looked at the woman on the ground, and his heart couldn't help but feel sad. He thought that the man named Han Chen must be Xiaoyan's sweetheart. Otherwise, how could Xiaoyan be so desperate for each other? In Shuiyue Palace or away from the sky, who knows Canglan's indifferent nature. The people in the palace are so scared that they dare not come out. How can there be Xiaoyan who is not afraid of his anger and punishment, but come to the death to ask for help? However, if the person who stole the elixir could still be accommodated in other palaces, but it happened to fall into the hands of Xingbo. How could he agree that Canglan and Xingbo had always not violated the river? Moreover, the rules are very strict every day. Even if Xing Subaru does not investigate, it is even more impossible for the criminal offense to let him go.

The woman on the ground still kowtowed and prayed, "Lord, please help him..."

Seeing her like this, Cang Lan really couldn't bear to bear it. She raised her hand and waved her sleeves and pushed her down from the ground with a sense of truth. If she knocked down like this, she would go first before the person died. He glanced at her coldly and turned his body and said indifferently, "He violated the law of separation and hatred, which is also his own fault. Since he knows that it is not easy today, why do you need to steal that elixir? Get up quickly and go back to the palace to treat the wound. I just think that nothing happened.

Xiaoyan did not give up. Tears melted with the blood on her forehead and flowed all over her face. Listening to what Canglan said, she probably meant that she didn't want to save her. Her eyes, which were full of hope, faded in an instant. She lowered her head and looked down at the ground. She smiled bitterly and said, "Since he can't live, Xiaoyan is gone from the sky. It's better to go with him and become a monster, at least you can accompany him for life, and you don't have to stay withered for thousands of years.

Cang Lan's heart was even tight when he heard it. Why didn't he be crazy about this woman? Looking back at her, I saw that Xiaoyan had turned into a dagger in her hand. Looking at the situation, she was going to die.

At the critical moment, it was blocked by a streamer of Canglan, and the dagger fell to the ground and disappeared in an instant. Those eyes looked at Canglan desperately and cried, "Xiaoyan practiced so that he could accompany him wherever he went. Since he was going to die, why didn't the palace owner let Xiaoyan die with him?"

She met such an affectionate woman for the first time in seven hundred years. Her desperate eyes and helpless tears seemed to hold a string somewhere in Canglan's heart, which made her turn around and fly to the reincarnation platform without thinking, so decisive and impulsive.

When she left the Shuiyue Palace, Canglan realized her impulse to violate the rules for a maidservant, or Canglan? But now that things have come to this point, it is impossible not to go. Otherwise, how can we face Xiaoyan?

Canglan flew very fast all the way for fear that she would not have time to get to the reincarnation platform. If she couldn't save him, wouldn't there be another resentful woman in the world?

After flying for a long time and looking into the distance, under the slightly red sky, there is a reincarnation platform. At the time of execution, the criminal lawr will open the door of reincarnation, and then remove the immortal bones of the criminal, and lock the cultivation. It will never be opened. The red light must have opened the door of reincarnation, and I don't know whether they are drawing bones or locking the cultivation. Canglan only wants to save his life and ensure that he can be reborn and become an ordinary human being. Canglan used his magic power and fell on the reincarnation platform. The spiritual power next to him shocked the other generals on the reincarnation platform. In addition to the criminal law master and a man who was bound by chains all over his body, he was still standing firmly. Looking at the man, Cang Lan only thought that the man must be the cold Chen mentioned by Xiaoyan.

Han Chen was tied to the reincarved glass stone carving sword. At this time, his face was pale and his whole body was soft. Looking at Canglan's eyes were both happy and desperate. Seeing such complicated eyes, the scene when he was in the Wangchuan River kept emerging in Canglan's mind, which was also so desperate. Every time he saw someone passing by the Wangchuan River, he also looked at the man like this, thinking that he was coming to save himself, but after all, he was just disappointed.

Cang Lan took a look at Han Chen and then turned his eyes to the criminal lawr. The criminal law master originally wanted to move, but when he saw Cang Lan, he immediately bowed his hand and said, "I've seen you." It's just that the slightly trembling hand doesn't know whether he is afraid of killing or seeing Canglan.

Cang Lan glanced at him and didn't say anything, but still looked at Han Chen. Just take a closer look, this person is beautiful and scholarly, but it is hard to imagine that he will steal the elixir, and it is still the elixir of Xingma. He turned around and looked at the criminal engineer and said, "Why was he executed?"

"In return, this person is from the Starfire Palace. He was executed because he violated the heavenly rules by stealing the elixir of the owner of the Starples Palace." The criminal lawr said in a trembling voice and never dared to look up.

"It's okay to remove his fairy bones, and there is no need to lock his cultivation." The soft voice stunned everyone present. After removing the fairy bones, he just can no longer become immortals and gods in his life, and he can be cultivated again in the afterlife. In this way, there is no need to be a demon forever. Canglan looked at the criminal lawr and said, "As for the consequences, I will bear them."

The criminal engineer was obviously stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment. He looked at Cang Lan and Han Chen, and he didn't say anything for a long time. Han Chen's originally low head also raised to look at Cang Lan, and his weak body seemed a little powerless.

At this time, the red light in the sky has gradually weakened, which means that the door of reincarnation is about to close. Cang Lan looked at the criminal lawr and saw that he had always hesitated, so he said indifferently, "Since you don't want to, I will come in person." With that, he took away the magic sword in the criminal division's hand, cut off the chain bound to Han Chen's body, and shot him off the reincarnation platform with one slap. This action was so fast that the criminal division could not stop it at all, and he did not dare to stop him.

When the door of reincarnation closed, the sky had lost the red light, and then it was dark. The criminal law master looked at Cang Lan in consterion and said, "Mr. Canglan, this is against the rules of heaven."

Is it just a violation of the rules of heaven? If Xing Fang knew that Cang Lan had saved his prisoner in the palace, he would be even more disgusted with himself. But thinking that hundreds of thousands of years later, the man can still become immortals, and the two of them should be able to meet again. In this way, Xiaoyan is also willing to wait. Thinking about this, Cang Lan actually smiled, and even she didn't realize that she really laughed. In 700 years, I violated the rules of heaven for the first time, but it was also the first time I laughed.

The criminal law teacher saw that Cang Lan couldn't recover for a long time, and he was probably thinking, is there really no problem with today's Canglan?

I think so, how many people dare to violate the rules of heaven so much? Canglan smiled secretly in her heart, cold and ruthlessly hated the sky, and she didn't need kindness at all.

"I will plead guilty to Tianzun." Cang Lan said something to the criminal lawr, then flew up and left the reincarnation platform. The people behind him sighed secretly.

Canglan's heart is mixed with joys and sorrows along the way. As for why he is happy, he can't tell the reason, but the worry is that if Tianzun knows about this, he will not spare himself. According to the rules of separation and hatred, if the lord of the five palaces violates the heavenly rules, he will definitely accept the punishment of burning himself and burn him for two seventy-49 days, which will definitely make his soul fly. po san However, there is also a punishment, and 100 demon souls were collected in the demon world, which is the one who made meritorious service with sin. But how can the soul of the great demon of the demon world be easily subdued? His cultivation is not enough. I'm afraid that death is more tragic than burning the body.

Thinking of this, Cang Lan couldn't help smiling sadly in his heart. He turned around and flew to the temple to go to Tianzun to receive the crime. Even if no one had informed Tianzun about the matter just now, how could there be something wrong with Tianzun? I thought that Tianzun was about to sleep. Before that, he had caused some trouble, and I didn't know how angry Tianzun would be.

When you return to the temple, you still can't see any shadow of the gods in front of you. Canglan stays here, and Tianzun will be summoned sooner or later. After a long time, in the wave of light, a boy slowly walked out. When Canglan saw that it was Tianzun who sat down to serve the child, he thought that Tianzun would punish him.

The boy walked to Canglan and bowed respectfully. Then he looked up at Canglan, with a pair of eyes as clear as water. "Aunt Canglan, Tianzun said that at the end of the western sea of the wilderness, there was an artifact Tianyuan plate left in the Pangu period, which asked Aunt Canglan to bring it back when she left the sky to hate today."

Canglan has never heard what the servant said. He only knows that in the hundreds of miles of Nechi Mountain, there are many divine objects left by the ancient flood and famine, and any of them has magical powers, such as elixirs, artifacts and so on. But I also heard that every divine object is guarded by a spirit beast. Those mythical beasts have survived since the time of the flood. It is really difficult to defeat the mythical beast and get treasures. As for the Tianyuan disk mentioned by Tianzun, I'm afraid that only after the lower bound can we know what it is. Looking at the servant boy again, he asked, "What else can Tianzun say?"

The waiter frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said seriously, "Tianzun only said those few words, and didn't say anything else." After saying that, the servant boy bowed to Canglan again and turned back into the wave of light. As he disappeared, the wave of light no longer floated and gradually shrank into a vortex until he could not see anything in the end.

Cang Lan stood in place and breathed a relaxed breath. Although she didn't know what the Yuanpan was that day, there was nothing to worry about. Everything was planning in the heavenly world. Moreover, there was another man she wanted to see but didn't want to see.