Peerless Fairy

Chapter 9 Immortals are all cold

Two people, if one person really forgets, what is the meaning of the other person's obsession?

The beautiful and elegant white figure, the wind brushed the green silk around her waist, but such an independent woman had a heart that was constantly involved with love and hatred. Canglan stood in front of a platform, and her face was calm and could not see joy, anger and sorrow. She just stared at the front quietly and let the Buddha see through the nine-day clouds. It is surrounded by all kinds of unknown flowers, which are misty and fragrant.

Canglan didn't know where he was. After leaving the bridge that day, he walked all the way south until he saw this garden.

The flowers are extremely delicate, and the butterflies dance so freely. Looking at the scene in front of him, Canglan couldn't tell whether he was happy or hurt. Lan Ge doesn't know Cang Lan. Does he really remember what happened in the world a thousand years ago? Cang Lan lowered her eyes and thought glan, and the man's tone was not intentional at all.

"When did a beautiful sister come to heaven?" The gentle and crisp voice, like a collision, is clean and leisurely.

The sound pulled back thousands of thoughts, and her eyebrows frowned unconsciously. She didn't like others to disturb her when she needed to be quiet, but she still turned around and looked at the person who came. After all, the sound was really good.

came from a woman, dressed in a moon-white fairy dress, with a cloud belt around her waist, a soft veil between her arms, and a graceful and fair figure, more beautiful than this flower butterfly. As for the appearance, which of the fairies in these nine heavens is not a great beauty?

The fairy was also slightly stunned when she looked at Cang Lan, but quickly relaxed, raised her hand and stroked the hair that was blown by the wind. Her cherry lips showed a slight smile and said softly, "My sister stood in this garden, which made the flowers in the garden secretly lose their color."

The fairy's words are gentle, her shape is generous and elegant, and she doesn't look like an ordinary fairy girl in heaven. Cang Lan reluctantly smiled, but he couldn't say a word in his throat.

The fairy's eyes turned slightly, as if she felt something. She walked forward to the side of Canglan and whispered, "Someone just came to report that they saw someone coming in the direction of my garden. I was curious and came to have a look and disturb my sister's silence." The fairy paused and then said, "The fairy flowers in this garden are used to make wine for the emperor of heaven, so few people will come to this garden. I have never seen my sister in heaven before. I don't know which fairy palace my sister is from, and the master is also?

I'm afraid the meaning of the fairy is to rush into this place. Cang Lan looked at her faintly, looked at the four flowers, walked sideways to the edge of the platform, and stared at the beautiful yard in front of him. "Didn't you say that the immortals are free on his birthday today?"

The fairy smiled and said, "Although it is, no one in heaven knows that except for some ordinary places, other places are not allowed by the emperor of heaven, and ordinary people dare not step in." The fairy suddenly stopped, looked at Canglan and thought about it for a while, and then tried to ask, "I heard that the Heavenly Emperor's birthday has also come to Tiancanglan. Is it, are you?"

Looking at the fairy's panicked appearance, Cang Lan couldn't help thinking, is it really so famous that it can make a person who has never seen him so frightened. Or is it because of the reason for leaving the hate of heaven. Canglan lowered her eyes and glanced away and said two words indifferently, "No."

Although the fairy moved slightly, Cang Lan could still hear her breathe lightly. Obviously, she was scared. Cang Lan's eyes were light and she asked lightly, "What kind of person is Cang Lan that makes you so afraid."

When the fairy heard Canglan's words, her face changed slightly and looked around to make sure that there was no one. Then she whispered to Canglan, "Don't call Canglan's name directly in the future. If you let someone know and be told the Heavenly Emperor, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Why?" Cang Lan asked. Is it really so scary in heaven?

The fairy looked gloomy, silent for a moment, and then said, "This was already a thousand years ago. When Canglan was on earth, she was killed by people in the fairyland and tortured in the ghost world for hundreds of years. Now she is the owner of Tianshui Moon Palace. In addition to the Heavenly Emperor, she is also unmatched by other immortals. ..."

"Are you afraid of her revenge?" Cang Lan interrupted her and asked with a smile.

"Revenge?" The fairy smiled gently and shook her head slightly, "That's not true. Maybe she feels bad. If the owner of Canglan Palace wants to revenge, he will not wait for so many years. Moreover, the matter between the gods and the superiors is difficult to break.

Hearing this, Canglan felt more and more funny and was laughing at herself. Looking at the fairy, he smiled and said, "Who is your immortal who hurt Canglan's life? Won't he apologize to Cang Lan?"

Maybe Canglan's smiling appearance was too scary. The fairy looked stiff and asked doubtfully, "Which fairy mansion is my sister from?"

Looking at the fairy's appearance, she should be afraid of saying something wrong. Cang Lan lowered her eyes and thought about it. She didn't know where there was in this fairyland, so she had to say frankly and seriously, "I'm not a person in heaven. I felt quite good about what the fairy said, so I asked brazenly. I hope my sister will not be surprised.

"Oh?" The fairy seemed to think, and then smiled and said, "Those are all things that the immortals in heaven know. I, the garden guard, know that these should not be, so my sister should not ask any more questions."

The fairy also lowered her head with a smile, and Cang Lan couldn't ask any more questions, so she had to withdraw her eyes and looked at the garden and said, "The fairy is still very comfortable to guard these flowers every day." Looking back at the fairy again, she asked, "I don't know if the flowers in my sister's garden have withered?"

In Canglan, he feels that the pear blossoms that hate the sky will never be thanked, and the day should be the same.

The fairy smiled faintly and walked to the side of Canglan. "The flowers in heaven can be cultivated. Naturally, those who practice enough will not wither will not wither. If they practice shallowly, they will be sucked away by the essence of the Taoism. Thank you." The tone is flat, which is very different from her before. The fairy paused and said, "It is naturally comfortable to look at so many beautiful flowers and plants every day, but everything in the world, even if it is unique, will begin to get tired after a long time. A day in the fairyland, like a year in the world, is short but long.

The fairy sighed softly. Looking at her look, she thought she was also a lonely person. Canglan glanced over her head and smiled and said to herself, "Someone abandoned everything for the sake of the fairy road. If you know what the fairy said at this time, I'm afraid you won't yearn for this nine heavenly world."

What is connected to the heart, there will eventually be a person between words. After listening to Canglan's words, the fairy lowered her eyes and smiled indifferently. For a long time, Xiuyan looked at the sea of flowers in front of her and muttered, "Jiutiangong'e's thin cool things, how can you know the world? Stealing half a day of mortal dust is also better than the heavenly palace for thousands of years. Even if immortals are not old and immortal, they can't change the age of their hearts. The fairy looked at Cang Lan and asked with a smile, "Sister, do you think so?"

The smile was so bitter in Canglan's eyes, as if it hid a lot of pain. Bright eyes are so gloomy. Cang Lan only thought in her heart that she might also have unforgettable memories, so she was so sad. Cang Lan raised the corners of her mouth faintly and avoided that look, for fear that she would see that she had the same pain in her heart.

"Have you asked the fairy's name yet?" Cang Lan changed the topic and asked that she had passed through the painful memories, so she would no longer lead others into painful memories. There are some things that don't need to be made clear when two people have a common experience.

The fairy recovered slightly, raised her hand to stroke the hair blown by the wind, and also took this opportunity to sort out her thoughts. Looking at Canglan, she smiled and said, "I didn't have a name, and they only called me Aunt Hua in heaven." Then I thought about it, and a smile flashed in my eyes, "But someone gave me a name, and my sister can call me Su Yue directly."

This woman named Suyue is a fairy who is in charge of hundreds of gardens in heaven. Canglan is now located in Baihuan. Suyue was originally a flower demon in the mortal world. Later, she practiced for thousands of years before she became an immortal. It took hundreds of years in heaven to become the owner of hundreds of gardens. As for the name Suyue, as she said, she is a respect As a gift from the above.

Looking at Su Yue's smiling eyes and the happiness she unconsciously overflowed when she said the name, she must have been very good to the person who gave her name. Cang Lan smiled and said, "Your Honor, you must miss your sister very much."

Hearing the words, Su Yue was slightly stunned, and she was still full of happiness. At this moment, she looked so gloomy. She smiled bitterly and sighed softly, "Three thousand green silk for white hair, and it is difficult to meet in old age. Unfortunately, people are no longer there. What's the point of whether it's good or not?

Cang Lan frowned slightly. Su Yue said that the man was respected, but how could he grow old? Will immortals always die? Looking at Suyue again, at this moment, she looked fixedly at the distance. Her gloomy and sad eyes deeply touched the painful string in Canglan's heart, and Lan Ge's figure was reflected in front of her again.

"I should go." Canglan looked at the sea of flowers in front of him and said lightly. Without looking at Su Yue, he left the platform directly.

Su Yue silently looked at Canglan's departure, but she laughed and muttered to herself: "I don't know who Canglan, the owner of the current Shuiyue Palace." After saying that, he looked back at the sea of flowers in front of him, flying in the air and dancing.

Canglan keeps thinking along the way, will there be sad people in heaven? They are free every day. How can they be sad? Is it because they are too idle?

After leaving, I didn't know where to go. One person wandered around the heaven. Some immortals I had seen in the hall before saw that she was also polite. Later, they were very modest when they saw Canglan, just like when they hated the sky.

It's just that Canglan feels that compared with the depression of the sky, the heavenly world is not as good as the depression of the sky. I don't know whether it is the environment or the psychological reason, the heavenly world only gives people a sense of warmth, but feels that the warmth is only on the surface. Although the sky is cold and distant, people are also used to it, but they don't feel uncomfortable.

Thinking this far, Cang Lan couldn't help thinking about what to do to be satisfied. To know that people's hearts are not satisfied, if they keep thinking about something endlessly, one day they will become selfish and ruthless.

"Canglan, Canglan, you are just a layman after all." Cang Lan smiled secretly and had mixed feelings in his heart. She had been pondering, but she didn't know the person behind her was coming towards her.

"Immortals visit the lord of the palace." The low male voice is slightly hoarse. Cang Lan turned around curiously, but saw a man in armor bowing his body to salute. Seeing this dress, most of them are heavenly soldiers.

Canglan put his hands on his waist and said indifferently, "Don't be polite."

The man came again and said, "Lord of the Palace, the Emperor of Heaven invited the Lord of the Palace Yaochi to meet."

Canglan was slightly stunned. He didn't know why the Emperor of Heaven suddenly wanted to see him. He looked at the soldier doubtfully and wanted to get an answer from it, but the soldier had been hanging his head and dared to look up at Canglan.

"You take me there." Canglan said to the soldier that if there was something wrong with the Emperor of Heaven, it would be even more impossible to talk to a bodyguard.

The heavenly soldier obeyed the sound and led the way in front of him. Canglan followed him and went to Tiangong Yaochi together.