Peerless Fairy

Chapter 20 Can Destiny Be Contrary

Returning to Taohua Village, Qin'er's banishment of Jiuyinxing and the two snake demons was publicized in the village. For only a while, the whole villagers of Taohua Village knew the two immortals who fell from the sky. And the small yard of Qin'er's family was also full of people, saying that they wanted to thank them for saving Peach Blossom Village. Qin'er and her grandfather were also very busy. While greeting the villagers, they looked around for the two people, just because they didn't know when they had disappeared.

"Look, this is a mortal. It's really annoying." Jiuyin stood in mid-air and looked at almost everyone in Taohua Village gathered at Qin'er's house to see her true face. She couldn't help shaking her head and said helplessly.

Star Subaru and Jiuyin stood side by side, the wind blew up the bright red gown, and the hair kept flying, and the whole person looked still indifferent. Everything on the ground was also seen in his eyes. Listening to Jiuyin sighing, he also replied indifferently, "Isn't this all what you want?"

Jiuyin glanced at the people beside him and looked around like a child who made a mistake. "That's because I promised others to catch the snake demon. As a demigod who hates the sky, I can't break my promise. Moreover, this matter is all because of me. I can't let the snake demon harm the world again.

Jiuyin nodded seriously. He himself agreed with his own statement, but in his heart, he always felt that this was not the case.

Star Subaru did not answer him directly. He looked up at the sky and asked, "You haven't worried about your master for so long?" Xing Zhuan looked at Jiuyin indifferently, and then saw the red shadow flashing past, and he didn't know where he was going.

"Master." Jiuyin suddenly restrained her smile, "Yes, how can I ignore the safety of my master because I want to play?" Looking up at the continuous mountain jungle in the distance, he asked himself, "Master, where are you now?"

The call from the bottom of my heart, even if hundreds of years of ties are thousands of miles apart, they can still feel it, even if it is just a small illusion. The figure in white walking alone on the forest path seemed to feel something. He stopped gently, looked at the endless mountains in front of him, and lowered his eyes gly.

In this world, where is she going to find Tianyuanpan and where to find Jiuyin Xiao? The road ahead is vast, but I don't know where it will end.

Star Subaru walks alone on the mountain road far away from Peach Blossom Village, and the winding path has no end. There are all kinds of unknown wild flowers on the roadside, and black and white butterflies fly on the petals, so happy. These scenery, such a cold and hateful sky, can never be seen. I don't know when he began to like to walk alone, not to enjoy the scenery, but to find peace in his heart.

"Brother Xing Subaru." The clear voice cut through the silence again. On the way back to the village, Jiuyin told Qiner the names of herself and Xing Fang, but did not tell her the identity of the two of them.

Looking back at the woman, Qin'er, dressed in a peach red shirt, looked more and more cute. Seeing Xing Subaru, she also ran to him happily. Seeing Xing Subaru frowned and thinking, he couldn't help but make a grimace at him and asked mischievously, "Brother Xingmao came here alone. What are you thinking about?"

Star Suba retracted his eyes, looked at the jungle in the distance, and replied, "How can you come here?"

"I asked Brother Jiuyin, he said that Brother Xing Fang came in this direction, so I chased after him." Qin'er said seriously.

Xing Zhuo raised the corners of his mouth faintly, as if smiling, "What's the matter?"

Qin'er frowned and thought, "It's okay. I just want to thank Brother Xing Fang for helping the villagers drive away the snake demon."

"The snake demon will come again."

"Don't be afraid." Qin'er said confidently, "Brother Jiuyin has promised that I will kill the snake demon, so we don't have to be afraid. Besides, there is Brother Xingbo. You are all immortals. Those monsters can't help you. If it hadn't been for me last time, you could have killed the snake demon. Thinking of the day when she was held hostage by the snake demon, she called for help from Xingmao, and Qiner lowered her head reproachfully. If she hadn't been greedy and afraid of death, maybe Xingma Jiuyin would have killed the snake demon and avenged the dead villagers. Thinking about it, Qin'er couldn't help crying in a low voice, "It's all my fault that I'm greedy and afraid of death. If it weren't for me, the snake demon would have died, and I would have avenged the dead villagers."

The woman in front of her is always too innocent. What if she knew that it was not the snake demon who harmed the name of the village but the nine tones she admired now? Xingbo thought to himself that he suddenly felt guilty for the woman in front of him. Isn't this lie said by yourself? He smiled and said in a gentle tone, "You don't have to worry. The snake demon will help you solve it."

"Really?" Qin'er raised her tearful eyes and looked at Xing Fang.

Star Subaru nodded indifferently.

Only then did Qin'er smile and wipe away her tears and said resolutely, "You must catch the snake demon. You will definitely catch it."

This woman seems plain, but she always has unusual ideas. Xing Zhuo withdrew his eyes and looked at the jungle in the distance. After a long time, he said, "Why do you hate that monster so much?"

"Hmm?" Qin'er looked at Xing Zhuan puzzled and didn't know why Xing Zhuan had this question, because everyone in the monster village hated it, and the immortals should also hate it.

Star Subaru still looked into the distance, "Why do you want to protect your grandfather even if you try your best?"

Qin'er looked at Xing Zhuo and could only see his side. Under the sunlight, the face looks more delicate. Obviously, such an indifferent person prefers the extreme red. Looking at it, he lowered his head glanguly, took a deep breath, and finally regained his beautiful smile. He looked ahead and said firmly, "Because Grandpa is Qin'er's only relative, Qin'er should always protect him from being hurt."

"The family affection is the so-called family affection." Star Subaru laughed softly, but felt that the smile became a kind of irony and disdain.

Qin'er can't see anything special about Xingzhu's smile. For her, it is already a luxury for Xingzhu to laugh, so there is no need to care why she smiles. After thinking about it, Qin'er said again, "My parents originally killed demons and specially killed the demons in the world. Since I was born, my grandfather raised me, and I have almost never seen my parents. Since I was a child, Grandpa has told me not to be like my parents, and not to do anything to kill demons, because it is too dangerous. Grandpa loved me and took care of me since I was a child, so I listened to him and didn't learn martial arts.

Those clear eyes seemed to be confused by something and gradually became wet. "However, I don't want my parents to compete with demons outside every day. They always live in a tense world. As long as there is something that demons harm the world, they will keep rushing. In my seven-year-old time, it was almost always like this. I have never felt the warmth of my parents.

Tears couldn't stop sliding down, but the woman still tried to make herself look good. "I still remember that day, my parents also received things about monsters and went out to remove demons, but only that time, they never came back. Grandpa took me all over the world to look for it, but I couldn't find it. Only then did I know that my parents could no longer come back. After they left, those who began to hunt down me and Grandpa in order to avenge their peers. In order to let me escape bad luck, Grandpa took me to escape all the time. Later, I fled to this small village. Grandpa and I spent ten years here.

Star Subaru has been looking ahead silently, without disturbing, but listening quietly.

"This village is very clean. Grandpa and I like it very much, and we want to live here forever. However, a few months ago, a monster appeared. He captured many people in the village. I'm afraid that he will also take my grandfather away. I don't want to lose my only relative again. Qin'er cried, and tears slipped down unscrupulously. Seeking to rely on her, she threw herself into Xingbo's arms and cried loudly, as if to vent all her sadness and nostalgia.

Xing Zhuan looked down at her, but after all, he didn't want to comfort her, or he couldn't comfort her at all.

Tears fell on the back of Xingma's hand, and the warm feeling penetrated into the skin. Xingbo could feel that it was a warmth, but unfortunately it disappeared so quickly. In the blink of an eye, it would become a cold drop of water. After a long silence, Xing Subaru asked again, "Why do you want the elixir of immortality?"

Qin'er kept choked and waited a little better before leaving Xingma's arms. "As time went by, Grandpa got old. Looking at his hair gradually turning white and his body getting weaker, I knew that Grandpa would die of old like others. But I don't want to give up. I can't watch Grandpa leave me. Therefore, I began to look for an elixir of immortality, so that I can save my grandfather, and he can stay with me forever and never leave me alone. So, I'm going to live and find the elixir for grandpa.

With resolute eyes, Qin'er looked at Xingbo resolutely. Or she believes that the person in front of her can help her get the elixir of immortality.

Xing Zhuo met the woman's eyes in front of her, but avoided it and saw clearly what she wanted. But I can do it, but I can't. Looking at the clouds in the sky, Xingbo said indifferently, "life, old age, illness and death are inevitable in the cycle of heaven and earth, and no one can do it."

"Brother Xing Subaru." Qin'er cried, "Is it... Is it really not possible?"

He is a heavenly immortal, the savior in the hearts of mortals. At this moment, he is the hope of everyone in Peach Blossom Village. What else is impossible to do? Qin'er didn't believe that a god could not save a mortal.

Maybe even Xingmao himself doesn't believe that as a fairy, he can't even save a mortal?

The answer is no. According to his current cultivation, it is not difficult for a mortal to live another few decades. But as he said, life, old age, illness and death are destiny, and no one can change it. Even if there is, is it worthwhile for a mortal to be a mortal?

Those eyes looked at themselves so hopefully, but Star Subaru couldn't satisfy the answer she wanted after all. Everyone has their own life, which is predestined to be born. No matter how much you want to disobey, sometimes, you have to give in to fate and let him play. In the end, he will tell you that all this is life, your life.

Qin'er couldn't understand such profound words, but she only knew in her heart that Xing Fang could not help herself. He asked in a low voice, "Will Brother Xing Subaru succumb to fate?"

Fate, how many people succumb to these two words, because they know that all this is destined, so they give up everything and give up themselves. Since fate has destined his life, what else should he strive for? Follow your fate, isn't it?

"If fate treats me unfairly, I will definitely go against the sky." Xingmao's words are like ice, resolutely and cold, looking at Qiner from the side, "If there is such a reason that is worth betraying fate, maybe he will abandon everything and become an enemy of heaven, even if it is doomed in the end."

No one can easily bear the fate, but if there is such a worthy reason, what is there to be afraid of?

Because it's worth it, I don't regret it.

From those dark eyes, Qin'er saw endless darkness and depth, which was not like confusion and expectation, but another kind of persistence. It seems that he has found a reason.

"Brother Xing Subaru." Qin'er shouted, but Xing Fang had turned around and walked to the end of the path. He did not use mana, but walked on foot. Qin'er looked at the red dress behind her, which was so dazzling under the sunset. The curvature left by the corners of the clothes crossed the flowers, and even the butterflies began to miss it. What a beautiful picture.

"How happy it would be if I could walk around the world hand in hand with him." Qin'er thought in her heart, but she saw the loneliness left by the figure and the loneliness that did not let people get close.

What does such a person want and what is worth looking for?

Past? Memories? Or a person who brought himself out of the abyss?