Peerless Fairy

Chapter 40 The Witchcraft

At this time, there were only the elders, Xuan Ningzi, Lan Ge and others in the hall. After confirming that there was no one else in the hall at this moment, Xuan Ningzi's expression suddenly became awe-inspiring, but he looked at Lan Ge with some respect. Xuan Ningzi said solemnly, "I didn't expect that Li Hate Tian also sent people to come. It seems that there must be a big scene in the three worlds this time. "It's a disaster."

The elders nodded and sighed, looking worried and helpless. Gu Tiantong seemed to think of something. Looking at Lan Ge sincerely, "The day before yesterday, Bai Laoxian has invited Li Hentian to come up to help Xuanyue Valley resist the demon world, but they refused. Why today..."

Lan Ge, who had been meditating, suddenly changed his face and frowned and asked, "Have you seen them?"

Gu Tiantong nodded.

Lan Ge looked sad, but there was a little more incomprehensible worry. Everyone looked at each other puzzledly, but did not dare to say anything. Even Xuan Ningzi was silent. I really don't know what is worth worrying about.

Lan Ge turned his back to several people and thought about his own thoughts. Xuan Ningzi was about to come forward to express his condolences, but Lan Ge suddenly said in a low voice, "This time, the Emperor of Heaven sent me here just to discuss the demon world with you. I don't know what important news you have?"

Returning to the point, Xuan Ningzi was slightly relieved and only regarded the strangeness of Fang Lange as a temporary mood. Then he raised his hand and motioned everyone to sit down. The other elders sat on both sides, and the seat in the sky above the hall was Lan Ge, but at this moment, Lan Ge still stood with his hands behind his back, and the cold and handsome shadow turned his back to several people indifferently.

Xuan Ningzi said in a low voice, "A few days ago, the moon mirror suddenly appeared a vision. Several elders and I checked the reason with the divine power of the mirror and found that the boundary of the demon world was weakening, and there were signs that the demons were about to wake up."

One of the eyebrows was slightly serious, and the eyebrows were drooping. The elder named Wuyou also nodded deeply, "The divine moon mirror and the heavenly rock compete with each other, and the heavenly rock seals the heavenly demon. If the heavenly demon wakes up, it is bound to destroy the divine moon mirror with the heavenly rock. If so, it will really not be able to resist the demon world to invade the world."

Lange turned around and looked at the people and looked indifferently. "In those years, the Heavenly Emperor sealed the Heavenly Demon with Tianyan, and the Heavenly Demon covered the Tianyuan disk in the world. For thousands of years, there was no way to know its whereabouts, and the divine power of the divine moon mirror had not been opened. If the Heavenly Demon really woke up, it was indeed a terrible event. Moreover, two days ago, the beast was taken away from heaven by the mysterious man. So far, his whereabouts are unknown, and the identity of this mysterious man is also very worrying. The Emperor of Heaven only said that it was the most urgent matter. In addition to asking people to inquire about the news of the demon world, he must not let the demon world find the Tianyuan disk.

Xuan Ningzi said, "Yes, if Tianyuanpan is found, the consequences will be really unimaginable."

Only Wuyou said, "Is there really no other way but the moon mirror?"

Lange's pupils shrank, his eyes rippled with an unbearable light, and a bitter smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "If there were other ways, it wouldn't have happened a thousand years ago."

With that, the scene of the collapse of the pear garden a thousand years ago and the desperate face of the woman couldn't help but come to mind. She looked at herself like that, resentment, pain, sadness, despair, and a thousand-year-old dream were also a thousand years of pain.

Everyone didn't know why Lan Ge suddenly fell silent, and his expression seemed to be putting up with something. Only Xuan Ningzi looked clear, but he did not dare to comfort him at this moment. Just when everyone hesitated, I only heard Lan Ge suddenly say coldly, "Sent disciples to always pay attention to the movement of the demon world and guard the divine moon mirror. I have sent someone to look for Tianyuanpan. I will inform you as soon as there is news. The most important thing at present is to find Tianyuanpan. In any case, you can't let Tianyuanpan fall into the hands of others.

The words are cold and decisive, and they are particularly indifferent and awe-inspiring in this hall. At this time, Lan Ge is so different from the ordinary elegant and noble immortal.

The people in Xuanyue Valley nodded together, and the restless Elder Guxiao finally couldn't help speaking. I have something to do..."

Xuan Ningzi looked at Gu Xiao and endured it for a long time. He knew that if he was not allowed to say it, he didn't know who he would listen to later, so he had to nod and agreed, "What's wrong with Elder Gu Xiao, but it's okay to say it."

All the elders looked at Gu Xiao, and Lan Ge also looked at him seriously. Although Gu Xiao was more than a hundred years old, he was like a child, sometimes capricious, and sometimes stubborn. This person is not interested in monry, but is deeply infatuated with those strange arts, and usually studies some strange objects to tease others. These elders have all eaten his strength.

Gu Xiao smiled and slowly spread his right hand in front of everyone, and there was something shaped like an earthworm in the palm. Although it was not as long as an earthworm, his whole body was extremely smooth, his whole body was red, and his head had small tentacles, similar to which were used to sense. This thing swings slowly in Guxiao's hand, as if looking for something.

Xuan Ningzi couldn't help frowning when looking at the thing, "Is this the worm taken from that person's body?"

Gu Xiao nodded and rarely said seriously, "This thing is not an ordinary maggot. According to the old man's research on these strange things over the years, this maggot is the witchcraft of the Western witches."

"What?" Gu Tiantong was surprised and said, "Is the ancient elder talking about the witch who is the best at witchcraft among the hundreds of tribes in the wilderness?"

"Exact." Gu Xiao focused heavily and said to Lan Ge, "The witches are the origin of witches in the three worlds. As early as thousands of years ago, they have been able to hurt people and invisible with various witchcraft, and they are also the most defenseless spells among all kinds of strange arts, which can save people and kill people. A thousand years ago, the witches suddenly withdrew from the Central Plains and lived in seclusion in the deep mountains. They have never set foot in the Central Plains for hundreds of years, but this time this witchcraft appeared in Wulan Town, which is really puzzling. If the old man is right, the witch should have come to the Central Plains.

The witches, a small race among the wilderness, can only raise one child with each mother. From birth, they will be given a worm and teach them the art of witchcraft. The higher the art of the worm, the longer the life expectancy of the worm. If the worm can live for a hundred years, it will become an immortal worm, with a whole body as hard as black iron and a continuous sword. Unless the owner's life dies, no one can kill the insect.

After more than a hundred years of maggots, they can feel with their master thousands of miles away and obey their master's orders. Exploring people's spiritual consciousness, or absorbing people's essence, or controlling people's behavior, but casting magic is done invisibly. All kinds of spells are extremely horrible. The art of witchcraft is also a rare spell in the three worlds of heaven, man and demons. At first, witchcraft was only used to save people, but I don't know that later, the witchcraft began to hurt people with witchcraft because they often suffered from other clans. So far, few people other than witchcraft can solve this poison.

The witch suddenly came to the Central Plains, which surprised everyone. The witch suddenly disappeared and now suddenly appeared. Why, and why did the witch attack Jiuyin? All this seems not seem simple. Lan Ge is familiar with the hundreds of tribes in the wilderness, and he also knows this witch clan, but the sudden arrival of the witch clan is still unpredictable whether it is an enemy or a friend. He asked Gu Xiao, "According to the ancient elders, how old should this insect be?"

Gu Xiao shook his head, looked at the insect carefully, and curled his lips and said, "It's been four or five hundred years at least."

"Four or five hundred years?" Elder Wuyou was stunned and said, "Isn't it immortal?"

Gu Xiao nodded, "So when I took him, his whole body was as hard as a stone and could not be hurt at all. If it hadn't been for the deep mana of the Star Subaru, which was completely sealed, and the man's own mana was not weak and there was a spiritual protection, I couldn't be sure whether it would swim in that person's body, let alone take it out so easily.

Xuan Ningzi's eyes are getting deeper and deeper. "In this way, the magic of this person must be not weak."

Gu Xiao glanced at the faint glance and hummed softly, "Of course, everyone can see it."

"You..." Xuan Ningzi was speechless at all times. He also knew Gu Xiao's straightforward and informal temperament, and there was nothing to be angry about. In Xuanyue Valley, only Guxiao can talk to the valley owner in this tone.

Lan Ge listened quietly to what the two said and looked extremely indifferent. "I'm afraid that what Elder Gu Xiao wants to say is not only the power of the witches?"

Gu Xiao was slightly stunned and couldn't help sighing in his heart when he looked at Lan Ge. He was worthy of being the current head of Changliu Mountain, and he really had eyesight. Then he took his body and said, "Xianzun is right. The old man is just worried about this insect and has transmitted the terrain of my Xuanyue Valley to its owner."

Hearing this, the person present was shocked. For hundreds of years, Xuanyue Valley has always been a secret terrain, and there is also a fog array outside the valley, in order to prevent foreigners from breaking into the valley. Xuanyue Valley can stand in the Central Plains, and half of it is because no one knows where it really is, so it cannot be easily attacked. If the road to Xuanyue Valley is really known by outsiders, it is difficult for Xuanyue Valley to avoid a war.

"In the view of Elder Yigu, how should this matter be solved?" Lan Ge asked.

Gu Xiao hesitated a little, and then replied helplessly, "This... I'm afraid there is nothing I can do, but according to the terrain of Xuanyue Valley, even if I know it, it is difficult to enter easily.

Lange is still worried, "But in any case, let the disciples in the valley strictly guard the chain bridge, and must not relax at all."

Suddenly, I heard one of them say righteously, "The mission of Xuanyue Valley is to protect the world and kill demons. What can this little witch do with me? Even if he really came in, he couldn't get out.

The speaker was the elder of Mingxuan. His face was slightly red, and he said it in a hurry for a moment. Unexpectedly, he regretted when he said it. After all, he was too arrogant, and there was also Lange Xianzun in front of him. It was also embarrassing to meet the reminding eyes of everyone. Head down.

Lan Ge took a slight look at Mingxuan, but he didn't care about it. He still looked at Gu Xiao and said, "Please ask Elder Gu to study this insect carefully to make sure in case."

Gu Xiao put away the insects and smiled, "The old man takes the lead."

Lan Ge nodded with a faint smile, and then said to several elders indifferently, "Let's go and rest first."

"I'll wait to leave."

Gu Tiantong and several people said in unison, and then got up and saluted Lan Ge and Xuan Ningzi before leaving the hall together. After several people left, Lan Ge withdrew his eyes and looked at Xuan Ningzi and said in a low voice, "Take me to see the moon mirror."

Xuan Ningzi nodded and turned to let Lan Ge go first. Then he left the hall behind him.