Peerless Fairy

Chapter 44 Millennium Memories

At night, the sky is dark. The fog makes the whole Xuanyue Valley more mysterious. The surrounding mountains and rivers are dark and lightless, but the Xuanyue Valley is brightly lit.

The candlelight swayed and reflected the room brightly. In front of the wooden couch, Cang Lan shook his head helplessly and covered the quilt that had been kicked open countless times again for Jiuyin. At this time, Jiuyin slept well and looked much better, and Canglan's hanging heart was also relieved.

A light wind blew in from the window sill, and the candlelight on the table was blown diagonally. Cang Lan suddenly felt a chill. He was afraid that Jiuyin would be cold in the middle of the night, so he got up and walked to the window to close the window.

A smell of pears came from nowhere, which made the hands ready to close the windows suddenly stop. He frowned and looked out of the window without knowing the cool breeze.

It's nearly June, but the wind is still so cold, with snow-white petals flying outside the window. The candlelight is like the snow in winter. Floating and falling dust.

After all, it is too familiar here. If there were no mortals for these houses, Canglan would definitely think that he had returned to the valley. Such a quiet fairyland, those ordinary demons who survive safely with the world have not escaped the bad luck of destruction after all.

She should have hated it. She thought she hated it. Lan Ge destroyed Li Luogu, destroyed everything for her, and finally abandoned her to be tortured in the Wangchuan River. Such hatred should have been uncontagonous.

But when she saw him again, she was still mostly in pain. That man has never loved himself, and everything is just a fool's persistence. So it's not him that you should hate, but yourself.

Li Luogu has never been involved with the outside world, and Canglan does not know what is unique about Li Luogu, but it has been constantly attacked by other races, but no one can occupy Li Luogu.

Thinking of the past years in the pear valley, such carefree days, happy and simple.

A thousand years ago, she was originally just a pear flower demon. Her Taoism was shallow. She practiced for hundreds of years before she became a pedestrian. How happy it was to live together in this free place with everyone.

The pear blossoms flying all over the sky, and the snow-white petals dye the world pure white like snow. The creatures in the pear valley are not of the same race, but here, they have no racial boundaries and no great difference in status. In this way, everyone grows up equally, playing, playing, playing and naive.

She still remembers that there was a slightly older old pear tree demon in the valley. Every time her companions in the valley had an argument, they would let the old pear tree comment on the ceremony, but in the end, it was no longer important.

There was a mountain rock in the valley, which was extremely secretive, but it was inadvertently found by Canglan. There is a pool of clear water, which is full of dense pear blossoms, but pear blossoms never float into the pool water, as if there is a layer of boundary in the water. Many companions will leave every time they go halfway, saying that the closer they get there, the colder they will be and they will not suffer.

But Canglan likes it very much. Bathing in that clear water, the coolness enters the body, but in the end it will be extremely warm.

Canglan originally thought that such a day would last forever. Unfortunately, on that day, the demon king led people to invade the valley. According to the past, there was no need to be afraid, because the terrain of the valley was hidden, which was very similar to the current Xuanyue valley, and the demon king could not hurt half of the valley at all.

Unexpectedly, a fairy came from heaven. He was dressed in white, noble and elegant. He expelled the demon king from the pear valley with a strong spell. Because of this, everyone in the pear valley was grateful to the immortal, and so was Canglan. Fall in love with the fairy.

The fairy is excellent to Canglan, and the two often gather under the pear tree. Whenever pear blossoms fall into Canglan's hair, Xianzun will raise his hand and gently brush away the petals one by one. Canglan listened to the immortals talk about the wonders between thousands of years, the wilderness and the hundreds of races, and between heaven and earth. And Canglan also listened carefully. Every time he looked at the handsome and elegant man, Canglan felt that this was the patron saint given to him by God.

The immortal protected Canlan, taught her magic and secular etiquette, and also taught her seven emotions and six desires, joys and sorrows.

How many things she has never seen, but she is satisfied in the description of Xianzun's concentration.

There are many stories that she has never heard, but she has tasted all the joys and sorrows in Xianzun's serious speech.

How much such a person wants to accompany him in his life and cross the world together. But I don't know that I am actually just a humble existence in his world.

At that time, she never knew how far away she was from the demon and the immortal, but simply hoped to compare with Lan Ge. I don't know how far it is to cultivate from a demon to a fairy, so I'm still thinking that I can fly to the sky one day.

She once said, "Langge, I also want to become an immortal, so that I can always be with you and be with you all my life. We travel through the wilderness together, eat all over the world and play all over the world. I also want to see your master and the general you mentioned. Let's make a pair of happy gods together. OK?"

At that time, Lan Ge just gently held her in his arms and put his chin on his forehead and whispered, "There is no eternity in the world, and it may not be good to become an immortal. It's good for you like this."

She smiled lightly, but her clear eyes were confused, but facing his serious and heavy eyes, she could only nod and agree that she would not become an immortal.

She simply thought that he would accompany her whole life, but she didn't know how long this life was.

She still remembers that day, Lan Ge said that he had something to go back to heaven, and it was still unknown when he would come back. Cang Lan just smiled and said hello and waited for him to come back.

In front of Lan Ge, she will not refuse.

Then she sat and waited under the pear tree they often played with. Regardless of the passage of time, regardless of the kind of laughter, let alone the wind and rain bullying, she sat silently under the tree and waited for half a month.

You said that we will be here until we grow old. Don't ask why you believe me, because you are the one who said this.

For half a month, every time she woke up from her dream, she saw him come back in a trance. Just look at it. It's just a phantom formed when the pear blossoms fly. That person hasn't come back yet.

Later, Lan Ge really came back. Canglan was extremely happy to run out when she heard the news. Half a month of waiting and fear disappeared when she heard the news.

As long as you come back, everything will be fine.

He did come back, but he was not alone. To this day, Canglan can't forget the appearance of Lan Ge standing in Liluogu with a dust-free sword. His white clothes were stained with blood, and the sword in his hand was still dripping blood. That indifferent and cruel look is a nightmare that Canglan will never forget in her life.

He led dozens of heavenly soldiers to suddenly attack, watching him destroy the lives of Liluo Valley one by one, watching those former friends be buried in his hands, and watching him ruthlessly burn the pear blossoms they once walked hand in ashes.

She could only watch desperately and let the white clothes destroy everything in the valley.

White flowers, white clothes, pure white without any flaws. The pear blossoms fell and fell again, as if to clean the branches. The figure stood there without any movement, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

His clear eyes looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. There seemed to be tens of millions of pounds of iron shackles under his feet. He just wanted to take a step closer but he couldn't. He was so close, but he was like the end of the world. The pear blossoms beside him floated all over the sky, blurring his arrogant and ruthless back.

"Why?" She slowly asked the man, but now she still doesn't understand why.

Pear blossoms are flying. She has forgotten where she is. The hair blown by the wind flutters with the pear blossoms. The petals fall on her hair and on her clothes, as if comforting and telling her that all this is not a dream.

The petal seemed to be right with her, flying more and more anxiously and more chaoticly. When the petals dispersed, the branches of the pear tree were already bare. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that after a few seasons, the pear garden was as bleak as autumn, but the figure was still as independent as that. The flowers fell and bloomed and the flowers were ruined, which had nothing to do with him. She still looked at his back so painfully, was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Even if there is one reason, there should be at least one reason."

He looked up at the sky, frowned, and closed his eyes for a long time and said indifferently, "It is my mission to eliminate demons and demons."

"Is it?" Tears slipped so ruthlessly, what a humble and cheap thing. I couldn't help laughing. I can't tell whether I'm laughing at the person in front of me or laughing at myself. "What ability do I have? It's worth your hard work to take the life of a little pear demon of Lan Ge Xianzun?"

His face seems to have changed. Desperate, indifferent and deep. I am an immortal, you are a demon, and subduing demons is my lifelong responsibility. If one day you become an immortal, you will kill demons like me, even if you will no longer have a chance in this life.

The indifferent tone, the words were like a blade, deeply piercing her heart. Looking at the indifferent and estranged figure in despair, Cang Lan smiled and said, "The fairy demon is different, the fairy demon is different." In a desolate and desperate tone, she laughed at herself, "What a fairy and demon, so Lange Xianzun, for your so-called fairy road, is going to kill everything in the valley?"


A simple word, sharper than a sword. In the blink of an eye, the white shadow had approached, and a cold sword was slowly sinking into his chest. How much she wanted to look up at him to see what kind of eyes he looked at him at this time, whether he was ruthless or guilty.

But she didn't have that courage after all. She was afraid to see a cold and ruthless face.

"Remember to drink Meng Po soup, forget everything in this life, and only be an ordinary mortal in the next life. That's good..." He said coldly, his tone was as cold as frost on the ice, and his eyebrows, which had been drooping, had never raised.

Can't bear to think too much. With the drawing of the sword, Lan Ge had turned around. She only felt that her body was empty, her mind was blank, and she forgot her thoughts and everything. The blood stained the pear blossoms on the ground, and the so-called whiteness could not withstand the rendering of another color.

A sword, lifeless.

A turn around and break the dust edge.

She always thought that this was the end of her life. If a person dies and her heart is gone, there will be no more Lan Ge, no more pears and valleys, and no more her vicissitudes.

Wanhe, the mortal purgatory, the lonely ghost tortured day and night, poisonous snakes, insects and ants bite endlessly, and the hot flame burned her only soul. She knew that even if she could leave the blood river, she could no longer be reborn.

"Why do you suffer? As long as you drink that bowl of soup, you will no longer suffer the pain of this fire. Forget the past and be reborn is not a relief." This is what Meng Po said every day to see and persuade him. It's just that Meng Po didn't know her unwillingness and her hatred.

Three hundred years, how long it was. The most bitter water in the world is than Wangchuan. Three hundred years of suffering. For three hundred years, she listened to those desolate and sad cries from the Nahe Bridge every day. After the reincarnation path, there was only the dull soul, a bowl of soup swallowed under the water, all the red dust, and there was no memory. . But she doesn't want to drink that bowl of Mengpo soup. How can she forget her hatred for Lange? Three hundred years, she was doomed, but she endured the pain of her spine and hoped that he could take herself away from this place, but time and reality would even destroy her last thoughts.

In the end, he didn't come until she couldn't stand it anymore. When she really disappeared forever, she woke up and was already thirty-three days, the highest weight.