Peerless Fairy

Chapter 66 Cold Provocation

Lange lived in a small attic in the fantasy Sydney Sea to protect the flying water stream, but was pestered by Ye Qingwu to tell the story of Ye Lingfei, so Lan Ge had to tell her in detail. Ye Qingwu listened and respected her father more in her heart. The more she listened, the more she wanted to know, so she pulled Lan Ge to prevent him from sleeping, and Lan Ge herself could not sleep, so she had to accept to talk for Ye Qingwu for one night.

"Then how did my father win my mother's heart?" Ye Qingwu's eyes widened and looked at Lan Ge curiously.

Looking at Ye Qingwu's curious face, Lan Ge couldn't help smiling bitterly, "Your mother also had a good impression on him, but your father was always careless and occasionally said something to cause your mother's misunderstanding, so he deliberately alienated him. But when they met the enemy together, they were more like-minded than anyone else. Your father has fought against the enemy many times, and your mother has turned into soldiers to accompany your father, heaven and earth, and live and die together.

Ye Qingwu said long and looked sad, "No wonder my mother came to the mortal world to look for her father's reincarnation when she was pregnant in October. The relationship between them must be deep."

Lan Ge smiled and said nothing. He could see their feelings more clearly than anyone else. What Ye Qingwu could understand was just a small episode in that love.

Ye Qingwu wanted to ask something more, but before he could say anything, Lan Ge suddenly restrained his eyebrows and was handsome and awe-inspiring. Despite Ye Qingwu's doubtful eyes, he got up and walked outside the door and looked in the direction of Xuanyue Valley, looking extremely coldly.

At this time, Xuanyue Valley was illuminated by lights, which was extremely dazzling on this night.

"No, what's the matter?" Lan Ge thought in his heart and no longer hesitated now. He turned around and looked at Ye Qingwu behind him, "Let's go,"

Ye Qingwu was excited and suddenly interrupted a little dissatisfied, but when he saw Lan Ge's serious appearance, he did not dare to mutter, so he had to nod and follow Lan Ge to Xuanyue Valley.


The light in the small building is bright, and the snow-white pear blossoms are flying rapidly, as if they are going to clean the petals of the branches. Everyone has a hate face. Those who don't know Star Subaru and others have no hatred, let alone resentment, but come here for one reason to avenge their peers.

The usually empty yard seems so narrow at this moment. Although Canglan and Jiuyin are surrounded by disciples, they are not disrespectful to the two of them. It turns out that the murderer has nothing to do with her.

Hundreds of hateful eyes stared at each other, and Cang Lan really didn't know what had happened. Jiuyin was even more defensive, because of those hateful eyes, she had to be vigilant for fear that these people would suddenly attack the master.

Wen Qingxing, who came out of the starred room, went to Xuan Ningzi and bowed his hand and said, "Lord of the Valley, the owner of the Starred Palace is not in the room."

This statement seems to confirm everyone's thoughts. Xing Fang is not in the room. Who else will be the one who assassinated Mu Qiuning just now? Worry-free one eye is slightly closed and his face shows hatred. At this time, a white shadow fell from the sky, and Lan Ge danced with Ye Qing and flew to the ground. When the disciples saw it, they immediately bowed their hands to worship.

Seeing this situation, Lan Ge had already guessed why in his heart and did not ask what happened to Xuan Ningzi. Instead, he turned around and looked at Canglan. Although his eyes were not invincible, he could also see that Lan Ge was always with Xuanyue Valley. Ye Qingwu was also scared when he saw this scene. According to the identity of Canglan and the two, the people in the valley are usually respectful to her. Did you suddenly bring so many people today? And they all look unfriendly, and they are trying to figure out what happened.

Cang Lan looked at the solemn and angry look of Xuan Ningzi and others, and he was very puzzled, "I don't know what's wrong with the Valley Lord so late?"

Xuan Ningzi carried his hands on his back, but did not open his mouth. He only heard Gu Tiantong come forward and said, "Lord Canglan Palace, I'll disturb you late at night. I only came to confront the Lord of Xingma Palace for the murder of the disciples in the valley. I don't know if the lord of the palace knows where he is?"

Although it sounds polite, there is only questioning in the tone. Cang Lan looked back slightly at Xing Fang's room, changed his eyes and asked, "What does the murder of a disciple in the valley have to do with him?"

"Hmm." The elder Wuyou snorted coldly, "Many disciples in my valley were killed. Don't the Lord of Canglan Palace know? Just now, Qiu Ning was stabbed by a sword by the owner of Xingma Palace. Elder Ming Xuan was injured and fell into a coma, and several disciples who guarded the Taixu Pavilion were also killed. All these were done by the owner of Xingma Palace..."

"Impossible." Qingli's decisive tone interrupted the worry-free elder, and Canglan's eyes were firm, as if nothing made her more sure than this. Lan Ge, who had been silent, was also slightly stunned.

Wuyou's face changed. Looking at Cang Lan, he said solemnly, "What Qiu Ning and Elder Ming Xuan saw with their own eyes, and now Qiu Ning is still falling outside. Can this still be fake? The owner of Canglan Palace and Qiu Ning have known each other for a few days. Qiu Ning is simple and straightforward. Will she still doubt what she said? In this Xuanyue Valley, except for the three of you, who else has the ability to kill my disciples in the valley like this.

Worry-free became more and more angry. Thinking of the peace in the valley these days, he was even more angry. "Since you came to Xuanyue Valley, when will Xuanyue Valley be quiet? Let's leave aside the matter. Isn't the demon clan caused by you? Several disciples of Taixu Pavilion and more than a dozen disciples tonight have died the night before. These When has it appeared in Xuanyue Valley for hundreds of years?

Worry-free said angrily, as if he had expressed the thoughts in everyone's hearts at this moment. From the time the three of Canglan entered Xuanyue Valley, all this was really strange. From the demon clan to the murder of his disciples, everyone had their own opinions in their hearts. Although they were not the same, they had to admit that all of this was far from the sky. It is related to the palace owner.

Cang Lan was stunned, and even she herself couldn't understand what happened. Will Xing Fang kill people? She believes! But how can you kill the people of Xuanyue Valley? Suddenly, this incident made Cang Lan at a loss. She did not want to believe that Xing Subaru would kill those innocent disciples.

Then I suddenly remembered the scene of the conversation between Lan Ge when he came in the morning. At this moment, he saw Lan Ge so calm, as if this had already been his expectation. In fact, persuading myself to leave is simply to test Xingbo. Thinking about this, he turned his eyes to Lan Ge, and it was hard to believe that he would calculate Xing Fang like this, "Is this also your opinion?"

Lan Ge looked stunned. In fact, Cang Lan was not asking, but already knew the answer. He just wanted to know whether Lan Ge was like everyone else, feeling that he had brought disaster to Xuanyue Valley and that Xing Zhuo was the murderer. But what made Lan Ge feel cold was that she had never asked herself why she suspected it and had directly affirmed herself in a hostile role.

There was a faintness between his eyebrows, but he finally said, "If the owner of Canglan Palace knows his whereabouts, please inform Lan Ge. If the owner of Xingma Palace is really innocent, Lan Ge will never do anything against etiquette."

Canglan's heart was half cold. That feeling is like being blocked by something.

Jiuyin doesn't know what to do at this moment. The only thing he wants is to take his master away. He doesn't care about the murderer of Xuanyue Valley. Looking at the angry appearance of those people, Jiuyin stood in front of Canglan, standing upright like a straight tree protecting the woman behind him. Junyan was angry and looked at Lan Ge and others and said coldly, "Although you saved me, I should be grateful and will repay you. But if any of you dare to hurt my master, I will kill him even if I fight for my life.

When the words fell, there was a strong wind in the courtyard, the pear branches were shaken tightly, and everyone's clothes were blown up. Jiuyin stared at the people in front of him fiercely, and his eyes were fierce. He would never allow anyone to approach, even Ye Qingwu.

In an instant, the atmosphere was frozen to the extreme, and Canglan had been silently looking at the starred room. She is also wondering where the man has gone. Even if she believes in him, why is he not here at this moment? Why is everyone doubting him? What did he do? Why is Lan Ge so sure that Xing Fang is the murderer? She needs an answer to all this, and she needs to tell her the answer in person.

Canglan's waiting at this time has become a delay for everyone. Gu Tiantong looked at Jiuyin and said awe-inspiringly, "If the owner of Canglan Palace doesn't want to say it, then don't blame me for waiting."

Looking at the situation, it should be time to take action. Jiuyin stared at Gu Tiantong, "Aren't you also searched the room of the owner of the Star Subaru Palace? If he is not there, how can my master know?

"You..." Gu Tian was impatient, "Don't think that you are people who hate the sky, we can't help you."

"Is it?"

The cold and gloomy voice resounded throughout the yard, like broken ice. The subsequent murderous intention shrouded everyone in a lamp, and the pear blossoms flew rapidly, like the cold winter snow, cold and cruel.

He finally appeared at the most timely time.

Everyone turned their eyes to the visitors, and at this moment, the figure in red has slowly entered the courtyard like a demon, and is also walking step by step to the place surrounded by everyone, where Jiuyin and Canglan are now.

And no one dares to stop this journey. Even if he passes by Lan Ge, Lan Ge is just indifferent. I don't know whether everyone can definitely catch him, or whether no one dares to come forward with his fierce murderous spirit.

Until Xingma came to Canglan, no one came to stop him. Facing the confused and confused eyes of the woman in front of him, Xing Fang sneered, "It seems that someone wants to disrespect the owner of Canglan Palace. Is the owner of Canglan Palace willing to be slaughtered by others?"

That tone sounds disdainful and joking, but all they hear in the ears of people with intentions is care and spoiling. Jiuyin was naturally very happy to see Xingbo, "Star Subaru, you finally appeared. These people all said that you killed people. Tell them clearly, or the misunderstanding will be big..."

"I already know." Xing Zhuan interrupted Jiuyin's words, turned around to look at Lan Ge, and lightly raised the corners of his mouth, but with a smile, "A person who hates the Lord of Heaven is also worthy of immortals. It seems that this palace does have some weight."

Lang Ge restrained his eyebrows, "If something happened suddenly, please forgive me if there is any offending, but please also ask the Lord of Star Subaru Palace to give an explanation."

"Xianzun and the valley owner have come in person and brought so many people, do you need to explain?" Xing Zhuo sneered, "It's just the wisdom of immortals, which is really beyond the reach of my palace."

It is a kind of verbal irony and a kind of provocation. Xingbo has always been a fearless character, and he has never had a good impression on Lan Ge.

Indifferent as Lan Ge. Even if Xing Fang's words have been very clear, he has no fluctuated at all. He is as quiet as a clear water, elegant and peerless, neither humble nor arrogant. "The owner of Xingbo Palace thinks so, and Lan Ge has nothing to say. However, the murder of Guzhong's disciple is still being found out. Since someone will testify to you as the palace master, there is naturally a reason. Lan Ge just wants to clarify the matter, that's all.