Peerless Fairy

Chapter 121 The Deepest Memory

"Mom, where are you going again?" The child has a pair of clear eyes, as clean and bright as a spring without any impurities. He asked the woman in front of him seriously and looked forward to it.

The woman in front of her is dressed in a uniform and sets her posture just right, with a king's spirit emanating from her bones between her eyebrows, noble and beautiful. The peerless face has both warm maternal love and endless silence and despair. She stroked the child's head and said softly, "I'm going to Da'a Mountain to find your father."

"Really?" The child looked at his mother happily, as if he knew a piece of good news. He rubbed into the woman's arms and said coquettishly, "Mom wants to find my father, and Ye'er also wants to go with you to find his father together. Let's watch the stars together."

"No, you can't go at night."

Xiao Qianye pouted in frustration and poked her head out of the woman's arms, "Why, why can't my mother go to find her father at night? Mother, doesn't your father want to see Yeer anymore? Or did Yeer do something wrong?"

The woman forced a smile and stroked Qianye's hand trembling. "No, Ye'er is very good. It's really good. Ye'er didn't do anything wrong."

"Why didn't the father want to see us?" Xiao Qianye still asked unremittedly. After saying that, he pouted aggrievedly and felt that he must have done something wrong, so his father did not want to see himself.

The woman forced herself to fall into tears and continued to look at Xiao Qianye with a pale smile. "Because your father is very busy, he has to deal with things in the clan, so he doesn't have time to come to see us. When your father is done, he will come back to see us."

"Really?" Xiao Qianye blinked his eyes, as bright as the stars in the night, looking forward to it.

The woman looked up at the sky, blocked her tears in her eyes, and said extremely desolately, "Really."

Hearing this, Xiao Qianye jumped up happily and clapped his little hand and said happily, "That's great. When my father comes back, I will let my father take Meier and me to the mortal world to see the stars."

The cute and innocent child's eyes are so clear and bright that he will not be contaminated in the world. The woman looked at Xiao Qianye's happy appearance, and her eyes were already covered with a layer of water mist. After a long time, she squatted down and looked at Qianye very seriously and said, "Yeer, my mother is going to pick up your father. Ye'er is waiting in the magic city, okay? Wait for my mother and father to come back together.

Xiao Qianye stopped cheering, blinking his eyes and hesitated a little. He wanted to say no, but facing his mother's serious eyes, Xiao Qianye bit his lips and nodded and agreed, "Okay, Ye'er is waiting in the magic city, waiting for her father and mother to come back together." With that, Qianye said with thirst, "But can my mother bring back those people who went with me this time? The uncles who went with my mother last time didn't come back, and Mei'er didn't tell me where they went."

The woman's figure trembled and looked away to say calmly, "Okay, my mother promised you."

When Xiao Qianye heard the words, he nodded contentedly, "That's all right. Hey, mother, you have to keep your word."

The woman nodded with tears, "Don't count."

Xiao Qianye smiled mischievously, pretended to be a grimace and retreated. He also retreated and said, "My mother wants to come back quickly. Ye'er is waiting for you and your father in the city, so mother will go quickly, just like before."

Like before, he watched his mother leave, and this time it was still the same.

The woman looked at the child reluctantly, and her tears could no longer be controlled. He was still so small and simple that he could not carry so much at all, so she chose to hide it.

Xiao Qianye has retreated far, but she still doesn't want to leave, but the horn of the assembly in front has sounded, and she can't allow her to hesitate any more. That is related to the lives of thousands of people in the demon world, and she can't hesitate. As the current master of the demon world, she has no choice.

"Yeer, promise me not to leave the demon world, never." Moji looked at the fading Qianye, clenched her hands and forced herself to turn around resolutely, leaving a place of sadness.

Cang Lan looked at this scene. She didn't understand why she was here and why she saw these two people.

Because Meng Niang walks into the depths of Xingpoon's heart with her consciousness, Canglan can only follow Xingpo's thoughts at this moment, and will also affect her heart with Xingpoon's joys, anger and sorrow. Although she can still have her own consciousness, she can't control her behavior.

Where the star is, she will go.

And the place where you are now is the city of the demon world, one of the three worlds.

Demons are the capital of the demon world, just like the heavenly palace of heaven. There are the current lords of the demon world living in it, and there are several guardians of the demon world guarding this place here.

In the ancient city-style capital, the sky here seems to be incomplete, and bright red flames flashing in the cracks in the air fly far away. The capital is sometimes red and sometimes dark, so the whole capital looks a little depressing and dangerous.

Canglan followed Xiao Qianye all the way to the highest suspended palace above the capital. The originally magnificent palace was particularly gloomy because of the environment. Those flying fires always passed by the roof, as if they would bump into the palace if they were not careful. And burn the palace to ashes.

However, the palace is still intact. After countless fires, the palace still stands and has become the highest belief in the demon world.

Xiao Qianye returned to the hall and sat directly on the steps in front of the hall. Her petite body sat there, with her hands supporting her head. Her young face was full of innocence, and her eyes were as bright as stars, which was so incompatible with the environment here.

He is waiting for his father and mother to come back together to see the stars together.

He is still a child who wants to have a loving child. He is also looking forward to the gentle woman bringing back his loving father and living here and living a happy life from now on.

But he still doesn't know that the road his mother has embarked on is no way back.

Xiao Qianye is still waiting. There are very few people in the magic capital, and almost only a few defenders of the city are still there, so the whole hall is particularly quiet.

Canglan sat quietly beside Xiao Qianye. She was very confused. Who was the child in front of her? Why did you come here and where is this place? She didn't know at all, but her body followed the child as if she was not controlled by herself. Wherever he went, she would go.

This is a dream. Canglan felt that this was a dream. In the dream, he came to a strange place and met a strange person. But why can't this child seem to see himself? His eyes have been falling in the distance and waiting.

Looking at the child so carefully, Canglan actually felt that he was quite familiar, as if he knew him. But in all the memories of Canglan, there has never been such a child.

Waiting is a very long thing. Xiao Qianye is still sitting there. I don't know how many movements he has changed and how many times he has slept and woken up, but every time he looks up, his eyes are full of disappointment.

My mother hasn't come back yet, and my father has disappeared. Those people in the demon world who left with my mother have never come back.

Looking at Xiao Qianye's lost appearance, she wanted to comfort him, but no matter how she opened her mouth, Xiao Qianye could not hear her words, let alone see her figure. Therefore, Canglan can only stay by Xiao Qianye's side silently, waiting with him, and also waiting for this dream to wake up quickly.

Time goes away quietly. There is no day or night in the demon world, so no one knows how long they have been waiting here. Qianye, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up, as if he had a nightmare. His body trembled because of fear, his forehead was cold sweating, his face was pale, and even his eyes were so frightened and helpless.

Cang Lan wanted to comfort him, but Xiao Qianye suddenly got up and looked at the distance with his eyes. His little hands were tightly clenched, and his body was still trembling. Without hesitation, he has flown straight down the hall to the outside world.

Such a child has the ability to go to heaven and earth, which really surprised Canglan, but she did not give Canglan a chance to think again. She has once again followed Xiao Qianye to the place where the mother and son separated.

Xiao Qianye just wanted to move forward, but was blocked by an oncoming old man. The old man looked strange, his eyes were red, and he looked non-human.

"Qianye Shaozun, the Lord has ordered that the young master can't go out if he stays in the devil." The old man said respectfully, and his voice was as hoarse and low as the hell messenger.

But Xiao Qianye didn't listen. He frowned and his eyes had become serious. "You get out of the way. I'm going to find my mother."

Although the voice is a little childish, the tone is already full of arrogance, which is so different from the previous cleverness.

The old man was still unwilling to make way and said, "Young master, don't make it difficult for you. The Lord ordered me to wait here before leaving, and never let the young master leave the demon world."

Little Qianye snorted coldly, "Why? My mother went to find my father. Why can't I go? I can clearly see that you faked your mother's decree. If you don't get out of the way, I will order someone to lock you up and not allow you to eat.

"The Lord fought against Da Ashan in order to save the Great Guardian, and for the sake of Shaozun's safety, he did not let Shaozun leave the demon world. Respect the Lord's decree, and my subordinates dare not fake it. The man said with a frightened and cowardly face.

However, the name of Da'ashan stunned Canglan. Is Da'a Mountain the Da'a Mountain in heaven? Without waiting for her to think about it, Xiao Qianye had already looked at the man with a pale face and asked in disbelief, "Mom sent troops to fight against Da Ashan? What the hell is going on? Why didn't my mother tell me? What's wrong with the Great Guardian?