Peerless Fairy

Chapter 177 This life is not long

The quiet wing is simple and chic, and there is still an incense burner on the table, with cigarettes curling, with a little clear meaning, refreshing.

In front of the bed, Lan Ge gently put Prince Su's hand back into the bedding, and then covered the mattress for him before getting up and looking at the people around the room.

When the witch saw Lan Ge get up, she immediately walked to the bedside to visit the prince Su, but when she looked at the pale face of the sleeping man, she couldn't help sighing gently, frowned slightly, and was very worried.

"The prince's body can no longer be delayed..." Lan Ge looked at the witch's back from the side, his eyes fell on the prince Su again, and said, "Do you have a way to save it?"

The witch took a deep breath. Listening to Lan Ge's words, the witch had understood that Lan Ge had seen the physical condition of Prince Su at this moment, but even so, the witch did not want to tell Lan Ge too much about Prince Su.

"We have sent someone to find the elixir and believe that he will come back from time to time. You must worry about today's matter. Qing'er has thanked you, but the prince still needs to rest at this moment. So if you have nothing to do, please go back to the tear cabinet to rest. When the prince wakes up, Qing'er will tell you of your life-saving feelings today. " The witch said very politely, but her tone was a little cold.

Lan Ge smiled, and the witch finished her words. What else does he have to ask? After a glance at Prince Su, his eyes changed, and the Buddha was thinking about something. After a while, he said, "In that case, let's say goodbye first. If the girl needs any help, just open her mouth and she will be effective.

The witch smiled and turned around to salute slightly, "Qing'er understands."

Lan Ge smiled back and did not stop. When he turned around, he deliberately looked at the environment in the room. It was really difficult to understand why everything in this room and the villa was so incompatible, and that feeling was cold and lonely. After a moment of meditation, he stepped out of the room.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, the wooden door was closed by the inner force of the witch. Lan Ge stood outside the door indifferently, with all kinds of tastes in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

Just now, he inadvertently entered the bamboo forest. He happened to see the unconscious son Su, so he brought him back. The reason why he didn't take him directly to the Tear Pavilion was to take this opportunity to see what the front yard of the villa was like and whether Su Yue was in it.

However, he did not find the result he wanted.

With a helpless sigh, Lan Ge had to step forward and prepare to leave. Just as he raised his eyes, a shadow had run from the distance.

It's Ye Qingwu. She has been waiting here. At this moment, she is naturally eager to see Lan Ge coming out.

Walking down the steps, Ye Qingwu had approached Lan Ge's side and looked around to see no one else. Then he asked, "Master, how is that person?"

"It won't be long." The four simple words were obviously said very calmly, but Lan Ge always felt that there was a little sadness in the words, and even he himself felt difficult to believe this feeling.

Ye Qingwu was surprised and asked unbelievably, "Master, you said that the prince's life will not be long. How can this be possible? Wasn't he still fine yesterday?"

As the two said, they gradually got farther and farther away from the room. "This is a persistent disease for many years, not formed in a day or two."

Ye Qingwu frowned and looked at Lan Ge puzzled, waiting for him to come in detail.

Lange looked at Ye Qingwu slightly from the side and met her curious eyes. He just smiled and said, "If I guess correctly, he should have suffered a very severe punishment, causing him to be extremely weak, or even to the point of death. And this matter has been for a long time, at least for hundreds of years. The reason why it can still last until now is that I'm afraid to use some panaceans to maintain his life. Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

Speaking of this, Lan Ge's heart is also full of doubts. Although Prince Su has a mortal body, his breath is very different from mortals. When taking his pulse, when the true qi was injected into the body of the prince Su, Lan Ge obviously felt that the body of the prince Su did not reject the true qi at all. On the contrary, it could still accommodate it. But if the mortal body does not open up the meridians of the body, the true qi cannot be injected into the body so smoothly.

But Prince Su is different. He can accept these true qi, but he can't maintain it in his body. That is to say, after the true qi entered by Lan Ge for Prince Su circled around his body, he automatically returned to Lan Ge's body.

Such a constitution is absolutely unique to human beings. According to Lan Ge's understanding, such a person has only one possibility, that is his body, not the body of mortals.

Thinking of all this, Lan Ge kept thinking about the identity of Gongzi Su in his heart. He ruled out that Gongzi Su was a demon and sent him to be a demon. The only thing left was immortals.

The fairy bone is drawn, just like the prince Su, only one body and mind can be controlled, and can no longer absorb the essence of heaven and earth to practice. Such a person is equivalent to a walking corpse and will die soon after the fairy bone is removed.

Ah!? Really?" Ye Qingwu listened to Lan Ge's words and couldn't help but be surprised. "You mean that that person was about to die, or he could still live with some elixir, but what medicine in the world can sustain his life for hundreds of years?"

Lan Ge is also considering this question. What kind of elixir can make a dying person live to a hundred years?

"I don't understand that if there is such a elixir in the world, I only know that living flowers have this magic effect." Lan Ge said calmly. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. His eyebrows were slightly restrained, and he whispered, "Is there still a flower?"

Thinking of this thing he came down to look for, Lan Ge gradually understood that the flowers were stolen? Su Yue went down to the earth to look for flowers, and at this moment, Su Yue was hidden in this villa. And what the witch said just now, all this is closely related to the living flowers.

The living flower blooms every thousand years. Even if there is no flowering, the water planted in the living pool can maintain human life. If the prince Su really needs the living flowers to save his life, he will not miss it this time. And Su Yue is the only one who knows how to use living flowers, and the purpose of leaving Su Yue here can also be understood.

"Maybe the truth of the matter is about to surface." Lan Ge said faintly, with a cold light in his eyes. This time, he must find out the safety of Su Yue at this moment and where the flowers are still.

Ye Qingwu was confused by Lan Ge, blinking his apricot eyes, and his eyes were very confused. "Master, what is the truth you said? Are we going to find Su Yue?"

Lan Ge smiled indifferently, but his eyes were very gentle. "Sooner or later, Su Yue will find it, but now, we need to figure out another thing."

"What's the matter?" Ye Qingwu asked, and then said, "Master, don't say anything. I'll know then."

Looking at the aggrieved appearance of the girl in front of him, Lan Ge only felt that he seemed to bully her often. His eyes flowed, and Lan Ge continued to move forward. "I'm just thinking whether all this is a coincidence or someone deliberately did it."

"What if it's a coincidence?"

"Then let nature take its course."

"What if someone did it on purpose?"

Lan Ge paused and looked up at the sky, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, "Then I must find that person."

That look was Ling Yu, whom Ye Qingwu had never seen before. She felt that her master seemed to be looking for something and was eager to find it.

"Master, what should we do next?" Ye Qingwu said with some fear, "Are we still looking for Su Yue here?"

Lan Ge said: "Of course, Su Yue is looking for it. After all, she has been on earth for a long time. If the Emperor of Heaven knows about this matter, the consequences will only be unimaginable. But since Su Yue is still in this villa, there is no need to worry about her where to go. The only thing I worry about is the whereabouts of the flowers. But I think we should be able to find everything here.

Ye Qingwu said a long voice. She could never understand or speculate about her master's thoughts, so she had always only followed Lan Ge's thoughts. She was powerless to ask what Lan Ge wanted to do.

Lan Ge is also worried at this moment, because this matter is not only about living flowers, but also about himself. From the moment he stepped into the tear pavilion, that familiarity began to slowly invade his body. Every moment, as long as he calms down, that warm feeling will surround him, like a warm embrace, holding him and not allowing him to continue to pursue the flowers.

But he is Lan Ge, the immortal of the heavenly world. He knows what he should do and what he should not do. It is impossible for him to give up living flowers.

The two had just stepped out of the yard for a moment, and two people had walked in on the other side. It was Xing Mao and Lan Mei.

pushed the door and entered, and only the witch lay quietly by the bedside to guard the prince Su. The others had been screened back by the witch. When they heard someone coming, the witch immediately sat up and became alert in an instant.

"It's me." Lan Mei put the wooden box at the table and said softly when she saw that the witch was so nervous.

Xing Subaru directly approached the bedside. The first sight reflected in his eyes was the pale face of Prince Su, who was so quiet that there was no trace of anger, which made people very worried.

"How is he now?" Still in such a plain tone, Xingma is trying his best to endure his worries.

The witch came forward and replied respectfully, "Return to the young master, the prince's breath is weak now. If he doesn't still have flowers, I'm afraid he won't last long."

Xing Fang frowned and looked at the witch sideways, "The flowers have been found and can be served for him at any time. It's just this method of medicine..."

Hearing that the living flowers had been recovered, the witch couldn't help but breathe easily. When she learned the method of medicine that Xing Subaru was worried about, the witch also replied in time: "Don't worry, we have found the person who can use medicine."