Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1 Difficulty

After the first morning light jumped out of the eastern horizon, the whole Jixia College was gradually bathed in the sun. As the Royal College of Eastern Qi, it has begun to show strong vitality at the moment when the sun rises.

In the north of Jixia College, in the vast and boundless mountains, in an unknown small valley, a teenager is bombarding a prohibition in front of him.

The mana shown by the teenager is not strong, that is, the lowest level of gas gathering period in the outer door, but his whole body shines, with blue water power, fiery red fire power, golden gold power, light blue wood power, orange earth power, and even wrapped around his body. There are also the power of wind, thunder and the most mysterious yin and yang!

As a person, he shows nine powers. This is not a miracle, but a miracle in a miracle.

In addition to the teenager who is accumulating his mana, there are several boys and girls of similar age standing next to them. One of them, a girl with a round face but a charming face, praised loudly: "It is worthy of Fang Rui, a genius with no nine veins! In addition to Mr. Fang Rui, who else can do it to show nine powers with one strength?

And an arrogant teenager next to him showed a disdainful expression: "So what? It's just nine of the most basic standard spells... If I take action, there will be no problem if I break his nine basic spells with my family's Broken Gold Cut.

The girl next to him stared fiercely. The teenager stopped talking. The girl smiled charmingly again and shouted, "Mr. Fang Rui, come on! When this ban is lifted, we will definitely be able to use a blessed land! With a blessed land as the foundation, we will definitely be able to enter the Central Heavenly Dynasty. When we get there, there will be a way for you to know how to break through your own realm and reach a better state!"

Hearing this, Fang Rui, a teenager who is accumulating magic, began to become more resolute. He has stagnated for nearly three years in the lowest gas gathering. If he can't go further, even if he is no matter how rare he is, he will not have any future. This time and this The team formed to find the legendary blessed place together is also one of his few opportunities. He must seize it.

I can't leave like this! I haven't done what I promised to the old man of Fangjia Village!

When he felt that the mana in his body began to accumulate to the peak, Fang Rui opened his hands and completed the dazzling decision almost at the same time, which made the girl begin to admire again: "Beautiful! Qiao Liu, although he is just a lowest-level gas gathering monk, two levels lower than you and me, can we make decisions so fast? This former genius has laid a good foundation!"

"Hongling, don't forget that he has been stagnant in the gas gathering for three years! How long have I been here? It's only been a year, and he has been unable to break through. Naturally, he has more investment in such details!" Qiao Liu, an arrogant teenager, snorted coldly.

The round-faced girl Hongling smiled slightly and did not reply.

Beside them, an ordinary-looking girl whispered, "No... but hurry up. I heard that there is a monk nearby who likes to rob students, and the technicians have been chasing him for a long time and hasn't caught him."

"Hongye, don't worry, that guy can only take action against low-level students. Our group of people can completely crush him. Don't worry." Hongling Mimi replied with a smile.

While they were still chatting, Fang Rui was finally ready.

When all the magic decisions were completed, Fang Rui bombarded his full blow - this blow almost exhausted all the vitality in his body, and the nine lowest-level different spells roared out at the same time, hitting the prohibition in front of him, which was constantly fluctuating like water light!

Hongling and Qiao Liu and the seven followers behind them looked at this scene nervously. This prohibition was not very powerful, but it was extremely exquisite. Only by bombarding with nine series spells of the same energy at the same time could it be opened - this was clearly shown at the beginning. They did not believe in evil at the beginning. The consequence is the loss of a person in the team.

When nine spells with different lights bombarded the prohibition almost in sequence, in the ecstatic eyes of Hongling and Qiao Liu, the color of the prohibition rippled like water waves began to become lighter and lighter and gradually disappeared.

"It worked!"

Hongling and Qiao Liu shouted happily at the same time. Fang Rui was also relieved. When he was about to make way with a smile, the prohibition that was almost disappearing suddenly flourished. Before Fang Rui could react, he had already wrapped his whole body in it!

"What's going on?" Fang Rui was stunned. He tried to touch the layer of water light that wrapped him, but found that his hand could not touch the water light at all - close to the world, this is not the great magic power that ordinary monks can achieve!

Looking at Hongling and Qiao Liu's unsurprised expressions, Fang Rui began to feel that he seemed to have been fooled...

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fang Rui, we seemed to say one less word before..." Hongling came up and said with a smile across the layer of prohibition.

"Will the prohibition devour the nearest person before it disappears?" Fang Rui thought for a moment and then said.

"It is worthy of being the most anticipated genius in the mainland! That's true." Hongling laughed: "In addition to the need for you to bombard with nine series spells at the same time, it will also roll away the nearest life... We have lost a good hand, and others are very important to me, so... we can only sacrifice you."

"If you remind me in advance, I can cast spells a little farther away and then control a beast as a sacrifice. Why did you do this to me?" Fang Rui asked calmly.

"Why?" Hongling smiled and said nothing, and Qiao Liu next to him laughed ferociously: "Why can a lowly man like you share the blessed land with us? Only we are qualified to have a blessed land, form a strong sect, and then fly to the fairyland together!"

Hongling laughed loudly: "Yes, every sect with a blessed land will create a group of earth-shaking figures... However, there will be no you, Mr. Fang Rui, because you are not our own."

Speaking of this, Hongling squinted and laughed: "Well, in fact, we are also worried that if you are farther away, you may not be able to open this prohibition."

After saying this, Hongling and Qiao Liu laughed together. The ordinary girl Hongye glanced at Fang Rui, also turned around and gradually walked away with Hongling Qiao Liu, and the water light wrapped around Fang Rui also completely disappeared between heaven and earth after a flash.

After all the scenery outside the water wave disappeared, Fang Rui looked at the blurred scenery around him, felt the power that began to accumulate in the seemingly infinitely deep space above his head, and sighed for a long time.

"Are I going to die here? I'm really unwilling. I should be the protagonist..."

It has been three years since he came to this world. When he crossed from the earth to this flying fairy continent, he once thought that he was a standard protagonist template - time travel, or traveled through a rare nine-vein-vexed strange person in ten thousand years. What happened next was very logical and stayed in Fangjia Village. After the month, he was found by the dean of Jixia College and brought back to Jixia College. In the test, he proved that he was indeed a rare nine-vein body for ten thousand years, and broke a series of records after enrollment!

From a baseless civilian to the peak of the day after tomorrow, Fang Rui only took him a week to practice the nine vein spells of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, yin and yang at the same time. With mutual stimulation, his speed of cultivation is faster than the most outstanding geniuses on the Feixian continent. Nine times!

In a month, he broke through from the day after tomorrow to the innate. According to the dean's calculation, if he continues to practice at such a speed, he is very likely to break through to the highest nine grades of the Feixian Continent in just 100 years, and then become the fastest genius to fly to the fairyland in nearly ten thousand years!

At that time, Fang Rui was full of high spirits. The whole college held him like stars holding the moon. The dean personally guided him and gave priority to the supply of various resources... However, after breaking through the congenital spirit, when his true spirit began to transform into the innate spirit, his progress stagnated!

After breaking through to the innate, he became a monk. This stage is called the gas gathering, and the next thing to do is to open its own Dantian gas sea, be able to accommodate more innate vitality, and impact the next stage. However, no matter how many natural materials and treasures are used in Jixia College, even The three deans took action at the same time, but Fang Rui's Dantian Qihai could never be opened!

For nearly three years, I don't know how much natural resources and treasures have been spent. Fang Rui is still stagnant in the gathering of gas. His students at the same time have long left him far behind, leaving him, a former genius, as a laughing stock.

He can't leave the college after the expiration of three years, because there is another bet that he value very much.

Because of this, when the pearly Hongling found him and invited him to open the prohibition and find a blessed place, Fang Rui was moved, but he became the donkey that was killed after unloading the mill.

"Anyway, I can't give up."

Fang Rui stood up - now he is undoubtedly a Jedi, but even if he is a Jedi, he will persist to the end - even if it is just to live!

The roar became louder and louder. Fang Rui looked up at the deep space above his head, looked at a firelight appearing above his head, and then smashed down at himself!

Fang Rui took action with all his strength, and continuous water light appeared from his palm. Fang Rui's palm turned over, and a ball of water light rushed up and collided with the firelight. At that time, both water and fire disappeared invisible.

Fang Rui breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the contact just now, such a forbidden attack does not seem to be very powerful. Fang Rui is only at the level of gathering gas, but can use the spells of mutual restraint to offset the attack - it seems that it can still be supported for a period of time.

Firelight, golden light, water waves, earth bombs, wind blades, lightning strikes... Fang Rui received nine different spells in a row, and thanks to his ability to use each spells, he could barely resist it. Even so, after resisting nine times in a row, Fang Rui also felt exhausted.

Looking helplessly at the calming head, Fang Rui didn't know when there would be a next wave of spells, but according to his understanding, such a trap that can trap people will certainly not end with such a wave of offensive.

While Fang Rui was waiting for the next wave of offensive, the square space was less than ten feet in size and suddenly calmed down.

Fang Rui was stunned, but at this time he had no strength. No matter what happened next, he could not resist it. He could only sit there and wait for the disaster to come.