Peerless Immortal

Chapter 8 Assassination

Unless Huang Shun is stupid, he will have opinions. He is just an ordinary tutor in the outer courtyard. In front of these ordinary monks in the gathering environment, he is a god, but in front of the listening to the rain of one of the three deans... that is, he is just an ant-like existence.

Hearing Huang Shun's answer, he nodded and said, "Fang Rui, come to my cave." After saying this, the rumbling sounded loudly, and the dean of the outer court disappeared in front of everyone with the glow of the sky.

Fang Rui shrugged his shoulders at Huang Shun, and then turned around and left the beautiful place, leaving only Huang Shun, who was itchy with hatred.

If he didn't take action just now, Huang Shun would not lose face, but as a graded monk, he defeated a congenital monk regardless of his identity. However, under one blow, Fang Rui was actually intact...

"What are you still doing? Why don't you work quickly!"

Huang Shun, who was full of anger, sent all his anger on the other monks. The monks began to start their work with contempt, while Huang Shun stood above the beautiful land and began to think about it.

"Fang Rui has broken through... I don't know what the realm is now. He can resist my blow. It seems that his current strength is really not to be underestimated! I don't know if Huang Ping can beat him... It seems that he has to do something else..."

When some thoughts were turning in Huang Shun's mind, Fang Rui had arrived at the cave of the man on the rain - when he entered the cave, he saw the man sitting cross-legged on a futon, frowning and thinking about something.

Fang Rui did not disturb the people on the rain, but found a futon and sat down cross-legged. Although he was not too used to this sitting method when he crossed over, he was also used to this sitting posture after crossing for so many years.

Hearing that Yu Shangren didn't let Fang Rui wait too long, he quickly opened his eyes and said, "You can't control the size of your power well when you are using spells, right?"

"It's like this. It suddenly enhanced its power nearly a hundred times. When I call it, it still takes time to adapt. Fang Rui nodded and replied.

"Originally, it was the fastest way to adapt to the power of calling spells in the beautiful land, but now it seems that... If you adapt, I'm afraid there will be no production of Huangjing rice in the college before you adapt... You know, the production of yellow refined rice in Jixia College accounts for 50% of the consumption of the whole Eastern Qi country, one day It can't be broken."

Listening to the words of the rain, Fang Rui also smiled bitterly. Indeed, planting yellow rice can use almost all the basic spells. This was originally the best way to control his own power, but it could not be ruined by him because of the importance of the beautiful land.

"I have a task here to go to Huangqu Mountain to collect materials... There, you can let go and use your spells. Remember to come back in seven days and just hand in something for me. Do you understand?" Listen to the rainman smile.

Half an hour later.

Leaning against the interior of the "breaking shuttle", his eyes looked at the flying white clouds outside the window. Fang Rui's heart was full of gratitude to the people who listened to the rain.

said that a task was arranged for him. In fact, it was just to make it easier for him to better grasp the strength he already had. More importantly, he could only use the air shuttle in the college when he had a task.

You should know that the air-breaking shuttle is something that can quickly transfer monks who have no grade and can't escape from a long distance. It is a strategic material between countries. There are only tens of thousands of them in the whole Eastern Qi and 3,000 from Jixia Academy. Basically, only those students who are favored can have the right to use a air-breaking shuttle. .

Huangqu Mountain, more than 1,300 miles away from Jixia College, is part of the Yunwu Mountains. It is also the place where the T-shaped Chen-level dangerous Huangqu Cave is located, which is suitable for Fang Rui's current strength test.

At Fang Rui's current speed, it takes ten hours to run from Jixia College to Huangqu Mountain, and after boarding the air shuttle, he came to Huangqu Mountain from Jixia College in just half an hour.

After leaving the air shuttle, the air shuttle immediately started automatically and flew back to Jixia College - seven days later, it will wait for Fang Rui at this place.

Fang Rui took a deep breath, started and went up the mountain.

He is full of strength and ready to take action at any time - this is what monks must do when they arrive at major dangerous places. The so-called dangerous places are not only where there will be a huge number of monsters, but when they arrive at this dangerous place, they may be attacked by monsters at any time.

When Fang Rui came to the mouth of the Huangqu Cave, he stepped out with his right foot, but did not step on the ground, but his left foot quickly exerted force, and his whole body jumped out to the back - just as he jumped out, in the land where he was going to settle, suddenly stretched out a yellow orange hairy head, and opened his mouth to bite. !

If Fang Rui steps on it, he will definitely be bitten by this ugly bug.

And now, it's this bug's turn to be unlucky.

When it bit into the air, Fang Rui, who jumped back, stopped his body, quickly bent down, stretched out his two fingers, clamped the worm's neck, pulled hard, pulled the worm's body completely out of the soil, and then spewed out the fire force, burning the worm into coke in an instant.

"Damn, too hard..."

Fang Rui muttered and threw out the coke-like insect corpse.

This kind of worm called "yellow worm" is a specialty of Huangqu Mountain. It is a kind of earthy demon worm with a curved body and an earthy yellow shell. It can spray various venoms. Its strength is not particularly excellent.

However, one of the troubles is that they swim in the soil and come out to attack from time to time. If they are accidentally bitten, the demons and insects of Huangqu Mountain will flock to them, and even the monks who pass through the sky may not be able to escape.

However, the shell of this worm is a very good material for refining soil magic weapons, especially the refined defense magic weapons are quite strong, which belongs to the standard armor of the military of mainland countries.

Fang Rui originally planned to roast the worm, and the shell would automatically fall off, which could contribute to Jixia College - but he did not control the temperature of the fire and directly burned the shell, which was of no use.

"It's good to hear what the rainman said that it's enough to hand in something casually... Otherwise, if I burn it down like this, the materials that have been knocked down in these seven days are not enough for the air shuttle to go back and forth a few times."

Fang Rui laughed at himself twice and then continued to move towards the depths of the Huangqu Cave.

In fact, it is not difficult to test in Huangqu Cave. There are no particularly strong monsters in Huangqu Cave. The most are yellow insects, which is also the origin of the name of Huangqu Mountain and Huangqu Cave. As long as you concentrate and feel the movement of the underground demon insects at any time, and are not attacked by the demon insects at the first time, then it is still very easy to live. Easy.

In the next three days, Fang Rui was soaked in the Huangqu Cave - constantly wandering around, attracting yellow insects to break through the ground to attack himself, and then using various spells to attack these poor bugs to make his control spells more and more exquisite...

In the past three days, even if Huangqu Cave is unlucky, Fang Rui, who can't control his vitality, often releases powerful spells. Anyway, no matter how much energy he consumes, there will be a continuous stream of vitality to supplement from that space.

With the continuous destruction of these three days, Fang Rui also began to gradually control the spell - the more powerful the spell, the better. The subtlety of Taoism is the foundation of the monk. If he can't even release the spell, how can he attack the other party? The monk is not wood and will not stand there stupidly and wait for you to fight.

Only by completely controlling the spell you hit can you not waste it and attack the other party.

Fang Rui's progress is very fast - more than two years of stagnation in the gas gathering environment have brought his control of spells to a very high level. He knows how to familiarize himself with the operation of his vitality faster so as to better control his spells. He has rich experience in this process. What he has to do now is to repeat this The process should be done quickly in a short time.

In only three days, Fang Rui has been able to control his vitality and spell attack. He is fully proficient in the most basic nine-series spells. According to his plan, the next step is to learn other spells at a higher level.

On this day, after he took the second fork in Huangqu Cave, he began to walk towards the third fork, and when he came to the third fork in the road, his footsteps slightly stagnated and then continued to walk forward.

One step, two steps, three steps.

When the third step was just stepped out, as when he was attacked by yellow insects before, Fang Rui suddenly exerted strength on his feet, and his whole body floated back.

While he floated out, the originally neat ground suddenly became messy. Centering on the place where he originally stepped on, an extremely shining sword light rushed up directly - if Fang Rui did not float back, this sword would pierce him directly!

However, although Fang Rui escaped this sword, he did not seem to be able to avoid the next trap!

When he floated backwards, a large net made of countless vines suddenly appeared behind him and covered his head against him, and the sword suddenly turned around in the air and continued to fly towards Fang Rui!

Almost in an instant, Fang Rui fell into the danger of being surrounded and attacked in front of him!

The sword light is bright, with earth-like orange and yellow. When approaching Fang Rui's face, the sword light has made Fang Rui's face look orange, and the swordsman who used this sword seems to have felt the pleasure after piercing Fang Rui's sword through his throat...