Peerless Immortal

Chapter 16 Unlucky Grouping (Alliance Leader Update)

There is no doubt that the power shown by Princess Qingfeng and Tian Rufeng is indeed overwhelming. At the same time, looking at their effortless appearance, everyone knows that their previous action in the ring was not all their strength.

With the background of the royal family and the Tian family in the eastern Qi Dynasty, Qingfeng Princess and Tian Rufeng must be a magic weapon that can be used in the innate realm, which is enough to make them 50% stronger than the normal Tongtianjing monks!

The students marveled at the strength shown by these two people. Indeed, from now on, Princess Qingfeng and Tian Rufeng will be the biggest favorites of this time. Many students who support Fang Rui are beginning to worry that Fang Rui can really win the only place to enter the Intermediate People's Court in the hands of these two proud sons?

Obviously, even if Princess Qingfeng and Tian Rufeng do not participate in this big game, they can easily enter the mid court through their own promotion. However, now they have participated in this big game and become a roadblock for Fang Rui.

This is also the reason why many students of civilian origin are dissatisfied, but this time, it is particularly obvious.

However, the roadblock seems to be more than these two.

Originally, Huang Ping and Chen Lang, who were popular this competition, were reduced to foils because of the unexpected competition between Princess Qingfeng and Tian Rufeng, but now the two foils are actually divided into one group, which has also become a great highlight.

After entering the ring, Huang Ping and Chen Lang seemed to have a tacit understanding. They did not compete together at the beginning, but took action against other students at the same time!

The other four students in this group are the best players in the gas situation. They were beaten out of the ring by Huang Ping and Chen Lang almost in the blink of an eye. The competition has been particularly measured until now. Only a few students were slightly injured. However, this time, Huang Ping's attack seemed to be very fierce and directly beat the two students. Spitting blood and flying out, when he landed, he was already dying...

Other students under the stage are scrped.

"Huang Ping, it's too heavy to take action." Chen Lang frowned and said.

"Sorry, I just broke through yesterday, so I didn't grasp it well." Huang Ping moved his body and answered easily.

Other students who were originally indignant couldn't help but be stunned when they heard Huang Ping's words, and the elders on the high platform were also a little surprised to turn their eyes on Huang Ping - breakthrough? Huang Ping was originally a nourishing environment, but now that he has broken through, hasn't he become a monk in the realm of heaven?

Only one of the elders smiled and looked complaed. He heard the rain man look at him thoughtfully.

The peak of the innate monk is the realm of heaven. It is not easy to achieve the realm of heaven. After cultivating your body to an extremely strong state, you can constantly stimulate your brain with vitality and enhance your spiritual strength until your mind is firm and the external things remain motionless. It can be regarded as breaking through to the realm of heaven. The monks in this realm will basically not have too much mental fluctuations and can deal with all the details calmly. For example, the calmness reflected by Tian Rufeng before was broken one by one. Princess Qingfeng also calculated what kind of force to make what kind of opponent flew out of the ring. These are all the monks of Tongtianjing compared with the previous level. Other monks are better.

The computing ability is strong, so it will not consume excess vitality, and the spells are used more appropriately. When it comes to the monks in the heavenly realm, they may not be much better than the monks who can mobilize the amount of vitality and the defense ability of the body, but in In actual combat, it is far more than the monks who nourish the atmosphere!

Chen Lang's expression was also a little uncertain. Among the students in the second year of the foreign college, he and Huang Ping have been competing and have been basically comparable. He knew that the game would be very difficult, but at this time Huang Ping said that he had broken through - is there any hope of victory?

However, under the gaze of so many students, Chen Lang can't retreat because of the other party's words - whether Huang Ping has made a breakthrough or not, we have to talk about it later.

Chen Lang is a double series of Jinshui, which makes him have strong close combat ability and excellent self-healing ability at the same time. His family's spells also improve the destructive power and healing ability of these two series of spells, which also gave him the upper hand in the previous battle with Huang Ping, but this fight immediately made him feel Huang Ping's progress!

His close bombardment can't break Huang Ping's soil spell defense, and every time the spell collides, Huang Ping will invade Chen Lang's body with wooden poison, and every time it is resolved, it will consume a lot of Chen Lang's power...

The two sides only had one cup of tea, and Chen Lang had already shown defeat.

He was also very single. After being hit hard by Huang Ping, he took the initiative to jump out of the ring - in these few fights just now, he did sense that Huang Ping's real strength may not have increased much, but the subtlety of his action and fine control really showed the strength of the heavenly realm!

Huang Ping, who was slapped far away by Fang Rui yesterday, broke through the atmosphere and reached the peak of the congenital period overnight!

After landing, Chen Lang did not feel unhappy. Although he lost to this old opponent, since Tian Rufeng and Princess Qingfeng participated in this competition, he knew that he probably had no chance to enter the mid court in advance. However, he still had time, and it was not too difficult to enter the middle court step by step. Things.

Looking at Chen Lang, who did not show much disappointment, he nodded slightly. In terms of qualifications, he is not as good as Fang Rui. In terms of his family, he is not as good as Princess Qingfeng and Tian Rufeng. However, as long as he can have a peaceful mentality, such a monk will not suffer too many setbacks on the road of cultivation. It is very likely that Thick and thin.

On the contrary, Huang Ping... I heard that if a top monk helps Huang Ping wash his body with vitality and stimulate his spirit, it is possible for him to break through from the energy to the sky overnight, but this forced promotion with external forces will have a great impact on the next progress, unless it is really won the championship. , obtain some items that can eliminate sequelae in the secret library of the outer courtyard, so as to eliminate the impact of forced promotion.

To some extent, this is also a desperate gamble. It seems that the Huang family has really reached the point of exhaustion, otherwise they would not have used such an extreme method.

"A depressed family with an extreme mentality... seems a little dangerous..."

When listening to the rain people thinking, the game continued. When Huang Ping came down, he looked at Fang Rui in the distance, and Fang Rui also noticed his eyes.

Three opponents?

This competition is really unprecedentedly fierce.

For the civilian students who came to watch the bustle, they are now starting to worry about Fang Rui - after all, so far, there have been three good hands who have passed through the sky, and they are all good hands with a deep family background. With the strength of the sky and the magic weapons of various family legends, they can show their combat power. , almost compared with the low-level monks, although Fang Rui is magical, although he is a genius, can he really defeat these three opponents in a row and win the final championship?

After all, he has only one chance...

In a slightly silent atmosphere, the game continues. Unlike these three favorites, other students, even if they qualify from the group, they can only qualify after a hard battle.

At the end of the day, it was almost the end of the day. Finally, it was Fang Rui's turn to appear!

Group 48.

Interestingly, when it was finally Fang Rui's turn to play, other games were basically coming to an end. When Fang Rui and other students in the same group jumped into the ring, all eyes were focused on the ring where they were in.

Fang Rui's luck is not very good. There are not six people in the same group, but seven people.

In other groups, there are monks who nourish the gas environment, and in Fang Rui's group, there are seven people who nourish the atmosphere. In fact, if it weren't for such a popular participation as Princess Qingfeng, those who are really have the ability to compete for the championship, that is, the monks who nourish the atmosphere. Huang Ping and Chen Lang before are all Level monks, but their family's background is better, and they have personally reached the peak of nourishing, so they are considered to be the most popular before.

Although these seven students have not reached the peak of the gas environment, they are at least at the level of the gas environment. The only thing they lack is that they do not have those magic weapons that can enhance their personal strength, and they can only rely on their real strength to fight.

"We are also helpless when we are separated from you."

The leader of the seven students said helplessly, "You know, we are lucky this time and actually divided together... We have a set of joint strike spells. Originally, we thought that if we were lucky, we could help you get rid of an opponent, but now we can only say sorry."

"Combined spell?"

Fang Rui asked curiously that he had not had much contact with other students in the past three years of Jixia College. Although these seven students also entered the same year as him, he was really not familiar with each other...

"We all come from a small fishing village on the coast of the East China Sea and have grown up together since childhood."

The students did not mean to take action immediately, but explained in detail: "The people in that small fishing village are basically surnamed Lv, and we didn't know what cultivation was before. Until three years ago, when the senior elders of the college traveled, they found that we all had the potential to practice, so they took us to Jixia. College."

"In three years, I have never practiced and reached the state of Qi nourishment, which is already amazing."

Fang Rui sighed that he was previously known as a rare genius in a hundred years, but now it is nothing more than the strength of nourishing the atmosphere, and these seven people of the other party, like him, have not practiced before coming to Jixia College, and now they have reached the state of nourishing atmosphere. If they can If you have a better background and start practicing before entering school, it won't be too difficult to break through to the great period now, right?

"The seven of us grew up together, and after we began to practice, we also had our own focus, knowing which magic we are best at... After that, we changed our name, taking Lv as the surname, in the name of art... My name is Lv Feng." The leading students whispered.

A tall student standing next to him then said, "My name is Lu Lei!"

"Lv Jin."

"Lv Mu."

"Lv Shui."

"Lv Huo."

"Lv Tu."

"Wind, thunder, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, it seems that this is the spells you practice." Fang Rui laughed.

"That's right." Lv Feng nodded.

Fang Rui also had some solemnity on his face. Originally, he was not worried about the seven monks in the same realm. After all, in the same realm, he was invincible, and it was not without the experience of one against ten. However, the other seven people, each practiced one department and grew up together. They must be extremely excellent in cooperation. Ji, the five elements are born together, and the power will be much stronger if we take action together!

and such seven people are divided into a group, and Fang Rui's luck seems to be extremely moldy.