Peerless Immortal

Chapter 43 Preparation

Fight, of course you have to work hard.

Two second-grade monks have to desperately pester a four-grade monster, which is desperate, and a monk who is connected to heaven should turn his mana into a huge fire and a four-grade monster - most of these words will be laughed at.

The three questions raised by Tian Xingjian did mention the idea, but the second question he said is whether Fang Rui's magic power can support this is the most difficult to solve, but in Fang Rui's view, it is the last thing to worry about.

The mysterious space in his body will inhale all the vitality in his body, and he will not be full after eating as much as he eats. After the vitality in his body is consumed, he will also be extremely generous to help him replenish his vitality at the first time, how much he consumes and how much to replenish.

However, maybe only Fang Rui has such a preferential treatment, because the vitality in his body is chaotic qi, not the true qi of a certain genus. The energy emitted from that space is also the same as the vitality emitted near the Jiaoyuan Tower. It is the purest energy, which can make him accept it without hindrance, and even In Fang Rui's perception, the vitality from that space is purer and more powerful than the energy received from outside the Jiaoyuan Tower!

Fang Rui himself was also very surprised at this point. Jiaoyuan Tower is the essence of Jiaoyuan Fudi. How can the vitality provided by that space be more pure than the vitality provided by Jiaoyuan Tower!

Anyway, Fang Rui is not worried about his lack of mana, but two other questions - whether the spell he released through the sky can hurt the four-grade monsters, and secondly, even if he can hurt the four-grade monsters to death in a day!

These two questions are the key to whether Fang Rui and others can kill a four-grade monster on the last day!

Fang Rui can't answer these two questions now. Only when he really meets a four-grade monster can he get an answer.

"Let's go to the third floor."

The three looked at each other and began to move upwards - in the past, they had been deep enough on the second floor. According to the distance, it was not too far from the third floor, which was also the key to the implementation of this plan.

As for whether they can rush back in time, Fang Rui and others are not worried. The wonderful thing about the transmission array is here. If it is only one-way transmission, then it will be sent anywhere. At that time, they chose two-way transmission. One of the advantages of the two-way legend is that when the return time you set is When you are, no matter where you are, you will be instantly sucked to the transmission site by the transmission array.

This is also a very surprising thing, because other transmission arrays on the Feixian Continent do not have this strange-sounding function. Obviously, the materials used in the middle court are more rare in the construction, and the spells of blessing are more mysterious to achieve this. The effect.

Naturally, the cost is also expensive. As usual, the distance transmitted to the sales golden grottoes costs at most a medium-grade spiritual stone, the value of an integral in the middle courtyard, but far more than a medium-grade spiritual stone, but Fang Rui and each of them spent 20 points - because of this This is also to prevent students from wasting too much time on the journey back and forth during the trial process.

Walking up step by step, Fang Rui and others carefully avoided the two-tier gold-licking beasts - but the closer to the three layers, the fewer the number of gold-licking beasts, because the three layers are the existence that scare the two-layer monsters, even if the three layers of monsters faintly release the gas. It will make the monsters on the second floor feel uncomfortable. Anyway, the whole second floor occupies an extremely large area, and the monsters don't want to live in an uncomfortable place...

Another fault. Fang Rui, Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xingjian took a deep breath at the same time. They knew that the biggest test had finally arrived.

"We will soon enter the third floor... I hope we can be lucky and meet a four-grade gold-licking beast. At least we will be more sure to deal with such a monster."

Tian Xingjian said with a bitter smile, and Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng nodded at the same time.

The golden caves are clearly layered, and one layer is full of gold-eating ants. It is almost impossible for this kind of monster to be too strong. The peak of Yipin is their limit. After reaching the peak of Yipin, the golden ants will split into ten gold-eating ants that have just reached the strength of Yipin - such a continuous cycle is still in a very In the low-level survival mode.

The second-level gold-licking beasts are much more advanced. At least they are also second-grade cultivation. When they successfully break through to the fourth level, they will enter the third level to continue to practice. However, the third-layer is not only gold-licking beasts, but also have a variety of powerful monsters. They are born with two or three levels of strength and can be cultivated at the highest. Liupin - Of course, when there are monsters approaching Liupin on the third floor, the seal of the mouth of the Golden Cave will send a message. Naturally, there will be Jixia College or the masters of the Dongqi King's Room to remove such monsters so as not to destroy the seal of the whole cave.

So in fact, the existence of the strongest peak of the whole golden cave is nothing more than the monster that has just approached the fifth grade, but more the existence of the fourth grade.

Fang Rui and others entered the third floor, which is relatively safe. After all, they can't beat the four monsters and can still run...

Carefully crossing the fault, Fang Rui began to release his consciousness and search around - this kind of thing is the most suitable for him to do. After all, the advantage of chaotic qi is the purest mana, which is difficult to be found.

"In the east, more than ten feet away, there is a monster... four grades."

Fang Rui whispered, and then the three began to move carefully in the direction pointed out by Fang Rui.

They are not worried about meeting two four-grade monsters at the same time. After all, when they reach this level, they will be king. On the second floor, those gold-lickers are like this. One-headed golden-licking beast occupies a place and enjoys the golden power.

Second-grade monsters will do this, not to mention fourth-grade monsters.

While moving forward lightly, Tian Xingjian whispered something, praying that if he could meet a four-grade gold-licking beast, he could continue to use such tactics, first seriously damage the softness of the mouth of the gold-licking beast, and then grind it up, and the certainty will be much greater.

After approaching the sphere of influence of the four-grade monster, the three stopped at the same time. Fang Rui motioned Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng not to move first, and then pinched a seal, and the whole body melted into the wind, and then rose up.

Almost a few flickers, Fang Rui withdrew the spell and returned to Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng.

"How about it? What kind of monster?" Tian Xingjian asked nervously.

"There are some big strips... It's a golden beast!" Fang Rui said with an unlucky face.

Tian Xingjian stroked his forehead, and Ji Qingfeng's face was not very good-golden beast, one of the three-layer specialties of the Golden Grottoes. This monster has no father or mother, and can only be condensed in the place with the richest golden power. It was born with four grades of strength, and its whole body is extremely hard, even its internal organs. And all kinds of soft places are extremely hard. It doesn't even need to eat. Naturally, there will be countless golden powers used for it.

And the golden beast is also the monster that is most likely to break through to the sixth grade in the whole golden cave, and it is also the monster that has been killed the most by the masters in the free period.

"We can only deal with this thing... Why don't we change our partner?" Tian Xingjian sighed.

"Change? What if it takes a long time to find the next end? We only have one day, and we only have enough time to kill a four-grade monster... We can't afford to waste this time!"

Fang Rui gritted his teeth: "I will condense the spell first and accumulate some more magic that can be used... By the way, now I need you two to accept my vitality, so that the spells I released will not hinder you in the next battle."

Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng nodded at the same time. Since they have to work hard, they naturally have to do their best preparations. The golden beast is famous for being difficult to fight, but there is also one advantage, that is, its body is heavy and its movement speed is not too fast. In addition, any part of the body is composed of gold power, so only If the fire power is strong enough and long-lasting enough, it can refine them!

Under such circumstances, Fang Rui must constantly burn the whole body of the golden beast with fire. Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng's task is to contain it so that it cannot interfere with Fang Rui's casting. Next, Fang Rui's spells are naturally launched indiscriminately, so there is no need to hinder Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng. Only then can it be launched smoothly.

Fang Rui first grabbed Tian Xingjian's hand, and then passed a chaotic atmosphere in his body. Soon, this chaotic atmosphere swam away Tian Xingjian's whole body. Tian Xingjian easily moved his body, and the other party nodded and signaled that it was okay.

Fang Rui then grabbed Ji Qingfeng's hand, and then he was stunned - such a pair of boneless hands, extremely delicate, grasped in the palm of the hand, soft, soft, compared with the hand holding the fat man, it was simply heaven and earth...

Just as Fang Rui was thinking like this, Tian Xingjian coughed beside him, and Ji Qingfeng's face showed a trace of crimson. For this beautiful woman, such an expression is difficult to see...

Fang Rui, who woke up, was also embarrassed, but if he shook off the other party's hand at this time, it would be too traces, so he simply put the chaotic air in his body into Ji Qingfeng's body, and then quickly swam for a week...

Enter your partner's body with your true spirit, and then the spells you issue will not repel each other because they are of the same root as this true qi. This is the way for comrades-in-arms to fight side by side on the flying fairy continent. Otherwise, the two sides will fight and countless spells bombard each other. Why do you Will people not hurt their own people? It's because I had such a preparation before.

After feeling Fang Rui's true spirit swam away and then lying down, Ji Qingfeng also nodded to Fang Rui. Fang Rui reluctantly let go of his hand and held Ji Qingfeng's jade hands... It's really... great.

Fang Rui was embarrassed to look at Ji Qingfeng next, but turned around. Ji Qingfeng also bowed his head and said nothing more. Tian Xingjian frowned, and then coughed again and became serious.

Fang Rui shook his head and sat down cross-legged. The next moment, countless heaven and earth began to emerge from his body and began to fill the whole sky above Fang Rui's head.

Because Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng have the true spirit transmitted by Fang Rui in their bodies, they also began to perceive this invisible heaven and earth qi. Where their divine consciousness saw, the heaven and earth qi with great power has been densely covered the sky overhead!