Peerless Immortal

Chapter 59 The monk ascends to the sky

When the first ray of sunshine appeared in the morning, although no one could see the sunshine in the midorate, people on the twilight mountain could feel it, and all the students also knew it.

In the first 29 days of each month, Jiaoyuan Tower is in a very quiet state. Only on this last day will Jiaoyuan Tower come to life! The dark tower began to emit a faint red light. The closer it is to the spire, the more red it is!

Without the command of the people on the Twilight Mountain, the students automatically lined up according to the ranking order. Hongfeng stood behind Fang Rui with a gloomy face. For the past year, he has been standing in the first position and proud of all directions, and today...

This reminds him of the scene where the overlord-like figure had been stopping in front of him two years ago. Today, the figure in front of him is much shorter and more beautiful, but it still stops in front of him!

Fang Rui did not care about Hongfeng's angry mood at this time. He looked at the tower that suddenly became extremely enchanting with excitement, took a deep breath, and walked towards Jiaoyuan Tower.

At the bottom of Jiaoyuan Tower, there is an iron gate that is closed for 29 days a month. Only on this day will it open automatically.

Fang Rui walked into the Jiaoyuan Tower.

The tower is not as dark as Fang Rui imagined, nor is it so bright. The faint red light from the tower makes the light in the tower not dark.

In the tower, there are spiral steps, and on both sides of the steps are caves with red light. There is nothing in the cave, only a futon that emits faint water light.

"The futon woven from the depths of the East China Sea, the water-based treasure peneous grass, sits on it, water and fire are compatible, and the speed of cultivation is faster."

Ji Hua, who was separated from Fang Rui, said with a smile, which was naturally for Fang Rui.

At the entrance of the cave is a number, and the bottom cave is 1,000. In turn, students only need to remember their ranking and know where they should meditize this time.

Walking up step by step, the higher you go, the bigger the cave will appear, and the strong vitality inside will become stronger and stronger.

"I don't know which master of Jixia College can do such a thing... Put the spiritual veins of the whole Jiaoyuan blessed land into this piece, and then set the prohibition set by * force. Twenty-nine days a month are accumulating, and then all of them will explode on this last day. Practice here for one day, which is the best. A year in the outside world!" Tian Yan also sighed.

"Yes, this practice prevents students from sitting here mediting for many years. What is cultivated in that way is just a group of idiots who know nothing and can't cultivate truly excellent talents." Ji Hua also took over.

"You two are really talking too much today." The red maple said coldly.

"Isn't there a newcomer?" Ji Hua didn't seem to hear the unpleasantness in Hongfeng's words: "Don't forget that when the three of us first entered the Jiaoyuan Tower, Brother Renfeng also introduced us like this... Now we are seniors and seniors. Of course, we have to learn from Brother Renfeng's practice."

Ji Hua deliberately mentioned Ji Renfeng, who had suppressed Hongfeng for a whole year. Sure enough, Hongfeng's face became worse...

Ji Hua and Tian Yan looked at each other and smiled.

Fang Rui didn't pay attention to the intrigue between the three sons of the big family behind him. He just carefully observed the Jiaoyuan Tower and looked around.

There are dense prohibitions and charms around the tower, especially near each cave. There are countless subtle charms that gather spirits, eliminate evil spirits, and ease the violent qi in the fire power. The gathering spells are used to attract vitality, and other charms that make the natural and earth qi produced can be unimpeded by the human body. Absorption, the higher the cave, the larger the cave, the more spells it will need. No wonder there are only a thousand positions in such a large Jiaoyuan Tower, because any position occupies a large area of space to have a better effect!

Up, up.

"We have a private name for this staircase, which is called 'climbing the ladder'."

Tian Yan laughed and said, "Of course, you can't climb to the top of this staircase, but it will be closer to the 'sky'!"

This time, not only Fang Rui, but also Hongfeng's face showed a look of yearning. The most desirable thing for the monks of the whole Eastern Qi Kingdom and even the whole Feixian Continent is Feixian! This word heaven represents the flying immortals and ascending to the fairyland!

You should know that there have always been flying immortals in the continent, and it is even said that from time to time there are messengers of the fairyland who come down to the earth to point out the monks in the world. There are so many forces in the whole continent, but there will not be too many bloodshed incidents, and it is also related to the pressure of the fairyland above the continent. .

In front of such a big goal, what is too attractive about the secular strength and power?

Only the cultivation of immortals is the ultimate goal!

There is also an end to climbing the ladder. Fang Rui finally stepped on the highest floor.

The highest floor is not so much a cave as a platform. After the highest staircase, a huge platform appears, surrounded by various runes and prohibitions, which are full of incomparable and extremely strong innate vitality!

Fang Rui even saw that there are countless shiny things like pebbles around the platform - such things are very familiar to Fang Rui and are spiritual stones before forming!

Looking at the texture, it is crystal clear, which is undoubtedly a top-grade spiritual stone - you should know that the Jiaoyuan Tower has just opened and released its aura, and is about to condense into a top-grade spiritual stone. It can be seen that the aura in this space is so rich!

"The legendary cave will probably not have such an exaggerated strong aura, will it? Although Fudi is one level lower than Dongtian, this is after all a subtle prohibition that condenses 30 days of aura in one day!"

Fang Rui sighed in his heart, and then stepped to the high platform.

Red Maple behind him reluctantly glanced at the high platform, then sighed and walked into the cave closest to the high platform. The so-called sea was once difficult to water. Although the cave where the second place was located was also very good, how could she go to the second place after getting used to the first place? Do you feel happy?

Fang Rui doesn't care about Hongfeng's mood at this moment. He worked so hard to become the first place. Of course, he should enjoy the results.

In the most central position, there was also a futon woven from "bone-pierced grass". Fang Rui walked over and sat down cross-legged. At the moment when he sat down, he did not need to work hard to absorb it. The strong atmosphere of heaven and earth almost visible to the naked eye immediately surged towards Fang Rui from all directions like a tide. Come here!

The next moment, Fang Rui's body was full of pure heaven and earth gas. Jin Dan began to slip around in his Dantian, crazily absorbing heaven and earth gas, and at the same time began to release purple gas. Although his body was already full of purple gas at this time, the space was also constantly inhaling. Purple gas.

It seems that Fang Rui doesn't need his own effort. He just needs to continue to enjoy the pleasure of the influx of heaven and earth into his body.

A large amount of heaven and earth qi entered Fang Rui's body, and then was absorbed by Jin Dan, and then the same large amount of purple gas came out of Jin Dan and was continuously absorbed by that space - this is actually Fang Rui's unique way of transporting. Other people's practice is to absorb the heaven and earth qi into the limbs and bones. To enhance his strength, his luck is to transform heaven and earth into purple gas, and then enter that space to store it. When he fights, he will give him feedback - at least Fang Rui himself thinks so.

However, unlike usual practice, Fang Rui's practice this time is much faster than usual, dozens of times and hundreds of times more!

The golden elixir initially formed in his body could not absorb so much heaven and earth, and the rotation speed began to slow down.

At this time, the space seemed to notice this. The space, which was only the size of mustard, suddenly became a little bigger and became the size of a needle tip. It no longer absorbed the purple gas in Fang Rui's body, but directly absorbed the heaven and earth gas that kept pouring in from outside the body!

The earth and earth gas rushing from all directions began to be divided into two strands, one of which accounted for about 90%, directly forming a whirlwind, which was absorbed by that space. Only one percent was absorbed by Jindan, and then converted into purple gas and fed back to Fang Rui's body, which was absorbed into that space together with the earth and earth gas. .

"This guy is really greedy... But he is not stingy when he gives me feedback."

Fang Rui, who looked at the situation in his body, was relieved. Originally, he was worried that the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the first position was too strong for him to absorb so fast. Now it seems that the space is really strange. No matter how much heaven and earth is, as long as it can be absorbed, and after absorbing it, it will be silent. It's over.

Fang Rui is confused about such a situation, but since it is good for him, Fang Rui is too lazy to investigate it.

The absorption of heaven and earth's qi in the body is very smooth, and the speed is even faster than Fang Rui dared to imagine before, so Fang Rui was also relieved and simply pulled away from his body, allowing his body to be surrounded by the extremely strong heaven and earth qi, absorbed, and also quenching at the same time.

The process of cultivation is not only a process of strengthening the internal qi golden elixir, but also a process of exercising your body. To bear more heaven and earth qi, you need to make your body stronger. That kind of cultivation method that is extremely powerful but extremely fragile. It has been eliminated from tens of thousands of years of cruel training. Such a trained monk must protect his body at any time. Otherwise, even an ordinary martial arts master who has not broken through the innate period may quietly take away the head of such a monk!

You should know that even if it breaks through to the immortality period and reaches the birth of Danpo Yingcheng, the monks who have their own Yuanshen still need to live. If the body is destroyed, it will take a long time to find a masterless body to continue to survive, and it will take a long time to find cooperation again. Some immortality The monk thought that his appearance was not good, so he just used a method similar to "plastic surgery" to modify his body. No one dared to destroy his body easily.

So after being eliminated for a long time, the monks who only pay attention to the cultivation of gods are almost eliminated. Those who can survive must be both physical cultivation. Even if the vitality in the body are exhausted, they can fight all over the world with their physical strength and skills alone!

The body is being refined, and there is no need to bother himself. Fang Rui also let go of his mind and wants to observe this whole Jixia College, which is the fastest place for people to practice.