Peerless Immortal

Chapter 65 Death Lockdown

When Tian Single Road slaughtered monsters, Ji Renfeng did nothing, but rushed to the forest of monsters regardless.

The closer it is to the hinterland of the monster forest, the higher the level of the monster that jumps out. The six-grade monster is not the object that Tian Shan can kill at will, at least it will consume a little power.

When the two went far away, Fang Rui and the others could no longer see them. They could only hear the faint roar of monsters coming from the hinterland of the monster forest...

After only one cup of tea, Ji Renfeng and Tian Dan appeared in everyone's sight again. Ji Renfeng's face was bloody but still looked calm. With a huge head in his left hand, he flew back directly with a hegemony, while Tian Dan still urged the fire cow to open the way for Ji Renfeng and cut off the road.

Countless monsters roared angrily at the two people, but they could still only watch the two free monks and swaggered back to the supply wall!

Ji Renfeng, who flew back, threw the head in her hand on the wall, then took out two bags of wine from her storage bag and threw them to Tian's single bag. She drank up the bag of hundreds of pounds of wine, and then smiled and said, "I'm happy!"

What he threw on the wall was a tiger-like head with hair, which could be seen as the great power of his life.

"This beast also has some strength, but it's a little slower."

Ji Renfeng said it didn't care.

The army of monks who witnessed all this shouted at the same time. The voice of "master is powerful" was endless. Fang Rui shook his head. Needless to say, Ji Renfeng is unparalleled. Tian Dan is also the greatest contribution. He helped Ji Renfeng clear the field and provided space for Ji Renfeng to kill the enemy with his sword. These two leaders, one is heroic. Atmosphere, one is thoughtful, one is good at single-to-one fighting, and the other is good at group fighting. Together, it is not surprising that one can kill a seven-grade monster like this.

It will be very difficult for any one of them to do this, and the two of them can complete this task together!

"Okay, you can go... Attention, Camp 60." Ji Renfeng said wisely to the other party.

Fang Rui nodded. At this time, the following battalion had collected the materials from the monster, burned the monster's body, and began to fly back to the wall. They also had to quickly fill the gap and wait for the impact of the monster in the next six hours.

Following Fang Rui, Fang Zi Camp neatly came to the most remote camp. In the distance, in the monster forest, monsters have gradually begun to appear, more and more.

"Team one, go forward and put up the earth wall!"

"Team 2, center, pay attention to the object you want to treat and support!"

"Team 3, 4, 56, 7 team, get ready and output your own spells!"

After arranging 80 earth students to build earth walls to resist the long-range attacks of monsters and arranging more than 100 wood students to be ready for treatment and blessing at any time, Fang Rui sacrificed a seal and hung in the air. All the other monks began to work together to deliver their spells to the return home. One seal!

Even defeating the enemy has received a new task, that is, to input his mana into the seal and continuously provide strength for Fang Rui.

At this time, these 300 people are equivalent to losing all their combat effectiveness. They just continue to instill all the spells into the original seal, while the wooden students continue to provide them with the power of wood spirit to reduce the consumption of heaven and earth. The battle all fell on Fang Rui alone.

Fang Rui's body floated up. This is to better observe the stage when the monsters rushed over. Which monster arrives first, which monster comes later, which monster is what attribute and what grade it is, and what attributes and what degree of spells need to be used to deal with, it all depends on Fang Rui to calculate in an instant.

There is no doubt that this is also a huge test for the other party.

Feel the constantly filling mana in Guiyiyin, and then feel Guiyiyin constantly converts the input mana into the most primitive chaotic gas, and then transforms it into nine different mana again. Fang Rui is not worried that the mana is not enough to kill high-grade monsters. He is just worried that he will not be so good. Use these magic powers to kill all the monsters you will commit in the future.

You should know, now the whole square character camp can be said to have no resistance, the most effective 300 people, all of which are constantly poured into the return seal. They can't move, and only 80 students who are specially responsible for defense. In case they are rushed into the formation by monsters, what they will face next, but It will be a massacre!

Maybe Ji Renfeng will take action to keep their camp from dying in time, but if Ji Renfeng really wants to save any of this group of students, then there is no need for their camp. Ji Renfeng will never allow a camp that has no strength to resist monsters to eat here, even if he No matter how much you love Ji Qingfeng, the little sister, you can't do it.

Fang Rui glanced at Ji Qingfeng and happened to see Ji Qingfeng's beautiful eyes, looking at him without blinking.

Ji Qingfeng is a wooden monk. At this moment, of course, he is responsible for helping defense and blessing his teammates.

The long vine of the wooden monk, combined with the earth wall of the upper soil monk, is the strongest defense.

After looking at Ji Qingfeng, Fang Rui withdrew his eyes, felt the growing vitality in Guiyiyin, and looked at more and more monsters in the distance.

Finally, the monsters appearing outside the monster forest and the endless monsters in the monster forest made a roar full of tyranny, and then accelerated and began to impact!

The second wave of beasts on this day has officially begun!

For the monk army guarding the monster forest, there is a fixed impact four times a day, and the monster impact of nearly six hours each time is called "beast tide". This adjective is very vivid and tidal monster!

"Well, I now find that Fang Rui's seal, even if it can be promoted on a large scale, will not have much strategic significance."

Looking at the approaching monster, Tian Dan suddenly said something.

"Why?" Ji Renfeng raised her eyebrows and then asked.

"How many monks input mana, how many monks can't move... It's too inflexible. Except for a certain role in the case of death, it is not very useful. This is a tactic that can only play a role in specific geographical situations. If you want to attack, as long as the opponent runs away, how do you fight? For us, it's quite chicken ribs..." Tian Dan sighed.

"In this way, it is indeed quite useless, but under the current situation, it is very useful. If it can be promoted, the children will not be so difficult." Ji Renfeng nodded.

"That can't exercise the battlefield experience of children." Tian Dan said lightly.

"Sometimes you like to tell the truth, which is very annoying..." Ji Renfeng glanced at her partner.

Fang Rui looked at the approaching beast tide, and his brain began to operate rapidly.

He seemed to feel that he had returned to his previous life and was playing a game. In the face of the surging enemies, he wanted to block these enemies from a certain line with his weapon... However, the consequences of failure in this game were more serious.

On the ground, in the air, within a mile, hundreds of monsters are enough to run side by side. If they can't be eliminated one by one, it will be troublesome to deal with them.

The three-headed and three-grade green roaring wolf runs in the front. Although this kind of wind beast can't fly, it comes and goes like the wind, and its speed is the first-class among monsters.

Seeing these three blue wolves running close within a miles, Fang Rui silently counted three times in his heart, and an electric arc flashed on the original seal. Three electric lights fell from the original seal at the same time and hit the three three-grade monsters at the same time!

Three sad screams sounded, and the huge bodies of the three blue wolves jumped up, and then twitched and fell to the ground. They had not lost their lives. However, as the turbulent army of monsters behind them stepped by, they could only whimper and swallowed their last breath.

These three lightnings kicked off the massacre of Fang Rui.

Electric arc, wind blade, fireball...

After the monster group rushed into Fang Rui's casting range, it was immediately hit in an all-round way!

The originally solid ground has been covered with layers of water waves, and countless arcs are beating happily on the surface of the water. The power of sharp gold has turned into a long sword to attack and save thorns, and each sword can leave deep wounds on the monster.

In the air, the fire in the sky burned the fur and body of the monster, and the hair was filled with the smell of burning, while countless wind blades were interspersed back and forth in the fire, bringing blood light all over the sky!

Water waves, electric arcs, flying swords, fire and wind blades form a death line. Monsters below grade 4 can hardly break through in such a death line. No matter which monster you are, there is always one suitable for you.

Such a spell is the most basic spell, but it is better than the huge number. Starting from one miles away from the square character camp, the whole distance is full of these five series spells. The monsters rushed up one after another, but they ushered in death one after another.

Ji Renfeng, who looked at this scene from afar, nodded with satisfaction. On this road of death, it is almost impossible for the four grades and the monsters under it to break through. Next, let's see how Fang Rui can deal with the monsters above four grades...

In the wind blade and flying sword arc, there were finally monsters rushing over this blockade line. Ji Renfeng guessed well that only five-grade monsters have the ability to pass this blockade line.

A thunder-based cliff flying python, with burning black traces and wind blade rubbed wounds, rushed out of the death blockade line, and then it roared up to the sky, opened its mouth, and a mass of thunder light spewed out of its mouth, shooting straight into Fang Rui in the air!

Ten earth monks shouted at the same time, and ten earth shields appeared in front of Fang Rui. The thunderlight broke through seven earth shields in a row, but was still stopped by the eighth earth shield!

Fang Rui pointed again, and a thick sword light suddenly appeared in the air, and then penetrated the big mouth of the thunder python. The body of the thunder python fell down weakly.

The seven earthen monks whose earth shields were broken turned white at the same time, but the treatment of the wood monks soon arrived.

"It's a good cooperation, these little guys." Ji Renfeng sighed and said something.

Tian Dan nodded, and the whole square camp was fought in an orderly manner. 300 people were dedicated to exporting spells. There were 100 wooden monks to help them support and make up for their mana, and the remaining 20 warlocks were constantly making up for the situation just now. When the defense of the Turkish monk is broken, I will be shocked. At this time, timely treatment can make them play better.

It's just... The most important thing is Fang Rui's body - Tian Dan raised his head and squinted at Fang Rui - who can constantly block the monsters from moving forward under such a complicated situation. This little guy of Yipin is not simple.