Peerless Immortal

Chapter 82 Family

When Fang Rui's consciousness withdrew from that space, he was still shocked.

In the Feixian mainland, cultivation is more like a life skill with the participation of the whole people. The state and county governments of various countries have corresponding methods to learn the art of cultivation. As long as they are the people of various countries, they can practice without paying any price. Theoretically, an ordinary civilian also has the opportunity to become the most The peak monks, because from the beginning, they were exposed to those initial cultivation methods.

However, what really bothers the common people and makes them unable to be compared with the big family and the royal family is their qualifications.

Quality is an unclear thing, but it can determine how much this monk can cultivate in the best environment... The reason why the big family becomes a big family is that there are always some geniuses among them, some family masters who can reach the limit, such as such good hands , which is built into the foundation of a family.

Why can six of the eight families always stand up? That is, in almost every two generations, they can produce one or two top monks who can cultivate to the ninth grade. Some of them are more powerful to fly to the fairyland, and some stay in the Feixian continent and become the patron saint of their own family.

The probability of such outstandingly qualified monks appearing among civilians is too low. The reason why civilians become civilians is that they can't cultivate to a higher level. Occasionally, several people with amazing qualifications, and because other people in the same clan are not qualified enough, they can't form a strong family. I'm afraid that if they have cultivated to the limit, they can only become scattered soldiers, or unite to form gangs to gain their own status, but they are not as stable as those big families with their own inheritance.

The royal family of Eastern Qi is the largest family in this country, so they have become the royal family, and Jixia College is the largest gang in the country - no, it is not so much a gang, but a traditional sect. The way of training students left by generations of deans and elders has made Jixia College for tens of thousands of years They are all the pillars of Eastern Qi.

Jixia College can have such a detached position because they have blessed land and can let students practice to their own limits. However, after reaching the limit, even Jixia College can't let students break through the limit by themselves. They can only rely on their own creation, and the Dongqi King's Room is the same. Reason.

High-ranking families can get more resources from the royal family and colleges, and cultivate more good family skills. Low-ranked families will receive fewer resources, so every five years, the whole Eastern Qi will have a confrontation between families, which determines the ranking according to the strength of the family, and the ranking is also determined. It is the resources that can be obtained in the next five years. In this way, the royal family and the college firmly control the whole Eastern Qi state, while allowing the Eastern Qi to maintain its vitality under strict rules.

Family comparison is an upward channel for those small families.

Among the eight major families, there is such a thing. From the small family, they improve their ranking step by step, and finally enter the existence of the top family.

This existence is the family that Fang Rui wants to defeat.

Unlike the Tian family, a big family with tens of thousands of years of inheritance, the Hong family suddenly rose a hundred years ago. Originally, they were just a small family on the coast of the East China Sea, but every time they compete for ranking, they will get a better ranking than before, and then get more resource rewards to cultivate more family players. This formed a virtuous circle and eventually became the top family.

Resources are very important, but the qualifications of family children are more important.

Without resources, the children can't reach their own limit, and if the children are not qualified, even if they have resources, they can't be promoted too high. In the ranking confrontation, they will naturally fall.

The Huang family is such an opposite example. Originally, among a hundred formal families, they were ranked in the middle, but in recent decades, there have been no qualified children in the family. In addition, several top players have fallen with the arrival of their lives, and their rankings have also fallen again and again. Huang Ping, who has a good talent. It has become the only hope of the Huang family.

Of course, this hope has been being hit. Perhaps because of this stimulation, the last three masters of the Huang family came out to kill Fang Rui, but they were killed by Fang Rui, who made a temporary breakthrough.

From here, it can be seen that a family, gang, sect, no matter what it is, anyway, it is a similar collective. If you want to become strong, you need more than two things, one is resources and the other is manpower.

Resources refer to spiritual stones that can be cultivated by monks, yellow refined rice eaten, and various materials to create magic weapons.

manpower refers to monks who have the ability to cultivate to a higher level.

If the students of Jixia College can't practice to the Avenue period in three years, then they basically have no hope to practice until the long term. Jixia College wants to train the best students, and naturally they will not waste resources on those students with insufficient qualifications.

Of course, the qualification can't be tested. Maybe such a student may get some adventure after leaving Jixia College and become a top monk of Jiupin, but that probability is too small after all.

From here, it can also be seen how horrible it will be if this space can improve the qualifications of monks - if the King's Room of Dongqi gets this space, it can raise the overall combat power of the whole Eastern Qi country to a whole level in a short period of time!

However, Fang Rui doesn't know whether this space can leave his body. More importantly, this is just Fang Chang's own idea. Whether he can really raise his upper limit is still unknown...

So after thinking about it, Fang Rui found a cave and lived in it.

In the next few days, he began to recall the cultivation methods he used when he practiced - he had no nine veins, so all the spells and cultivation methods of the nine series have been practiced. In this regard, there is no difference between high and low, just like in the world Fang Rui traveled through, Chinese learning textbooks and textbooks are basically In the same way, everyone is similar to the way of luck and the practice method. Everyone has the ability to attack each other with spells, that is, it depends on who has a high level and who has a deep understanding of the subtleties of spells.

So after thinking for a long time, Fang Rui engraved all his cultivation experience so far in a jade plate. Of course, he is only a second-class monk now, and only knows the cultivation experience of the second-class, but the highest in that space now is nothing more than the congenital third class. This kind of cultivation experience is also very helpful to them - at least they can take a lot of detours.

After all this, Fang Rui's consciousness entered the space again and handed over this jade version to Fang Chang.

"This is... some of my personal feelings on the road of cultivation, which are available in the nine series. If the situation here is better than when they were in Fangjia Village, letting the children master the way of practice early may be of great help to their future.

Fang Chang held the jade version tightly, and then the other party emphasized his head.

Although as the village head of Fangjia Village, Fang Chang can get a book of cultivation from the county guard, if the popular cultivation secret book is a textbook, then the jade version given by Fang Rui is a textbook that he has noted in detail. Even if he is smart students can hardly learn by themselves just by reading the textbook. However, if there are good teachers and professors, they will learn faster - this jade version is equivalent to equipping the children in Fangjia Village with textbooks and the best teachers...

Because he stayed in the innate realm for a long time, Fang Rui's feelings during this period are quite a lot. He has his own profound feelings about the cultivation method and operation route of any department. Now, these feelings are all in this jade version. When the children of Fangjia Village are practicing If there is any difficulty, you can understand it with a touch.

"Fang Rui is a promising boy... If we can practice well here, maybe we can become a new family with him! This is a good opportunity for our whole Fangjia village to change our fate!"

After Fang Rui left, Fang Chang shouted to all the villagers in Fangjia Village: "Originally, we entered this space to avoid it temporarily, but here, we can absorb much stronger heaven and earth than in Fangjia Village! This will enable us to get a better cultivation environment, which is the environment that only those families can have! Are the villagers in our Fangjia Village worse than the children of those families? Not necessarily! Now, this is a good opportunity. Since all our villagers have come in, there is no need to worry about it. Let's practice well here! If we can really make any achievements, we can take Fang Rui as the head of the family and form a new family!"

The villagers of Fangjia Village shouted with joy at the same time.

Becoming a member of a strong family is not a shame, but a step forward. What's more, Fang Rui is still a strong man who went out of their Fang family village. Such a result is simply too good.

You should know that if other strong people form their own families, even if the villagers in Fangjia Village want to become vassals of that family, they may not agree - who has no place of origin? It is the most common thing for new strong men to use their hometowns to form their own families.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, you can't just talk about Fangjia Village... We are also meritorious. When Fang Rui sets up his own family, we can always be a doorman." Lin Hai said loudly to the other party.

Other villagers in Fangjia Village booed, but Fang Chang knew that Lin Hai and other heads can now be regarded as the strongest good hands in this space. Except for himself and Fang Ding, no one in Fangjia Village can deal with them. Now since such good hands are also willing to be with them, Feng Fang Rui is naturally the best thing to be the head of the family.

"Of course, Brother Lin, there is not only one surname in a family... There should be many other people in Lianyunzhai. When Fang Rui is free, we will propose to add the brothers of Lian Yunzhai. At that time, they will become a member of the family together without regard to each other. To strive to enter the ranks of the 100 families is much more promising than before, whether we were hunters or horse thieves!"

Lin Hai and several masters nodded at the same time. In fact, this is also their idea - Fangjia Village has a large number of masters, but the number of masters is relatively small, but the number of Lianyunzhai is relatively small, but the number of masters is more. If it can be combined, this emerging family will be stronger!