Peerless Immortal

Chapter 120 Killing

"It's been 50 days..."

A man in black said in a shocked voice: "This Fang Rui can actually support 50 days under the attack of six magic weapons! This bastard, why can he do this!"

The leader's eyes became extremely ugly. Originally, he thought of it, and it was amazing to support Fang Rui for ten days. After ten days, what he thought every day was that Fang Rui would not be able to support tomorrow, and then... until now...

"Maybe many people have started to take action now... After all, Fang Rui has disappeared for so many days, and many people must have noticed this! Even if we have blocked the whole space, it may be noticed..." A man in black said impatiently.

The leader nodded. He knew that what others said was right. Although Fang Rui was just a little monk, he could be involved in many top existences. Needless to say, the demon kings liked him very much, and the princess of Dongqi seemed to fall in love with him... Although Fang Rui was in the trial It often disappears for a long time, but it is very rare that no one knows where he has gone, and it is inevitable that someone will notice this...

"Never mind, as long as it is not found on the spot, we have reason to prevaricate... As long as it is not found on the spot..."

It is also difficult for the leader to ride a tiger now. A group of people can't withdraw like this. What's more, this kind of disposable magic weapon given by the magic cultivation must not be seen by other monks. Otherwise, the whole flying fairy continent will be a huge search for demon practitioners, and may hide those deeper. The magic force was involved.

The previous anger of the Dongqi royal family and Jixia College has made the magic cultivation hidden in the people. The actions of the demon kings is to make those magic cultivation hidden outside Dongqi almost exist. If the existence of the magic cultivation forces is exposed because of their own problems, then even if their ten people are obedient. If Li escapes back, he will face more cruel punishment!

Now he can only pray to kill Fang Rui before he is found - why hasn't this bastard been killed yet? Where did he get such a strong mana to resist the attack of six magic weapons for 50 days?

The leader began to curse those magic cultivation in his heart - blowing so much that even the three-grade monks could not be killed smoothly!

Just when the ten people in black looked upset, Fang Rui made them annoyed and began to draw a rest.

Absorbed the last trace of innate C fire essence. In these 50 days, Fang Rui completed the transformation from the third-grade monk to the fourth-grade monk.

When the last trace of innate C fire essence was absorbed, countless hot flames began to surge in the core of the earth, which began to make the whole sphere feel alive.

And such a surging situation fell into Fang Rui's eyes, which made him reach the perfect golden elixir and began to change!

The extremely strong golden elixir began to appear a trace of crack. This time did not last long. With less than a single incense, the whole golden elixir was broken, and a small figure exactly like Fang Ruisheng, with a strong breath, appeared in Fang Rui's Dantian!

Countless heaven and earth gushed out from Fang Rui's body to the small, shining and changing figure on his body. Under the transportation and stimulation of aura, this figure became real from the hazy at the beginning.

Four-pin Yuanying period! With Yuanying, who can compete with the ontology, interact with the vitality of the ontology, and complement each other, can the four-grade monks really transcend life and death and reach the other side of life!

For most monks, they can break through this barrier, and then they can at least have six levels of cultivation - just depends on the speed of progress.

Breaking through the barrier of Dan Poying, there will be no big barrier in the next two consecutive levels. As long as you continue to practice and refine the spirit of heaven and earth, and make Yuanying stronger. After reaching a limit, Yuanying can grow into a yuan god and incarnate tens of millions, naturally Promoted to the fifth grade.

And Fang Rui's Yuanying is different from other monks.

Like Fang Rui, his Yuanying can also communicate with the whole sky of Qingxu Cave and turn the heaven and earth spirit into his own use. Unlike ordinary monk Yuanying, Fang Rui is used to replenish his vitality. Fang Rui himself already has a place to replenish his vitality. He can completely use Yuanying to play a completely different method from himself. Technique!

That is to say, in the next battle, Fang Rui can fight like two people!

The combat effectiveness has been doubled - and the real combat effectiveness has not only doubled when two like-minded monks join hands together?

If Fang Rui still had a headache in the face of these ten four-grade monks before, then at this time, he is enough to kill the opponent one by one, so that none of them can escape!

You should know that in the last two days, it was he who simulated the illusion of water and fire to confuse his opponents. Now the Jiuyou God Fire Clock is basically an empty shell. If he suddenly kills several of the people in black, then even if the remaining people in black want to escape, they can't escape from the palm of his hand!

In this dense forest, Fang Rui is already extremely familiar with it. Here, he is fighting at home!

The man in black, who was watching around, felt that the roar of spells that lasted for 50 days in the fire bell of Jiuyou God suddenly calmed down.

"Good! Finally killed that guy!"

The leader looked happy. Since Jiuyou God Fire Bell has stopped releasing spells, it means that the other party covered has no bones, including treasures have been burned to ashes.

He believed this, because the person who gave him this magic weapon told him confidently that although this magic weapon is one-time, there are only two possibilities to stop the release of the spell. First, destroy the enemy, and second, be destroyed by the enemy!

With the strength of Fang Rui District Sanpin, how can we eliminate the magic weapon of Liupin? It is indeed valuable for him to persist for 50 days, but in the end he will still turn into ashes! No matter how tragic the struggle is, there will be no change!

So when he saw that the whole Jiuyou God Fire Bell was overdrawn all its strength and turned into a smash, he was still not suspicious. He was very clear about this. Since it was a one-time magic weapon, it was normal to automatically destroy it after killing his opponent.

He originally thought that it was useless to attack Fang Rui with such a magic weapon, but now it seems that it is really not useful, but should be! Under the bombardment of the six magic weapon, they have been supported for 50 days. If this magic weapon is not used, most of them alone will still not be wise!

Two people in black stepped forward to find out the specific situation.

In the dust crushed by the fire bell, a pair of crystal hands stretched out, with infinite golden power in one hand, wrapped around thunder, and on the other hand with infinite fire power, wrapped around the wind...

"Golden Thunder Break! Wind and fire palm!"

Without preparation, the two monks were slapped on their bodies with this punch and immediately screamed twice at the same time!

This punch has a thousand power. More importantly, on that punch, the power of sharp gold first broke through the opponent's defense, and then broke through the power of thunder and lightning into the body. That palm, first the wind blade cut off the opponent's skin, and then sent infinite heat to the opponent's body!

Two monks who have reached four grades and have extremely hard skin suffered almost irreparable heavy blows at the same time!

The body is broken! The two little Yuanying looked at Fang Rui in panic and was ready to turn around and escape. However, Fang Rui looked up and two electric lights flashed in his eyes, which directly cooled the two defenseless Yuanying!

Without the strong body to protect Yuanying, it is no better than mortals.

When the two monks were attacked, the other two people in black who were closer were preparing to go to the rescue, but there was a sharp wind above their heads.

When the two monks looked up, they immediately lost their souls.

The body became ten times bigger than before, and it pressed down head-on like a hill!

The two men in black remembered how they destroyed a magic weapon with one blow before Gui Yiyin. Under the scattered souls, they just barely sacrificed their own magic weapon to resist. However, the heavy Guiyi seal ignored the obstruction of the magic weapon and suppressed it with the glory of nine different colors.

The magic weapon is broken, the body is broken, the primordial baby is broken... In the case of being suddenly attacked, in the face of a much stronger than before, driven by Fang Rui's primordial spirit, the two four monks only made the most instinctive resistance, and were connected to the body magic weapon primordial spirit and pressed into a ball of blood!

Almost in an instant, ten people in black were suddenly killed by Fang Rui and killed four of them!

The remaining five people in black hid behind the leader in a hurry and looked at Fang Rui in horror.

Killed their four partners as soon as they took action! Although these people were just three-grade monks before, and they were promoted to the fourth-grade realm when they came out to carry out the mission because they got some harvest, after all, they are monks in the long life period! He is regarded by civilians as a living immortal and can live immortally! During such a contact, four were killed like cutting melons and vegetables!

The leader's expression at this moment is not much better.

He can become a leader because his four-grade cultivation is cultivated by himself, rather than forcibly promoted, so his vision is more spicy. Others can't see it, but he can see it - Fang Rui is now surrounded by his breath, extremely strong, and I don't know how much stronger it is before. Obviously It has completed a breakthrough and reached the level of the four-grade long life!

"Tell your identity, otherwise, die. Say it, live." Fang Rui said lightly.

The leader gave a miserable laugh.

"Even if I say it, can I still live? The people in Lianyunzhai are now your subordinates, right? Will you give up their allegiance for a few of us? Fang Rui, don't think that you are the only smart person on the mainland... We will choose to escape. At least, we will not die after we go back.

"Then... you just forced me to kill." Fang Rui smiled slightly.

The leader stopped talking nonsense and made a gesture, and the six people immediately began to run away in different directions!

Fang Rui also began his hunting - hunting in the mountains and forests.

This is the first time he has killed such a big ring - not against monsters, but against monks.