Peerless Immortal

Chapter 161 Undercover

"How many masks did your ancestor make?"

Fang Rui, who dressed up as a fat man with a height of eight feet and a waist circumference of eight feet, complained that monks generally have such a deformed figure, but it is not that they are not born with strange appearance. Even after practice, they can't fine-tune it and can only show their existence as they are.

Ji Qingfeng, who dressed as a beautiful little prince, tilted his head and thought about it, and then said, "The ancestor used several different masks every time he made a private visit, and ran out almost every year, so there were about hundreds of such masks in the inner library. I didn't look carefully and casually brought one. More than a hundred came out.

Zhao Wushuang, who dressed up as a middle-aged man who was not short but was as thin as a bamboo pole, couldn't help rolling his eyes. I don't know if Ji Qingfeng did it on purpose. After the three people changed their appearance this time, except for Ji Qingfeng herself, Fang Rui and Zhao Wushuang couldn't see it.

"Where are we going now?" Zhao Wushuang asked a question depressingly.

"If you want to check the details of the Zuoqiu family, the best way is to enter the Zuoqiu family." Ji Qingfeng smiled.

"You mean, let's go to Zuoqiu's house as doormen?" Fang Rui asked, "But won't the Zuo Qiu family doubt our identity?"

"If you doubt it, let them check it. We went directly to another county, and then returned to Penglai County again through the transmission array. With identity registration, our identity jade cards are all real." Ji Qingfeng smiled.

Recently, Zuoqiu's family has also been constantly recruiting people. Many scattered practitioners have joined their doors and become doormen, because they have been constantly robbing those medicinal materials and ores obtained by scattered repairs in recent months, so that many scattered repairs do not come to Penglai County, and their demand for those medicinal materials and ores seems to be very large. Therefore, a relatively generous salary has been opened to recruit doormen. Now many scattered practitioners are willing to become doormen, at least they can find materials to exchange spiritual stones at ease.

Zhao Wushuang said that she has been living near Penglai County recently, and these details are also relatively clear.

"That's more problematic... Why do they need so much material? Ordinary medium-sized families don't need so many materials at all. Besides, the two families of Zuoqiu and Yuqiu have always been in the same spirit, and there are two large families with rich resources, the Qiao family. Is there really any gap? If you ask the Qiao family to borrow it from the Hong family, you won't be able to borrow it. Do you have to use such a means? Ji Qingfeng shook his head.

"If something goes wrong... there must be a demon." Fang Rui nodded: "It seems that we really have to go to Zuo Qiu's house to check it."

Although undercover must be a long-lasting thing, time is not very meaningful for monks. Even if it takes more time, what? At least we should find out where this series of abnormalities of Zuo Qiu's family are.

After wearing masks, the strength shown by the three people is nothing more than the second grade. Such strength is also the strength that those rangers generally have. It is also more popular for such rangers to invest in the family as doormen. After all, they have a certain strength and are not too strong.

The residence of the Zuoqiu family is thousands of miles west of Lingmu Mountain. In fact, the residences of the Zuoqiu family, the Yuqiu family and Sheqiu family are not far from the residence of the Qiao family, thousands of miles away, and the family is almost monopolized the middle range, which is also a way to expand the family's power in a certain direction.

When Fang Rui and other three people came outside Zuoqiu's residence, there was already a long queue at the place of attracting guests.

These Sanxiu are unable to fight against the Zuoqiu family, and they are not too willing to leave the resource-rich Penglai County, so when the Zuoqiu family began to attract guests and agreed to buy various materials at half the market price, many Sanxiu are willing to be exploited by the Zuoqiu family - because even so, it is better than They want to get a lot of income when they go to other places!

Under the strength of the official family, few Sanxiu have the courage to fight. The resistance of Fang Ruiji Qingfeng and Zhao Wushuang is really an alien.

lined up in the line and listened to the chat of the monks next to him - yesterday, the two elders of the Zuoqiu family, the best among the foreign disciples of more than 20 who were close to the core, were seriously injured by three outsiders. The news quickly spread all over. The Zuoqiu family sent masters to patrol around, but they could not find the three bold families. The trail of the gang.

"It's a pity that those three guys ran away after beating people. I still hope that they can play a few fierce games with the Zuoqiu family. Maybe we don't have to be stripped by the Zuoqiu family." A monk sighed.

"Who said no, but I don't think the three monks are too excellent, otherwise how could they run away overnight? If you really cross Jianglong, you won't run away so soon. Next to it is a monk's interface.

"How did you know that they ran away? I think they are temporarily ambushed. The Zuoqiu family is looking for trouble for them. They may want to let the Zuoqiu family suffer a big loss at any time!"

"Oh, you said, if they make a big deal, the people of the Zuoqiu family will definitely not stare at us everywhere, right? At that time, we will find our own materials to use by ourselves, which is much better than now.

"Forget it, don't talk about this. Let the people of Zuo Qiu's family hear it. Most of them will come to make trouble. They have just suffered such a big loss, and they may find fault with us."

As Fang Rui listened, he slowly walked forward, and suddenly heard the voice of Ji Qingfeng's consciousness: "It seems that all their elders have been sent out."

"You mean to start today?" Fang Rui also answered with divine knowledge.

"Aren't you good at hiding your body? The Zuoqiu family has killed dozens of elders, and their strength is between the fourth grade and the fifth grade. Now if this group of masters are sent out to search for our traces, the defense of the Zuoqiu family is the weakest. At most, their owner Zuoqiu Hongtu is here. As long as you hide it from him, it will be easier to search.

Because no one will think of it? At this time, Zuo Qiu's family is loose outside and loose inside... It's a good way."

"Then this task will be handed over to you."

"Why is it just me?"

"Only you can hide your body, and you are bold and careful. You are the best candidate. The three of us can't start together. You are really going to be found, at least two of us have retained it."

"But look at my fatness, you will be found if you move casually!"

"This is my negligence, but I'll give you another set* later. I don't believe they can meet all the new guests!"

While communicating with his consciousness, Fang Rui had already walked to the registration place. The disciple of the Zuoqiu family, who was in charge of registration, frowned and looked at Fang Rui like a meat mountain, and then said, "This Taoist friend, can you find the right material for your body?"

"Don't underestimate people! Although a certain family is a little bigger, it is very flexible! Besides, mining stones don't care whether they are big or not. Fang Rui patted the fat on his chest and said rudely.

"It's true." Zuo Qiu's disciples nodded. Such a large size may be more troublesome to collect medicine, but if it is mining, it is really a good hand.

After receiving the identity jade card handed over by Fang Rui and registering his name, Fang Rui entered the door of Zuoqiu's house.

Naturally, the front is the place where vassals and guests live. The deeper any family is, the stricter the defense will be. The more important things are placed in the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard, nothing can be seen.

However, with this glance alone, Fang Rui felt that the Zuoqiu family was really wrong. Generally speaking, a medium-sized family is nothing more than a few five-grade monks carrying the tripod. Hundreds of four-grade monks as elders, and the next three-grade disciples will not exceed 1,000, which is in line with the scale of a medium-sized family.

But a small matter let two five-grade elders come out, and it is still obvious that they have only broken through to five-grade. What I have seen now, even the disciples guarding the door are the peak cultivation of the third grade. Such strength is indeed a little amazing.

Even if it is far from comparable to the eight major families, it exceeds the strength of the Zuoqiu family. It seems that the strength of the whole Zuoqiu family has a leap!

This makes Fang Rui understand why the Zuoqiu family has been accumulating materials crazily recently. If the strength of the whole Zuoqiu family has made a leap, the demand for various materials will indeed be very large. After all, everyone has to refine their own magic weapons and absorb more aura to stabilize themselves. Only when everyone's state is stabilized will the strength of this family make a real leap.

"What is the reason for their strength to make an overall leap... It's really curious..."

After listening to the instructions of Zuoqiu's disciples, Fang Rui and a group of monks began to leave the residence of the Zuoqiu family, and then looked for medicinal herbs and minerals in Penglai County. Their clothes were marked with the left Qiu family's mark. With such a mark, the Zuoqiu family's disciples would not come to trouble them.

After half a day with Ji Qingfeng and Zhao Wushuang, Ji Qingfeng gave Fang Rui a package of things.

"There is a new mask in it... There is also a note. After crushing it, I can hear what you said. What's the danger? Let me know immediately, understand?" Ji Qingfeng looked into Fang Rui's eyes and said.

"I don't think there will be any danger." Fang Rui took it over with a smile.

"Just in case!" Ji Qingfeng said.

"So, if I really break the notes, then you must do what I say, understand?" Fang Ruidao.


"If I really want to crush the notes, it means that I have found something extraordinary, otherwise I will run away alone. If that happens, you have to go to the nearby garrison as soon as possible." Fang Rui still smiled.

Zhao Wushuang tightened his face: "Looking for the garrison? Are you saying that the Zuoqiu family may rebel?

"Why did they rebel... I'm worried about something else." Fang Rui shook his head with a smile: "Ok, let's work hard. If we don't take something to cross, maybe we will be suspected."

"Do you really want to be a coolie for the Zuoqiu family?" Zhao Wushuang was angry and funny: "I have also collected some low-level materials during this period, but I can do it today."

After saying that, Zhao Wushuang shook out a lot of materials from his storage bag. She collected materials from Penglai County for so long, and the harvest was also very rich. There was no problem to take them out and give them to the three people as the explanation of this day's work.

When the sky was about to get dark, the three returned to Zuoqiu's residence separately, found the disciple in charge of receiving materials to deliver the materials, and then found a place in the front yard, sat cross-legged and began to rest.

Although they are resting, the three are constantly exploring the surrounding situation with their divine consciousness. In the whole Zuoqiu family, it seems that only three disciples exist, and other elders in the long life are still constantly searching outside.