Peerless Immortal

Chapter 171 New World

Wind, where does the wind come from? The flow of air causes the wind, the operation of the world, the alternation of wind, cold and hot, and the wind. The wind is moving and non-stop for a moment.

Ray, where did Ray come from? The friction of the air produces thunder, the expansion of the atmosphere, the thunder, the movement of lightning, and thunder. Thunder is also moving. A static world cannot produce thunder.

Now the Qingxu Cave has really begun to move.

The strong wind swept across the plain, and the clouds contained thunder and lightning. The water vapor floated to the sky and came to other places at the urging of the wind. At the urging of thunder and lightning, it fell to the ground, circulation, the world.

The world is moving, and the moving world is dynamic.

The current Qingxu Cave is full of vitality.

Fang Rui, who sat cross-legged in the air, slowly opened his eyes.

The wind blade thunder and lightning are still raging around him, but it can no longer make him suffer a slight shock, wrapped in electric light, and hunted by the strong wind, but he is as if he is nothing.

Guiyiyin doesn't know when he has put away his defense and is constantly absorbing the power of wind and electricity.

The wind blade and lightning seem to have been stimulated by Fang Rui's towering posture. The denser wind blade and lightning hit Fang Rui, but they could not cause any damage. Instead, it was the power of wind and thunder contained in it, which was sucked into his body and then transported to Qingxu. Inside the cave.

Fang Rui slowly raised his right hand, looked at the electric light wrapped around his palm, and smiled slightly.

The moment he opened his eyes, Fang Rui knew that he had officially stepped into the realm of freedom.

18-year-old free monk! This is a unique speed in the whole Feixian continent! Even the legendary omnipotent fairy broke through to the free period at the age of 20!

And Fang Rui can feel that he has not only broken through the first level - the power of wind and thunder, so that his grade directly broke through the seven-grade long life, and directly leaped to the eight-grade mystery!

It is a mystery that penetrates the world and grasps the mystery.

The monks in the half-step realm can only create a better fighting environment for themselves, while the monks in the mysterious realm can create a more favorable combat environment for themselves, including the enemy!

If the monks before the mysterious realm may still be defeated by a numerical advantage, if ten six-grade monks cooperate well and can kill a half-step monk, but even ten or 100 half-step monks, it is impossible to defeat a mysterious cultivation in a frontal confrontation. Taxi!

Only the mysterious monks can fight against the mysterious monks.

Now, Fang Rui wants to give it a try.

"The power of the five elements is the most earthy and changeable!"

With Fang Rui's shouting, the environment around him immediately changed.

The wind blade and thunder and lightning that rushed over suddenly became heavy when they entered the ten-foot range around him - Fang Rui could see with his naked eye that when a wind blade entered within ten feet of his body, it immediately began to have color - gradually turned orange yellow, and then turned into the earth all over the sky. , fell down lightly!

Under the control of his belief, all those who entered him within ten feet, whether it was wind blades or thunder and lightning, have essentially changed into dust flying all over the sky, and there is no trace of lethality!

No matter how dense the attack is, the effect is the same - in the end, almost pieces of electric light and wind blades still can't get close to Fang Rui's body. When they enter Fang Rui's body within ten feet, they are turned into dust!

This is the characteristic of the mysterious monk! When he transforms such an environment, the other monk can only attack him with earth spells - and for a freak like Fang Rui, as long as he is a mysterious monk, no matter how much he comes, he can't hurt him at all, because he can change the environment around him at any time...

With a long smile, Fang Rui began to move forward in the previous direction, refining the top of the original seal at the front, and he no longer needed any protection.

The increasingly fierce wind and the thicker thunder and lightning are regarded as nothing by Fang Rui. Although Fang Rui's realm has just broken through and is not stable, he needs to adapt to new forces in battle and needs time to stabilize the current state. However, in the face of these dead things, there will be no problem.

However, after not knowing how long he flew forward, Fang Rui also muttered in his heart that even if it was such a large territory of the Eastern Qi Kingdom, he should fly out of the border like this, not to mention that he is now an eight-grade monk, and his speed is much faster than before. After such a long time, not to mention the Eastern Qi Kingdom, he is afraid I'm afraid of flying to the Western Qin Kingdom...

During this period, the wind and thunder and lightning were still constantly baptizing the other party. Fang Rui did not know how many times he had been hit by the wind and lightning. Just as he stopped to think about it, Fang Rui suddenly felt a strong force from below and pushed his whole body up!

Fang Rui was stunned and instinctively poured vitality into his whole body to resist this thrust. However, soon, he judged that this force did not seem to cause harm to him, but wanted to push him out - as if this world could no longer tolerate Fang Rui and wanted to exclude him out!

Such a nearly boundless space obviously hides a lot of secrets, but such secrets are not what his current strength can explore. Since this space does not welcome him, will he be sent out of this space?

The most important thing is that although the thrust from under his body does not cause damage to the other party, it is not something that Fang Rui can resist. Even if it resists, it will be slowly pushed. It is better not to resist and see what kind of world he will appear in next.

No matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than it is now...

With such an idea, Fang Rui dissipated the power of resistance, took back the refined and stronger return seal, released all his strength to protect himself, and then flew up little by little with this thrust.

Not long after flying, Fang Rui felt that his whole body seemed to be integrated into a barrier, which made Fang Rui feel more curious - if he could touch the border so close, why didn't he touch it? Or is it because if this space doesn't want to, you will never touch this boundary?

Mustard Naxumi, such a wrist is not an effect that ordinary relics can achieve - but very similar to the situation of Qingxu Dongtian, very similar to the handwriting of the omnipotent fairy king.

Not long after integrating into the soft barrier, a light appeared in front of Fang Rui's eyes!

At the moment when the light flashed, the power under his body suddenly increased a lot, and Fang Rui's whole body involuntarily shot up!

The next moment, his eyes were shining, and he heard the wind in his ear!

What appeared in front of him was a brand-new continent!

It looks similar to the land of Eastern Qi, with mountains and rivers in the distance, and nearby plains, grasslands and forests...

Fang Rui, who was in the air, looked down at his feet, and then he saw a big hole.

A big hole similar to a "pit" on a plain - it seems that I came out of this big hole...

Looking around, Fang Rui's face changed slightly, because he couldn't even feel a trace of aura in the air!

In the Feixian Continent, even the place with the most barren aura has a strong aura, which is just not enough for monks to practice well, but it can also make the civilians on the Feixian Continent to strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives. However, here, Fang Rui can't even feel any aura!

There can't be such a place in the Feixian Continent - even if this is not the Magic Continent, it will not be the Feixian Continent!

This found that Fang Rui's calm heart couldn't help but have an evil fire.

This evil fire annoyed him so much that he didn't notice that a group of goats turned out in a valley not far from the south, followed by a herdsman in a sheepskin jacket...

The humming herdsman did not find Fang Rui hanging in the air at first, but a few seconds later, he heard the wind from the air.

Looking up, I happened to see Fang Rui's big head down, and his whole body suddenly accelerated and rushed to the big hole!

The herdsman was shocked, but Fang Rui went away very quickly. Fang Rui rushed into the hole before he could shout!

Just as the herdsman was about to run over to see, he saw Fang Rui, who had just hit the mouth of the hole, suddenly stopped, and then his whole body was bounced up two feet high!

"What's going on!"

Fang Rui and the herdsman said this at the same time.

When Fang Rui bumped into it, he felt like hitting a ball of slippery and powerless jelly. Just by moving forward a little distance, he was bounced back by a huge rebound force - just like the power he had popped out of the hole before. It was extremely huge and irresistible, but it would not be right. He caused a trace of damage.

"I don't believe it!"

Fang Rui, who did not have the evil fire, did not care about another sound in his ear. With a flick of two feet, his whole body flew hundreds of feet to the sky, and then stopped his body and rushed down more fiercely again!

rushed more fiercely and was bounced higher - a few seconds later, Fang Rui, who was bounced more than ten feet, shook his head dizzy and said angrily, "This hole is too annoying! Why can't you get in!"

When he complained, the herdsman knelt down and shouted, "Don't go. This is a dead place. After many little gods entered, they lost their traces and can never come back!"

Fang Rui was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head to look at the simple and frosty herdsman.

"What god?" Fang Rui asked.

The herdsmen crawled on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads. They replied in a trembling voice: "You are not tolerated by this 'destructive abyss'. Naturally, you are a great god... Since ancient times, you have devoured many middle gods here. It is said that some great gods have come to explore, but you can't enter at all. Since you can't enter, It's not swallowed up, it's naturally a god!"

"I'm still on the street." Fang Rui muttered in his heart, but after these two collisions, Fang Rui's brain was also a little sober. At present, he no longer did useless work, but fell in front of the herdsman and said in a low voice, "You stand up and speak first."

"Yes." The herdsman responded respectfully and then said, "It's rare for a great god to come to our poor countryside. Not far from the south is where we live in the group. If the god has nothing else to do, can you stay for a few days and let me wait and serve the god well."

Fang Rui thought for a moment. He didn't know where it was. It's better to find out first, and there would be no problem, so he nodded: "Oi, lead the way."