Peerless Immortal

Chapter 224 Poor Red Leaf

East Qi began a vigorous migration.

Fang Rui first went to the coast of the East China Sea.

This is the place that was once occupied by the rebels. For two years, the rebels have not relaxed their actions to clean up the whole rear except for the confrontation with the Tian family.

Although most of the main forces were attracted by the Tian family, they could only send a team like the Huang family at that time to sweep, but the effect was not bad.

Most of the scattered repairs began to take on the responsibility of protecting civilians. They joined the local villages, towns and even counties nearby, and many villages and towns and even counties that did not have the ability to protect themselves began to move closer to the county government. It is also because of this factor that Ji Ning's Penglai County can gather tens of millions of civilians.

The rule of Eastern Qi is still very popular.

It is also because of this situation that Fang Rui and the Dongqi royal family feel that such a plan is feasible.

In fact, there are not many places for Fang Rui to run.

The rebels have not attacked and are still under the rule of Eastern Qi. The Eastern Qi royal family also began a mobilization order to inform the world that first the villages migrated to the towns, and then the towns gathered the villagers and then migrated to the counties, and so on.

If it is a mortal, it is undoubtedly difficult to do such a migration, but monks naturally have the means of monks, whether it is personal storage bags or anything, which can contain a large amount of materials, and low-level officials all over the world begin to play a huge role.

The hard wall clear field here is that Hongye can't find a monk who can use to improve his strength, can't find any civilians who can kill, and even the whole coast of the East China Sea. The whole state of Qi has the idea of giving up for a period of time, discarding the whole coast of the East China Sea, so that the descendants of magic cultivation left by Hongye can't find them. To any resources that can be used for cultivation!

In this way, as long as hundreds of years later, there will be no more magic cultivation.

The life expectancy of magic cultivation is much shorter than that of normal monks. Magic cultivation can only live for hundreds of years. The life of magic cultivation in the acquired and congenital period is lower than that of ordinary civilians. As long as they cut off their way to improve their strength, they will not have any resources to reproduce!

On the basis of this plan proposed by Fang Rui, the refined and enhanced version of this group of people in the Eastern Qi can be called a unique plan.

Collect the monks and civilians on the coast of the East China Sea. After Fang Rui kills the red leaves, Dongqi will build a majestic wall with the strength of the country, supplemented by the forbidden array jointly built by nine-grade monks to block the whole coast of the East China Sea!

In this way, hundreds of years later, it can be completely once and for all.

Fang Rui sighed that these people really thought much more deeply than himself, and began to migrate on the coast of the East China Sea.

All the rebels were destroyed, not only with the credit of Fang Rui and Tian family, but also with the credit of Hongye. In order to promote himself and Huang Ping to semi-immortal cultivation, all the rebels became victims, which made Fang Rui's action no longer have any obstacles.

After arriving at a densely populated county, Fang Rui stopped outside the city.

Then the officials of the Dongqi royal family quickly conveyed the order to the local officials. A large amount of resources were brought into Qingxu Dongtian by the local garrison, and the local civilians also entered Qingxu Dongtian under the mobilization of the officials, leaving only an empty city.

transported all the ore and other resources, dismantled the transmission array, and then Fang Rui rushed to the next location.

One place after another, wherever it passes, everything is swept away.

No one regrets that one city transmission array after another has been demolished, because when it is rebuilt in the future, it is not difficult to invest a large number of monks to restore the prosperity of the East China Sea.

Countless civilians on the coast of the East China Sea reluctantly left their hometowns. They believe that they will come back again.

First the state city, then the county city, then the government city, county, town, village... Fang Rui carried out in an orderly manner, and countless civilians, scattered repairs, and garrison began to enter this new world.

Before entering Qingxu Dongtian, everyone was a little skeptical. If it hadn't been for the appearance of a large number of Dongqi officials to make them believe, they would not have believed the words of a hairy young man like Fang Rui.

However, after entering the Qingxu Cave, they also felt great joy.

Sanxiu and the garrison can get a stronger aura of heaven and earth and improve their strength. In such an environment, civilians also feel that their bodies seem to be getting better...

And the originally desolate Qingxu Cave began to slowly become lively.

More and more civilians, garrison and scattered practitioners have entered the Qingxu Cave, and they have also brought all kinds of creatures.

The fishermen by the sea brought all kinds of fish fry. After entering the rivers and seas in the clear cave sky, the fish fry began to grow little by little. After all, the aura of heaven and earth is not only useful for human beings, but also very useful for any animal.

The hunters on the mountain also brought a variety of animals for free-range.

Although most of the civilians only brought food and water when they came to Qingxu Cave, the population base was too large, and the number of civilians brought in a lot of living things was quite large.

And some pet-friendly divers have begun to enrich the species in Qingxu Cave.

If the previous Qingxu Cave Sky is already a perfect planet, but it is dead and lacks vitality, then the current Qingxu Cave Sky has begun its own changes towards a real planet.

Such a change was not expected by Fang Rui, and no one noticed it.

The civilians are recuperating, the monks are meditating, and the garrison is maintaining order. Those creatures begin to grow freely in the Qingxu Cave and reproduce at a very fast speed.

There are more and more species and more balanced.

The whole biological chain began to form within the days of Qingxu Cave.

Although it is only a rough scale, with the development of time, more and more civilians have come in, and more and more creatures have been brought in. Even every time civilians come in, the various bacteria and microorganisms they bring in have also made the biological chain in Qingxu Cave more and more complete.

Originally, the sky of Qingxu Cave has been full of yin and yang, wind and thunder, five elements, and an extremely strong atmosphere of heaven and earth. It has become a very livable planet. It is just a lack of seeds of life. If you want to develop a biological chain by yourself, you don't know how long it will take.

However, Fang Rui came up with the method of extracting money from the bottom of the pot, which greatly shortened the time.

In the ocean, a variety of plankton and all kinds of fish fry have also begun to evolve separately, and various species adapted to various environments have emerged.

More and more creatures are beginning to appear in the plains, valleys, forests...

And Fang Rui's strength has also begun to grow gradually.

This brings a comprehensive improvement.

ran the whole coast of the East China Sea and collected hundreds of millions of civilians - this was still the result of being ** by the rebels. Many civilians and Sanxiu died in the war. Of course, many Sanxiu joined the rebel camp, and then all of them became the nutrients of red leaves.

Closing his eyes and expanding his divine consciousness infinitely, Fang Rui no longer found any signs of life on the coast of the East China Sea.

Of course, it is human life - perhaps Mo Xiu has a special hidden way that Fang Rui can't find it. Fang Rui can also be sure that there will no longer be any civilians, monks, and garrison in the whole East China Sea.

Then he left the coast of the East China Sea and began to go to other big states.

This series of actions only took Fang Rui half a month.

A lot of things have happened in this half month.

The mobilization order of the Eastern Qi country has completely worked. In the eight major states they also controlled, all the villages, which were no longer full of people, were concentrated in the town, and most of the towns also drove to the counties after the assembly.

Fang Rui began a difficult task of collecting civilians one county at a time.

However, compared with the action on the coast of the East China Sea, the next action is much simpler.

After all, all parts of the coast of the East China Sea have lost contact with the Dongqi royal family, and each residents gathered need the official participation of Dongqi.

In other major states, all the people of Dongqi have been notified that when Fang Rui comes, they will enter Qingxu Cave without asking the reason.

First the county, then the government, then the county, and then the county. The unprecedented migration is still ongoing.

And when Fang Rui left the coast of the East China Sea, the red leaves hidden somewhere on the coast of the East China Sea also opened their eyes.

She completely stabilized her semi-immortal state. Unlike when she joined hands with Huang Ping to deal with Fang Rui before, the current red leaves have completely mastered the power of the semi-immortal.

She is energetic and confident.

"Fang Rui! I have completely mastered the power of half immortals. Even if I compare with you, I won't lose! But I won't bother you now. In the next time, I will devour the scattered repair of the whole East China Sea and the flesh and blood of civilians, and accumulate my strength to a greater extent!"

"Every time I devour a Sanxiu and a civilian, my strength will increase by one point! And what about you? Is it possible for you to catch up with me?"

"Are you looking for me now? Hahahaha, I won't be found by you, and when I take the initiative to find you, it's when I have overwhelming strength!"

Red Leaf's ordinary face has a crazy expression.

The loss in Fang Rui's hands is really too big.

made this thoughtful woman lose her mind.

Of course, it is more useful to keep the people of Eastern Qi than to swallow them up now.

How many strong magic cultivation will these people cultivate in the future?

But Hongye can't wait now. After all, if she can't defeat Fang Rui, then her dream country of magic cultivation will never be built.

Fang Rui will continue to make trouble with her, kill Mo Xiu, and liberate those captive slaves. Even if Fang Rui can't kill her, as long as other Mo Xiu emerges, they will be killed by Fang Rui.

So she must improve her strength and consider other things after killing Fang Rui.

The doctor has a headache, and now it can only be like this.

First, absorb all the monks and civilians on the coast of the East China Sea, and then attack the monks and civilians of East Qi everywhere until they were promoted to the immortals, and then Fang Rui's death!

Red leaves, who thought like this, began to release their divine consciousness.

She remembered that there was a gathering place for Dongqi civilians near here, where thousands of troops were stationed, as well as many scattered repairs and hundreds of thousands of civilians.

After a cup of tea.

The red leaves made a hysteria-like cry.

"What's going on! Why is there no one within thousands of miles! Damn it! Fang Rui, it must be Fang Rui! What method did he use to take away the people around him!"

Hongye roared in extremely angry and helplessly, looking so pitiful.