Peerless Immortal

Chapter 250 Results of Selection

If you stay with Fang Rui, you have to work together to make the Fang family a sect recognized by the fairyland.

If you choose to leave, the benefits are real - they have learned how good it will be to practice in the sect of the fairyland.

Even if it is a lower sect, the leaders and elders are basically the strength of the peak of the immortals. If you enter the lower sect as an ordinary disciple, you can get five lower-class fairy stones every month, and at the same time learn the cultivation secrets in the sect, which is no less than the Taishang Mixed Yuanjing.

At the same time, under the protection of the sect, you don't need to worry about being attacked by the monks of other worlds. You can completely make your strength reach a certain level and then fight with the monks of other worlds to gain contributions.

And stay? Without the protection of sects, without monthly salaries, without better secret cultivation... This is a very difficult road.

Tian Xingjian shrugged his shoulders and came over.

"Don't forget that I was the first companion to practice with you two."

Tian Xingjian shouted, "What can you two do? At least you have to add me."

"Oh, fat man, how can you be so righteous?" Ji Qingfeng smiled.

"Actually, it's not true. The main reason is that I am an ordinary person. I prefer to do business or something. If I go to the sect, I will probably be looked down upon by others. Of course, I have to stay with you." Tian Xingjian whispered.

At the same time, Fang Chang and Fang Ding also stood silently, and all the members of Fangjia Village also stood up.

Fang Chang and Fang Ding are people who can't give up Fangjia Village. Their relationship with Fang Rui is different and they are related by blood. What's more, although the people in Fangjia Village are generally stronger because they practiced in Qingxu Cave at the earliest days. In more than 20,000 spiritual immortals, 3,000 to 4,000 people are from Fangjia Village, but the whole Fangjia Village Now there are tens of thousands of people, and they can't abandon their relatives and join any sect.

"You have been protecting us. Of course, we have to be your strong backing at this time." Fang Chang laughed.

"You still robbed me of a lot of things. I can't leave before that."

Guan Yun, who was a thief, came over. He has made rapid progress during this period of time, and now he is also the cultivation of a low-grade immortal. He chose to stay, which surprised Fang Rui a little.

"Look at what I'm doing. Don't you know what a thief is?" Guan Yun said with awe-inspiringness.

The people in Fangjia Village laughed. When did you know that there was a way to steal?

Lin Hai also strode over.

"I'm not a saint, but you saved our life in Lianyunzhai. My life has been given to you a long time ago."

110,000 children of the more than 130,000 Fang family will definitely come here. In fact, those who are facing this problem are only people with immortal cultivation. Now with the people of Fangjia Village and Lianyun Village, they have basically come over, and those who are left are nothing more than the people of the original Fangzi camp, the Xiang family, and the people of the Lu family.

"So many people in the Lu family have to stay, and of course our seven brothers have to stay." Lv Feng, Lv Lei and others laughed.

Fang Ziying should have been Fang Rui's greatest backing, but they are also more aware of the benefits of entering the sect.

It is natural to have ideological struggle.

I have been struggling to defeat the enemy from the beginning.

He is grateful to Fang Rui, which is well known, otherwise he would not have been firmly on Fang Rui's side. However, he is also a monk who pursues the ultimate in martial arts. From the mouth of the immortals responsible for receiving, he already knows that there is a sect in the whole fairyland that specializes in martial arts and refining the body. In the whole fairyland, it is a huge branch. All monks who love martial arts can rise all the way and become the strongest martial arts master in heaven and earth as long as they work hard enough.

This has always been the ideal for defeating the enemy, so it is also the reason for his struggle.

"Defeat the enemy, I think you should join the sect."

Fang Rui took the initiative to go up.

"I know that you have always been a monk who pursues the ultimate in martial arts... With your talent and perseverance, you will make rapid progress after having an appropriate professor... You are now a top fairy, and you can enter a lower fairy sect as a direct disciple and get the best training, which is very important for you personally. ."

Ke the enemy looked up at Fang Rui, and then suddenly laughed.

"Actually, you still underestimated me."

"Why?" Fang Rui was stunned.

"The pursuit of the ultimate martial arts is indeed my goal, but before that, what I pursued was my heart! Since I have decided to follow you all the time, I will not betray my promise! If I give up my promise for the future, what qualifications do I have to pursue the ultimate martial arts?

The enemy laughed heroically: "I still let me follow you. I don't believe it. On our own, we can't pursue the ultimate of martial arts!"

"Well said!" Tian Xingjian began to shout loudly and laughed. He didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave these brothers day and night.

"If you left, it doesn't mean that you betrayed your promise."

Fang Rui smiled and said, "Even if you leave temporarily, it doesn't mean that you can't continue to follow me. After successful cultivation, you can still come to me.

Convincible the enemy.

Fang Rui put on the shoulder of defeating the enemy and smiled, "You know that what I am good at is the ever-changing, inclusiveness and inclusiveness is my characteristic, and I have nothing special about martial arts, and you are talented in this regard. If you barely follow me, you can only delay you."

"If you really have the intention to leave temporarily, it's nothing. One day, we will continue to be together. Before that, improve our strength. What we need to gain a foothold in the fairyland is our common efforts. Even if we are not together, we can work together."

Fang Rui clutched the shoulder of defeating the enemy and said sincerely, "To be honest, I also want to have a few strong foreign aid... If you make rapid progress in the sect of martial arts and become an important task in the fairyland, it will be of better help to us."

Looking at Fang Rui's eyes, he sighed.

Of course, he knew that Fang Rui said this not to have any foreign aid outside, but that he really felt that it was better to defeat the enemy than to stay.

Indeed, the enemy has not really been taught well, whether in Jixia College or other places.

Because Jixia College is not good at cultivating people who enter the Tao with martial arts.

Although Fang Rui is omnipotent, he still prefers spell confrontation rather than fighting ability.

In this regard, the enemy has not been well taught.

In the fairyland, there is no such problem.

He can get better teaching and then improve faster. This is to stay and never have any chance to get promotion.

Others can work together with Fang Rui. After all, Fang Rui has a lot to teach them. Fang Rui has improved himself and has a lot of experience to pass on, just like Ji Qingfeng's growth is inseparable from Fang Rui's advice.

And against defeating the enemy, Fang Rui has no way to improve him.

So Fang Rui hopes that he can defeat the enemy and enter the school dominated by martial arts to improve his strength faster.

"I see."

He nodded to defeat the enemy, then lowered his head and walked away from Fang Rui.

The enemy became the first person to choose to enter the sect. Some people took the lead, and gradually many immortals chose to enter the sect.

After all, this is a personal choice.

Ro Wei chose to stand with the people of Fangjia Village.

The reason is very simple. Although there are thousands of immortals in Luojia Village now, there are also a large number of villagers who are not qualified to enter the sect. Naturally, the people between a village have a thousand ties, and they can't give up.

The only thing that hasn't really made a choice now is the people in the Xiang family.

Because the Xiang family was originally a small family, the family's disciples had good cultivation talent, so in this comment, more than 20,000 immortals, but nearly 10,000 people came from the original Xiang family.

They were originally swallowed by the Fang family, and although many people in the Xiang family have not been able to achieve the cultivation of immortals, they may not have any relationship with these immortals. They are more likely to choose to enter the sect.

Xiang Yuanbai and Xiang Yuanfeng looked at each other.

Then unexpectedly, the two walked towards Fang Rui at the same time!

"I don't think it's good to go to the sect, but... I used to be suppressed by Xiang Lingtian in the Xiang family. After entering the Fang family, although many of you don't like me, no one has ever suppressed me... I don't want to fight. It's too tired. After entering the sect, there must be intrigue, right? I'd better stay. Besides, in the past, my greatest ambition was to become the head of the Xiang family and become a monk in the Immortal period. In retrospect, that ambition is really ridiculous... I have gained so much, and I don't care what I can get next."

After saying a long paragraph to Yuanbai, he smiled and stood behind Fang Rui.

Now, Fang Rui began to look at this guy with some new eyes.

The conflict between the Fang family and Xiangjia was caused by this guy. In addition, he later betrayed Xiang Lingtian very decisively. Although he made great contributions to the Fang family, not many people like him.

After all, eating a bowl of noodles and turning over the bottom of the bowl and selling the same door is the most disgusting thing. Although no one suppresses him, the Fang family has never trusted him very much and is ready for him to escape in difficult times.

As a result, under such circumstances, Xiang Yuanbai chose to stay!

Sure enough, no matter who he is, his mind will always change slowly. Maybe Xiang Yuanbai is a villain, but after making such a decision, he immediately became a trustworthy person of the Fang family.

Xiang Yuanfeng shrugged his shoulders: "It's nothing. I think it's more dignified to stay."

The two children of the former family stayed for the same reason at the same time.

Because they feel that in the Fang family, there is no need to fight, and they will be very dignified.

These are two people who spent their time in that ancient family and know how tired and worried that family is.

So they would rather give up their future than stay and work hard with Fang Rui.

At least, it can be consistent externally.

At least, you don't have to worry about stabing yourself when you are consistent with the outside world.

Sometimes, this can touch the hearts of many people.

Xiang Yuanbai and Xiang Yuanfeng smiled at each other and then slapped each other high-five.

"I didn't expect you two ambitious kids to stay because of this."

Tian Xingjian put on the shoulders of the two of them and laughed.

"I didn't expect that you, a fat man who looks like no righteousness at all, will stay because of righteousness." Xiang Yuanbai said with one voice to Yuanfeng.

"That's because you don't know me yet." Tian Xingjian frowned and said, "I'm a righteous man!"