Peerless Immortal

Chapter 318 Annihilation

He Yixiu did leave Qiaohuaxing.

He also has the cultivation of immortals. It is not too difficult for him to leave this planet directly and go to another planet.

After leaving Qiaohuaxing, He Yixiu thought while flying and finally determined his mood.

He admitted that Fang Rui was right. He had said that he was empty, lonely and cold, which was indeed pretentious.

The first purpose of cultivating immortals was to live a long life. Now that this goal has been achieved, it is really ridiculous to say that you have no goal.

After immortality, you can live an honest life like those ordinary immortals and find fun in life. At least, don't base your happiness on the pain of others.

After thinking about this, He Yixiu landed on a nearby planet, hidden his breath and began to live a quiet life.

Life like an ordinary fairy, running around for something that looked ridiculous before, is so fulfilling.

There are not many immortals like He Yixiu.

Among the more than a dozen immortals released by Fang Rui, in addition to being scared by this, they began to feel that this life was really not very pleasant. In addition to choosing to leave, nearly ten other immortals returned to their mountain gates and began to cry to the boss.

He Yixiu's power to fight against the peak of Jinxian like Yuan Wei also has a boss at the peak of Jinxian.

" boss, we were fighting with the people on Yuan Wei's side, but a young boy suddenly appeared and imprisoned us all with fairy art. The people on Yuan Wei's side were hard-mouthed and were killed by the boy at once! He also warned us not to compete in places where there are immortals in the future, so as not to make immortals dangerous..."

Huang Yingwei frowned: "What? Where did such a fool come from? Is this...walking for heaven?

Many of his immortals laughed at the same time.

Do you want to walk for heaven? We are immortals. On the clever star, we are the sky!

However, Huang Yingwei is still very cautious. After careful interrogation, he feels that most of the other party will not be a good match.

After all, between hands and feet, dozens of immortals were trapped, and half of them were killed as soon as their thoughts moved. Such strength is at least only the golden immortals can have.

"I'm ready. Let's take action together and catch that boy."

Huang Yingwei ordered his eight golden immortals, which is also their most powerful force. Although there are thousands of immortals in the sum, it is he and his eight golden immortals that are really deterrent.

The golden immortal is the most powerful level among the three immortals, and it is basically the peak of the scattered immortals.

Huang Yingwei doesn't think that the young man will be an ancient fairy.

As long as it is Jinxian, the nine of them can easily defeat each other!

Just as Huang Yingwei was ordering people, a leisurely voice came.

"Don't look for it, I'm already here."

The next moment, Fang Rui, dressed in coarse linen, appeared in front of them like a breeze.

Huang Yingwei was shocked.

With the strength of his golden immortals, he did not find how Fang Rui came in - even if this young man is a wind immortal, it at least proves that this young man's strength is not below him!

Wind immortals are the most difficult to deal with, because they run fast and are good at guerrilla tactics. If there is no suppression in the realm, immortals of the same strength will often be killed one by one with the help of space.

So Huang Yingwei's voice also began to be cautious.

"Who are you? Why do you mind our business?"

Fang Rui did not answer his words, but took out a piece of paper.

"Huang Yingwei fought with Yuan Wei five years ago and refined a mountain range. Tens of thousands of immortals near the mountain range were displaced, and many people starved to death and could be killed."

Huang Yingwei's face slate.

"Wang Qi, one day, in order to have fun, he burned the mountains and forests with fire magic power, and one of the immortals died."

"Yanwu, after a day of drunkenness, went straight into Ancheng and destroyed countless houses."

"Hong Ren..."

Fang Rui read one name after another. Huang Yingwei and his eight golden immortals, as well as dozens of immortals, did not miss any of them.

With no worries, these immortals, even occasionally, will cause great suffering to ordinary immortals. Huang Yingwei, a group of immortals, have suffered from immortals near Ancheng.

"What do you mean by saying so much?" Huang Yingwei said coldly.

Fang Rui raised the paper in his hand. Although the guard of Ancheng was scared to death when facing him, he was still a good official. In addition to governing Ancheng, he wrote down all the immortals who had harmed Ancheng.

He doesn't know what's the point of doing this. Maybe it's just to be worthy of being the city guard, but now, he has avoided Fang Rui's countless strength.

Before that, he went to the city guard, took this information, and then found many ordinary immortals in Ancheng to check and found that it was true, so he immediately found it.

"It's very simple, it's a crime, it's dead."

Huang Yingwei sneered, and a strong momentum began to appear all over his body.

As a monk at the peak of the golden fairy, Huang Yingwei has strong strength.

The number of the three immortals and the upper three immortals is relatively rare compared with the immortals in the whole fairyland.

What accounts for 80% of the whole fairyland is the lower three immortals.

And among the three immortals, the golden immortal is the highest existence.

So Huang Yingwei is qualified to be proud and feel that he is the most powerful.

He is a native monk, and now he uses his strongest strength to trap Fang Rui in an instant, making him unable to escape, and then kill Fang Rui with the power of thick soil.

Since Fang Rui wants to kill him, he will do it first.

Just as he took action, he saw Fang Rui's eyes with pity.

The next moment, the three flowers above Fang Rui's head were so brilliantly displayed in front of everyone.

"The peak of ancient immortals... Oh, my God!"

Huang Yingwei let out a scream.

They also screamed, as well as everyone who had just been named by Fang Rui.

However, they only had time to scream.

An invisible force trapped all the immortals named by Fang Rui, and they found that their fingers could not move.

"It's also a rule..."

Fang Rui sighed. Now he found why he learned runes so fast - in the land of gods and flying immortals, changing the rules is actually a kind of runes. He has experience in this field and naturally gets started very quickly.

In the lower world, it is very rare to gain the power to change the rules. For so many years, Fang Rui and Hongye have come out of the two different species.

"Don't kill me!"

Huang Yingwei's voice trembled, and he began to feel really afraid.

With the power of golden immortals, as long as you don't meet those top masters in the whole fairyland, you can basically not be afraid of anyone, and there is a long life and incomparable enjoyment...

He doesn't want to die.

But at this time, it was really too late to think of this.

"Don't cultivate immortals in the next life. If you want to cultivate immortals, don't be as pretentious as in this life. Think about how desperate those immortals you look like ants when they are unintentionally hurt by you." Fang Rui slowly stretched out his hand.

"Who do you think you are! Why do you judge us!" There was a desperate golden fairy roaring loudly.

"Me? Sorry, I can really judge you."

A fairy suit appeared on him with brilliantly: "I am a fairy official in the fairy court, responsible for managing this golden deer continent. You hurt the people on the Golden Deer continent, and I will sentence you to death in the name of the fairy court.

Looking at Fang Rui's official uniform representing the 18 immortals, everyone finally shouted in despair.

Former immortals never paid attention to these things. Why did such a perverted guy come today?

If I had known it, I would have stayed in the sect, at least I wouldn't die...

The feeling of regret only lasted for a short time.

With Fang Rui waved his hand, the infinite power of the charm array turned all the immortals whose names were read by Fang Rui into ashes.

"I was born as a fairy and forgot that I can have my current achievements. It is worshipped by so many immortals. Instead, I turn back to hurt the immortals. Such a person can also be killed."

Fang Rui said coldly.

This reminds him of the time when he let go of the slaughter of those monks in the continent.

Fang Rui rarely killed people. The only big killing before was on the divine continent.

And now, it seems that there will be another killing.

Huang Yingwei's power has disappeared at this moment.

as the leader, that is, those most powerful immortals have more or less harmed the lives of immortals. On Fang Rui's list, they are all in the must-kill objects.

The rest of the immortals are like dead ashes at this moment.

The leaders are all dead. What kind of fate will they face?

"I don't care what you want to do next. Even if you want to continue such a day, I don't care, but don't touch me again. Those who hurt the lives of immortals will be killed without mercy.

After saying this, Fang Rui no longer paid attention to the remaining thousands of immortals and flew away.

The immortals who are still in place look at me and I look at you. It was not until this time that they had a great fear in their hearts.

It turns out that in front of the truly powerful immortals, they are also like ants without any resistance.

Long life may indeed be boring, but compared with death?

If you live, there will be many possibilities, and that possibility is the greatest interest.

In the past, no one took care of them, because even if they were useless, they were cultivated in various immortals. With so many scattered immortals combined, the relationship was intertwined, and no one would be so bored to provoke them.

But what about now? If there is really such a person to provoke them, what ability can they resist?

Killed by others like killing chickens? When you kill others, it may be very interesting. What about being killed by others?

Thousands of immortals slowly dispersed, and they were greatly shocked.

In the next few days, they may think about what happened today and have more enthusiasm for their next life.

At this time, Fang Rui had already appeared in the sphere of influence led by Yuan Wei.

"You are all going to die."

Fang Rui said such a sentence lightly to Yuan Wei and his masters.

Yuan Wei's power has become the second destructed force on the clever star. Since then, there has been no force outside Ancheng to threaten the immortals of Ancheng.

They can live freely inside and outside the city without worrying that one day, a fairy's spell will fall from the sky and destroy their hard-run home.

When they knew this, the immortals of Ancheng were overjoyed and firmly remembered the name of Fang Rui, an 18-grade immortal.