Peerless Immortal

Chapter 357 The Growth of Qingfeng

In the depths of the holy world, within a small planet.

Ji Qingfeng is like a female leopard, hidden in a dense forest.

She is the body of the wooden spirit and is not particularly good at hiding. However, on the planet of the holy world, the covered area of trees is quite high. With her characteristics, as long as she is integrated with the trees, even if she is a strong angel, she can't find her trace.

After sneaking into the Holy World, Ji Qingfeng was not in a hurry to act.

Her goal is to avenge Fang Rui, so she can kill as many angels as she can - kill as many angels as possible, and the anger in her heart will be released.

And after coming to the Holy Realm, she began to feel that these mortals living in the Holy Realm did not have their own souls and egos.

They are just crazily worshiping the man named Holy Father.

Their lives, everything, everything they have, are not what they care about. Only if they believe in the Holy Father and believe in the Holy Father with their most solid faith, they will have everything.

There are countless churches on any planet in the holy world. The knights in the church ride tall horses. The priests wear red robes and gold edges, and accept people's offerings with a compassionate face. As soon as they turn around, they count gold coins and enjoy wine in their rooms.

Every mortal wants to become a knight and priest. They believe in the Holy Father more crazily and dedicate their little income to the church.

Ji Qingfeng has never seen such a civilian.

In the Feixian mainland, civilians are very comfortable. They don't need to support the monks. If the monks want to drink and eat meat, they have to exchange elixir with the civilians. Although the civilians have no way to practice, they can live a life painlessly and live a peaceful life.

In the fairyland, although many civilians will be affected by the Sanxian War, such a situation will hardly occur after Fang Rui walks around the world. Like the civilians in the Feixian Continent, they can also live a life painless, materially and a happy life.

Even the herdsmen on the land of Godman who heard Fang Rui talked about, although they have been chasing the fertile land of water and grass all their lives, at least they will not be bullied by other than monsters. Even those demons will kill monsters from time to time and protect one side of their peace.

Compaed with these people, the civilians in the holy world live a very hard life, muddle-headed life in pain, but have no self.

After seeing all this, Ji Qingfeng's hatred for the holy world began to become stronger and stronger, not only for Fang Rui, but also for these civilians who had no self, no backbone, like walking dead bodies.

So she traveled all over the planet one night, destroyed all the churches on the planet, killed the dirty knights and priests, and then disappeared in the boundless dense forest.

The Holy World soon reacted. Two angels came down to the earth and punished those ignorant civilians and purified the life on the whole planet with heavenly punishment.

Ji Qingfeng has not been purified. First, she is stronger than these two ordinary angels. Second, when she integrates into the whole forest, the forest is her and she is the forest.

When the two angels left with satisfaction, Ji Qingfeng secretly followed.

Then in the starry sky, she killed the two angels, and then hid again in a nearby planet.

The Holy World is furious.

In the Holy Realm, there has never been a situation where a church has been destroyed, let alone a silent death after an angel appeared and purified the planet!

However, before they could search the inside of the holy world, the war in the fairyland began.

Countless powerful angels began to gather to resist the invasion of the fairyland, and Ji Qingfeng made dangerous contact.

The bosses who have the ability to find Ji Qingfeng are targeted by the fairyland bosses and can't take any action. The powerful archangels lead angels to resist the attack of the fairyland army. Under such circumstances, the most left on the planet are ordinary angels, as well as those paladins, knights, knights and priests. .

After noting this, Ji Qingfeng began to be unscrupulous.

Every time she goes to a planet, she first kills the angels stationed on the planet, then destroys the church, gathers all the local civilians, and shouts loudly to them.

"Your fate should be controlled by you! Does believing in the so-called Holy Father have any benefits for you? Those knights and priests were originally born among you, but after they became knights and priests, they began to oppress you! Have you ever lived for yourself in your life?

One planet after another, Ji Qingfeng is constantly shouting such words, injecting some new things into the already numb people of the holy world.

Many people are very afraid. They automatically filter Ji Qingfeng's words and continue their previous life, and more people begin to think about the meaning of their existence.

It's not that the masters of the holy world have found this, but they don't have the power to stop Ji Qingfeng. In the case of the large-scale invasion of the fairy world, they really don't have extra power.

The Holy See of several planets organized an ambush against Ji Qingfeng, but in front of Ji Qingfeng, who could fight against ordinary archangels, their attack was like a children's game without any threat.

Even more than a dozen angels died at the hands of Ji Qingfeng during this period.

In such a situation, a master at the archangel level finally took action.

This four-winged angel has silver wings, which means that he has the same strength as a real person.

Such strength has steadily suppressed Ji Qingfeng. Although Ji Qingfeng has evolved Qingyun and appeared as a deputy leader, he already has the power of the real person, but it is still a little worse than the real person.

She began to flee.

And this angel is chasing after him.

The holy world will not let Ji Qingfeng do this. Once the spark burns, perhaps the foundation of the rule of the holy world will be greatly shaken.

Although they still have extremely powerful power, if more and more people in the holy world no longer have faith, the power of the Holy Father will also be greatly weakened.

If the Holy Father, whose original strength was still above the immortal king, had not been entangled by the immortal kings of the fairy world, and then the territory of the holy world was taken away. After those crazy believers restored themselves and no longer believed in the Holy Father and became the people of the fairy world, the power of the Holy Father was greatly weakened and could no longer cause power to the fairyland. Threatened.

But at that time, the fairyland only took away countless planets and the people above, cut off the way for these people to believe in the Holy Father, and let the strength of the Holy Father decline. Now, if such momentum expands, it will be the fundamental to the Holy World. !

So although the holy world is under incomparable pressure, two four-winged angels have returned to the inner realm and began to hunt down Ji Qingfeng.

The previous shot was just one of them.

When the second four-wing angel also joined the pursuit, Ji Qingfeng was even more irresistible.

For good enough, she has good enough hiding skills.

And if you can find a way to kill these two four-winged angels, it is much more effective than killing a hundred ordinary angels!

Ji Qingfeng doesn't know why there are only two four-wing angels chasing her so far, and she doesn't know that the fairyland is attacking the holy world, but this is a good opportunity for her.

She crawled on a big tree like a leopard, waiting for the arrival of the two angels.

Her whole body was restrained, and there was no trace of breath.

The trees on the whole planet have become her eyes and ears, observing everything.

This is the strange ability of the wooden spirit body.

Two four-winged angels landed on the planet.

Chasing a woman makes the two angels feel that they are useless, but think about it, other angel partners are in danger of dying every moment in the face of the attack of those crazy people in the fairyland. They just come to chase and kill a woman, which is a good job.

"Ule, shall we deliberately let that woman keep running for her life? In order to avoid facing those crazy people in the fairyland.

"Manul, I think you are desperate. Now the fairyland is attacking us. If we drag here and the archangels find out, they will probably kill us directly."

"It's just a joke. Don't be so serious."

The dialogue between the two four-winged angels entered Ji Qingfeng's ears.

This refreshed her.

"Has the fairyland begun to attack the holy world? It seems that I have a chance to escape..."

When he was chased by two four-winged angels, Ji Qingfeng felt that he should leave. After all, now the connection between Fang Rui and her has begun to stabilize, which seems to prove that Fang Rui has escaped the pursuit of the holy world, so if he continues to fight here, it's just nonsense.

It is a very long-term thing to overthrow the rule of the Holy Realm and restore the freedom of those civilians.

At least she can't do it now. She can only seize this opportunity to plant more seeds as much as possible.

When people start to think, such oppression may slowly loosen.

The fairyland attacks the holy world. If you can contact the people of the fairyland and tell them the current situation of the holy world, maybe the fairyland can really complete its success and minimize the possibility that these parasites in the holy world will continue to grow.

But before that, we need to kill these two four-winged angels.

In order to hide, Ji Qingfeng went deep into the inner part of the holy world. It was not so easy for the army of the fairy world to come over.

At this time, she can only choose to save herself.

And she is not without opportunities.

Although none of the other party may be able to win, the biggest advantage of immortals and angels is that immortals can grow!

In this period of experience, Ji Qingfeng has experienced a lot of things she has not experienced.

Before, she wanted to avenge the holy world.

And now, she wants to liberate the civilians of the holy world.

In the Qingyun above Ji Qingfeng's head, the fog is also getting thicker and thicker.

There is no doubt that Ji Qingfeng is also a genius. Although her light has been covered by Fang Rui, she is still the fastest woman in the history of Feixian Continent.

Now, after deciding to go to the holy world alone for revenge, without Fang Rui's light, her brilliance began to be released little by little.

Under the experience, perception and pressure of this period, the glorious moment belonging to Ji Qingfeng is coming.

She is just waiting for the two four-winged angels to get closer.

And she also needs some time to condense her external incarnation.