Peerless Immortal

Chapter 366 First Battle

Fang Rui leads the way.

He is really familiar with the outside of Green Town.

Although he hides all his strength, Fang Rui's power is only an ordinary person at this moment, but his consciousness can make him detect the movement of the whole planet.

This is something that the masters of the Holy World can't find, which is completely different from the power they have.

So in his mind, the surrounding environment is clearly displayed.

Out of the town for ten miles, turn left and enter the mountain forest, where a two-stage monster lives.

In the holy world, Warcraft is only divided into three levels, and the first level is the weakest, which is probably similar to the strength of the monks in the long term. The second level can almost fight against the nine-level monks. The third level... Only real knights can deal with it.

No matter how powerful a warcraft is, it is naturally not. For the holy world, it is not easy to train knights. If there are monsters on the planet that can kill knights, it is too dangerous.

Fang Rui pretended to identify the traces on the road all the way, slowly leading everyone to the scope of the activities of the second-order warcraft.

After walking dozens of miles, everyone began to gasp. Except for the five knights who had not changed their faces, the townspeople were already exhausted.

Even the 20 vigorous private soldiers before could not withstand the power of the plate armor on their bodies and complained, but they did not dare to put their armor and weapons on the cart - they did not have the knight's ability to bring armor and weapons back to themselves in an instant.

As he walked, Fang Rui suddenly frowned, stopped, and then his nose shrugged.

"What's wrong?" The knight leader asked.

"There are beasts."

Fang Rui said, and then he added, "It's not a warcraft."

The private soldiers who had begun to be vigilant relaxed, and a private soldier laughed and said, "Don't make a fuss about it in the future. What beasts are not even a cat in front of my epee!"

The little bastard began to scream.

Then, as the private soldier waved his sword, a strange wind suddenly rolled up in the dense forest beside the road.

A vigorous leopard rushed out of the dense forest like lightning, and then knocked down the private soldier when no one could react!

The powerful force that hit made the private soldier fall to the ground without even reacting, and the helmet fell down. The leopard opened his mouth wide and was about to bite his throat!

The five knights looked at all this indifferently and did not take action.

They are also dissatisfied with these private soldiers.

Other private soldiers wanted to take action, but in a hurry, they didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the bow string sounded.

Fang Rui lightning moved a bow and arrow, and an accurate arrow shot in the leopard's neck and protruded from the other side!

The powerful force turned the leopard's neck aside, and a large amount of blood came out of his neck, pouring the private soldier's face!

Thinking it was his own blood, the private soldier's eyes turned white and he fainted.

The changing hound of the little bastard rushed in like lightning and dragged away the leopard who was still twitching slightly. Fang Rui walked over and pulled out his arrow from the leopard's neck.

"Good archery, good response!" A knight opened his mouth and praised.

Although this is nothing to the knights, Fang Rui was able to kill the leopard with a lightning arrow without the blessing of the Holy Light, which indeed showed that he was an excellent hunter.

"It's just the ability to beg..." Fang Rui smiled with satisfaction and said loudly, "Lord Knight, this leopard is mine."

"Of course, this is your prey and can be put on the cart." The knight leader laughed.

"Well done, Andre!"

"It's just a hole in the neck. This skin is worth half a silver coin!"

"It's a pity that if you shoot more accurately through the leopard's ear, it will be a complete skin, at least worth a silver coin!"

The fainted private soldier woke up under the help of his companion, and the embarrassed other party thanked him and shrank back.

It's really shameful. This is not a warcraft, but an ordinary beast that almost killed a private soldier. How can the previously lively private soldiers feel ashamed?

The knight leader frowned and said, "I think you'd better go back. Anyway, someone has helped push the cart."

Private soldiers, look at me, I look at you, your face is a little pale.

Now there is a distance out of town. I really didn't meet Warcraft just now, but who knows if those monsters know that there are knights and can't come out? What if you go back alone and encounter a Warcraft attack halfway?

After swallowing a mouthful of foam, a private soldier shouted, "We are Mr. Clive's private soldiers. Since we have been sent to assist the knights, of course we can't leave early!"

Fang Rui smiled slightly. There is nothing they can do if this group of people want to die. There should be no danger in returning now. After all, the nearest warcraft is not far ahead.

It's enough for five knights and two priests to protect those townspeople. If these private soldiers still run around like this... Tut, I guess it will be a miserable end.

The townspeople helped Fang Rui put the leopard on a big car, and the whole team continued to move forward.

"There are traces here."

Fang Rui lowered his head and carefully observed the ground, and then turned his head and said, "Lord, the footprints here are very deep. Ordinary beasts do not have such a heavy weight. There must be warcraft near here... As for what it is, I can't judge."

The knight leader nodded. He was still satisfied with the performance of the other party. Since he knew that there was a Warcraft nearby, it was easy to do.

The five knights roared at the same time, and the armor originally piled up on the cart flew up one after another, and then came to the knights, arming them all over in an instant.

The two priests pushed the door open and stood in the circle protected by five knights.

The two priests closed their eyes and began to sing spells slowly and pray slowly.

The strong holy light emanated on the two priests.

Unlike knights, priests are very fragile. When they are not protected, even ordinary people can kill them. However, when they have protection and concentrate on releasing their holy light, they will play a great role.

The strong holy light began to spread, slowly and firmly, covering the forest ahead.

Naturally, such a practice cannot cover a large range, but since Fang Rui said that there would be warcraft nearby, this method is the safest.

Sure enough, when the strong holy light enveloped the whole forest in front of it, a huge roar sounded in the forest.

"Sure enough, there is a warcraft!"

A knight shouted.

The knight leader patted Fang Rui on the shoulder admiringly: "Well done, Andre, I will report such a credit to the Holy See when I go back."

The private soldiers began to look at Fang Rui with envy. The Holy See is the backbone of the planet that rules the Holy World. On each planet, on a continent, there is a Holy See ruling. There is a Cardinal and a Paladin in the Holy See, whose power is about equal to a medium fairy gate in the fairyland.

If an ordinary person can make contributions and be known by the Holy See, it may mean that he will ascend to heaven in one step and may be given holy power by the Cardinal, so as to get rid of the civilian class and become a great knight!

You should know that although these private soldiers belong to the subordinates of the aristocracy and can show off their power to civilians, they are not even a finger compared with any knight!

After hearing such words, Fang Rui just opened his mouth and smiled twice, looking very happy.

At this time, a blue wolf rushed out.

"Second-order Warcraft! Go up and get two people and pester it!"

The knight leader roared, and the second-order Warcraft is basically the same as the strength of each reserve knight. It is more appropriate to go up to two.

Immediately, two knights rushed up, one with an epee sword and the other holding a huge axe. The other three knights were still protecting the priest well.

This magic wolf has great power. Every claw swings and breaks the surrounding trees from it, which is amazingly powerful.

The two knights were fighting in a normal way, blocking the claws waving by the other party with heavy shields, and then taking the opportunity to give a heavy blow to the other party with the weapons in their hands. It can be seen that they do not have much experience, but their strength is quite good.

The strength was not bad, and the two joined hands. Soon, under the heavy blow of the other party, the magic wolf was seriously injured. When the axe of the giant axe knight hit the devil wolf's head, the magic wolf fell down.

The townspeople and private soldiers cheered.

Then the private soldiers ran over one after another, took the initiative to lift the wolf's body, and then piled it on an empty cart - the purpose of the car was to load the body of the beast, blooded the beast after returning to the town, and sprinkled it around the town to deter other monsters.

As for the body of Warcraft, it will be handed over to the church, which will be a symbol of each church's merit in the Holy See.

The Holy World needs to re-establish order, so for these reserve knights and priests, they can become formal knights and priests by proving their strength with the corpses of Warcraft.

After the victory of the first battle, the knights began to feel better. After a few laps and killing a few warcrafts, it was almost enough.

Fang Rui has been watching all this, but he knows that this group of knights will soon be in trouble...

Because the surrounding monsters have not been cleaned up for too long, the number of monsters outside the green town has actually reached a considerable level. The church has to pay the consequences for the previous disregard.

When there was no war before, kill a war, and generally no other monsters will come around immediately, but now... it's not the same.

When the knights and priests were ready to rest, Fang Rui frowned, then lay on the ground and listened.

"What's the matter, Andrea?" The knight leader laughed.

Being able to successfully kill this Warcraft, Fang Rui found the trace of the Warcraft was a key factor, which also made the knight leader start to look at the other.

"No... I heard very dense footsteps, so fast! Warcraft! And there must be more than one!"

Fang Rui stood up and shouted in horror.

In this way, let the knights and priests look serious at the same time!

If you are attacked by a large number of monsters in such a wilderness... I'm afraid that even these knights, not to mention those ordinary people, can't escape!