Peerless Immortal

Chapter 370 Holy See and Knights Association

After walking with Dennis for three days, Fang Rui arrived in Lanson City.

This is the most majestic city on the Ash Continent and the highest rule of the Holy See on the Ash Continent.

The core of the three institutions of the Holy See, the Knights' Association and the Court are all within this city. There is a red archbishop, a paladin, and a referee, all of which can fight against the top golden immortals.

On a planet, such existence is only dozens of people.

In fact, it can be seen from here that the style of the holy world is declining - in the fairyland, even in the inner realm, on a planet, there are tens of thousands of golden immortals, and there are qualified to occupy the development of a planet. There is a real person under his command, hundreds of ancient immortals and tens of thousands of golden immortals, with far more than one strength. All the power of the holy planet.

At present, the number of planets in the holy world is not as good as the fairyland, and the combat power stationed by each planet is not as good as the fairyland. Every year, there is a steady stream of new planets to join the fairyland. Every year, a steady stream of immortals are invested in the lower fairy gates to cultivate and become new immortals... If it goes on like this, the holy world will be destroyed by the fairyland sooner or later.

Now that the fairyland has not taken action, that is because the Holy World still has a very powerful force. Now if the other party is destroyed in a full-scale war, he will also suffer great losses.

However, if this situation continues, the three worlds will only become weaker and weaker, and the fairyland will become stronger and stronger.

Of course, this is not a problem that these archbishops can consider.

This city is an exaggerated large city, in which there are millions of civilians who live every day. At the same time, there are tens of thousands of powerful knights, priests and deacons arching the acropolis. Even if the warcraft of the whole continent unite, they cannot cause any damage to this city.

And today, the gate opened.

The sacred singing sounded to welcome the arrival of Fang Rui.

Although the chief knight is one level worse than the paladin, the knight who can have a province is also one of the highest beings on the planet, and naturally deserves such a welcome.

Hundreds of knights unfolded like goose wings on both sides of the gate. The honor guard in their hands was raised and built into an arch. Behind them were hundreds of red-robed priests, who also lined up on both sides and kept singing holy poems.

And in the dark, many deacons in black hide in the dark to prevent anyone from messing.

The white holy light permeated the air, and all the passing civilians crawled down and prayed devoutly.

A tall knight came over to his face. He had a white beard and looked very old, but he was still energetic.

"This is the tutor of the Knights College and a knight-length master." Dennis whispered behind Fang Rui's ear.

Fang Rui nodded, then greeted him and saluted the tutor according to the etiquette taught by Dennis.

"You are very amazing to inherit the sacred weapon and become a great knight! However, to become a real knight, strength alone is not enough, and you have to have noble qualities... If you come today, then go with me to the Knights Association to receive guidance on etiquette. The tutor laughed.

Before Fang Rui could answer, a clear voice sounded: "Lord Claude, this can't be done. The archbishop is still waiting for Andre to go to the Holy See to bless him."

With the sound, an old man in a red robe, with a wooden stick in his hand, walked over from the other side of the long street, followed by several expressionless old men who were also in red robes.

"Lord Louis, what does this mean?"

dao shi Claude's face showed anger: "Andre inherited the knight's sacred artifact. Of course, he needs to go to the Knights' Association first, register, and then go to the knight school to learn etiquette!"

"It's okay to change the usual time, but now, it's a special moment."

Cardinal Louis said slowly: "Those infidels invaded, and countless knights and priests died tragically for their guardians. Now is the time to use people. How can we let him learn etiquette for so long?"

Then he raised his head and looked at Fang Rui softly and said, "Knight Andrei, take me to the Holy See and let the archbishop pray for you, and then you can participate in the knight assessment. If you can pass the assessment, then you will be the ruler of the province!"

dao shi Claude opened his mouth, then stamped his feet heavily, looked at Fang Rui, and quickly turned away.

He came alone, but Bishop Louis seemed to be prepared, followed by four cardinals of the same level. Even if he wanted to take action, he could not beat five Holy See masters at the same level as himself...

Louis smiled and said wisely, "Please come with me."

Fang Rui nodded, followed Louis and walked towards the city.

The knights and priests at the gate also began to retreat one after another. The civilians who had previously knelt down quietly got up one after another and left the gate. The gate returned to their usual appearance and began to calm down.

"Andre, now we are going to see the archbishop... Do you understand what this means?"

Louis asked as he walked as he seemed to care.

Before coming, Fang Rui asked Dennis about some information. The internal struggle within the Holy See is not small, especially between the Holy See and the Knights Association. In addition to the court, which is only responsible for cleaning up and does not occupy the territory, for the rule and taxation of the whole continent, the conflict between the Holy See and the Knights Association, but Not small.

There is one more knight, whether it is big or small, but it is also a provincial territory. If the knight is close to the knight association, then the power of the knight association will be bigger. If the knight is close to the Holy See, then the power of the Holy See will be bigger.

If Fang Rui, the chief knight, was trained by the knight academy, there is nothing the Holy See can do, but Fang Rui is obviously a wild road, and naturally the Holy See should work hard to fight for it.

Hearing Louis say this, Fang Rui immediately straightened his waist and shouted, "Your Excellency, Andrea is an ordinary person from a remote place. Fortunately, he got the inheritance of the holy weapon and became the chief knight. I don't know anything else. All I know is that only the glory of the Holy Father can shine on the whole world! "

Louis is very satisfied with Fang Rui's answer.

"Yes, Andre, the glory of the Holy Father is the most important existence in the world. Supreme, great, magnificent, great... And the Holy See is the closest place to the Holy Father. Protecting the Holy See is to protect the Holy Father and defend the glory and glory of the Holy Father in the world, do you understand?

Rufang Rui was indeed a boy who came out of the countryside and suddenly got strong power. Naturally, he was fooled by Louis' words.

At this moment, he smiled secretly, but his face was full of loyalty and courage: "Your Excellency, Andre understands that guarding the Holy See is to guard the Holy Father... When the boy was in the countryside, under the long bow, I don't know how many beasts he shot. Now with this sacred weapon bow and arrow, how many monsters have come, and the boy has also been shot!"

Louis laughed dumbly: "What are those monsters? But Andre, it's also a good thing that you have such a pride, hehe..."

As he spoke, Louis's eyes caught a glimpse of the little bastard following the horse, and his eyes lit up: "You hound are very powerful..."

The little bastard waddled at him and climbed on the horse along Fang Rui's long legs stretched out on the ground. Fang Rui took the opportunity to hold the little bastard in his arms and smiled, "Yes, this is a hound that grew up with me. If it hadn't been for its sensitive nose, the boy would not have shot so many beasts."

Talking all the way, we will soon arrive at the place where the Holy See is - on the territory of the Holy Realm, the most magnificent building must be the church, and the Holy See is the key to the whole mainland church, which is naturally more majestic.

Following Louis to get off the horse, Fang Rui patted the little bastard's head, let him play here, and then followed Louis to meet the highest leader of the Holy See, the Archdiocese.

As the supreme ruler under the angels of the Holy World, the archbishop is naturally not a good hand. Although he may not be as good as an ordinary knight on the front battlefield, if there are enough guards to let them sing spells and summon the light, the lethality is much stronger than ordinary knights.

The three types of masters of the holy world, the knights charge head-on, and their personal force is strong. Although the priest is weak, he can play a great role with sufficient protection. As for the deacons of the court, assassination, lurking and assassination are their specialty.

The red archbishop on the ashes continent is named Christine, who is extremely old - except for angels, the body of the holy world is still the human body. Although he can fight against the immortals and immortals of the fairyland, the life expectancy is not very long.

Those knights and deacons are physically strong and generally live longer than ordinary people, but the priests are weak and have the same life expectancy as ordinary people, even the archbishop is no exception.

Looking at Fang Rui standing there blankly and don't know what to say, Cardinal Christine couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

"Andre is firm in faith and blessed. Now is the time for the Holy See to employ people. As long as you can work well for the Holy See, then... there will naturally be your benefits. Christine said lightly.

Fang Rui saluted Christine and shouted, "Andre dares not expect any benefits. He just wants to contribute everything to me for the Holy Father!"

"Okay, you can go down and have a rest... Where will your jurisdiction be? After the Holy See studies it, it will inform you within three days." Christine laughed.

Fang Rui saluted again, and then took Dennis away from the Holy See hall under the guidance of a priest.

"Louis, have you investigated the whereor andre came from?"

Louis did not dare to neglect and immediately bowed and said, "Archbishop, it has been investigated. This man is a hunter and has been hunting for a living outside the green town on the edge of Feywood Province since he was a child. Recently, because knights, priests and deacons from all over the country have been mobilized to meet the enemy, resulting in chaos of the surrounding monsters, and he was forced to leave the town. Entering the Green Town... I made great contributions to the expedition and gained the inheritance of the paladin, so that I had the strength of the knight.

Speaking of this, Louis smiled and said, "I'm just on the way. I've been talking to him for a long time. This man is firm but doesn't know anything else. He is indeed a very good object."

Christine nodded: "Well, such an object is really good. If he has enough ability, he can become our helper... This time, the knights of the whole continent have lost almost 30%, and there will definitely be a province. We have to fight for one for him. One province is us. Control, then we can better suppress the Knights Association and not let those barbarians ride on our heads!"