Peerless Immortal

Chapter 375 Shadow

is the same as Fang Rui's conjecture.

The practice of Sherwood Province soon attracted the imitation of other provinces.

Both the Holy See and the Knights' Association have a task. General medicinal materials can be used to refine medicine, heal the knight's wounds, and let the priest recuperate his body, while the ore can build weapons and armor for the knights, and some rare gems can support the sacred power of the priest.

These things are not only the needs of the Holy See, the Knights' Association and the courts, but also some good things that are useful to angels. Many of the weapons used by angels come from various planets.

So in each province, the more resources you send, the more rewards you will receive. At the same time, after the great credit, the Holy Son of the Father will use his holy power to enhance their strength.

This is the most important thing for the knights.

Now seeing Fang Ruihu do something and actually get the first place last year, bishops and knights everywhere are not convinced - it's not that we can't do this kind of thing! In the past, it was just to put pressure on civilians and make them believe in the Holy See!

If you kill monsters, build cities, and open up farmland and pastures... Who won't do it?

At present, the whole ashes continent has begun to vigorously suppress the killing of monsters.

In that war, the Warcrafts tasted the sweetness and began to occupy a larger territory, but now, their good days have come to an end.

Countless powerful knights with more knights, with the support of bishops and priests, cleaned up the nests of Warcraft.

And these top warcrafts, which have been in the ashes continent for many years, often have good wealth in their nests, which in turn stimulates the interest of knights.

It can not only clean the territory and make it easier for civilians to mine, but also obtain a lot of personal wealth - who doesn't want to do it?

The strongest top warcraft is just a confrontation with an ordinary knight. Under the leadership of these knights, the wealth accumulated by these warcrafts over so many years quickly enriches the pockets of knights and priests.

Even those mercenaries on the mainland began to clean up the nests of warcrafts in groups. Although they are far from dealing with those top-level warcraft, they can still deal with low-level first-order warcraft.

Many mercenaries died during the adventure, but there are still lucky people who killed the first-order Warcraft and found a lot of treasures from the nest of the Warcraft, such as gold coins, ores, crystal nuclei...

And these things once again stimulated the nerves of the existence of force in the whole Ash Continent.

The ashes continent became lively, and the rest of the whole Ilida Star began to slowly become lively.

In everyone's eyes, those monsters no longer represent ugliness and death, but... wealth and future!

The lively Ilida Star has also begun to attract the attention of some people.

Green Town... No, now it has to be called Green City. In the deep mountains more than a thousand miles north of Green City, Andre, the chief knight of Sherwood Province, is leading a hundred knights under his command to patrol.

Although Sherwood Province is a newly established province, it is vast and sparsely populated, especially in the middle of the province. It is one mountain after another. The mountains are rich in products and a large number of natural monsters. Although Fang Rui and others have been cleaned up for a year, they still have not been completely cleaned up.

So Fang Rui will bring a group of knights to patrol almost every day. With them, the civilians responsible for mining will naturally feel more at ease.

When Fang Rui jumped in the air and shot through the heads of five monsters at the same time, the knights behind him made a loud cheer.

Fang Rui fell to the ground, looked at the mountain in front of him, and said, "You patrol here. I will patrol the mountain to see if I can hit one or two nests of third-order warcraft."

For more than a year, every time Fang Rui came out to patrol, he let the knights wait outside the mountain. Every time he came out, he had a harvest. However, he only took 50% of the property found from the nest and returned 50% to the warehouse. The remaining 40% was divided by the knights who followed him, and half was stationed. Other knights and priests in Green City are divided equally, so everyone is used to his behavior and is willing to let him do it.

After all, in the deep mountains, the number of third-order warcrafts will not be too small. These are the existence that can compete with ordinary knights. Without paying attention, knights are likely to die when they enter the deep mountains, but they will not cause much damage to the knight.

So the knights went into the mountains for adventure, and other knights patrolled the periphery, which was already a matter for them to get used to.

What's more, the knight grew up in the deep mountains and old forests with rich experience. Lord Du'an may suffer losses in the forest, and Lord Andrey will never suffer losses.

So a group of knights were waving to each other to congratulate him on his early return.

The accompanying priests are the holy light pouring towards Fang Rui - their holy light blessing has a great effect on the knights, especially on the knights, who can maintain protection for a long time.

Fang Rui jumped onto a big tree with a flexible body, and then jumped directly from the top of the tree, disappearing into everyone's eyes in an instant.

"Our knight is really awesome."

Some knights praised with envy. If before, these orthodox knights who came out of the knight academy only felt that Fang Rui was lucky to become the chief knight, then they have been completely convinced of Fang Rui for more than a year.

The personal force is excellent, the charge is in the front, the adventure is in the front, the credit is given to everyone, and the property is not much - he is simply the most perfect Shangguan.

What's more, the Shangguan also turned the newly established Sherwood Province into the best province on the whole Ashes continent. With the accumulation of such contributions, the Holy Father will be happy. Maybe when the Knight Andrey will become the Paladin Lord Andrey, his group of knights who follow the adults, also It will be more promising to become a knight and rule a whole continent than to stay in a province.

In the boast of the knights, Fang Rui has entered the forest.

At this time, he has been completely used to the status of the chief knight. He uses holy power as his source of strength and only shows more power than the chief knight.

After using the holy power for more than a year, Fang Rui has noticed that although this power is much rougher than the fairy power, it also has its own advantages.

That is, the holy power will hardly be consumed. As long as the body obtains a certain holy power, this power will not be consumed no matter how it is used, because it comes directly from the Holy Father.

At the same time, the characteristics of holy power in purification also make it very lethal. At this point, it is much better than fairy power.

A fairy and a knight are fighting. If there is no help from external forces, the knight will win in the end.

Because their strength will not be weakened by consumption.

It's just that immortals have various means and elixirs to make up for this gap. At the same time, their fairy skills are much stronger than the straightforward holy power.

If immortals can have such characteristics, the power of immortals will increase several times in the confrontation at the same level.

After entering the mountain forest, Fang Rui did not land, but went directly to the depths of the mountains. Now in the whole Sherwood province, only in the deep mountains can there be a nest of Warcraft.

After hundreds of miles deep into the mountains, Fang Rui fell to the ground.

Put a bow and arrow, observe the situation around you, and look for possible nests.

Warcraft's nests will not be hidden very deep. After all, they have to be dispatched at any time. If they are too hidden, it is inconvenient for them to go out.

In the case that the knights do not go deep into the encirclement, this practice is naturally beneficial, but now when the knights turn against each other, the monsters will suffer a lot of losses.

Fang Rui is now very experienced in looking for the nest of Warcraft. From the terrain, traces and taste, he can almost guess where there are Warcrafts and how many levels of Warcraft there are.

After a little exploration, Fang Rui showed a smile on his face.

Then the arrow in his hand, like lightning, with vast holy power, penetrated into a cave covered by trees!

A huge explosion sounded, and the arrows with sacred power made a strong explosion only after flying into the cave, and the roar of Warcraft also sounded at the same time!

After an arrow was shot, Fang Rui's body did not stop, but quickly approached the cave and shot out with another arrow.

A monster that was rushing out of the cave was hit by an arrow on the forehead, and its whole head exploded and fell to the ground without saying a word.

However, behind, there were seven or eight equally powerful monsters rushed out of the cave.

These monsters are all third-order warcraft that can fight against knights. However, they are occupied by Fang Rui and can only rush out head by head. At present, they are shot at the mouth of the cave one by one by Fang Rui with excellent archery.

When the smell of blood spread, the monsters in the whole cave had been killed by Fang Rui.

Fang Rui put down the bow, then pulled out the body of the Warcraft head and threw it out of the cave, then raised the bow and arrow again and walked towards the depths of the cave.

After killing the Warcraft, it is natural to look for trophies.

These monsters actually collect more than others know.

There are many things that can also be used by immortals, such as ores and medicinal materials. Fang Rui intercepts what immortals can use every time, and then gives the rest to others.

However, his personal strength is excellent. Every time, in addition to destroying monsters in Sherwood Province, he will secretly run to other provinces, so no one doubts this.

Step by step, the cave of Warcraft was very deep and tortuous. Fang Rui closed his nose so as not to smell those disgusting smells and walked to the depths of the cave.

It was not until he entered the deepest part that Fang Rui found what he needed.

Bright crystals, gold coins, crystal nuclei, herbs, ores...

Fang Rui looked at these things and nodded with satisfaction.

It is worthy of being a nest with nearly ten third-order warcrafts, which is rich in materials and much more than ordinary warcraft nests.

After collecting all the things he needed into the future space, Fang Rui collected all the other things and prepared to call someone to transport these things out.

At this time, he frowned.

A strange dark shadow, like a crow in the night, quietly appeared on the top of the cave, looking at Fang Rui, who released a strong holy light all over his body, and smiled deeply...

The strange thing is that although he was laughing, the whole cave still had no sound at all, and Fang Rui was still unaware of it.