Peerless Immortal

Chapter 382 Complete Inheritance

One head, one head, one head...

Fang Rui, like a sophisticated hourglass machine, killed a steady stream of beasts with bare hands and at the fastest speed.

He has not fought such a battle for a long time. After breaking through in the battle with Griffin and condensing the flower of strength, he has never fought purely on his own strength.

After the battle, Fang Rui has completely fallen into that addicted environment. One move and one move, he began to attack from the most perfect angle and completed the greatest results with the least strength.

meng shou keeps appearing, and then constantly dies and disappears under Fang Rui's attack. Although the wounds on Fang Rui's body are increasing, the frequency of wounds is constantly decreasing.

This kind of battle is very pleasant.

Although he is just fighting some beasts that are far less powerful than himself, such a smooth battle has made Fang Rui's fighting instinct begin to become more and more powerful.

I don't know how long it took - Fang Rui did not calculate the time or how many beasts he killed - just after Fang Rui tore a tiger apart, no beasts appeared again.

Fang Rui woke up from his addiction. At this moment, there was an inexplicable and unclear momentum on him.

This is the momentum cultivated from continuous fighting, and the momentum that long-standing warriors can have.

Fang Rui closed his eyes and felt all this.

But soon, he opened his eyes.

Because he noticed that a strong breath gradually began to form in front of him.

Then he saw a huge body appeared in front of him.

This corpse is extremely tall and high. Although it has lost any breath of life, its face is still alive, and its whole body still exudes a feeling of ancient flood.

He knew that this was the body of a Titan god.

It is said that the first god to appear in the divine world is the Titan God.

These gods are born with great power. They can destroy the stars between their hands and feet.

And Mount Olympus, where the gods now live, is transformed by the body of the most powerful Titan god, and the foundation of the divine continent is created by this Titan god.

"I'm really lucky."

Fang Rui muttered that he just wanted to see it this time, but the divine body of a middle god... If he can absorb it, although he will not let his own power reach the power level, he has gained extremely sufficient accumulation at the peak of the real person!

Even if they exist at the level of the four immortals, I'm afraid they don't have such a horrible accumulation at the peak of real people!

The more accumulated now, the stronger the next strength may become stronger.

So although Cain and Griffin should have far exceeded the peak strength of Fang Rui and reached the strength of the archangel and the upper god respectively, Fang Rui is not worried that he will be compared by them at all.

The more you accumulate at this time, the more power you can gain next will become - Fang Rui is very sure of this.

This is naturally a very risky practice.

In fact, for immortals, the accumulation of real people at the peak is another big hurdle.

After all, the accumulation at this time cannot be accumulated by hiding in the fairyland. You must walk around the world and understand more things.

In this process, it is very dangerous.

So for those real people in the fairyland who are qualified to improve their abilities, they are ready for both sides.

When there is no danger, naturally continue to accumulate, and immediately improve your strength when there is danger. Even if the next power is not perfect, it is much better than death at this time.

And what about Fang Rui? He is the first existence in the fairy world to be able to contain sacred power, divine power and Buddha power in his body since ancient times - in the communication with Cain and others, Fang Rui has some of their abilities. In addition, his biggest characteristic is tolerance, so he can also cultivate these forces.

So under such circumstances, Fang Rui's accumulation at this stage began to become thrilling.

Although the holy world and the divine world are powerful, no one will have enough to do to carry out such strict monitoring of ordinary people, and Fang Rui took advantage of this. Starting from ordinary people, he first became a knight in the holy world, and now he has the opportunity to become a new god!

In this way, Fang Rui played a good role in preparing for the first five years.

There is no problem with his resume.

Since five years ago, I walked step by step from the edge of the divine world to the outside of Olympus, killed a lot of beasts all the way, went through a lot of difficulties, and then lived outside Olympus for more than a year...

I don't know how many such people are in the divine world. Even if the divine world wants to investigate, it can't investigate anything.

In the previous test, Fang Rui's performance was indeed excellent. He entered the crazy battle state and fought hard without any worries. He killed 10,000 beasts before he arrived a day, and had the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the middle divine power!

Now, this divine body, which still contains powerful power, is in front of him.

Fang Rui didn't know much about what to do - he only knew that there was such an inheritance ceremony, but he didn't understand it at all.

But he didn't have to worry, because soon, the person who instructed him would come.

In this valley, a huge figure quickly appeared on the valley, and the god's face was full of relief.

When other gods in the distance saw this scene, they also showed envy.

The gods will appear at the trial site, which only proves one thing - that is, in this trial, someone has obtained the inheritance of the remains of the middle god!

This means that there will be one more middle god in the divine world!

When Fang Rui was looking at the huge remains of the god in front of him, a thunderous voice sounded in the sky.

"Congratulations... You have obtained the remains of the middle god Prometheus, and next, you will also be a member of my Titan Gods!"

Fang Rui looked at the equally tall god in front of him and said hesitantly, "I... have I passed the test?"

The tall god showed a fierce smile: "That's it... What's your name?"

"Gatos." Fang Rui said the name he had recently used in the gods.

The god nodded and said in harmony, "Gatos, what I want to tell you is that Prometheus is the bravest warrior among my Titan gods. Unfortunately, he unfortunately died in the previous war. After you inherit his divine power, remember to inherit his courage and integrity and don't lose face of the Titan gods. !"

The tall god began to talk about some glorious deeds of Prometheus, telling Fang Rui how brave, upright and peaceful Prometheus was...

The seemingly bold but actually a broken-mouthed god closed his mouth for half an hour, and then said with satisfaction, "Gatos, passing the test has proved your bravery and your acceptance of divine power. Now, you just need to put your hands on the top of Prometheus' head, and you can Enough to continuously obtain his huge magical power! Of course, how much you can accept depends on your own qualifications.

Fang Rui nodded and then walked over.

Looking at Prometheus' lifelike face, Fang Rui took a deep breath, then stretched out his hands and pressed them on Prometheus' head.

Prometheus' remains emitted a dazzling light, and the powerful divine power surged in the remains, and then began to concentrate on his head, gradually pouring into his body along Fang Rui's hands.

The god looked at this scene, and he didn't know how much divine power Fang Rui could accept.

Although Fang Rui passed the test, and generally speaking, the civilians who pass the test can become the lower god, but Prometheus is the middle god after all! And he is also the most powerful Titan god among the middle gods!

Although Prometheus has fallen, the divine power contained in his remains is still many times stronger than that of an ordinary lower god. In the previous inheritance, basically the regret of the middle god can make hundreds of lower gods appear in the divine world. However, even so, it is actually a loss to the divine world. After all, a middle god is much more useful than hundreds of lower gods.

But the reality is like this. It is difficult for an ordinary civilian to fully inherit the divine power of a middle god.

However, with the gradual emergence of divine power, the face of the god has also changed slightly.

When the divine power first poured into Fang Rui's body, it was not too surging. After all, this is the inheritance of divine power, not to burst the civilians who inherited the divine power at once.

However, after the divine power continued to enter Fang Rui's body, those divine powers began to feel that Fang Rui's tolerance was much stronger than ordinary people.

So the speed at which the divine power poured into Fang Rui's body began to become faster, which also made the god notice a different place - ordinary civilians can't do this!

"It seems that this guy not only has fighting spirit and courage, but also his body is strong enough... I don't know how much divine power he can accept, can he reach the power of lower gods, middle and lower gods or upper and lower gods? Or even the lower middle god?"

The god is puzzled in his heart that Prometheus is a superior middle-class god, and the power is only one step away from the upper god. His powerful divine power is almost impossible to be absorbed by a civilian. If Fang Rui can absorb one part of his power, it is enough. Step into the circle of the middle god.

However, as the limbs of Prometheus' remains began to shrink, the gods opened their eyes in surprise.

The remains of the gods may continue to shrink only when the divine power is about to be drained!

Prometheus has just fallen, and the divine power in his body is complete. Such a situation seems to only show one thing - that is, Fang Rui is about to completely absorb the divine power of Prometheus!

The gods could hardly believe their eyes, but the fact is that as Prometheus' body became smaller and smaller, Fang Rui's body began to become bigger and bigger...

The Titan gods are different from other gods in the divine world. Whether they are powerful or not is related to their bodies.

Originally, Fang Rui was just an ordinary person who was ten feet tall. Standing outside Prometheus' head, he was only about the same height as Prometheus' head, but now, Fang Rui's body has become extremely tall, and Prometheus' body is constantly shrinking...

"It's actually a complete inheritance!" The gods thought in horror.