Peerless Immortal

Chapter 402 Kill three corpses

"In this case, the head will stop talking nonsense... I'll go first!"

The head split stood up like a tiger, but the other two splits did not stand up, but still sat in place.

There are many immortal splits who are unwilling to be swallowed up by the body, so when cutting off the split, the body has to work hard. One by one to find and then defeat it. One is not good, that is, the three splits work together to beat the body first without strength, and then fight with each other. Since generations, there have been fairy bodies It's a matter of absorbing and becoming a new fairy.

It's just that after all, the split is a split, which is not as perfect as the ontology in many things. In this way, the immortals at the power level also appear to be much weaker in the great power.

Now Fang Rui is challenging the three splits together, but the splits come up one by one, which is enough to reflect Fang Rui's own extraordinaryness. These three splits also have extraordinary things.

At least, the proud bones of these three splits are much stronger than ordinary fairy splits.

However, it is no wonder that whether it is the leader in charge of one party, the immortals who walks the world, or the good teachers who teach according to their aptitude, who is not arrogant and has few proud bones on his body?

He opened his eyes wide and wanted to see how Fang Rui cut off the infinite high-level officials. Suddenly, there was a flower in front of them, and Fang Rui and the leader disappeared in front of their eyes.

"What's the mystery of this stinky boy? Lian Zhan didn't let us see the split. Did he run to his future space?

The rain man couldn't help complaining, but as soon as he complained, the scene of Fang Rui and the leader splitting up in the future space appeared in his mind...

And the real-level infinite high-level officials on the valley also have such a scene in their minds.

As for the level of ancient immortals, their strength is not enough, which will affect their practice. Fang Rui did not use this method to show them the process of killing the three corpses.

At first, I heard that Yu Shangren and others felt that Fang Rui was taking off his trousers and farting. What a move, there are infinite prohibitions in the valley, and even a mosquito can't fly in, and they still need to run to the future space to fight?

However, as soon as he saw Fang Rui take action, six elders, a princess and two apprentices, plus the half bird of Shang Yang, their faces changed at the same time!

Fortunately, they are all powerful people and relatives of Fang Rui's closest comrades-in-arms. They abruptly changed their expressions, looked at each other a few times, and looked strange.

"It turns out that this bastard has been out to try this for decades, and he is going to do this!" The evil moon, who has been gentle and has a good temper, couldn't help cursing.

"Good Fang Rui, coaxed me to test in the unknown starry sky. No wonder I have been to the unknown starry sky for a long time in the past few years, but I have never met you. It turns out that you haven't been to the unknown starry sky at all! I've been so good that I've started to lie to me!" Ji Qingfeng's face turned red and gritted his teeth and whispered.

In the unknown space, Fang Rui turned into a tall and handsome knight, with armor all over his body, holding an epee and a big shield, emitting a fing white light all over his body. That is the power that the holy power has reached an extremely powerful point!

And behind him, four wings emitting golden light floated back!

This can prove his power at this moment - the peak of the four-winged angels of the Holy World.

There was a trace of anger on the majestic face of the leader: "Fang Rui, where did you learn this set of things!"

"How about the results of my trial during this period? Isn't it good?" Fang Rui's heavy sword in his hand cut down at the leader's split and laughed.

"What's good! The evil sect is crooked, how can I be so powerful!"

The leader's split roared, released golden light with both hands, and abruptly blocked the hit of the epee. The leader's split is the last of Fang Rui's three splits, which also represents the power of the strongest source flower among the three flowers on his top, and can break through everything with his strong strength.

At present, the leader's split does not use other spells, but roars repeatedly, constantly impacting with the power of the source, which is amazing!

However, Fang Rui fought hard with him. Every time Fang Rui's epee meets the arm of the leader's split, there will be a huge sound, and even a trace of shock to the stable future space.

However, after so many hard encounters, the leader suddenly found that his extremely full fairy power began to dissipate...

"What kind of magic is this!" The leader asked angrily.

"This is not an evil art, but a characteristic of the holy power itself - purification. Of course, this is a relatively good wording. In fact, when fighting against fairyland immortals like us, the biggest feature of sacred power is corrosion! Little by little corrosion can't corrode your fairy body, but also corrode your fairy power. Fang Rui said with a smile.

"It's really the power of insidiousness!" The leader's split is a little weak at this moment, but the majesty is still there, and he still scolds himself.

"This is the appearance of Taoist friends. Power is not between justice and evil. The key is the person who uses power. I have been in the holy world for three years and learned a sacred power, but naturally I will not abandon my original fairy power to deal with Taoist friends, just to show my own accumulation.

The split of the head is also pitiful. If it is an ordinary fairy who has the experience of dealing with the masters of the holy world, he will not be easily corroded by the holy power. However, although the split of the head of the sect will run well and prosperity, it lacks the experience of dealing with the masters of the holy world. Carelessly, it is Fang Rui's plan.

The leader shook his head: "I have seen your accumulation... The ontology is the ontology, but don't use holy power to deal with your future peers."

"That's natural. When I have the power at the peak of power, I naturally don't need to use the holy power too much. At most, when dealing with the masters of the holy world, I suddenly use it to scare them!" Fang Rui said with a smile.

The leader laughed: "That's good! Unfortunately, I can't see it. If I really encounter such a situation, I think even if he is the Holy Father, his expression at that time will be wonderful!"

After laughing, the leader sat down cross-legged, then stretched out his right hand and pressed it to Fang Rui's chest.

Fang Rui also accepted it calmly, allowing the leader to stick his palm to his critical point.

The leader's split murmured a few words, and his whole body was full of brilliance, and a pure and powerful force directly poured into Fang Rui's body, and the experience accumulated by the leader's split in the position of the leader also entered Fang Rui's body!

Fang Rui closed his eyes and carefully digested everything transmitted by the leader's split.

Cutting the split is not really to kill the split. After the battle between the two sides, the losing party will willingly deliver everything it knows to the other party. The most important thing is to integrate the other party's experience and accumulation as a catalyst to improve the layer of the ontology. Second.

After reaching the peak of the real person, the practice of general links is no longer enough to cause qualitative changes. Only by integrating all the experience of the split can it produce earth-shaking changes.

For example, at the peak of a real person, the whole person is like a bucket, which is already full of water. Even if a drop is added, it cannot be accommodated.

After merging with the split, the volume of the bucket is increased, which can accommodate more water and make itself stronger.

The more you accumulate, the larger the volume will be, and there will be more possibilities in the future.

So the accumulation at this stage is almost infinite, and only a freak like Fang Rui can reach a certain limit in a short time.

When Fang Rui opened his eyes, the leader's split in front of him had completely disappeared, leaving only a robe symbolizing the leader's split.

Fang Rui folded the robe carefully and put it in a corner of the future space.

The leader's split disappeared, and his experience and strength have been completely inherited by Fang Rui.

A day later, the immortals also stood up in the valley and disappeared in front of everyone.

The split of immortals is Fang Rui's cultivation in spells, and his body has nine series, which can be said to be ever-changing.

And the immortal split is also the most experienced one in Fang Rui's split. He walks in the inner realm of the fairyland and uses all kinds of means to attract scattered immortals. He is smart and approachable, which can be called the first of the three splits.

Ji Qingfeng and others wanted to take a closer look at how Fang Rui dealt with his immortal split, and then the next moment, they moaned at the same time.

Because Fang Rui has turned into a hundred-foot-tall giant at this moment, with golden... divine power surging all over his body!

"He has even been to the divine world?"

Ji Qingfeng and others looked at each other in contemptability. Ji Changwei couldn't help saying, "Is he going to use Buddha's power next time?"

"With the power of all worlds... This boy is getting bigger and bigger! I used to be proficient in nine departments, but now I am proficient in the power of all worlds... I didn't expect that I would accept such a disciple at that time!"

Hearing the rain man grin and laughing, when he took Rui from Fang's village, how could he think that Fang Rui could be today!

The biggest feature of divine power is to destroy everything. Although the immortals' split is ever-changing, and all kinds of strange spells are picked up by him, like an encyclopedia of fairyland spells, Fang Rui cut down trees with a huge axe of divine power and chopped them one by one.

No way you come, I'll go all the way.

In this way, Fang Rui directly split all the spells of the immortal split and defeated the immortal split.

The immortal official sighed and also sat down, conveyed his experience and feelings to Fang Rui, leaving only a golden fairy robe.

Finally, it's the teacher's turn.

The power represented by the division commander's split is the rune.

With the power of one person, it attracts the spirit of heaven and earth.

Buddha light flashed on Fang Rui's body.

With the spirit of heaven and earth, the Buddha's light is self-contained and protects itself strictly.

Then he walked to the other party step by step, directly suppressing the resistance of the division commander's split with huge Buddha power.

The teacher smiled: "The ontology is really extraordinary."

"My three most proud forces are divided into three of you. Of course, I have to master some other forces to fight against you smoothly." Fang Rui also smiled, and two equally gentle people smiled the same.

Then, only Fang Rui's body was left, leaving a set of cloth clothes.

"I suddenly felt that it was not good for us to observe the process of his beheading split." Ji Sen suddenly said.

"That's true... We can't find another way to cultivate other forces again after separating our best places like him. We don't have this energy."

Everyone nodded - indeed, except Fang Rui, it seems that no one can have such energy to cultivate such power.