Peerless Immortal

Chapter 412 They also have enemies

Continuing to turn over a mountain, Fang Rui fell into confusion again.

There are no coordinates and no recognition. If he is in the air, Fang Rui can easily remember all the terrain of tens of thousands of miles. However, when he is on the ground, no matter how far he goes, he will feel that the surrounding scenery is almost the same.

It's easy to walk through the mountains again - this is what Fang Rui only found when he saw the wilderness he had seen before.

"It seems that we have to find a live question."

Fang Rui thought about it in his heart.

After turning around the way, he saw a lot of strange beasts, but unfortunately they were all in groups and rarely acted alone.

After thinking about it, Fang Rui looked around and found a turning point on a mountain road. Then he stood there quietly and waited for the rabbit.

There are a large number of foreign beasts in the mountain. Almost after a while, a group of foreign beasts will pass by the mountain road, sometimes stopping for food, and most of the time they are constantly passing through.

It didn't take long for Fang Rui to see a group of goat-like beasts walking through the mountain road in front of him.

The speed of the alien beast moved forward very fast. Thousands of the exotic beasts walked cleanly, and the strange beast dragged at the end was slightly slower. Fang Rui seized this opportunity and suddenly took action!

He did not use any spells or the power of charms, but opened the empty cave and put the whole beast in.

Opening Qingxu Dongtian does not need to consume his mana, so the hidden skills and charms he added on his body did not have any magic fluctuations.

The group of strange beasts did not notice that there was a missing companion behind them and walked forward blankly.

After loading the foreign beast into the Qingxu Cave, Fang Rui's consciousness immediately turned into a wisp and entered the Qingxu Cave Sky.

Then his consciousness saw that the strange beast, which was only about the level of immortals, looked around blankly, and on its body, a fluctuation like flowing water flashed, and a strange figure appeared.

Accompanied by the figure, there was a mana fluctuation comparable to that of the immortals, sweeping around.

With Fang Rui's strength at this moment, he naturally doesn't care about this. With a pinch, the mana fluctuation will disappear invisible.

Then he walked over, stretched out his right hand and grabbed the strange figure in his hand. The strange beast roared and wanted to pounce on Fang Rui's consciousness. Fang Rui looked back. The strange beast seemed to have been hit hard. After mourning, he immediately knelt down and trembled all over.

The little bastard rushed over and threatened the strange beast with his teeth - with the power of the little bastard now comparable to the peak of real people, there is no doubt that he can control this foreign beast with only the immortals.

"It turns out that like me, when you are ready to take action, you will appear..."

Fang Rui thought in his heart.

The figure captured by him can only barely distinguish that his facial features are still a person. His whole body is shrouded in a black robe, and his whole body is like a black fog, which is not substantial.

"This... and the dark shadow that caught me seem to come from the same source, but the strength is a little worse."

Fang Rui's hand exerted a little force, and the black fog immediately let out a sharp scream.

"What is this place? Who are you?"

Fang Rui asked twice, but the black fog only cared about himself and screamed and did not answer at all.

Fang Rui frowned, his eyes condensed, and a strong spiritual fluctuation immediately crashed into the black fog.

The next moment, the black fog let out the most tragic scream, and then the whole body began to dissipate gradually.

Fang Rui let go of his hand. Just now, the divine contact was only a moment, but it made him know a lot.

This black fog obviously has no consciousness. In his mind, Fang Rui can only recognize one idea.

"To the east, there is a battlefield."

"There is a battlefield in the East..."

Fang Rui thought silently: "That proves that these guys have enemies. Batch after batch of foreign beasts are rushing in that direction to prepare to join the regiment."

Although it is only such an idea, it can let Fang Rui know a lot of things.

In this world, it is not just these strange beasts and these black fogs, but also hostile sides.

And these black fogs are obviously controlled, but they are not completely controlled, making them wander around the whole world. Only when they find enemies somewhere will they issue such a command to drive them to destroy the enemy.

"I don't know what kind of existence their enemies will have." Fang Rui thought to himself, "I hope their enemies are the kind of existence that can communicate."

However, the black fog at the peak of Tianxian is just the kind of creature without its own thinking, which really makes Fang Rui feel a little scary.

Such creatures don't know the pain, don't know how to be afraid, and won't reveal anything if they are caught... If the number of these creatures is large, then it is a fierce legion of the dead!

This is a power that Fang Rui has never touched, and this is a power that no world has ever had.

"It seems that we have to follow them to have a look and see what their opponents are like. In addition, are these relatively strong beings in the middle between the strange beasts and the black fog, like him, they can only act on instinct without their own thinking?"

Thinking of this, Fang Rui couldn't help shivering.

Such a species seems to be a little like the Zerg in StarCraft, with only one brain commanding all the Zerg.

The purpose of such a creature's survival is naturally very sad, but it is terrible to gather together and move forward with one will and show the power.

Looking at the strange beast trembling scared by the little bastard, Fang Rui shook his head and then slapped the strange beast to burst his brain.

Since both foreign beasts and black fog are controlled by a will, they cannot be released. If they are released, their whereabouts may be discovered.

After a twitch of the alien beast killed by Fang Rui's palm, its whole body, like the black fog, began to slowly dissipate and dissipate in the clear cave.

Fang Rui closed his eyes and felt where the black fog disappeared.

He soon found that after the two black fog dissipated, they quickly integrated into the chaotic atmosphere in the sky of the empty cave and were inseparable from each other.

"It turns out that it is also a force from the spirit of chaos... That's easy to do."

The little bastard continued to be placed in the Qingxu cave, and Fang Rui drew back his divine consciousness.

This action seems to be correct. Knowing these black fogs, they will also appear when fighting. Knowing these black fogs and foreign beasts, their own power also comes from the energy of chaos, so they can infer a lot of things.

However, Fang Rui can only know something preliminary now, and as for the rest, it needs to be slowly verified.

"Then follow these foreign beasts to the battlefield. If their opponents are some beings who can communicate, it will be much easier."

Fang Rui thought silently in his heart. He happened to see another group of strange beasts rushing in a certain direction, and Fang Rui immediately followed him from behind.

It is said that if you go east, you will encounter the battlefield, but on such a vast continent, there is no reference in the sky. How can Fang Rui know where the east is?

Only by following the direction of the alien beast can you find the right direction.

The strange beasts are moving forward very fast, and the distance of ten thousand miles is just a cup of tea. Fang Rui followed this group of strange beasts for tens of thousands of miles, and he had no choice but to see that this group of strange beasts stopped their pace at the same time and began to spread out to eat...

Fortunately, another group of strange beasts roared past at this time, and Fang Rui immediately followed this group of strange beasts.

In this way, following the footsteps of the alien beast, Fang Rui walked out of the reckless mountains, and then crossed a big lake - the lake in the lake, which is not often seen by all walks of life. The whole lake exudes a cold atmosphere, and countless strange beasts drink these obviously can't drink on the lake. , a pleasant face.

casually followed a group of foreign beasts who drank water and continued on the road. Fang Rui looked back and shook his head.

Without his own consciousness, he wandered on the mainland at will, eating and drinking these things that are completely different from human beings to eat. With a command, they will collectively move forward in one direction...

These objects in this world are indeed very strange, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they seem to have been a little overestimated before.

In terms of mobilization, a consciousness can never mobilize so many existences, so it is probably only possible to simply issue some instructions. Unless such an army can have a continuous impact, it will never be able to fight against the world.

Following this team of strange beasts for almost half an hour, Fang Rui saw a touch of blue in the sky.

This is the first color Fang Rui saw after coming to this world is not a dark color!

That's the sea!

The vast and boundless sea!

The group of strange beasts he followed roared up to the sky at the same time, and then jumped up at the same time and rushed to the sea!

Fang Rui followed closely behind him.

This pair of foreign beasts, with only five or six thousand heads, look like mastiff dogs, but they will not sink at all after jumping into the sea, like walking flat.

Fang Rui still followed this group of strange beasts closely and kept observing around.

As far as he can see, there are wild beasts running around the sea, moving in one direction.

When he was on land, his vision was not wide because of various obstacles, and Fang Rui could only follow these foreign beasts closely. Now, as far as he can see, Fang Rui has estimated where their ultimate destination is when he sees the direction of those alien beasts running.

Now that he already knows the location of the battlefield, Fang Rui doesn't want to waste time behind these strange beasts. These strange beasts are strong and weak, and their speed is fast and slow. It can only be a waste of time to follow them.

With a gentle touch of the sea, Fang Rui's speed was ten times faster than before, quickly surpassing the group of strange beasts and rushing to the final site like green smoke.

Feeling the abundant water power under his body, Fang Rui's heart was full of joy.

After coming to this different world, all Fang Rui can feel is depression.

The dark sky, the dark ground, the dark mountains and forests, the dark lakes... Everything is dark. Even if Fang Rui's cultivation at this moment has reached the realm of foreign objects, it makes Fang Rui's mood become bad unconsciously.

That's simply not a place for people to stay!

And now, on the sea, Fang Rui saw the long-lost sunshine and the long-lost surging power of life.

The bottom of the sea has endless vitality, although even the bottom of the sea will become full of death.

"As long as I can communicate with them, I will help them!" Fang Rui said with an oath in his heart.