Peerless Immortal

Chapter 421 Failed Attempt

Above an iceberg.

Fang Rui sat cross-legged on the highest peak of the iceberg and seemed to be meditating, but at this moment, his consciousness has completely entered the clear cave.

After seeing Fang Rui, the little bastard shook his head and ran over. Fang Rui smiled and stretched out his hand to hold the little bastard in his arms. He immediately felt that the little bastard's strength seemed to have risen a lot!

"Have you broken through to a high-power product?" Fang Rui asked with some surprise.

Before, the little bastard was only at the peak of real people, and in only a few days, the little bastard has broken through to the power!

What's going on?

Although all chaotic beasts are gifted and almost need to practice, they can slowly enhance their strength. The older the chaotic beasts are, the stronger their strength will be - but it is also extremely rare for a little bastard to be able to improve a level in such a short time.

The little bastard sobbed twice and then nodded to show that he had indeed been promoted.

Fang Rui grabbed his head and looked around the sky of Qingxu Cave.

In the previous battle, hundreds of thousands of spirit beasts poured into the Qingxu Cave Sky and released all their spiritual power, which really made the solid space structure of the Qingxu Cave Sky itself, and there were some problems.

Originally, Qingxu Dongtian is a perfect world. It runs regularly all year round.

Although there is no human existence, there are countless lives and living peacefully in the empty cave.

The sun rises and the moon rises, and the stars shine all over the sky, shining on the earth.

And now? The operation of the sun and the moon has shifted slightly. At four o'clock, it began to be chaotic, and the earth and ocean began to become unstable.

If human beings live in Qingxu Cave, I'm afraid that human beings have begun to encounter the end of the world.

Shaking his head, Fang Rui did not continue to think about why the little bastard became powerful, but patted the little bastard on the head.

"Let's go and make Qingxu Dongtian as perfect as before."

Understanding Fang Rui's words, the little bastard shouted excitedly.

"Don't really treat yourself like a dog... You are a chaotic beast! You can communicate with me with divine consciousness!" Fang Rui said with a smile.

Fang Rui began to repair the space cracks with the little bastard.

This is the fundamental problem of the operation of Qingxu Cave.

Too powerful force makes the stable space of Qingxu Cave begin to appear cracks and damaged places, which leads to changes in the environment.

After the space cracks are repaired, these changes will automatically slowly disappear.

In those years, Dongfang Shuo taught Fang Rui how to repair space cracks, and now is the time to use it.

A strong chaotic atmosphere appeared in Fang Rui's palm. Just as he was about to repair a space crack, the little bastard rushed over with great interest and swallowed all the chaotic atmosphere in one bite.

Fang Rui looked at the empty palm and couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm not here to feed you! It's to repair the cracks in space... Just in time, you release all the chaotic air, and I'm useful!"

Hearing Fang Rui's words, the little bastard immediately twisted his buttocks and ran to the side. Fang Rui's palm was long and he directly grabbed it back.

"You have been raised here for so long, you should also contribute, right? If the whole sky collapses, then you won't have such a good place to live.

Fang Rui threatened twice, and the little bastard reluctantly opened his mouth and spit out a mass of chaos after refinement.

Fang Rui's finger made a move and immediately separated countless chaotic air and wrapped it around the space crack. Soon, the space crack began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the hard work of a little bastard, coupled with Fang Rui's exquisite technique, the space cracks in the empty hole were repaired in a short time. Without the energy interference of the alien space in the space cracks, the operation of the empty hole began to become normal.

"It's easy."

Fang Rui was relieved. If it is so simple, there will be no problem with how many battles there are - as long as there is time to rest, it is enough for himself to repair the Qingxu Cave.

And after the experience in the trials, the problem in the sky space of Qingxu Cave seems to be much smaller than before. It seems that Qingxu Cave itself is also gradually adapting to the occasional powerful power.

"This is the space left by the omnipotent fairy..."

Fang Rui looked up at the whole Qingxu Cave and sighed sincerely.

His cultivation path really began after obtaining the inheritance of Qingxu Cave Heaven.

At that time, Fang Rui did not realize how great Qingxu Dongtian was, although it could continuously provide Fang Rui's energy, giving him the ability to defeat enemies one level higher than himself.

And now, Fang Rui is many times more powerful than before. His vision and experience are far more than ordinary immortals, but he still doesn't know much about Qingxu Dongtian!

Although Fang Rui has owned Qingxu Dongtian and has used Qingxu Dongtian for a long time, he does not know much about Qingxu Dongtian.

He doesn't need to understand it before. He just needs to know the role of Qingxu Dongtian and be able to use it well, that's enough!

Qingxu Dongtian played an extremely important role for Fang Rui. At the beginning, Fang Rui was able to constantly leap the level and challenge stronger opponents. When he fell into the Shenren Continent, Qingxu Dongtian absorbed the power of wind and thunder, as well as the power of life and death behind, pushing Fang Rui to the realm of half immortals. It has played a vital role in the peace of the divine continent.

Even after arriving at the fairyland, Qingxu Dongtian's personal combat strength of the other party Rui is no longer very helpful, but it also helped Fang Rui and the boundless faction win the final victory in the two key battles of the selection of the lower fairy gate and the giant fairy gate selection!

Without Qingxu Dongtian, there would be no current Fang Rui, and there would be no current infinite faction.

And now, Fang Rui is starting to understand Qingxu Dongtian.

Because only in this way can Fang Rui break through the shackles of the peak of power and officially step into the top existence in the world.

The Three Immortals.

High-ranking gods.



Yuan Sheng.

No matter what their name is, only people with such power can truly become the master of the world.

The three immortals in the fairyland swept through the eight wilderness and were unstoppable.

The Holy Father of the Holy World was once the strongest existence.

The high-ranking gods in the divine world occupy Mount Olympus.

The Buddha in the Buddhist world has the ability to be almost immortal.

The Yuansheng of the holy world... There are only 36 spiritual Yuansheng left, which still threatens the most powerful group of spells, making it impossible for the spells to completely occupy the spiritual world!

It is because of this existence that it has the ability to destroy the whole world.

The existence of this world is competing for a part of the world, and no one wants to see the world destroyed like this.

Even those evil spells are the same.

So only when you reach this level can you have nuclear weapons and the ability to do other things to you.

This is the ability that Fang Rui wants to master now.

has its own small world, unified, and transcends the shackles of the world.

Fang Rui has always had his own world, but this world does not completely belong to him.

Because he can't let the world grow again to accommodate all beings who are worse than himself.

This is the unique ability of immortals, which is not possessed by other sectors.

Otherwise, the seven spiritual saints would have put all the spirit beasts into their own small world to protect them.

Even if there is a supreme existence of the fairyland in the spiritual world, it will not suffer heavy losses like now.

However, how can I have my own small world?

You need to build your own small world.

Even if he kills other supremes, Fang Rui can't turn other supreme worlds into his own.

If the supreme dies, his little world will slowly collapse and eventually disappear between heaven and earth.

This is completely the supreme private property, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be taken away.

Fang Rui's consciousness was drawn from the clear virtual cave.

Then he closed his eyes and began to think.

He began to recall.

Think back to what I saw when I got the inheritance of Qingxu Dongtian.

The origin, change, and destruction of the universe.

began to recall what the divine consciousness saw, how the empty cave sky changed from a dark space to a perfect world.

Qingyun above Fang Rui's head gushed out a lot of fog.

That is a fog composed of chaotic air.

Then the fog is condensing and surging.

The prototype of a planet appeared in Fang Rui's Qingyun, which was as vast as a starry sky.

There should be soil.

There should be fire.

There should be water.

You need gold.

There should be wood.

There should be wind.

There should be thunder.

There should be yin and yang.

According to the order of growth in Qingxu Dongtian, Fang Rui began to create such a planet in Qingyun.

It is a planet completely imitated by Qingxu Dongtian.

A large amount of chaotic air gushed out of Fang Rui's body and Qingxu Cave, quickly creating this planet.

Soon, the planet took shape and floated in Fang Rui's Qingyun.

The next moment, Fang Rui watched the planet, which he had consumed a lot of chaos, exploded in the air, turned into countless ashes, and disappeared into Fang Rui's Qingyun.

Fang Rui's whole body shook, and his immortal power ran rapidly, earning all the scattered chaotic qi into his body.

There are only two gases in the spiritual world now, one is aura, and the other is the black fog of the spell spirits. Of course, that black fog can be supplemented to the empty hole day and then transformed into chaotic qi, but the aura cannot be used by Fang Rui.

That's because the aura is purer and more stable, just like fairy qi, sacred qi, qi and Buddha qi. It is a fixed gas that is separated from the chaotic qi, but it has its own characteristics.

is an object that cultivates good hands in all circles.

But the black fog is not stable, so Fang Rui was able to take advantage of this.

In the outside world, Fang Rui was unable to convert the local gas into the chaotic gas he needed, whether in the divine world or the Buddhist world. Only in the place of origin and the unknown starry sky can Fang Rui accumulate enough chaotic gas for his own use.

So every time Fang Rui goes to the place of origin and the unknown starry sky, he will fill the sky with enough chaos.

Inexplicably, he came to the spiritual world. If he hadn't found that the black fog that emerged after the death of the spell could be transformed into chaos, Fang Rui would not have dared to use his chaotic spirit easily.

Since his practice, Fang Rui has never worried about the consumption of power in his body. This is the first time for the first time.

Although he can use the power of the Qingxu Cave to collect the spirit beasts and issue a blow that can fight against the supreme, it is only using the power of the spirit beasts to unite together, but he is not able to transform those forces.

After returning all the scattered chaotic air into his body, Fang Rui sighed.

It's really not that easy to build your own world. This attempt is a failure.