Peerless Immortal

Chapter 441 The worst is coming

The three worlds also believe that what they are facing may be a dead end.

The situation in the three worlds is really bad now.

Before, when they suffered the impact of spells in the fairyland, they watched the fun, thinking that they were so embarrassed because of the characteristics of the fairyland. After they strengthened their defenses, those spells could not cause too much problems for them.

At the beginning of the spells' attack on them, they also thought so.

Because the strength of the spells' attack is not too strong, and there are not many good hands among them, and few of them can show the power of the upper gods. With the help of masters at the supreme and Tianzun level, the loss of the three worlds can be said to be minimal.

However, they soon found how troublesome it was to face these immortal spells.

The strength of the spell spirit is not weak, and the strongest can be compared with the supreme-level masters. Although if they are one-on-one, the dull ones will definitely lose to the masters of the same level, they can come back indefinitely.

And the masters of the three worlds can't make mistakes like machines.

No matter how strong it is, it is not a machine.

Even if it is the strongest existence among immortals, their minds can calculate everything with great precision, and their actions can be controlled without wasting any strength, but it must be controlled by the spirit.

Manpower is sometimes poor.

No matter what they call themselves, whether they are immortals, gods, saints, Buddhas...

If you are a person, you will make mistakes, and if you are a person, you will not be so precise.

And the spells don't have such a problem.

They were extremely dull, but they were extremely keen to find the defects of the three worlds after a long defense, and then suddenly launched a fierce attack.

The defense line of the three worlds fell immediately.

Although the three worlds joined hands, the defense line they wanted to garrison was almost one-third less than that of the fairyland, but they still couldn't resist it.

Although there is a Tianzun-level existence in the three worlds, how many such existences can there be?

The three worlds add up to only a few hundred, and less than half of the fairyland.

So under the all-round attack of the spells, the masters of the three worlds lost the other, and the defense line was quickly broken.

After the defense line was broken, it was a massacre.

The three worlds paid a great price and gave up half of the fields to build a new line of defense.

The key is that the three worlds cannot work together, so the defense lines they have built are within their own territory.

The land bordering the boundaries is occupied by many spells.

There will be no more connection between the three worlds - just like the fairyland that was besieged by spells before.

Of course, this is a very bad situation.

Before, the three worlds joined hands to watch each other. Although there was still suspicion between them, there was still some cooperation between them.

The gods of the divine world waved their weapons and rushed forward.

The angels of the Holy Realm are in the rear, condensing their holy power into a variety of long-range weapons to attack their opponents.

The Bodhisattva of the Buddhist world forms a barrier with his own Buddha power to protect all people.

This cooperation is quite outstanding, but it is still constantly consumed by the endless army of spells, becoming more and more, and the defense line is broken.

Now that the three worlds are separated, can they still resist the attack of the spell?

The defense line of the three worlds is crumbling.

The senior officials of the three worlds are anxious.

"The current situation in the Buddhist world is very dangerous."

The Buddha's face became more sad, and he said respectfully to the two lotus platforms in front of him.

In front of them, there is a mirror of void, showing the reality of the Buddhist defense line.

Countless bodhisattvas shine with golden light all over their bodies, forming a strong barrier. Outside the barrier is a surging spell.

Under the light of the Buddha world, those spells howled in pain and kept dying.

But a spell died, and more spells came.

There are constantly bodhisattvas who have been exhausted their Buddha power, and then are filled with dense spells all over their bodies, and then die in pain.

Soon, he will become a curse and join the army to continue to attack the Buddhist world.

The Buddhist world is the weakest of the three worlds.

This weakest power does not refer to the highest level - after all, there are two Buddhas in the Buddhist world, which are stronger than the holy world and the divine world in this regard.

However, they are more dependent on the planet and its people.

The territory of the Buddhist world is occupied by half by spells, which means that the support received by the Buddhist world from the power of faith has been reduced by half.

This is a terrible thing, and the Buddhist world has been weakened the most.

The two Buddhas have 36 spiritual platforms under their feet, which are elegant and can't be seen.

However, at this moment, the yellow-faced Buddha and the golden-faced Buddha have the same sad face.

"The Buddha light of Buddhist disciples has a strong lethality for these spells, but we can't use them."

The yellow-faced Buddha sighed, "The younger generation named Fang Rui, his words are very reasonable."

The golden-faced Buddha nodded: "After the spell spirit is killed, it will recondense the entity and almost kill it. However, if it is purified with Buddha light, the black fog will be eliminated, but the power represented by those black fog will also disappear... Where is this?"

"This means that there will be an existence that constantly absorbs such power."

"If such power is absorbed by one point, the power of the world will be one point less."

"We all depend on this world to survive. To weaken the world is to weaken what we have."

The Yellow-faced Buddha and the Golden-faced Buddha will soon make some things clear.

No one who can practice to this level is a fool.

They can also think of what Fang Rui can think of.

Even if they didn't think of it before, they would think of some possibility after hearing Fang Rui's words.

However, the situation facing the Buddhist world now is...

If you don't purify those black fog, the Buddha world will definitely be destroyed.

Even if the two Buddhas can't die, their disciples will die cleanly.

Because even if it is the existence of the heavenly level, they will not support it for long under the impact of such endless spells, especially under the impact of many supreme-level spells.

Can the Buddhas put it down?


The Buddhist world is their painstaking efforts and an existence that can't be put down.

"If it can only be purified... then it will be purified."

The yellow-faced Buddha suddenly said.

Buddha looked at the Yellow-faced Buddha with some surprise. Will there be serious consequences for doing so?

"If the Buddha believes in Fang Rui's words, why don't you look for that battlefield..." Rulai said hesitantly.

The Golden-faced Buddha looked at him and swallowed the following words.

He understood.

Although the Buddhas are reluctant to give up the Buddha world, they are also reluctant to give up themselves.

They dare not take risks.

The war between immortals is the intensity that can also make immortals fall.

Buddhas have infinite lives, so they don't want to die.

They are not at the end of the mountain, so they don't have the courage to fight back.

If they had such courage, the fairyland would not have been so strong in the past ten thousand years.

After all, even if the sky is destroyed, they can still live in the infinite space of the world.

They want to be eternal, so they are afraid.

The Buddha left with some confusion.

He began to have a little uncertainty about the future of the Buddhist world for the first time.

At the same time, the divine world.

The Supreme God looked at Thor and said a sentence with an expressionless face.

"Use thunder to destroy the existence of those sins to protect the divine world."

Holy world.

The Holy Father said the same thing to Lucifa.

"Use the holy light to purify those sinners. This is the only thing the holy world can do!"

Whether it is Buddha, Thor or Lucifa, they are at a loss at this moment.

Although the Buddha, the Supreme God and the Holy Father have raised their abilities to the realm of ancient Buddhas, Gods and Holy Spirits with their own high strength after completing this task, they have stronger strength than before.

has the strongest strength under the immortal king.

But they are still at a loss and don't know what the future will be.

If there is a great destruction, they can also escape to the infinite starry sky to survive, but is that kind of life, that kind of eternity really important?

But they can only carry out the orders of the Buddha, the Supreme God and the Holy Father.

The three of them are undoubtedly very capable.

In a short time, they organized an elite army.

That is the most essential power under the three worlds.

The infinite Buddha light shines inside the Buddhist world.

Endless magic echoes on Mount Olympus.

The endless holy light is brilliant in the holy world.

Like boiling water poured on the snow, countless spells screamed and turned into black fog, and the black fog was also swept by the powerful Buddha light, holy light and magic, leaving nothing left.

The masters of the three worlds are cheering and cheering for their victory.

The whole world began to feel the shock from within the three worlds.

The spirits gathered, and the moths rushed to the three worlds like fire, and then turned into ashes and nothingness in the counterattack of the three worlds.

Fang Rui, who was guarding the entrance of the unknown starry sky, also felt this shock.

He was speechless for a long time, and a deep sadness rose from the bottom of his heart.

Fang Rui knew that the person behind the spell, the plan, was about to succeed.

A reluctant emotion flashed from Fang Rui's heart.

Fang Rui looked up and let out a roar full of grief and indignation.

Qingyun is vigorously fluctuating and constantly expanding.

Fang Rui finally collected enough planets and began to promote.

However, this promotion is still too late in such an environment.

He still didn't do this, and still didn't break through to the level of Xianjun before the three worlds made a wrong decision.

Although he will immediately become the heavenly master and the strongest existence under the immortal king, even more powerful than the current Lucifa, what's the use?

Fang Rui is still breaking through.

Although he feels sad, as long as he is alive, there are endless possibilities.

As long as you can still work hard, there is still hope.

Fang Rui's little world is shaking.

The power brought by the integration of countless planets has brought some strange changes to Fang Rui's small world.

The clear cave sky in Fang Rui's sea has been shining brightly.

The next moment, the sky moved.

It is immersed in Fang Rui's Qingyun, which is naturally integrated with Fang Rui's Qingyun.

Life appeared on those seven planets.

Although it is the initial life, caterpillars and trilobites began to appear little by little on the bottom of the seven planets.

However, that is life after all.

Fang Rui has the ability to create life and creation.

At this moment, he became the Lord of heaven.

Four new planets appeared in the four corners of Qingyun.

One shines with Buddha's light, one shines with divine light, one shines with holy light, and one shines with spiritual light.

The disciples of the Imless faction looked up at the four big stars around the starry sky and were speechless.

They know that this is Fang Rui's final preparations.

The worst is coming.

You have to keep some vitality for the four worlds.

After doing all this, Fang Rui waved his sleeves and flew to the entrance of the fairyland and the spiritual world.