Peerless Immortal

Chapter 444 Unprecedented Power

Everyone left.

The two immortals, the three heavenly lords, have now turned into the most original force, lurking in Fang Rui's world.

Because only here is safe, at least before Fang Rui dies.

And the planet in Fang Rui's small world has the most original power they like.

Chen Changsheng and Fangxiang also left. They are going to strengthen their strength to fight against the obsession spell.

Now he is still with Fang Rui, leaving only the infinite disciples in the world.

"That's why I'm not lonely." Fang Rui muttered.

Ji Qingfeng's voice sounded in his mind: "What do you want to do next?"

"I'm going to the three worlds... At least, let the three worlds retain some vitality, right? Although I hate the three worlds, what I want to see is the change of the three worlds, not the destruction of the three worlds. After all, they are also a part of the world.

After answering Ji Qingfeng's sentence, Fang Rui's body turned into nothingness.

The next moment, he appeared within the scope of the Buddhist world.

Countless spells are still hitting the final line of defense of the Buddha world.

The Buddhas destroyed the mantra with the Buddha's light and rejoiced for it.

What they don't know is that everything is doomed, and the Buddhist world is doomed to perish.

Fang Rui walked in the Buddhist world, but was not seen by anyone.

Soon, he found that point in the Buddhist world.

Mitreya opened his eyes and looked at Fang Rui who appeared in front of him.

"Tianzun's strength is very good, but it is not enough." Fang Rui said lightly.

There was a wry smile on Maitreya's face.

It's really not enough, and he doesn't have time.

"Come on, enter my world. As long as you are still here, the new Buddhist world can be established sooner or later."

Mitreya nodded, and then his whole body turned into a Buddha light and entered Fang Rui's world.

There are four corners of the world and four planets.

Maitreya fell on the planet shining with Buddha's light, with a smile on his fat face, and then he fell to the ground and began to settle down.

Finally, he took a look at the Buddhist world and left without hesitation.

In the face of life and death, the masters of the Buddhist world have begun to go crazy.

They abandoned all civilians, just collected their gold bodies, and then released powerful spells to bombard the rushing spells, regardless of hurting ordinary civilians.

So Fang Rui just took Maitreya away.

It is good to retain a trace of vitality in the Buddhist world. In the future, it is possible to form a new Buddhist world.

As for the current Buddhist world, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

The next moment, he came to the holy world, which was also not discovered by the spell.

He can do this, and so can Cain.

The outside turned upside down, but Cain hid in an ordinary planet and looked out leisurely.

When Fang Rui appeared beside him, Cain's pale face showed a smile.

"Are you here?" He naturally greeted Fang Rui.

Fang Rui nodded.

"I'm coming, follow me, holy world... No, maybe you will build a new world in the future."

Cain nodded: "Yes, I understand that the holy world is not something I can rebuild. What I can build is just a world dominated by blood clans... We don't need anything else, we just need the planet as a place to live, and then there are blood slaves to constantly provide us with blood... What about the holy world? Let it go."

Fang Rui laughed and then introduced Cain into his world. Cain looked around, turned into a ball of blood, and got into the inside of the planet full of holy light.

"Although I want to create a new world, the sacred power will also be the foundation."

Cain muttered, then put away his bat wings and began to enter a deep sleep.

Then, it is the divine world.

At the foot of Mount Olympus, Fang Rui met Griffin.

"When I swallow a few more spells, I will go with you." Griffin shook his head.

"It's too late... I don't know when those guys will come." Fang Rui reminded.

Griffin smashed his mouth, looked reluctantly at the spells surging under Olympus, and then plunged into Fang Rui's world, found a cave in the planet full of divine power, and began to sleep.

Fang Rui grabbed his head.

"The spiritual world is closed. No matter how crazy the spell is, it will not trouble them. After all, they have no threat. Others... There are Cain Griffin and Maitreya, and the three worlds have also retained some vitality. It seems that I can also practice at ease."

The world is bound to suffer great turmoil.

None of the worlds can escape.

When the three worlds are still hesitating, the fairy world is ready.

This is because their fairy king has a brave spirit of sacrifice.

So I mastered what I had to do next and made proper arrangements.

Fang Rui came to the entrance of the unknown starry sky.

He knows that if he doesn't leave, it may be too late.

However, at this time, the little bastard began to scream desperately in his big world.

Fang Rui was stunned.

"Your people may no longer be there! You are the last chaotic beast, and the chaotic beast may be slowly born in the unknown starry sky! Do you know that we are going to escape now? Fang Rui passed on a divine understanding to the little bastard.

The little bastard who has begun to gradually become huge began to shake his head desperately.

Fang Rui smiled bitterly, and he felt the firmness of the little bastard.

"Well, I'll stay... Anyway, they may not be able to find me."

Fang Rui conveyed such an idea to the little bastard, and the little bastard immediately began to be happy.

At this time, the whole world began to feel the shock.

An extremely powerful force began to emanate.

The whole world is shaking, and the lives of the whole world are beginning to feel a great threat.

Fang Rui's body disappeared, and he entered the future space, feeling the power with a serious face.

The power of the five immortals joined hands and appeared again ten thousand years later.

Countless spells turned into flying ash in such a shock.

And the masters of the three worlds did not look happy at all, although none of the spells they faced existed.


The Buddha hurriedly rushed into the temple where the two Buddhas rested and was preparing to report something.

However, the next moment, he saw the empty palace.

Buddha was stunned, and then an expression appeared on his face that seemed to laugh or cry.

"They actually ran away... They ran away... The Buddha left the Buddha world and ran away!"

The Buddha cried so much that he beat his chest and couldn't stand himself.

At the entrance of the unknown starry sky, two Buddhas appeared.

A golden face and a yellow face.

The two Buddhas are expressionless, but with endless sadness.

It's not easy to step into the unknown starry sky and come back.

They are different from the fleeing army of the fairyland. The fleeing army of the fairyland still has hope, and as soon as they escape this time, they have no courage and strength to resist.

However, the other party did not give them such a chance.

Endless black fog emerged from the entrance of the unknown starry sky.

quickly gathered into two black fogs.

One of the black fog exposed three faces.

One is calm, one is graceful, and the other is unparalleled in sharpness.

And another black fog turned into nine black gas, emitting powerful power.

The power of the five immortals appeared in the world again at this moment.

The faces of the two Buddhas have changed.

"You... haven't you just absorbed those forces?"

The golden-faced Buddha shouted.

"You are my important nutrients. I even know that you dare not take action against me. Can't you calculate that you will escape?" The restless face said faintly.

"If the two of you expose yourself, the world will not exist, and you will never have a chance to escape from this world!" The yellow-faced Buddha is strong and calm.

"You are not qualified now."

The sharp face opened his mouth: "Don't you think so? Supreme God? Holy Father?

The scene flashed, and the supreme god of the divine world and the holy father of the holy world also showed their own bodies at the same time.

"Now we have four people."

The supreme god stressed: "Even if you gather the power of the five immortals and the nine spiritual saints, and can show the power of the six immortals, there is no overwhelming advantage."

A disdainful expression appeared on his graceful face: "From the beginning, there are only two immortals who may hinder me. No matter how strong you are, you are just pigs and sheep, which will only be my food and nourishment."

"That's exactly what makes me happy that the four of you can come together!"

The three faces laughed at the same time, and the nine black fogs began to disperse, surrounding the Buddha, the Supreme God and the Holy Father in the middle.

"You think you are great and immortal, but you are extremely stupid. You don't know at all that your greatness is based on the three worlds... When you are ready to escape from the three worlds and escape far away, you can no longer pose a threat to me. Your power will become mine. The last nutrient!"

After shouting such a sentence, three faces were broken at the same time.

The endless black fog enveloped everyone.

Two golden Buddha lights, a golden divine light, and a silver holy light lit up to resist the invasion of the black fog.

However, the black fog is growing and drowning these lights.

The Buddha, the Supreme God and the Holy Father shouted with unwillingness and fear, but their cry still seemed so useless.

The endless black fog wrapped them, and with their power, they couldn't tell where they came from.

No matter which direction they break through, they can only see endless black fog.

Although their own powerful power can still temporarily protect their lives, under the corrosion of the black fog, their power is indeed disappearing little by little.

Because they have an empty realm, but they have been fighting for ten thousand years and have never really fought.

Before, the leaders of the three worlds were indeed geniuses who came out of the battle. However, ten thousand years ago, the rise of the fairyland defeated them one after another, causing their self-confidence a serious blow.

In the next ten thousand years, they did not fight.

This is also the reason why they chose to run away instead of fighting side by side with the fairyland.

Now, such a situation has put them in a dead end.

The more their power passes, the faster it passes.

When the four rays of light finally faded, the history of the leaders of the three worlds came to an end.

The beginning of a new history.

The obsession spell with three faces stands between heaven and earth, and no one can stop it.

The nine spirits were sanctified into nine spells, standing silently behind him, emitting power like a fairy king.

This is unprecedented power.