Peerless Immortal

Chapter 451 The battle has not yet begun

The strength of the chaotic beast is closely related to its body shape.

How huge their bodies are, how strong they are.

The leader of the chaotic beast Fang Rui once saw in the forbidden land of origin is as huge as a hill.

That's just a chaotic beast at the power level.

Chaos beasts are naturally raised, but the strongest chaotic beasts are just the peak of Tianzun. Such chaotic beasts are as huge as dozens of planets, spanning a galaxy.

This is the strongest existence between heaven and earth.

As for those starry beasts in the unknown starry sky, although they are larger and larger, occupying hundreds of thousands of miles of territory and feeding on stars, if those starry beasts encounter the most powerful chaotic beasts, they can only serve as food for chaotic beasts.

When the whole heavenly court disappears, the chaotic beast that appears in the starry sky occupies more than just a galaxy.

The address of Tianting is at the core of the original site of the fairyland.

The fairyland is composed of an extremely vast starry sky.

However, in general, the fairyland is divided into three parts.

The edge, which borders the three worlds. Countless superior fairy gates are stationed on the edge, competing with other three worlds for resources at any time.

The inner domain is a place where middle and lower immortals and ordinary immortals live. There are countless planets for countless creatures to live and reproduce.

Among them, there are 36,500 giant fairy gates stationed in all directions to guard against the invasion of the three worlds or other emergencies.

The three thousand supreme teachings are also scattered in the edge and inner domain, but they do not occupy the planet, but practice in the small world of the god.

This arrangement makes the whole fairyland like an iron barrel. Since the fairyland became strong, the three worlds have been unable to invade the fairyland at all.

Even the previous spell spirit chaos, the fairyland only lost the edge at the beginning, but still guarded its inner domain, so that the ordinary immortals did not suffer any harm.

This is a powerful place in the fairyland.

However, the most powerful place in the fairyland is in the center.

In the vast space spanning tens of thousands of galaxies, only the four major towns of the Immortals and the top ten supreme teachings are stationed.

That is the core location of the fairyland.

It was not until the masters of the fairyland completely withdrew and the civilians of the fairyland took refuge in the spiritual world that the place where the center of the fairyland was located was completely empty.

And the heavenly court is just built in this starry sky.

Now, the heavenly court is alive.

This unprecedentedly powerful chaotic beast has occupied the center of the whole fairyland.

Fang Rui is in its stomach.

Zhang Bairen smiled proudly.

Over the past 100 years, the heavenly court has cruelly squeezed the labor of all civilians between heaven and earth, allowing them to continuously extract various resources and send them to the heavenly court, not only to weaken the original power of the world.

Although those resources are the vast majority of the world's sources of power, it is still not enough to rely on these resources to shake the foundation of the whole world.

The real purpose is for Zhang Bairen to array.

For masters in all worlds, arrays are not very useful. In the face of absolute power, the gains brought by arrays are always limited.

Forty-nine golden immortals are arrayed with the theme of destroying gods, which can kill an ancient fairy.

The mechanical dolls made by the infinite faction can allow ten ancient immortals to join hands to fight against a real person.

However, when it comes to the realm of power, it is difficult to be defeated by low-level beings in some way.

The immortal soldiers unique to the fairyland can only make a giant fairy gate join hands and resist a supreme to some extent.

As for the level of Tianzun or even Xianjun, which is lower than their level, no matter how many people there are, it is meaningless.

At the peak of the fairyland, there were 800 heavenly lords, but even if these 800 heavenly lords joined together, they could not fight against a fairy king.

This is a qualitative change.

So no one thought that Zhang Bairen needed so many resources to array, in order to put an unprecedented array to kill Fang Rui, or other immortal-level enemies.

However, Zhang Bairen knows that he can do this.

Because the materials he uses to array have never been available.

There are countless chaotic beasts in the place of origin, and the most powerful 10,000 chaotic beasts all have the power of Tianzun level.

Now, after these chaotic beasts have been turned into spells, their power has been concentrated together.

Only the spell can infinitely superimpose the power of the spell and always reach the level of immortals.

However, light is not powerful enough. After the chaotic beast becomes a spell, the characteristics of their bodies disappear, and a lot of precious materials are needed to make up its body.

Zhang Bairen is undoubtedly a genius. The way he thought of was to build the heavenly court.

The whole magnificent heavenly court is actually the body he made for the chaotic beast.

Now this body is injected with the power of the chaotic beast spell.

The unprecedented array created an unprecedented chaotic beast.

The chaotic beast at the power level of Xianjun.

Now this chaotic beast has survived, but Fang Rui has stepped into the body of this chaotic beast.

The biggest feature of the chaotic beast is that its body seems to be in the real world and in a different world. Even if it is a master of the same level, it is very difficult to kill the chaotic beast.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of immortal-level masters in all worlds, the chaotic beasts would not have signed such regulations with the worlds in those years, giving up most of the origin of their habitat, and only retaining part of the forbidden land as their place to live.

What's more, Fang Rui is now in the stomach of the chaotic beast.

Then he won't have a chance to come out again.

Even if Fang Rui has something magical about to survive and not die in the body of the chaotic beast, he can't come out of the alien space.

Zhang Bairen smiled happily.

Although Thor's life and death are uncertain now, Zhang Bairen doesn't care about it.

Those three people will die sooner or later. No matter who they die in their hands, it will be the same.

As long as Fang Rui can't come out of the alien space in a short period of time and give the obsession spirit enough time to open the barrier of the world, their purpose can be achieved.

He will leave the world with the obsession spell and go to a higher level world.

When he thought of this, Zhang Bairen couldn't help laughing happily.

Detachment from this world, must be wonderful, right?

This is the final situation that all practitioners dream of!

Too many people don't have much motivation in this world.

And there will always be people who want to transcend the world and reach a higher other side.

The immortals are already the top beings in the world. They have powerful power and can even compete with the world.

However, they still can't get beyond it.

This situation makes their obsession become a monster like the obsession spell.

There is no other thought, just a desire to get out of the world, no matter what means.

Even if the whole world is destroyed.

Zhang Bairen knew that the obsession spirit was doing such a thing now.

However, the world is so stable and powerful.

All immortals are born from this world.

Although the immortals can compare with the world, they still can't break the world.

Although the obsession spell now gathers the power of countless people and has unprecedented power, it still needs to be prepared by some means.

Fang Rui wants to stop it.

Not because its purpose is different from Fang Rui, but because the last resort conceived by the obsession must be based on destroying the world.

This is the sharpest contradiction.

Zhang Bairen knew that it was difficult to stop Fang Rui. What he wanted was that Fang Rui could not stop his obsession in a short time.

Only Fang Rui can make Zhang Bairen so afraid.

Even if Cain defeated Lucifa, it would not pose much threat to Zhang Bairen.

Even the three of them can't beat Zhang Bairen.

This is not a gap in power, but a gap in realm.

In an unknown place, Cain and Lucifa are fighting fiercely.

Lucifa was covered with black fog, and the spear in his hand kept turning into black electric light, attacking Cain.

However, Cain's body was like a light smoke, which made him unpredictable.

The ancestor of blood, the contest between the Dark Father.

In another unknown place, every time Thor waved a hammer, there was a black lightning that penetrated the world.

Griffin, who appeared the prototype, kept opening his mouth and devouring the black lightning.

Every lightning made Griffin painful, but it made Griffin's eyes brighter and brighter.

Countless storms surged from Griffin's body, snowflakes and chills.

Griffin is fighting against Thor's magic thunder and lightning with the power of nature.

The power of the gods comes from nature. Now, the last existence of these two divine worlds is confronting each other with the power of nature.

The confrontation between the supreme god of nature and the supreme god of demons.

Another unknown place.

Two golden Buddhas sit facing each other.

The sound of Sanskrit singing echoes in the air, and the golden light is impacting and opposing each other.

In the golden Buddha light of Maitreya, a white light appeared faintly.

That is the power of countless generations in the future, constantly superimposed.

In the golden Buddha light of the Buddha, there is a faint black gas.

This is the confrontation between the future Buddha and the evil Buddha.

Three unknown places, with three extremely fierce competitions.

is related to the future survival of the three worlds.

Although it is said that the three worlds cannot really appear before the obsession spell is solved, they are still fighting.

Think about the future, and now they have to defeat each other to maintain their dignity.

They are the last hope of the three worlds, and there is only one hope that can be retained.

And such a hope will become the foundation for the future of the three worlds.

The battlefield determines the future fate of all worlds.

The last battlefield belongs to Fang Rui and Zhang Bairen, but Fang Rui has not been able to set foot on this battlefield yet.

If you don't set foot on the battlefield, it means that the battle has not started.