Peerless Immortal

Chapter 464 The Sad Song of the Sword

A brilliant sword spirit crossed the sky and rushed straight to a starry beast in the distance.

Fei Tianzun is ready for the next few consecutive actions. This sword spirit can only hurt the other party. If you want to completely destroy the other party, you need other actions.

However, the next moment, the action that the starry beast was originally devouring suddenly stopped, and then looked up to the sky with a "wow" sound, turned around and began to escape at a very fast speed!

Flying Tianzun was stunned.

Because at the same time, the breath of the spell that Fei Tianzun could feel has disappeared at that moment!


Cain's nose shrugged twice, and then suddenly shouted excitedly.

"The breath of the spell has disappeared! It seems that Fang Rui and others have won!"

Cain's roar echoed in the unknown starry sky and quickly spread in all directions.

This catastrophe started with Fang Rui and three others, and finally Fang Rui and three others!

The masters of the world keenly sensed that the magical breath that occupied the body of the giant beast in the starry sky was disappearing rapidly!

And when the starry beasts occupied by these spells did not continue to devour the starry sky, the collapse of space everywhere began to gradually improve.

collapsed, the originally destroyed space also began to recover slowly, and the self-healing ability of the world began to show.

The existence of all worlds began to cheer constantly in the unknown starry sky.

Although the whole world is still devastated and the destruction will not disappear in a short time, it is not too difficult as long as the three worlds are reorganized and gradually repair those space collapses.

Even an ordinary fairy has the ability to repair space cracks. As long as the huge power of the fairyland can operate smoothly, everything will no longer be a problem!

unknown place.

Fang Rui turned his head and looked at Fangxiang and Chen Changsheng with a smile.

Fang wanted to sit on the ground. Although he was powerless, his face was full of smiles.

Finally, we won.

He suffered extremely serious injuries and may take a long time to recover, but so what?

Time is meaningless for a fairy. As long as he is given enough time, he can always recover.

For example, Chen Changsheng wants to be better, and his injury is much lighter.

Fang Rui was also weak all over his body. Just now, he borrowed the original power of the world with the sword of the king and waved the earth-shaking sword.

Although he killed the obsession spell, such a huge power was controlled by him alone, which still caused him extremely serious injury.

Now the sword of the king is still on the ground, and Fang Rui has no strength at this moment.

"Let's go, we can go back... But the magic weapon of the three of us is basically useless."

Fang Rui said with a smile.

In the blow just now, it was Fang Rui who commanded the incredible power, but what carried that power was Fang Rui's Gui Yixi, Fang's social map, and Chen Changsheng's sword.

Fight against each other with the power of the whole world.

Gui Yixi is completely broken at this moment.

There is still that huge power on the King's Sword, but it gradually fades. When this power fades, the King's Sword will also come to an end.

Only the social map is in good condition, because in the last blow just now, the role of the social map is to bear, and the damage is the lightest.

"This picture... can be used as a thing to suppress the worlds and the worlds. Any details of the worlds will appear on this picture. At that time, it will be much easier to allocate the power of the whole world." Fang Rui looked at Fang and wanted to laugh.

He knows that he is not a king. He prefers to teach his disciples some knowledge, and then travel around.

Chen Changsheng is a swordsman, not a good ruler.

Only Fang thought that he was the reincarnation of the Taishang Xianjun, and the Tao of the Taishang Xianjun is the rule.

This is also the reason why Taishangzong would occupy a dominant position in the fairyland before.

It is most appropriate for Fang to be in charge of the social map.

Fang thought and nodded.

He knows that he can only do this job by himself.

Fang Rui is too lazy.

Chen Changsheng is too straightforward.

is not suitable for this position.

Seeing Fang want to nod, Fang Rui smiled secretly in his heart.

This time, he killed the obsession spell, and his reputation will certainly rise extremely. The worlds that need to be rebuilt will be elected as the leader. He doesn't want to be.

For immortals, power is not very useful, and strength is always the first.

He couldn't control an infinite faction. If it hadn't been for Ji Qingfeng's help and the support of the six elders, the infinite faction might have been in a mess by him.

Fang Rui was relieved to see that Fang wanted to take over the task.

Then he was ready to stand up and leave the place.

At this time, he saw Chen Changsheng coming over.

Fang Rui thought that Chen Changsheng was here to help him. When he was about to say something with a smile, he saw Chen Changsheng bending down and intending to pick up his sword.

"Be careful, the power on this sword..."

Fang Rui just shouted halfway and closed his mouth.

Because he saw Chen Changsheng's face and eyes at this moment.

There was no expression on Chen Changsheng's face, but what came out of his eyes was an extremely hot light.

This kind of look is very dangerous.

"Long life, what do you want to do?" Fang Rui asked calmly.

Chen Changsheng's hand has held the hilt of the sword at this moment.

Then he raised his head, and his young face began to be full of fanaticism.

"I'm going to fight against the sky and then break the sky." Chen Changsheng said calmly.

"This kind of thing is what you just stopped with me." Fang Rui sighed.

"No, I don't want to destroy the world. I just want to leave the world." Chen Changsheng continued to say calmly, and then he raised the long sword in his hand.

The power of the world has not completely dissipated, and the power on the sword of the king is still extremely huge. It is not something that a seriously injured Chen Changsheng can pick up, but he has picked it up at this moment.

"The obsession is gone, how can you still be so stubborn?" Fang Rui asked a strange question.

"Attinuousness will continue to arise."

Chen Changsheng answered calmly: "We swordsmen will never give up the desire to break the sky."

"There are many ways to leave the world, which may not have to be broken. After all, there are still many people living in this world, and we need to take this into account." Fang Rui continued to persuade.

If the confrontation with the obsession spell is a life-and-death struggle, then what Chen Changsheng has to do at this moment is actually not much conflict with Fang Rui, or it is just a conceptual conflict.

Fang Rui is also eager to leave the world.

After all, after reaching the level of Xianjun, it has reached the limit of the world, and it is meaningless to stay any longer.

However, Fang Rui does not want to leave the world by destroying the world. There are countless creatures in this world, and there is no reason to destroy their lives for his desire to leave this world.

He is more harmonious.

And what about Chen Changsheng?

He is a born swordsman.

What is a born swordsman?

It's better to take it straight than to ask for it in the song.

Longing for freedom and moving forward.

So Chen Changsheng picked up the sword of the king at this moment and went to break the sky.

Because this is the best opportunity.

The destruction caused by the obsession spirit has not been reduced. At this time, the power of all worlds is the weakest, and he has the greatest hope.

"I don't want to hurt other people, but for my goal, I can cut off everything in front of me."

Chen Changsheng said indifferently.

Then he stood up straight like a sharp sword.

The power of the world is quickly weakened from the sword of the king.

The sword of the king began to return to its previous appearance, which was the appearance of the swordsman.

"The swordsmen in the world are all my strength."

Chen Changsheng whispered.

In the unknown starry sky.

The fairyland wandering army, which has been reassesed, has joined forces from other worlds.

They plan to leave the unknown starry sky to rebuild a new world.

Re-establish the worlds, and then start to repair the space cracks to stabilize and redevelop the whole world...

This is a post-war reconstruction.

Hundreds of millions of immortals, gods, Buddhas, spiritual beasts and holy spirits gathered together, full of happy mood.

Cheers and laughter keep ringing. Although there are contradictions between the worlds, they now have a common goal.

Such a common goal has been achieved, and everyone is very happy.

At this time, the long swords of all the disciples of Jianzong began to make a slight sound.

Fei Tianzun looked at his long sword in surprise, which was his own magic weapon. It was personally forged by him. After tens of thousands of years of use, it has been completely connected.

However, at this moment, the flying sword has been uncontrollable, as if it was about to fly out of the air the next moment.

Ji Changwei was also surprised to look at the sword hanging around his waist.

That is also his original magic weapon, the symbol of the Dongqi royal family, and a long sword that can only be used by him alone.

At this moment, the sword seems to be cheering, as if it has been summoned.

All the swords are cheering and chirping.

The next moment, all the swords slowly flew up, left their master's waist, and then hung in the air.

Countless swords hovered in the air, and their owners kept pinching Fajue to summon them, but they were always in vain.

"What's going on?" Ji Qingfeng frowned and asked.

No one can answer her such a question.

No one knows why all the swords seem to go crazy and no longer obey the master's call.

Soon, all the long sword bodies burst into an extremely dazzling light.

Such a dazzling light makes it impossible for all masters to see.

With a "wow", all the swordsmen spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time!

Because of the long sword connected to their own destiny, at that moment, all the aura had come out of the sword!

The swords hanging in the air fell down one after another and returned to their masters.

However, it has become gloomy, and the aura polished over tens of thousands of years has disappeared, leaving no trickle.

And their owners also suffered extremely serious injuries.

Cain and Griffin Maitrere looked at each other without saying a word, quickly tore the crack in the space and then left.

They knew that something had happened, and only the three of them were qualified to participate in such a big event.