Peerless Immortal

Chapter 471 Rescue

The breeze caresses the grassland, the half-person-high grass is rustling under the breeze, and the blue sky and white clouds on the sky is a rare good weather.

However, for Tuobano, his mood is definitely not as good as the weather at this moment, but extremely bad.

As the second son of the chief of the Tuoba clan, after becoming an adult, he chose to leave the tribe and take his subordinates to find a new grassland to form his own tribe.

Most of the civilians on the God Land are nomadic tribes. In the past, the population of each tribe was closely linked for better survival.

However, after the monks began to help civilians kill fierce beasts and maintain their safety more than a hundred years ago, this system, which lasted for ten thousand years, gradually began to change.

The good environment has made their population reproduce faster. If there is too much population of a tribe, there will be various problems, so the feudal system began to emerge.

When a tribe extends to the limit, it will be divided into parts to occupy other grasslands.

Such small tribes are beginning to become more and more, and the benefits are also obvious.

Although many independent small tribes have been separated, there will also be a natural sense of intimacy between these small tribes. If something happens, you can form a tribal alliance at any time and have stronger power than before.

After becoming an adult, Tuobano is also looking forward to the establishment of his own tribe.

After leaving the tribe, his strength is not weak. Hundreds of strong warriors and hundreds of women and children can develop rapidly as long as they find a good grassland - and such a grassland is not uncommon in the current divine continent.

Tuobano was lucky, and they soon found this grassland.

This is a meadow that has hardly been developed, with boundless grassland and abundant water, enough for them to survive for a long time.

However, Tuobaye's luck is also very bad - although this grassland has not been developed, it also has an owner.

Master, this group of wild wolves.

Shortly after the camp, Tuoba Ye and his men were attacked by wolves.

Thousands of wild wolves!

This is an extremely terrible force!

If there is enough preparation, Tuoba Ye is confident that he will destroy the wild wolves. However, as soon as they set out of the camp, the wolves roared and launched a fierce attack.

Fortunately, Tuoba Ye was very attentive when camping. The one-person-high camp firmly protected the surroundings. The wild wolf could not attack from other directions, but could only focus on attacking the village gate.

Unfortunately, in order to facilitate access, the Zhaimen was relatively wide, and as soon as the camp was set up, there were no defensive measures near the Zhaimen. The wild wolf lurked near the grass, and then suddenly launched an attack. The unexpected Tuobaye and his subordinates could only defend at the Zhaimen and use their own Flesh resisted the impact of wild wolves and protected the women and children in the camp.

They waved the weapons in their hands, fought to the death, and killed a lot of wild wolves.

However, the number of wild wolves is ten times theirs.

More than a dozen warriors of the Tuoba Department have fallen to the ground. Although each of them has changed the lives of four or five wild wolves, the number of wild wolves is still so huge.

Tuoba Ye kept wielding weapons under the protection of his two guards, but his heart was gradually full of despair.

Although the people of Tuoba can still hold on, with the passage of time, the strength of the warriors is gradually decreasing. If it continues, it will turn into a massacre!

Tuobaye looked up and looked at the Wolf King in the distance.

"Maybe there is only one way..."

Tuobaye thought in his heart, but he was not sure.

He knows the habits of the wolves. If the wolf king dies, the wolves may disperse, but it is more likely that they will start to attack more crazy and then find their new wolf king in battle!

I can understand this because Tuobaye is the only beast soul warrior in this division, and the beast soul he fused is a wolf king.

But now I can only bet on the small probability, that is, after the Wolf King was killed, the other wolves dispersed.

"cover me and I'll kill the wolf king." Tuobaye whispered to the two guards around him.

"Head, this is too dangerous... There is still a hundred feet between you and the Wolf King! Even if you are a beast soul warrior, it is difficult to rush to it!" A personal guard said in shock.

"This is the only way... Otherwise, if it is delayed, we can only be eliminated by them one by one."

Another personal guard nodded: "Head, we have organized more than a dozen people to chisel through the formation to attract a little attention for you!"

Tuobaye nodded: "Oak!"

After the negotiation, Tuoba Ye turned around and looked deeply at the white and extremely tall wild wolf a hundred feet away, trying to firmly remember its position.

Then he was stunned.

The next moment, he saw a white-haired old man emerge from behind the wild wolf.

Then there is a flash of sword light!

Takubano has never seen such a fast sword!

Even the most powerful warrior in the Tuoba department, the speed of wielding the knife is definitely not as fast as this sword!

With the cover of the grass, Chen Changsheng quietly came behind the Wolf King.

He controlled his whole body's breath, did not show a sound, and came behind the Wolf King.

Then he came out with his sword - just as he was seen by Tuoba Ye.

The sword stabbed in from the back of the Wolf King's neck and then protruded from the front of the Wolf King's neck.

Then I pulled back.

The huge body of the Wolf King fell to the ground.

It was not until this time that several wild wolves guarded by the Wolf King found all this and began to howle sadly.

Chen Chang grew his sword like the wind and accurately scratched the necks of several wolves.

A few big wolf heads flew up to the sky, and the scene was extremely bloody!

Chen Changsheng stepped on the body of the Wolf King, and then raised the sword in his hand high.

This posture also wants to scare off the wild wolf.

In the quiet camp, there was a huge cheer from the people of Tuoba.

With the cheers of Tuoba, hundreds of wolves woke up.

They did not escape, but made a sad wolf howling at the same time. They turned their heads, left the camp they were attacking, and rushed to Chen Changsheng!

"Quickly, organize the strength, we will chase!"

Tuobaye roared immediately. Since the wolves have not dispersed, they will definitely attack the old man who saved them. Tuoba can't be saved!

After roaring this sentence, Tuobaye clenched his fists and roared.

Behind him, a faint phantom of a blue giant wolf appeared, which was the beast soul he merged.

Holding his huge sword, Tuoba Ye roared and rushed over with the remaining 70 soldiers of the Tuoba Department chasing the tails of hundreds of wild wolves!

When the wolves rushed towards Chen Changsheng, Chen Changsheng did not retreat immediately.

Because the wolves rushed in from all directions, it will take some time to gather together.

So he did not hide, but exerted his swordsmanship.

Although his physical strength has not even reached the peak of the day after tomorrow at this moment, his swordsmanship will not disappear because of his lack of strength.

The long sword was like snow, turning into a white light flying around. The two wild wolves who rushed up the fastest were each with a sword in the throat and immediately fell to the ground.

However, there were too many wild wolves. Next, Chen Changsheng never found a chance to kill the wild wolves. He could only wave his long sword to protect himself.

After seeing that the wolves in the distance were gradually approaching, Chen Changsheng no longer hesitated to turn around and run away before the wolves were surrounded!

The fierce wolves chased Chen Changsheng despite the warriors of Tuoba's rear.

Hundreds of feet away, Fang Rui stood up.

He has seen Chen Changsheng's running figure. Less than five feet behind Chen Changsheng, the wolves are chasing him desperately.

Fang Rui took out the tree charm and muttered a few words.

The originally clear sky began to gradually become dark.

The art of rune is communication with heaven and earth.

is the song sung by the rune master and the fusion of heaven and earth, so as to borrow the vitality from heaven and earth.

For junior runes, if they want to communicate with heaven and earth, they must use some materials that are easier to arouse the interest of heaven and earth, yellow rune paper and cinnabar, which are the best materials tested.

However, Fang Rui doesn't need it, because he is a good friend of this world.

When he broke through the divine continent, he gained the power of the divine continent and the power of the rules of this world, and killed five and a half immortals in one fell swoop, laying the current rules of the divine continent.

So with his face, he can still find this world and borrow strength.

In the slightly dark sky, a dark cloud began to accumulate.

When Chen Changsheng rushed to Fang Rui, he saw Fang Rui spit out a word in his mouth.


The dark clouds in the sky began to roll.

The soldiers of Tuobabu, who sensed something wrong, stopped in surprise.

The next moment, they saw a thick lightning falling from the sky.

This lightning accurately fell in the center of the wolves.

At that moment, I don't know how many wild wolves screamed, and at the same time, there was an earth-shaking roar.

When the thunder and lightning dissipated, a large hole appeared on the ground in the most dense place, and the hole was full of scorched wolf corpses.

And the surrounding wolves have hardly survived. Occasionally, those who survived have also been seriously injured and lay weakly on the ground moaning.

Fang Rui took a long breath.

"This thunder method is not bad, isn't it?" Fang Rui asked Chen Changsheng with a smile.

Chen Changsheng curled his lips - in the initial stage of cultivation, runes or mages are always more advantageous than swordsmanship, especially in such a big battle.

The two were still talking and laughing. Tuobaye had rushed over with his subordinates, and then kowtowed down to the two people.

"Tuobabe Tuobaye, thank you for the two masters!"