Peerless Blood

Chapter 46 Reaching the Edge of the Wild (Second Update)

The carriage went all the way south, and the pedestrians, vehicles and adventure teams all made way. Seeing such a metal horse fleet, most of them knew that they were royal nobles.

The overall team looks full of momentum. I'm afraid the only shortcoming is the white horse taken by Xia Jiang. This ordinary white horse is generally a standard civilian configuration, and even some low-level adventurers who go to the wilderness are better than him.

When it comes to adventure, Xia Jiang is still quite interested. In his previous life, he was an adventure enthusiast. Because he had no choice but to survive, he had no chance to travel around the world until he died. He could only read novels, comics and movies in his spare time to fill his needs. But now it's different. Although his strength is still low, at least he doesn't have to worry about survival. In addition, the world is extremely huge, which is suitable for adventure.

It's just that one thing that must be realized is that the highest mortality rate in the world is not the soldiers fighting on the battlefield, but... adventurers!

"Young master, it's getting late. Do you want to stop and have a rest?" In the midst of all kinds of thoughts in Xia Jiang's brain, the team leader asked.

At this moment, the sky is completely dark. Although there is gemstone lighting on the metal carriage, if you don't rest at night, you will be mentally deficient during the day, which is not good for action.

However, when Xia Jiang heard this, he shook his head. He pointed forward and said, "There are still two days to go to the edge of the wilderness. We need to seize the time and spend time on preparation..." Although he likes adventure, he still doesn't want to spend his time on the meaningless road from the palace to the wilderness. In the middle, because of their identity, there is basically no danger. He has to go to the edge of the wilderness before camping to prepare.

The captain listened to Xia Jiang's instructions and immediately commanded the convoy to move forward. In fact, he cares about the mood of his master and doesn't really want to take a night off. For them, the royal guard, it is not a problem to stay awake for a few days and nights without drinking or eating when necessary.

In this way, after receiving Xia Jiang's instructions, the team began to travel sleeplessly. On the way, they ate with the horses at most to supplement their physical energy, and then went on the road endlessly.

In two days, the team passed through two small towns and more than a dozen independent villages. Compared with the territory around the palace, these places are relatively backward, but the prices are relatively low, and various important dietary elixirs and magic weapons are also rich. Considering that they will encounter various unknown dangers when entering the wilderness, they bought one by the way. Some for the sake of need from time to time.

On the third day, as expected by Xia Jiang, the team gradually came to the edge of the wilderness. Regardless of the roads and paths, pedestrian traces were relatively rare.

Finding a wide flat grassland, Xia Jiang ordered the team to camp for another day and prepare to enter the wilderness.

Originally, the team privately discussed whether the master would be a reckless guy. Everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, Xia Jiang was like a general leading troops to fight. He actually knew how to camp first and let them go out to explore the way to ensure that they were foolproof.

"Hey, you guys cheer up. Today, you and the second team take turns vigil, but you have to keep an eye on it. Even a bug can't crawl in, okay?" The captain of the team who was ordered to watch the night personally toured the surroundings and came back and said to his opponent.

"Yes!" Several people responded quickly.

These people are also members of the first team. They and the second team will be responsible for the vigil in the future, while the third and fourth team will be responsible for fighting in any situation. Because they are stronger than the three or four teams in terms of strength, the battle with relatively clear goals is given to the three or four teams during the day, but it is different at night. Sometimes there may be nothing, but once something happens, it is definitely much more dangerous than during the day.

"Be careful. Although we are only in the edge area now, we must be careful, especially to ensure the safety of the master..." One person saw the captain walk away and reminded several team members privately.

When one heard this, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help saying, " By the way, have you heard about the prince's secret fight? It seems that this happened that the nine kings also left the palace ahead of time..."

"Why didn't I hear that he defeated his third brother and fourth brother with the power of one person, and the king asked us to have a total of four teams with him..." One person seemed to know a lot, and when talking about the master, he seemed to feel very lucky.

But one person saw his appearance but said disdainfully, "How can it be? Isn't it said that this master is a waste? I think he relies on the ninth princess to help him. In my opinion, it may not be that the ninth princess doesn't like the third prince and secretly manipulates it behind the scenes. After all, she is the only one who really has the strength to defeat the third and fourth princes! "

When several people heard what he said, their eyes lit up and immediately felt that it was reasonable, because it was rumored that the ninth princess had always been second only to the eldest prince.

When it comes to the strength of cultivation, the four teams sent by King Xia Xiong to follow Xia Jiang this time are all elite guards with more than five bloodlines, as well as captains of four monks and a captain close to the practitioner.

For a small country like the State of Xia, the existence of the practitioner level can directly become a general, just like those veterans who are often around the king. Their status is extremely high, and there are no ten people in the country, and this captain is the one who is most likely to break through to become a practitioner at present. It can be seen that the king is to Xia Jiang attaches great importance to it this time.

The most important thing for these guards on duty inside and outside the palace is their personal cultivation strength. Naturally, they secretly pay attention to their superiors and talk about it. How can they not know the strength of these captains? Therefore, although these people have not experienced this wild land, they are not very afraid. With the protection of strong people equivalent to the level of practitioners, even double-cultivated barbarians have the power to fight.

In this world, beasts are divided into many levels. From low to high, there are ordinary beasts, fierce beasts, barbarians, wild beasts, spirit beasts, beast kings, beast emperors, mythical beasts, etc., and in addition to ordinary beasts, other beasts will consciously find cultivation partners for double cultivation, and once they are beasts with cultivation partners, their strength will be improved by a large level, even beyond their own level. The strength.

Before leaving, Xia Jiang also had a detailed understanding. He knew that the most common beasts in this wild land are fierce beasts and barbarians, as well as a small number of double-cultivation beasts that may appear. Beasts are different from people. Their way of double cultivation does not rely on magic weapons, but purely their own blood and a kind of core, also known as "beast crystal", each Mature beasts will condense the beast crystal by becoming stronger. After exchanging the beast crystals, the two beasts will begin to practice together. Not only will their strength be shared with each other, but they will also produce changes, which is much stronger than the legendary king's bloodline with no human blood.

At this moment, Xia Jiang is in a very formal house, which is an architectural magic weapon jointly completed by architects and refiners. After the palm-sized magic weapon is activated, it becomes a house. The quality of the formation of the house depends on personal cultivation.

Originally, Xia Jiang was going to meditate and practice in the house, but the fifteenth sister pestered him and insisted on going out with him, so that he had to exaggerate the horror of this wild land, which made the other party give up the idea.

In fact, Xia Jiang only knows a little about this place.

"Brother Jiu, listen... When you say that, people dare not sleep alone. In the future, I will just sleep with Brother Jiu, okay?"

"Brother Jiu, I can't practice here! And Qimei, you are not a child now. You are a big girl. Can't you just say that you sleep with others? Xia Jiang continued to meditate with his eyes closed, and seized the time to be proficient in demon-eating swordsmanship to prepare for tomorrow's wild journey.

The chess girl he said was the fifteenth princess. The fifteenth princess's name was originally Xia Ziqi, and Xia Jiang just knew it.

"I don't know what kind of big girl and little girl are so unpleasant. She should have been the ninth princess!" Xia Ziqi began to emphasize her true identity again.

In fact, Xia Jiang treats her as a child because of his memory of his previous life. He has less time in contact with girls, and he doesn't know that the world is much earlier than men and women. This is the reason why people can join the army or join their brothers and sisters to train together at the age of seven or eight.

So this Xia Ziqi will naturally not be imagined by Xia Jiang, but as simple as a naughty little girl.

But obviously, Xia Jiang is not in the mood to communicate too much with the other party now. He is just immersed in his own practice and casually copes with it.

So, Xia Jiang kept responding perfunctorily, to a one-word answer, and then simply ignored her and practiced by himself. The latter saw that the other party was really practicing seriously, and finally puffed his cheeks sleepily and naturally fell asleep in a corner.

At night, the patrol vigil did not dare to relax for a moment and guarded the surroundings extremely closely. It was really a small bug that did not come in.


At this moment, in the palace prison, someone looked at the top of the dead prison, with incomparable resentment in his eyes.

"Xia Jiang! Don't think that it's okay to let us go... Sooner or later, these two accounts will be settled with you. With Xia Huo alive for a day, I will never let you go! And the spy bitch, faked his identity and cultivation..." As the resentment in his eyes became stronger and stronger, he punched the ground of the cage fiercely and made a huge metal impact sound.

At this moment, several guards outside inevitably heard the huge crash, but they did not respond, because they were used to it. In addition, no matter which one was locked up was always a prince, they did not need to and did not want to offend.

It was Xia Huo who made the sound of hatred, but Xia Yan in a cage beside him was silent. It seemed that since he was punished by Xia Jiang a few months ago, there were very few words and he was immersed in latent cultivation all the time.

Each cage is made of special metal, which is not only strong and huge, but also almost closed. Only the high corner has some air holes for ventilation, so the cages can't see each other.

Therefore, although Xia Huo on one side was angry, Xia Yan on this side could not see him at all, and in the same way, Xia Huo did not know what Xia Yan, who had been quietly in this cage, had been doing.



There is a small outbreak this week, and there will be another update in the evening! By the way, ask for tickets, and students who don't collect it can also collect it, and comment sign in and support. It's very important when the new book is on the list!

(There was an error in the first automatic update system today. I updated it manually. I hope that friends who refresh more can understand what happened...)