Peerless Blood

Chapter 61 The Arrival of the Special Envoy (Second Update)

Seeing that the other party was willing to be soft, the team was not in a hurry to take action. They immediately said, "I don't know, just need to tell me..." Before he came out, Cao Kuang had already explained this matter to him. In case the other party refused or didn't know where the leader was during the interrogation, he would ask his headquarters, branch position and some of his women. Relevant information.

At this moment, other teams also have their own tasks. Xia Jiang, as the leader, naturally cannot be idle. With the information provided by Yan Yanzi, he has gone to the area where Prince Bashi is located.

In the south of Guadu, a team of hundreds of people is gathering in a dilapidated temple. These people are wearing tattered armor and have experienced a fierce war at first glance. Some of them are still stained with blood, and some people have broken arms and limbs, which is more conspicuous.

"... General, this information has shown that the people brought by the nine kings of the State of Xia have unanimously eliminated violence and peace, and are tracking down the information of the wolf army. My subordinates suggest that we should send someone to negotiate. Although the land already belongs to the State of Xia, we can't lift it for a day until the civilians of our Shi Kingdom are not completely settled. Armed!"

In the team, a general with a broken arm asked for instructions to the young man sitting on a bare rock.

Listening to the general's report, the young man seemed to raise his head with some depression, look at the other party, and then nodded and said, "The general said so, just listen to the general."

At this time, another person did quickly remind him, "Marshal, I'm afraid it's not appropriate. Your cultivation is so high, and you are the pillar of my stone country. How can you succumb to the stinky boy? According to your subordinates, you should wait for the monarch of Xia to come in person..."

However, before the man finished his words, he was interrupted by another person: "Marshal, it's not the time for us to talk about this. You should know that although the snow country has sold the land, there is no guarantee that they will not go back on their word and do anything that violates the agreement. Moreover, some surrounding countries are staring at here, and they may also participate. With one foot, maybe Xia Guo, who is short of funds, will be anxious and fall into chaos!"

"You have reason..." The teenager thought for a while and nodded.

Seeing this, the general with a broken arm quickly said, "You two think too far. Now the most urgent thing is that the people need stability. How can you only care about preserving yourself? Have you lost your dignity because of defeat?"

"Dignity? What kind of dignity is a cronin as a brat boy?"

"Indeed, General Xiahou, you think too highly of Xia Guo, and the young general also feel that Xia Guo is now short of resources and has nothing to take care of here. When they really come over, the people will not starve to death and will be bullied to death by those bandits..."

"What you said is reasonable, and it's not easy for me to decide for a while. I think that's all for today..." The teenager covered his forehead and said with a tired face.

When several people saw that the general did not want to listen again, they were unwilling to look at each other. Their eyes were fierce, as if they could not see the form clearly.

At this time, there was news outside the temple.

"Report to the general, a young man who claims to be the ninth prince of Xia Guo, who wants to see you!" A soldier hurried in.

The ninth prince of Xia...

The generals who were about to disperse were stunned when they heard it, and the teenager known as the general was also excited. His tired posture swept away. He quickly glanced at several generals and saw that several people looked surprised. He quickly asked, "He brought more Few people come?"

"Report to the general that I have only seen him." The soldier thought for a moment and immediately said.

The teenager was stunned, and several people around him also looked at each other, but the general known as Xiahou asked, "How old is he?"

"I'm afraid he's only in his teens..." Xiaobing hesitated at this time and seemed to refuse to make a conclusion about his age.

Because of the inconsistent bloodlines in this world, some people are young forever, dozens of years old or ordinary people are still 20 years old, and some legendary hermit masters are even 15 or 16 years old. Of course, this is only minimal, but these weak soldiers can know a limited number, so they dare not judge the years of a stranger at will. Age.

"In that case..." As soon as the teenager heard it, he immediately wanted to let him in.

"Wait!" At the same time, the old man with a broken arm asked Xiahou to stop him and said, "Commander, since it has been confirmed that the person coming is the ninth king of Xia, it's better for the general to greet him in person, otherwise it will be rude."

As he heard it, he immediately "hummed": "Just a little boy, how can I let the general greet him? That's not reasonable!"

Another person also objected and insisted on summoning people to come in.

Soon, with the suggestion of less than more, the teenager announced that he would let the ninth prince come to see him.

Slowly, a figure of a teenager came in.

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the young man's eyebrows and phoenix eyes were magnificent, shining in a royal dress, and a top-grade sword was mysterious and unusual. His figure fluctuated everywhere, and his eyes were full of luck everywhere. He came to this old and dilapidated place and said that it was dazzling but not dazzling, because it seemed that an momentum drove the whole temple. The dilapidation here is only an appearance. It is said that it is powerful but not powerful, and it is not panicked to go deep into the enemy camp, but the cultivation does not feel the light that should have as a special envoy of Daxia.

At a glance, everyone seemed to see a layer of fog. Some couldn't help blinking and some shook their heads. In short, it was like having a dream. When they looked at it again, all the mystery disappeared. The person in front of them was still the person in front of them, just a 15- or 16-year-old teenager.

Compared with this teenager, the teenager sitting in the middle of this dilapidated temple hall is much older. Yes, this person is the Prince Bashi that Xia Jiang wants to see.

And the teenager who came in at this moment is naturally Xia Jiang himself.

"You, are you the ninth prince of the State of Xia?" Prince Ba Shi looked at the people, first stunned, and then immediately asked.

"Exact." Xia Jiang nodded and said, and his eyes swept over the scene.

At the moment Xia Jiang came in, he saw that this was like a meeting, and his heart also moved slightly. He didn't know what they were talking about. The remaining high-level and elites of the team felt that he had a good opportunity.

After all, the mysterious feeling just now was just a flash of feeling, like an illusion, so after Xia Jiang opened his mouth to confirm his identity, the feeling disappeared and was replaced by the same attitude as before.

One of them immediately said, "King Xia is so bold. In today's chaotic situation, he went deep into the camp where the enemy and I don't know, and his face has not changed. I don't know where he came from?"

And as the man said it, many people around suddenly felt that their momentum rose sharply, with majestic faces and sharp eyes.

To be honest, Xia Jiang came here to say that it is a lie to be completely fearless. He is somewhat lacking in confidence. After all, he is a person. Among these people, his cultivation is much higher than him. In addition, the magic weapon is full of flowers. Together, many ants bite the elephant, not to mention that he is a little tiger at most. Of course, I don't want the two families to hurt their harmony. After all, he also made a promise to Yan Yanzi, and there is no need to turn against the harmless Prince Ba Shi.

At this moment, through the observation of his eyes, he vaguely found that Prince Bazhi was indeed not a back-of-point person, and there was no intention to restore the country in his eyes. However, Xia Jiang did not see his intention to submit to himself immediately.

"Our Daxia country has always been people-oriented, with public opinion as the most important, and step by step. Although it is inevitable to have a strong heart, it has endured it again and again and thought twice. It is only today that we have taken this step. Why do we have to destroy the future in the end? Xiao Wang came here today just to make a promise to the prince that the injured people of this stone country have suffered the pain of the subjugation of the country. Our Xia Kingdom must do our best to achieve stability and clean up the thieves! In addition, you and I should fight against the enemy and destroy those cancer hegemons side by side. Presumably, the stone country will be defeated. There are also these people who are the first to annihilate the chaos as soon as possible, eliminate harm for the people, and hate the country!"

Xia Jiang thought in another way and said the words in his heart in one breath, which was very happy.

Looking at Prince Ba Shi, his face was originally calm, but after Xia Jiang's words, his voice suddenly boiled and his face was full of anger. Obviously, he was hit by the point.

Many people around him are also obviously deeply touched, showing their recognition of Xia Jiang's words.

"Hum, smooth-tongued, full of nonsense, blowing your royal family higher than the sky, and not afraid to flash your tongue. I don't think you are just a teenager, and your cultivation is ordinary, and you dare to make a big fuss?" At this moment, seeing that the prince was incited, the several people who fought against Xiahou's broken-armed general immediately disdained and firmly took a position of talent.

Another person heard this and immediately shouted, "Since you are the first prince sent by the State of Xia, you are the status of a special envoy. Looking at what you just said, you must have some skills, so that you will unfortunately die in a foreign country before the big event begins. The young general will come to see what you have and test your weight?"

"Yes, if you have the ability, show it out. Don't say anything."

"How can you do that!" Listening to the aggressive tone of the people around him, the old general with a broken arm suddenly stood up and said to Prince Ba Shi, "General, the special envoy's kindness, even if words are needed, how can we be rude!"

"This..." Prince Ba Shi saw that most of the people around him were opposed to the ninth prince. Only a few people had the intention to unite, and he suddenly couldn't make up his mind and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Xia Jiang almost saw at a glance that Prince Ba Shi was not good at making judgment, and immediately did not embarrass him. He glanced at him and said, "You are all heroes of your predecessors. You have been fighting for several months. You are mentally tired and your wounds have not recovered. Since you have to test, Xiao Wang is naturally not afraid, but I'm afraid that you are not in good condition..."

The first person to objected jumped out as soon as he heard this and didn't wait for Xia Jiang to continue.

"Thunder Tiger, you are a general, and the nine kings have only been cultivated for a few years..." Seeing a figure jumping out, the old general with a broken arm looked at this person and quickly reminded him.

However, Xia Jiang interrupted the old general's words first. He knew that this veteran was a master and faction, and he was really thinking about the future for the people. Even if he said, "It doesn't matter. Since it's a test, what if the opponent is strong it is?" Come on! Xiao Wang just took this opportunity to learn more experience in the battle to destroy Ma Shenlong!"